MAY 2 21987
Volume 19 No. 4 1986
Coverage and Care for the Medically Indigent: Public and Private Options
Randall R. Bovbjerg & William G. Kopit
State Hospital Cost Containment: An Analysis of Legislative Initiatives
Carl J. Schramm
Liver Transplantation in Massachusetts: Public Policymaking as Morality
Clark C. Havig hurst & Nancy M. P. King
The Lithotripsy Game in North Carolina: A New Technology Under
Regulation and Deregulation
Clark C. Havighurst & Robert S. McDonough
Full Circle: The Return of Certificate of Need Regulation of Health Facilities
to State Control
James B. Simpson
Reform Revisited: A Review of the Indiana Medical Malpractice Act Ten
Years Later
James D. Kemper & Myra C. Selby & Bonnie K. Simmons
Making Hard Choices Under the Medicare Prospective Payment System: One
Administrative Model for Allocating Medical Resources Under a
Government Health Insurance Program
Eleanor D. Kinney
Bowen v. American Hospital Association: Federal Regulation Is Powerless
to Save Baby Doe
Dennis F. Cantrell
Denying Hospital Privileges to Non-Physicians: Does Quality of Care Justify
a Potential Restraint of Trade?
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Indiana University School of Law — Indianapolis
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Indiana luai^ Revieiv
Volume 19 1986 Number 4
Copyright C^J 1986 by the Trustees of Indiana University
Foreword Eleanor D. Kinney
Barbara McCarthy Green 853
Coverage and Care for the Medically Indigent:
Public and Private Options Randall R. Bovbjerg
William G. Kopit 857
State Hospital Cost Containment: An Analysis of
Legislative Initiatives Carl J. Schramm 919
Liver Transplantation in Massachusetts: Public Policymaking
as Morality Play Clark C. Havighurst
Nancy M. P. King 955
The Lithrotripsy Game in North Carolina: A New Technology
Under Regulation and Deregulation Clark C. Havighurst
Robert S. McDonough 989
Full Circle: The Return of Certificate of Need Regulation
of Health Facilities to State Control James B. Simpson 1025
Reform Revisited: A Review of the Indiana Medical
Malpractice Act Ten Years Later James D. Kemper
Myra C. Selby
Bonnie K. Simmons 1129
Volume 19 Fall 1986 Number 4
The INDIANA LAW REVIEW (ISSN 0090-4198) is the property of Indiana University and is published quarterly by
the Indiana University School of Law— Indianapolis, which assumes complete editorial responsibility thereof. Subscription
rates: one year $18.00; foreign $21.50. Please notify us one month in advance of any change in address and include
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Making Hard Choices Under the Medicare Prospective Payment
System: One Administrative Model for Allocating Medical
Resources Under a Government Health Insurance Program
Eleanor D. Kinney 1151
Bowen v. American Hospital Association: Federal Regulation Is
Powerless to Save Baby Doe Dennis F. Cantrell 1199
Denying Hospital Privileges to Non-Physicians: Does
Quality of Care Justify a Potential Restraint of Trade? 1219
La^iv R
Volume 19
Debra D. McVicker
Executive Editors
Articles and Production Notes and Topics
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Dennis F. Cantrell
Articles Editors
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Douglas E. Greer
Curtis Alan Baldwin
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Arthur R. Baxter
Larry R
. Jackson
Jan Barteau Berg
Todd J.
Philip A. Book
Mark A
. Kapouraios
Hilary A. Bowe
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A. Kleiman
Susan D. Burke
Gary W
. Larson
Gregory M. Cole
Susan D
. Rafferty
Kathryn J. Cook
Jeffrey A. Riggs
Robert T. Drew
Patricia L. Sosbe
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Michael J. Gabovitch
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Peter C. Wright
Editorial Assistant
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Paul J. Galanti
Indiana University School of Law — Indianapolis
Administrative Officers
John W. Ryan, Ph.D., President of the University
Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., M.D., Vice-President
Gerald L. Bepko, LL.M., Dean
James F. Bindley, J.D., Assistant Dean for Administration
G. Kent Frandsen, J.D., Associate Dean for Student Affairs
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New York University, 197 L
Edward P. Archer, Professor. B.M.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1958; J.D., George-
town University, 1962; LL.M., 1964.
James F. Bailey, III., Associate Professor and Director of Law Library. A.B., University of
Michigan, 1961; J.D., 1964; M.A.L.S., 1970.
Gerald L. Bepko, Dean and Professor. B.S., Northern Illinois University, 1962; J.D.,
IIT/Chicago-Kent College of Law, 1965; LL.M., Yale University 1972.
James F. Bindley, Assistant Dean for Administration and Lecturer in Law. B.A., Loyola
University, 1969; J.D., University of Kentucky, 1972.
Paul N. Cox, Visiting Professor. B.S., Utah State University, 1971; J.D., University of
Utah, 1974; LL.M., University of Virginia, 1980.
Clyde Harrison Crockett, Professor. A.B., University of Texas, 1962; J.D., 1965; LL.M.,
University of London (The London School of Economics and Political Science), 1972.
Debra a. Falender, Professor. A.B., Mount Holyoke College, 1970; J.D., Indiana Univer-
sity, 1975.
G. Kent Frandsen, Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Associate Professor. B.S., Bradley
University, 1950; J.D., Indiana University, 1965.
David A. Funk, Professor. A.B., College of Wooster, 1949; J.D., Case Western Reserve Univer-
sity, 1951; M.A., The Ohio State University 1968; LL.M., Case Western Reserve Univer-
sity, 1972; LL.M., Columbia University, 1973.
Paul J. Galanti, Professor. A.B., Bowdoin College, 1960; J.D., University of Chicago, 1963.
Helen P. Garfield, Professor. B.S.J. , Northwestern University, 1945; J. D., University of Col-
orado, 1967.
Harold Greenberg, Associate Professor. A.B., Temple University, 1959; J.D., University of
Pennsylvania, 1962.
Jeffrey W. Grove, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor. A.B., Juniata
College, 1965; J.D., George Washington University, 1969.
William F. Harvey, CarlM. Gray Professor of Law. A.B., University of Missouri, 1954; J. D.,
Georgetown University, 1959; LL.M., 1961.
W. William Hodes, Professor. A.B., Harvard College 1966; J.D., Rutgers Newark, 1969.
Lawrence A. Jegen, III., Thomas F. Sheehan Professor of Tax Law and Policy , 1982. A.B.,
Beloit College, 1956; J.D., The University of Michigan 1959; M.B.A., 1960, LL.M.,
New York University, 1963.
Henry C. Karlson, Professor. A.B., University of Illinois, 1965; J.D., 1968; LL.M., 1977.
William Andrew Kerr, Professor. A.B., West Virginia University, 1955. J.D., 1957, LL.M.,
Harvard University, 1958; B.D., Duke University, 1968.
Eleanor D. Kinney, Assistant Professor. A.B., Duke University, 1969; M.A., University
of Chicago, 1970; J.D., Duke University, 1973.
Walter W. Krieger, Associate Professor. A.B., Bellarmine College, 1959; J.D., University
of Louisville, 1962; LL.M., George Washington University, 1969.
David P. Leonard, Associate Professor. B.A., University of California at San Diego, 1974;
J.D., UCLA School of Law, 1977.
Robin Paul Malloy, Assistant Professor. B.S., Purdue University, 1971; J.D., University
of Florida, 1980; LL.M., University of Illinois, 1983.
William E. Marsh, Professor. B.S., University of Nebraska, 1965; J.D., 1958.
SusANAH M. Mead, Associate Professor. B.A., Smith College, 1969; J.D., Indiana University,
Mary H. Mitchell, Associate Professor. A.B., Butler University, 1975; J.D., Cornell Law
School, 1978.
David R. Papke, Associate Professor. A.B., Harvard College, 1969; J.D., Yale Law School,
1973; M.A. in American Studies, Yale University, 1973; M. Phil., in American Studies,
The University of Michigan, 1980; Ph.D., 1983.
David E. Pierce, Assistant Professor of Law. B.A., Pittsburgh State University, 1974; J.D.,
Washburn University, 1977; LL.M., University of Utah, 1982.
Ronald W, Polston, Professor. B.S., Eastern Illinois University, 1953; LL.B., University of
Illinois, 1958.
Kenneth M. Stroud, Professor. A.B., Indiana University, 1958; J.D., 1961.
James W. Torke, Professor. B.S., University of Wisconsin, 1963; J.D., 1968.
James Patrick White, Professor (on special assignment). A.B., University of Iowa, 1953; J.D.,
1956; LL.M., George Washington University, 1959.
Law^rence p. Wilkins, Professor. B.A., The Ohio State University, 1968; J.D., Capital Univer-
sity Law School, 1973; LL.M., University of Texas School of Law, 1974.
Mary Wolf, Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, B.A., Saint Xavier College, 1969; J. D., Univer-
sity of Iowa College of Law, 1974.
Harold R. Woodard, Professorial Lecturer. B.S., Harvard University, 1933; J.D., 1936.
Agnes P. Barrett, Associate Professor Emeritus. B.S., Indiana University, 1942; J.D., 1964.
Cleon H. Foust, Professor Emeritus. A.B., Wabash College, 1928; J. D., University of Arizona,
John S. Grimes, Professor Jurisprudence Emeritus. A.B., Indiana University. 1929; J. D., 1931.
Melvin C. Poland, Cleon H. Foust Professor of Law Emeritus, B.S. Kansas State University,
1940; LL.B., Washburn University, 1949; LL.M., The University of Michigan, 1950.
R. Bruce Townsend, Cleon H. Foust Professor of Law Emeritus, A.B., Coe College, 1938;
J.D., University of Iowa, 1940.
Legal Writing Instructors
Jeffrey Been, A.B., Wabash College, 1981; J.D., Indiana University, 1984.
Michael Mullett, Lecturer. B.A., University of Michigan, 1966; M.A., 1973; J.D., Indiana
University, 1982.
Vickie Renfrov^, Lecturer. B.A., University of Northern Iowa, 1970; M.A., 1971; Ph.D.,
Indiana University, Bloomington, 1976; J.D., Indiana University, Bloomington, 1981.
Joan Ruhtenberg, Lecturer. B.A., Mississippi University for Women, 1959; J.D., Indiana
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Law Library Staff
Terri Lea Hardin, Affiliate Librarian, B.A., Indiana University, 1982; M.L.S., 1983.
Mary P. Hudson, Assistant Librarian, B.A., Ball State, 1969; M.L.S., Indiana Universtiy, 1973.
Wendell E. Johnting, Technical Services Librarian. A.B., Taylor University, 1974; M.L.S.,
Indiana University, 1975.
Constance Matts, Associate Librarian. B.A., 1973, Case Western Reserve University;
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Indiana Laiv Revieiiv
Volume 19 1986 Number 4
This Symposium marks the inauguration of the Program for Law,
Medicine and the Health Care Industry at the Indiana University School
of Law — Indianapolis. The primary mission of the program is to con-
duct scholarly research on health law issues of concern to the state of
Indiana and to the nation. The Program has undertaken research on a
variety of legal issues affecting the health care industry ranging from
reform of the administrative appeals procedures for the Medicare pro-
gram and medical malpractice to the thorny bioethical issues emerging
in the treatment of individuals with AIDS. The program is also dedicated
to improving teaching and enhancing the law school curriculum in the
field of health law. Finally, the program is committed to serving as an
information and educational resource for the health care community.
In this Symposium, entitled Financing and Regulating Health Care
Services: Hard Choices and Ethical Dilemmas, the Program joins the
Indiana Law Review in drawing together several disparate voices in a
discussion of the implications of adjusting the financing and regulation
of health care services to accommodate diminishing resources for and in-
creasing constraints on the health care system. The Symposium opens with
an article by Randall R. Bovbjerg of The Urban Institute and William
G. Kopit of Epstein Becker Borsody & Green, Washington, D.C. entitled
Coverage and Care for the Medically Indigent: Public and Private Op-
tions. In this comprehensive examination of the problem of "uncompen-
sated care," the authors evaluate alternative ways of organizing and
financing coverage or care for the medically indigent. The authors bring
to this topic significant expertise in health policy. Mr. Bovbjerg has con-
ducted extensive research on insurance and health policy issues and served
as a practicing insurance regulator and health specialist at the
Massachusetts Insurance Department. In addition to representing a number
of hospitals and hospital associations, Mr. Kopit served on the Task Force
on Indigent Care of the District of Columbia Hospital Association and
chaired its subcommittee on financing indigent care.
In the second article, Carl T. Schramm, former chairman of the
Maryland Health Care Cost Review Authority and a leading scholar of
hospital rate-setting issues for the last decade, examines the political pro-
cess underlying state efforts to reform hospital financing mechanisms. In
854 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:853
State Hospital Cost Containment: An Analysis of Legislative Initiatives,
Professor Schramm identifies the interested parties and describes the posi-
tion each party is Ukely to take, the dynamics of various legislative tac-
tics, and the Hkely outcomes of state rate-setting initiatives.
Two articles by Clark C. Havighurst of the Duke University School
of Law follow. In the first, Liver Transplantation in Massachusetts: Public
Policymaking as Morality Play, Professor Havighurst and Nancy M.P.
King present the story of Jamie Fiske as a case study of how a centrally-
controlled health care system faces difficult choices concerning health care
and health care technology. In the second, The Lithotripsy Game in North
Carolina: A New Technology Under Regulation and Deregulation, Pro-
fessor Havighurst and Robert S. McDonough examine how one state
handled the distribution of a costly and highly sophisticated new technology
in two contrary contexts — regulation and deregulation.
Even though the federal government no longer mandates health plan-
ning and certificate of need, many states have retained these strategies
to control distribution of health care facilities and services. In Full Cir-
cle: The Return of Certificate of Need Regulation of Health Facilities
to State Control, James B. Simpson, the Director of the Legal Resources
Program at the Western Center for Health Planning, recounts the changes
that have evolved in the scope of coverage of state certificate of need
programs from their origins to the present.
In Reform Revisited: A Review of the Indiana Medical Malpractice
Act Ten Years Later, James D. Kemper, Myra C. Selby, and Bonnie K.
Simmons of Ice Miller Donadio and Ryan, Indianapohs, describe one
state's attempt to address the medical malpractice "crisis" of the 1970's.
These authors, leading health law practitioners in the state of Indiana,
consider in turn the original purpose of the Indiana Act, the impact of
recent amendments, the functioning of the medical review panel, constitu-
tional challenges to the Act and the impact of federal cost containment
measures on state malpractice law.
These articles, with their focus on state law issues, emphasize the
critical development of health policy in the 1980's: the flow of financial
and programmatic responsibility for government health programs to the
states. This development has resulted in increased state interest in address-
ing the pressing health pohcy issues of today, i.e., paying for care for
the medically indigent, controlUng hospital costs, mitigating the threat of
medical malpractice to access to and cost of medical care, and the ever
present pressure to impose rationality on the distribution of health care
resources through planning and regulation.
The final three articles address health policy issues arising at the federal
level. Throughout the 1980's, the federal government has retained the
dominant role in the public financing of health care services through the
Medicare and Medicaid programs and, since 1980, has adopted a radically
different system for paying for hospital services under the Medicare pro-
1986] FOREWORD 855
gram — the prospective payment system with prices based on patient
diagnosis. In Making Hard Choices Under the Medicare Prospective Pay-
ment System: One Administrative Model for Allocating Medical Resources
Under a Government Health Insurance Program, Eleanor D. Kinney,
Director of the Program for Law, Medicine and the Health Care Industry,
analyzes the administrative model by which the federal government and
also hospitals and physicians make decisions about the allocation of
hospital services to Medicare beneficiaries under the Medicare prospective
payment system. In Bowen v. American Hospital Association: Federal
Regulation Is Powerless to Save Baby Doe, Dennis Cantrell of Bingham
Summers Welsh & Spilman, Indianapolis, explores the Reagan Administra-
tion's effort, born of a profound commitment to the preservation of fetal
hfe, to regulate treatment of severely handicapped newborns through
federal civil rights laws, and the Supreme Court's response. The Sym-
posium closes with a student note on how the predominant federal
economic policy of promoting competition in the marketplace through
the antitrust laws plays out with respect to one aspect of the health care
system. In Denying Hospital Privileges to Non-Physicians: Does Quality
of Care Justify a Potential Restraint of Trade?, the author proposes
heightened judicial scrutiny of a hospital's claim that quality of care con-
cerns justify its denial of staff privileges to a group of competitors.
Our foreword to this Symposium would be incomplete without
acknowledging the numerous people who assisted in this endeavor.
Specifically, we would like to thank the editorial board and staff of the
Indiana Law Review, particularly Gayle Reindl and Debra McVicker. We
would also hke to recognize the support and encouragement of Gerald
L. Bepko, former Dean of the law school and now Vice President of
Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. Finally, we would
like to thank Mabel K. Hart of the Program staff and law students
KimberHe L. Forgey, Barbara A. Knotts, Marilyn Wilder, and Michael
D. Wright for their invaluable assistance in the production of this
Eleanor D. Kinney
Barbara McCarthy Green
Coverage and Care for the Medically Indigent:
Public and Private Options
Randall R. Bovbjerg*
William G. Kopit**
I. Introduction
As of March 1984, about 35 million people had no health insurance
coverage, public or private, although some of them were only temporarily
uncovered. Up to 40-odd miUion more, often called the "underinsured,"
had incomplete coverage.^ These people, with little or no insurance, need
periodic medical attention as much as or more than the well insured,
but face far more trouble getting it.^ Often, they have been forced to
rely on the charity of providers, particularly hospitals.
From a hospital's viewpoint, the issue is how much "uncompensated
care" to give. As every newspaper reader or "Sixty Minutes" viewer
knows, hospitals in today's more competitive environment have more
limited ability to care for the needy with public funds or from margins
earned caring for the better-off.^ From the patient's perspective, the
problem is access to care. One hears of patients being shuttled from
hospital to hospital in search of care, even when the need seems urgent,"^
♦Senior Research Associate, Health Pohcy Center, The Urban Institute, Washington,
D.C.; Research Fellow (off -site). Program for Law, Medicine, and the Health Care Industry,
Indiana University School of Law— Indianapolis. A.B., University of Chicago, 1968; J.D.,
Harvard Law School, 1971.
♦♦Partner, Epstein Becker Borsody & Green, P.C. A.B., Bucknell University, 1961;
J.D., Columbia University, 1964.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Joyce Cowan, Associate with
the firm of Epstein Becker Borsody & Green, P.C, in preparing this Article.
'On the numbers of uninsured and underinsured, see infra text accompanying notes
^See infra text accompanying notes 27-29.
^According to data from the American Hospital Association, for the year ending June
1986, hospitals' net patient margin was only 0.8%; total net margin (including non-patient
revenues) was 5.4%, down from 2.0% and 6.3% the previous year. Hosp. Research & Educ.
Trust, Selected Hospital Performance Indicators: June 1985 & 1986, Econ. Trends, Fall
1986, at 5.
*See, e.g., Cahan & Pave, When the Patient Can't Pay the Medical Bill, Bus. Wk.,
Feb. 18, 1985, at 59; Taylor, Ailing, Uninsured and Turned Away, Washington Post,
June 30, 1985, at Al, col. 3.
858 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
and of hospitals * 'dumping" impecunious patients on the nearest public
hospital legally obligated to take them.^ The problems that poor patients
have in receiving more routine care from physicians, hospital outpatient
departments, or other providers are far less dramatic or well documented.
The intertwined problems of the uninsured population and of un-
compensated care have grown rapidly in the recent past and are likely
to continue to grow in the near future. Private insurance, public pro-
grams, and hospital margins are all in a "cutback*' era, and unfortu-
nately, the uninsured are on the cutting edge.^
Under our legal system, states and localities bear the ultimate re-
sponsibility for fashioning whatever responses are made. Indeed, the
uninsured/uncompensated care problem was high on the agenda of most
state legislatures during the 1986 sessions and will probably remain so
for 1987.^ BilHons of dollars in new assistance seem needed. The current
federal administration is unlikely to offer new assistance for these efforts.^
Thus, it seems Hkely that the usual American genius for weaving together
various strands of partial solutions through varied mechanisms will have
to come into play. This Article suggests what such mechanisms may be.
II. The Nature and Extent of Problems
A. The Medically Indigent and the Uninsured
The problem of providing health care for those who cannot or do
not provide for themselves can be seen from a number of perspectives.
In fact, there is no consensus on what "the" problem is. Localities
around the country differ tremendously in their populations' medical
needs and in their patterns of medical financing and delivery, and there
is probably even more diversity in practical and philosophical approaches
to proposed solutions in each area. Some people are concerned only
about providing emergency care for the very poor and uninsured; others
worry that even many insured people are not well covered and hence
cannot pay, in full, providers who treat them.
Nevertheless, it seems clear that insufficient financing adversely af-
fects access to care and, thus, the health of the medically indigent. By
^See, e.g., Schiff, Ansell, Schlosser, Idris, Morrison & Whitman, Transfers to a
Public Hospital, 314 New Eng. J. Med. 552 (1986); Wrenn, No Insurance, No Admission,
312 New Eng. J. Med. 373 (1985); The 'Dumping' Problem: No Insurance, No Admission
(letters) 312 New Eng. J. Med. 1522 (1985); Knox, Some Local Hospitals 'Dump' The
Uninsured, Boston Globe, Feb. 6, 1984, at 31, col. 2.
^See infra text accompanying notes 46-64.
''See, e.g.. Intergovernmental Health Policy Project, George Washington
Univ., Major Changes in State Medicaid and Indigent Care Programs (July 1986).
^See infra note 63.
''medically indigent," this Article means the class of people who cannot
afford necessary medical care from their own resources or from health
insurance coverage, if any.^ It should be noted that the Article follows
general usage by recognizing that even middle class people can become
"medically" indigent when their net medical bills, after insurance, are
very high relative to their income and assets. Of course, the likelihood
of medical indigency is far less for such people than it is for those who
begin with low incomes and little or no insurance coverage.
B. The Uninsured: Number and Characteristics
People without public or private health insurance are the core of
the medical indigency problem.'^ People who have coverage, but coverage
that does not fully protect against catastrophic losses — and hence against
medical indigency — are a lesser problem.^'
How many people are uninsured and face problems of medical access?
Who are they and why do they lack resources? How much care do they
get now? What is the extent of the financial shortfall? All of these
pertinent questions can be answered only imperfectly from available
To understand who lacks coverage, one must appreciate how most
'None of the three elements — necessary care, poverty, and lack of (adequate) in-
surance— readily allows of a clear-cut, operational definition. Opinions vary greatly on
how much medical care is truly needed, on how poor one must be to be truly needy,
and on what constitutes inadequacy in insurance. Moreover, deciding on medical indigency
in advance of a known level of medical need (or spending) is even more difficult.
'""Insurance" as used here means any financing method available to a patient other
than out-of-pocket payment or charity. Public coverage includes Medicare, Medicaid, and
other medical assistance plans. Private coverage need not be "insurance" under the state
insurance code. It may be conventional coverage from a commercial life and health
insurance company, such as Prudential, or from a not-for-profit Blue Cross/Blue Shield
plan; or it may be one of many alternative styles of coverage from a health maintenance
organization (HMO), a preferred provider organization (PPO), or some other financing
and delivery entity. Finally, it may resemble any of the above but be managed on a self-
insured basis by an employment group that "insures" its own risk rather than placing it
with a separate insurer.
"Such people generally have coverage for routine hospital stays and some physician
and other services as well, but not for very large medical expenses. At some point, their
uncovered bills become sizable compared with their income (especially if they cannot work),
and they become medically indigent. The best estimate of the extent of such problems
comes from 1977 national survey data indicating that 13% of the population under 65
was uninsured. Depending on the definitions applied, an additional 10 to 24% of the
under-65 population is w/zotennsured. The smaller figure consists of those who have at
least a 5% expectation of out-of-pocket expenses exceeding 10% of annual family income;
the larger figure includes all those whose insurance does not limit out-of-pocket hospital
expenses. Farley, Who Are the Underinsured? , 63 Milbank Mem. Fund Q. 476 (1985);
see also M. Sulvetta & K. Swartz, The Uninsured and Uncompensated Care 3, 19
(1986) (Tables 1 and 4).
860 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
Americans are covered. After World War II, private health insurance
grew by leaps and bounds. Provided largely as a fringe benefit of
employment, private coverage was greatly encouraged by its exclusion
from income taxation and its inclusion as a subject of collective bar-
gaining.^^ In 1965, pubUc coverage took a quantum leap with the congres-
sional enactment of Medicare, largely for the aged, and Medicaid, for
the "deserving" poor, as defined by participating states. ^^ Coverage
continued to expand through the 1970*s, not only in terms of the number
of peojple covered but also in the breadth and depth of the benefits
provided; ^^ as a result, the number of uninsured people decHned.^^
In contrast, the early 1980's saw a rise in the number of people
without coverage,*^ for reasons considered below. As of early 1984, about
35 million people under age sixty-five, or about seventeen percent of
them, reported that they lacked health coverage at the time surveyed.
Most of them were probably uninsured for the full year, some for only
part of the year.*^
Table 1 shows the growth in the uninsured population between 1977
and 1984.
'^In 1945, only 32 million people were privately covered for hospital inpatient care;
by 1965, 139 million were. Health Ins. Ass'n. of America, Source Book of Health
Ins. Data, 1986 Update, Table 1.1, at 3. The average marginal "tax subsidy" for U.S.
workers has been estimated to exceed 3597o of premiums, C. Phelps, Taxing Health
Insurance: How Much Is Enough? (The Rand Corporation, Report P-6915, 1983), or
about 10*^0 of total private health insurance spending, Congressional Budget Office,
Containing Medical Care Costs Through Market Forces (May 1982). See generally
Pauly, Taxation, Health Insurance and Market Failure, 24 J. Econ. Lit. 629 (1986).
'^Social Security Act, tit. XVIII & XIX, 42 U.S.C §§ 1395, 1396 et. seq. (1982 &
Supp. 1985).
'"See Health Ins. Ass'n of America, supra note 12.
'^K. SwARTZ, Who Has Been Without Health Insurance? Changes Betw^een
1963 AND 1979 (Urban Institute, 1984).
'*M. SuLVETTA & K. SwARTZ, supra note 11, at 1, 3; see also Health Ins. Ass'n.
OF America, supra note 12.
'■'M. SuLVETTA & K. SwARTZ, supra note 11, at 3; see also K. Swartz, Interpreting
THE Estimates from Four National Surveys of the Number of People Without Health
Insurance: A Project Summary Report (Urban Institute, 1985). Surveys done in 1977
and 1980 compared those without coverage for the full year with those uncovered only
part of the year. About three-quarters of those uninsured at a single point in time were
uninsured all year; about 9% of 13%, for the 1977 survey. An additional 4% were
uninsured part of the year. See M. Sulvetta & K. Sw^artz, supra note 11, at 3; Friedman,
Health Insurance and Cross-Subsidization, Hospitals, Oct. 16, 1985, at 126. (interview
with Jack Hadley and Katherine Swartz). Most estimates of the uninsured exclude people
aged 65 and older because virtually all of them are now covered by Medicare, after the
expansions of recent years to include federal workers and others.
Percentage of
Table 1
Increases in the Uninsured over Time
(selected survey estimates, under age 65)
(adapted from M. Sulvetta & K. Swartz, supra note 11, Table 1).
Why have the numbers of uninsured people climbed? One reason
is Medicaid cutbacks in eligibility, encouraged by recession-induced short-
falls in expected state revenues and required or encouraged by federal
welfare and Medicaid changes in 1981.'^ Medicaid now covers only about
forty percent of people below the poverty line.'^
The recession of the early 1980's also put many people at least
temporarily out of work and hence out of private health coverage as
well. 2^ Unemployment was especially high in heavy industry, hit by both
recession and intensifying foreign competition. Jobs lost in this sector,
traditionally the best insured area of the economy, often were not
regained, and replacement jobs in service and other industries were far
less likely to offer employer-paid health insurance.^'
'*See generally R. Bovbjerg & J. Holahan, Medicaid in the Reagan Era: Federal
Policy and State Choices (1982); J. Holahan & J. Cohen, Medicaid: The Trade-off
Between Cost Containment and Access to Care (1986). Medicare eligibility cutbacks,
in contrast, have been minimal, largely achieved through administrative revisions in disabiUty
"J, Holahan & J. Cohen, supra note 18. Medicaid covers about one-third of poor
adults, one-half of poor children. Id. at 47. However, for various reasons, about one-
third of Medicaid recipients have incomes above poverty levels. Conversely, the main
reason so many poor people are not covered under Medicaid is the program's categorical
nature; only certain categories of poor people can qualify. Notably, childless people and
intact families are generally ineligible. But see infra notes 237, 239. Cutbacks among even
eligible groups are also responsible. See J. Holahan & J. Cohen, supra note 18.
^^See, e.g.. Health Insurance for the Unemployed: Hearing Before the Subcomm.
on Health of the Senate Comm. on Finance, 98th Cong., 1st Sess. (1983); Staff of
Subcomm. on Health and the Environment of the House Comm, on Energy and
Commerce, 98th Cong., 1st Sess., Report on Health Benefits: Loss Due to Unem-
ployment (Comm. Print 1983).
^^See, e.g., K. Sw^artz, The Changing Face of the Uninsured (Urban Institute,
May 1984); Friedman, The Right Issue at the Wrong Time, CHA Insight, June 9, 1986,
at 1; Friedman, supra note 17, at 126-27; see also infra note 45.
862 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
Moreover, even those who retained coverage at work in the 1980's
often have found their coverage cut back. Cutbacks have taken the form
of increased requirements for patient cost sharing, utiUzation review,
and the Hke,^^ as well as decreased employer payment of insurance
premiums, especially for dependents. ^^
What explains the lack of insurance among non-poor working adults?
Obviously, their employers have not bought them insurance. Type of
employment also matters, especially size of employment group, because
insurance is much cheaper for large groups than for small ones or for
individuals.^"* Beyond workplace characteristics comes individual willing-
ness to pay for coverage; presumably nonbuyers either cannot afford
coverage that is attractive to them or they do not appreciate its value.
One of the most discouraging findings of recent surveys is that
households that contain at least one insured adult also contain many
uninsured dependents. In fact, one third of all uncovered children — over
3 million children — came from such households. ^^ Although direct caus-
ation is not established, presumably this lack of coverage reflects the
worker's choice not to pay the additional amount necessary to obtain
family cover age. ^^
^^See, e.g., J. Calif ano, America's Health Care Revolution: Who Lives? Who
Dies? Who Pays? (1986); P. Fox, W. Goldbeck & J. Spies, Health Care Cost Man-
agement: Private Sector Initiatives (1984).
"5ee, e.g.. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Dep't of Labor, Employee Benefits
in Medium and Large Firms, 1985 (1986). Having to pay for dependents out of pocket,
with after-tax dollars, is a major disincentive to buying coverage, especially when that
coverage features increasingly higher deductibles and coinsurance.
^On economies of larger-scale insurance, see, e.g., Bovbjerg, Insuring the Uninsured
Through Private Action: Ideas and Initiatives, 23 Inquiry 403 (1986). On large versus
small employers, see, e.g., Moyer & Cahill, HHS Survey Illustrates Difference in Large,
Small Employers' Health Plans, Bus. & Health, Nov. 1984, at 50. Unfortunately for
insurance coverage, some two-thirds of new jobs are created in small firms, mainly in
the service industry. See, e.g.. In Praise of Pizza Parlours, The Economist, May 17,
1986, at 75. See generally Monheit, Hagen, Berk & Farley, The Employed Uninsured and
the Role of Public Policy, 22 Inquiry 348 (1985) (characteristics of employment that
affect coverage).
"Friedman, supra note 17, at 128.
2^Two other possible reasons for a decline in insurance coverage deserve brief mention.
For various reasons, the proportion of households headed by women has risen, and these
households are less likely than male-headed ones to have coverage, especially given Medicaid
acts. See id. at 128. Moreover, to an unknown extent, more individuals have probably
become "uninsurable" in the private market, especially outside of large employment group
plans. Such people include those with chronic conditions needing care or adverse medical
histories that put them at high risk of significant expense; they cannot get ordinary coverage
without major exclusions. See, e.g., Gottschalk, People with Chronic Diseases Often Find
Insurance Is Unaffordable—or Unavailable, Wall St. J., Aug. 12, 1986, at 29, col. 3.
This phenomenon is an unfortunate side effect of progress; medical treatment now saves
many who formerly would have died (e.g., through better emergency care or cardiac
resuscitation) but who now survive with an adverse health history. Additionally, medical
Who are the uninsured? They fit no simple stereotype. Common
expectations are that the uninsured are exclusively poor, unemployed,
young, and nonwhite. Persons with any of those characteristics are indeed
at higher risk of being uninsured, as Table 2 shows.
Table 2
Some Characteristics That Put People at High Risk
OF Being Uninsured (1984)
Percentage Not Insured
Relative Risk
Entire under-65
Unemployed Adults
Income Below Poverty
Age 18-24
Children Age 0-18
Below Poverty Line
Blacks Age 18-64
Never Married Males
Married Female,
Spouse Absent
Children in Single-Parent
Adults with No High
School Diploma
(computed from M. Sulvetta & K. Swartz, supra note 11, passim).
But, in fact, most of the uninsured have family incomes at least somewhat
above the poverty line, are employed, are adults, and are white, as Table
3 shows. These people may thus seem less appeahng for consideration
as medical indigents; still, medical bills of a substantial size would clearly
throw most of these people into the medically indigent category.
diagnosis has improved physicians' ability to predict future problems and hence insurance
expenses; the most glaring example is screening for antibodies to the acquired immune
deficiency syndrome (AIDS) virus.
[Vol. 19:857
Table 3
The Share of the Uninsured Contributed by Groups
WITH Certain Characteristics (1984)
Percentages* of Under-65 Uninsured Who Are
Family Income
Below Poverty
(All Ages)
1 to 2x Poverty -
2 to 3x Poverty -
Over 3x Poverty -
Employment Status
- 56.5%
(Adults, 18-64)
- 15.2%
- 7.2%
- 12.1%
Unable to work,
early retirement
- 8.9%
0-17 - 33.0%
18-24 - 23.6%
25-44 - 27.4%
45-64 - 16.0%
Race (Adults)
White - 79.3%
Black - 17.3%
Other - 3.5%
♦Percentages in each group may not add to 100.0% because of rounding,
(adapted from M. Sulvetta & K. Swartz, supra note 11, passim).
C. Problems Posed by Lack of Coverage
1. Poor Access to Care and Poor Health for the Uninsured. —
Uninsured people get less medical care, for a combination of reasons:
they seek less care on their own, they are referred less often for specialized
care or hospitalization, or they are turned away or otherwise discouraged
by some providers.^'' The uninsured are far more likely not to have a
regular source of care and much less likely to use medical services than
are the insured, as Table 4 indicates.
^^See Aday & Andersen, The National Profile of Access to Medical Care: Where
Do We Stand?, 74 Am. J. Pub. Health 1331 (1984); see also Davis & Rowland, Uninsured
and Underserved: Inequities in Health Care in the United States, 61 Milbank Mem. Fund
Q. 149 (1983); Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Updated Report on Access to
Health Care for the American People (Special report no. 1, 1983). For a more rousing
portrait of the uninsureds' problems, see Dallek, Six Myths of American Medical Care:
What the Poor Really Get, Health/PAC Bull., May-June 1985, at 9.
Table 4
How Insurance Status Affects Medical Care
Indicator of Medical Use Insured Uninsured
Physician visits per person under age 65 in 1977 3.7 2.4
Hospital patient days per 100 persons under age 65 in
Families who needed care but did not receive it in 1982
Families who did not see a physician in 1982
People with no regular source of health care in 1982
(adapted from M. Sulvetta & K. Swartz, supra note 11, at 4 (citing Davis &
Rowland, supra note 27; Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, supra note 27)).
It is undocumented to what extent reduced access to care hurts the
health of the uninsured, but it is reasonable to assume that their health
does suffer. ^^ Thus, the uninsured are generally thought to be sicker
than the insured, a difference probably reflecting not only reduced medical
attention as such but also low income, inability to work, depression
from unemployment, and possibly other factors as well.^^
2. Uncompensated Care for Providers. — Much of the recent concern
over lack of health coverage derives from hospitals' fears of **uncom-
pensated care," which is a frequent result of treating uninsured persons. ^°
Uncompensated care consists of both charity care (provided to the
indigent with no expectation of payment) and "bad debts" (unpaid bills
of those expected to pay).^' In 1982, about five or six percent of total
hospital charges went uncompensated.^^ Because aggregate hospital charges
^See generally Mundinger, Health Service Funding Cuts and the Declining Health
of the Poor, 313 New Eng. J. Med. 44 (1985).
^'Empirical evidence on this point is weak. Cf. id. (loss of access to medical care
hurts health); Davis & Rowland, supra note 27, at 165-66 (15% of uninsured rate health
as fair or poor, vs. 11% of insured; sick uninsured have 4.1 physician visits annually,
vs. 6.9 for sick insured).
^°See generally Uncompensated Hospital Care: Rights and Responsibilities (F.
Sloan, J. Blumstein & J. Perrin eds. 1986) [hereinafter Uncompensated Hospital Care].
^'It does not include "contractual allowances" or "discounts" below charges or costs
that some hospitals give to some insurers' patients by virtue of participation agreements
(as for Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans in many areas) or special negotiations (as for "preferred
provider" arrangements under which hospitals trade a discount for more insured patients).
Sloan, Valvona & Mullner, Identifying the Issues: A Statistical Profile, in Uncompensated
Hospital Care, supra note 30, at 16.
"M. Sulvetta & K. Swartz, supra note 11 at 25; Sloan, Valvona & Mullner, supra
note 31, at 16, 19. The latter put 1982 uncompensated hospital care at $6.2 billion, or
5 percent of charges, and 6 percent of total receipts; using different survey data, the
former put the 1982 level at $7.5 billion.
866 INDIANA LAW RE VIEW [Vol. 19:857
exceed costs or revenues, the percentage of uncompensated care is about
a percentage point lower when expressed as a fraction of hospital budgets. ^^
The burden of uncompensated care is not spread evenly across
providers. PubHc hospitals provide a vastly disproportionate amount of
uncompensated care (40.1^o of uncompensated charges, double their
19.0<^o share of total charges), as do major teaching hospitals (35.8%
of uncompensated charges vs. 24.09/o of total charges), and large city
hospitals generally (49.1% of uncompensated charges vs. 39.1% of all
charges). ^"^ Whether for-profit hospitals contribute their "fair share"
relative to similar not-for-profit community hospitals is hotly debated. ^^
It is not reliably known what share of uncompensated hospital care
goes to indigents. Charity is said to constitute about one third of
uncompensated care,^^ but there is no single accepted operational def-
inition of "charity care." Existing accounting practices allow hospitals
discretion in applying classification standards for charity care, and re-
ported charity varies by hospital. ^^ Thus, there is no guarantee that
reported hospital "charity" accords with social expectations or public
desires with regard to the medically indigent. ^^
How is "uncompensated care" financed? After all, institutions like
hospitals cannot give charity without themselves incurring costs. Indi-
vidual professionals can donate "free" personal attention, time, and
skill beyond normal working hours. But hospital care involves ancillary
services, supplies, or multiple personnel which must be paid for with
revenue from some source.
The conventional wisdom is that hospitals cross-subsidize nonpaying
"See supra note 32. According to data collected by the American Hospital Associa-
tion, this amount increases to 5.6% by 1984. See infra note 61.
^''M. SuLVETTA & K. SwARTZ, supro tiott 11, at 28, 31, 30.
''See generally For-Profit Enterprise in Health Care 97-126, 209-23, 225-32 (B.
Gray ed. 1986) [hereinafter For-Profit-Enterprise] (asserts that for-profit hospitals do
not contribute enough). But see Sloan & Becker, For-Profits v. Non-Profits: A Phantom
Issue, Tech. Rev., April 1984, at 11.
'^See, e.g., Cohodes, America: The Home of the Free, the Land of the Uninsured,
23 Inquiry 227, 228 (1986) (charity care comprises one-third of uncompensated care); see
also Sloan, Valvona & MuUner, supra note 31, at 19 (of 1982's $6.2 biUion in uncompensated
charges, hospitals designated $1.7 billion as charity, $4.5 bilHon as bad debt).
"For-Profit Enterprise, supra note 35, at 102; Sloan, Valvona & Mullner, supra
note 31, at 19. More defined descriptions do exist for Hill-Burton purposes. See infra
notes 121-31.
^*In fairness to hospitals, it must be noted that there is little consistency in public
programs' definition of indigency for purposes of eligibility determinations. One of few
existing uniform standards is that established by the federal Department of Health and
Human Services — belatedly, under pressure of repeated litigation — to measure hospitals'
adherence to Hill-Burton requirements to deliver "free" care to indigents. See For-Profit
Enterprise, supra note 35, at 102. See also infra notes 121-28 and accompanying text.
patients largely with revenues earned from paying patients, especially
those who pay hospital charges (or whose insurers do), since charges
are higher than costs. ^^ Lesser sources of revenue include philanthropic
contributions, nonpatient revenues — both relatively minor for most hos-
pitals— and, mainly for public institutions, direct public subsidies from
tax funds/*^
Alternatively, a hospital can subsidize uncompensated care from its
own capital, incurring a deficit met largely by not funding depreciation.
This last option obviously hurts the long-run viabihty of an institution
and may impair its ability to raise operating capital as well. In 1980,
fully one-third of the hospitals that provided a high volume of care to
poor people were fiscally "stressed" in that they had deficits in operating
and total accounts. "^^
Little is known about what care the uninsured indigent receive outside
of hospitals, although it seems likely that non-hospital providers render
relatively less uncompensated care than do hospitals. ^^ For society at
large, hospital service comprises some forty-six percent of personal health
care spending (exclusive of public health activities, medical research, and
construction); the balance goes to physicians, other professionals, drugs,
nursing homes, and so on."^^ Hospitals, especially pubhc ones, are the
traditional "providers of last resort," and their legal obligations to
provide care are greater than those of other providers.'^'* Moreover,
hospital care is the most heavily insured, which traditionally has given
hospitals more "third-party" revenues from which to cross-subsidize
charity care.
^^5ee, e.g., For-Profit Enterprise, supra note 35, at 106-07; Phelps, Cross-Subsidies
and Charge Shifting in American Hospitals, in Uncompensated Hospital Care, supra
note 30, at 108. It is often argued that cost-paying "insurers," especially Medicare and
Medicaid, do not contribute to this shift. See, e.g., J. Meyer, Passing the Health Care
Buck: Who Pays the Hidden Cost? (1983).
'^"For-Profit Enterprise, supra note 35, at 100, Table 5.2, & 106 (public subsidy
of $1.9 billion in 1984).
"'Hadley, Mullner & Feder, The Financially Distressed Hospital, 307 New Eng. J.
Med. 1283 (1982). This study focused on hospitals for which uncompensated care plus
Medicaid constituted 24% or more of charges.
'*^The only estimates of non-hospital charity with which the authors are familiar
confirm this expectation. One estimate holds that physicians provided some $2.9 billion
of free care in 1982. See G. Bazzoli, Health Care for the Indigent: Literature
Review and Research Agenda for the Future (1985). But see F. Sloan, J. Valvona
& G. HicKSON, Analysis of Health Care Options in Tennessee: Uncompensated Care
(Vanderbilt Univ. 1985) (Tennessee doctors provided only one-seventh the amount of
uncompensated care as Tennessee hospitals).
''^Levit, Lazenby, Waldo & Davidoff, National Health Expenditures, 1984, Health
Care Financing Rev., Fall 1985, at 1, 9 [hereinafter National Health Expenditures] (in
1984, hospital care claimed $157.9 billion out of $341.8 of personal health care).
^See infra text accompanying notes 101-31.
868 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
Uncompensated care is clearly a multibillion dollar problem for
hospitals, presumably a smaller one for other providers. It is likely to
have totalled about $10 bilUon in 1982 (assuming that two-thirds or
three-quarters of it occurred in hospitals). The volume of uncompensated
care has probably grown since then, as the next subsection discusses;
certainly, the pressures on hospitals have increased. "^^
D. Growing Problems
Recent developments have made access to insurance and care more
difficult for the medically indigent. Not only has the number of uninsured
grown through 1984 (Table 1), but it is likely to continue to rise in the
long run, despite a generally improved economy. A number of portents
point in this direction. First, the normal, "structural" level of unem-
ployment, below which the percentage of people looking for work is
not apt to fall, even in good times, seems to have risen above the
expected 3-4% of the 1970's to perhaps 5-6^^0 or more. Few of the
unemployed have employer-paid health coverage. "^^ Second, employment
patterns also seem to be undergoing a structural shift. To oversimpHfy,
the United States is moving from manufacturing to service jobs, from
unionized to nonunionized work forces, from mainly full-time to in-
creasingly part-time workers, and from large employers to smaller ones —
all moves from well-insured types of employment to less well-covered
Finally, the recent federal tax reform bilP reduces the incentives
for companies and workers alike to shelter income in tax-free benefits
like health insurance. Business in the aggregate will be paying considerably
more federal income tax (although at a lower official marginal rate),
which should make companies even more zealous about cutting corporate
"^Large as $10 billion may seem, it is not large in relation to some 31 million
uninsured people in 1982 {see supra Table 1). Per capita, that amounts to little more
than $300 for the year, far less than 1982's $1,184 per capita spending for the general
population. National Health Expenditures, supra note 43, at 16. It may be safely assumed
that this amount of charity care did not meet all the medical needs of the medically
indigent, given the extent to which the uninsured receive less care (see supra Table 4).
Meeting those needs on a prepayment basis would be substantially more costly. See infra
notes 257-58.
*^See supra note 20.
^'Black, Comment on "The Employed Uninsured and the Role of Public Policy,"
23 Inquiry 209 (1986); Monheit, supra note 24. Black's and Monheit's observations rest
mainly on 1977 data about employment and insurance coverage. Unpublished research on
changes in insurance status during 1980-86 by Stephen M. Long and Jack Rodgers of the
Congressional Budget Office disputes some of the details of these findings, arguing that
long-term structural changes do not explain the rapid rise in the number of uninsured in
the early 1980's.
^«Tax Reform Act of 1986, Pub. L. No. 99-514, 100 Stat. 2085; Summary of Con-
ference Agreement on H.R. 3838, Tax Notes, Sept. 8, 1986, at 985.
health benefits than they have already been/^ Individuals will pay less
federal tax overall, and at lower marginal rates, especially at the high
and low ends of the scale. High-income and low-income taxpayers alike
will thus find tax-free health benefits considerably less attractive than
before, compared with the alternative of higher cash income.
At the same time, the cost of offering workplace health benefits
has been raised by numerous government requirements in the form of
'^mandated benefits," thus making insurance benefit packages richer for
some^^ and more available to others, including the recently unemployed
and divorced dependents.^' These developments are helpful in some regard
to those already in well-insured positions but, again, do not ease the
difficulties of the marginal company and its workers in attempting to
get affordable health coverage. All of these trends seem to indicate that
the future will see more people without health coverage, not fewer.
Meanwhile, uncovered people also seem to face even greater problems
in obtaining care — especially if they cannot prepay in cash, at least in
part. The main reason is that the ability of hospitals to cross-subsidize
care to the indigent seems to be declining. All providers, including
hospitals, face increased price competition from their competitors as well
as greater price resistance from their customers. Both developments have
adverse implications for the uninsured, at least in the short run."
Hospitals generally seem to manage the extent to which they provide
uncompensated care in order to match their fiscal capacity. ^^ It is safe
to assume that they will cut back if increased price competition threatens
their earnings or their ability to attract paying patients. Cutback strategies
will include choosing locations and services attractive to insured rather
than uninsured populations, avoiding services like obstetrics and emer-
gency treatment of trauma that often go uncompensated, and screening
out or transferring indigents or requiring deposits from them, at least
for non-emergency care.^"*
Although almost all hospitals provide some level of charity care, in
most locations the institutional provider of last resort, if one exists, is
the pubUc hospital. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the demand for
'^^See supra notes 22 & 23.
5°State laws regulating insurance have for a decade or more been altered to require
insurance plans to include mental health benefits, among others. One estimate is that
nearly 600 such statutes exist. Demkovich, Covering Options Through Mandated Benefits,
Bus. & Health, Jan. /Feb. 1986, at 27 (more than 580 laws at the end of 1984, requiring
coverage of everything from alcoholism services, in 38 states, to hospices, in 5 states,
with an almost equal number of new bills pending).
^^See infra note 207 on the federal "COBRA" entitlements allowing continuance as
a group member even after layoff, divorce, or other separation from the group.
"See, e.g., Kinzer, Care of the Poor Revisited, 21 Inquiry 5 (1984).
"Hadley, Mullner & Feder, supra note 41,
^■♦For-profit Enterprise, supra note 35, at 104-05.
870 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
public hospital care has risen, in part as a result of transfers from other
hospitals. ^^ At the same time, state and local governments that tradi-
tionally have funded public hospitals' net deficits (after collections from
Medicaid and other third-party payers) often have found themselves
under considerable fiscal pressure, in the aftermath of recession and the
"taxpayers' revolt. "^^ Indeed, a number of public hospitals have closed
since the late 1970's, perhaps most notably Philadelphia's," and there
is some movement toward "privatizing" others. ^^
For the future generally, some observers predict closures of as many
as one thousand of today's six thousand short-term general hospitals,
both public and private. ^^ The remaining hospitals will have to be more
concerned with competition for paying patients and less concerned about
indigent care (which raises prices). Thus, in the 1990's, it is quite possible
that the medically indigent will have less access to care than they do
now, unless there are changes in public policy.
As a political matter, it seems undeniable that hospitals — not the
indigent themselves — will continue to be largely responsible for making
"uncompensated care/indigent care" a legislative issue. ^^ The American
Hospital Association has recently completed a report on indigent care,
and almost every state has commissioned a task force on the topic. ^^
In this way, hospitals can provide an effective political voice for their
largely disenfranchised poor patients. ^^
For the moment, neither the administration nor the Congress seems
inclined to assist in finding solutions, certainly not solutions that require
^^See, e.g., Schiff, supra note 5.
'^See, e.g.. There's Life Yet in Tax Revolt, The Economist, Aug. 30, 1986, at 18.
"Reportedly, 111 nonfederal, short-term general hospitals, 19 of which were state
or local institutions, closed between 1980 and 1982. Sloan, Valvona & Mullner, supra
note 31, at 26.
^^Bovbjerg, Held & Pauly, Privatization and Bidding in the Health Care Sector, 6 J.
Pol'y Analysis & Mgmt. (1987) (forthcoming).
'^See, e.g., Mullner & McNeil, Rural and Urban Hospital Closures: A Comparison,
Health Aff., Fall 1986, at 131.
^See, e.g., Richards, Special Interests Push Indigent Care Solutions, Hospitals, Oct.
16, 1984, at 106.
^'American Hospital Ass'n, Cost and Compassion: Recommendations for Avoiding
A Crisis in Care for the Medically Indigent, Report of the Speclax Committee on
Care for the Indigent (1986). Most of the state studies consider their topic as much
"uncompensated care" as "indigent care." For a summary of state studies during 1982-
84, see J. Luehrs & R. Desonla, A Review of State Task Force and Speclu, Study
Recommendations to Address Health Care for the Indigent (1984) (responses of 21
states to survey); see also Nat'l Conf. of State Legislatures, 12 Questions: What
Legislators Need to Know About Uncompensated Hospital Care (undated, issued
"See, e.g.. Law, A Consumer Perspective on Medical Malpractice, 49 Law &
Contemp. Probs. 305, 307 (1986).
new federal funding. ^^ As a result, states and localities are scrambling
to find new ways to bear the burden of financing care for the medically
indigent. ^"^ This Article next considers the legal obligations for providing
or financing care and concludes with an examination of state policy
options for aiding the medically indigent.
III. Legal Rights to Health Care or Coverage
A. Rights and Responsibilities
The supply of medical care for the medically indigent may be
diminishing, but there is no shortage of statements that medical care is
a basic human * 'right." Religious leaders, moral philosophers, politicians,
and even some judges have been heard from on this score. ^^ Existing
commentary on the subject is voluminous^^ and will not be reviewed
here. Many arguments about rights occur on an abstract, philosophical
plane. One underlying ethical-legal issue is whether society or medical
"In post-Gramm-Rudmann Washington, concern over reducing the massive federal
deficit seems to preclude new funding initiatives. The administration has repeatedly at-
tempted to cut existing indigent health programs like Medicaid, see R. Bovbjerg & J.
HoLAHAN, supra note 18, and community health centers, see G. Peterson, R. Bovbjerg,
B. Davis, W. Davis, E. Durman & T. Gullo, The Reagan Block Grants: What Have
We Learned (1986) [hereinafter G. Peterson]. Congress has protected the basic scope
of Medicaid and some other existing programs, but seems unwilling to fund new ones.
It will consider mandates for employer or state contributions, but not new federal taxes.
Thus, COBRA requires employers to offer group insurance continuation benefits. See
infra note 207. "Risk pool" legislation seriously considered but not passed would have
required states to help pay for "insurance of last resort" for the otherwise uninsured.
Access to Health Care Bill, S. 2402, 99th Cong., 2d Sess., 132 Cong. Rec. S5218 (1986)
discussed infra at note 290.
^See supra notes 7 & 61; infra note 136.
^^See, e.g.. The Labor Day Statement of Cardinal John J. O'Connor on "The Right
to Health Care" ("Every person has a basic right to health care which flows from the
sanctity of life and the dignity of human persons" (citing 1981 Pastoral Letter on Health
Care from American Catholic Bishops)), excerpted in Health/PAC. Bull., July /Aug.
1985, at 6-7; WiUiams, The Idea of Equality, in Philosophy, Politics, and Society 121-
22 (P. Laslett & W. Ronciman eds. 1962) (It is a "necessary truth" that "the proper
ground of [medical] treatment is need"); E. Kennedy, In Critical Condition (1972)
(especially Chapter 10, Good Health Care: A Right for All Americans); Memorial Hosp.
V. Maricopa County, 415 U.S. 250, 259 (1974) (dictum) ("[M]edical care is as much 'a
basic necessity of life' to an indigent as welfare assistance. And ... of greater constitutional
significance. . . .").
^See, e.g.. President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine
and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Securing Access to Health Care, Volume
Two: Appendices, Socioculture and Philosophical Studies (1983) (twelve articles on
access and right to it, each referencing various literatures); Fried, Equality and Rights
in Medical Care, in Implications of Guaranteeing Medical Care 3 (J. Perpich ed.
872 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
providers owe the same care to all or whether charitable obligations are
limited to some "decent minimum" of care.^^ Legal and policy analysis
must consider how any such rights are determined and what, if any,
corresponding responsibility attaches.
The most fundamental right to health care would be one derived
from federal constitutional provisions. The constitutional authority of
the federal government to fund health care for the medically indigent
is indisputable,^^ and the federal-state Medicaid program is tangible
evidence of that authority. ^^ The government may assume by statute an
obligation to fund medical care, but it has no general constitutional
duty to do so. For example, the government may cut back previously
offered Medicaid benefits^° and may refuse to fund certain care, even
care considered by some to be medically necessary.
The abortion cases well illustrate the distinction between a patient's
right to receive care and a public obligation to pay for it. A patient's
right to receive an abortion cannot be unduly restricted by government,
but this limited right carries no corresponding funding obligations.^'
Government may even deny funds for abortions while paying for similar
treatments under Medicaid or other programs. "^^
Two limited exceptions prove this rule. First, people involuntarily
confined to mental institutions may have a "right to treatment" grounded
in substantive due process or even in the eighth amendment's prohibition
of cruel and unusual punishment. A number of lower federal courts
have so held in cases of involuntary civil commitment. ^^ The remedy
for institutionalization without adequate treatment is not easily framed.
^^Compare, e.g.. President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in
Medicine and Biomedical Research, Summing up: Final Report on Studies of the
Ethical and Legal Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavior Research
29-30 (1983) ("The Commission proposes a standard of 'an adequate level of care' for
all, not 'a right to health care' that offers patients access to all beneficial care, to all
care that others are receiving, or to all that they need — or want.") and Fried, supra note
66 ("decent standard of care for all") with, e.g., E. Kennedy, supra note 65 (especially
chapter 10, Basic Right of Access for All to Quality Care).
*^U.S. Const. Preamble ("promote the general welfare . . .").
^'Social Security Act, tit. XIX, 42 U.S.C. §§ 1396 et seq. (1982 & Supp. 1985).
^"Generally, states, rather than the federal government, are sued for implementing
cutbacks, because most cutbacks have historically been undertaken at state discretion rather
than by federal mandate. See. e.g., Alexander v. Choate, 469 U.S. 287 (1985) (Tennessee
cut of hospital coverage to 14 inpatient days held valid). In contrast, federal eligibility
cutbacks in 1981 received no judicial challenge.
^'Beal V. Doe, 432 U.S. 438 (1977); Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973).
"Harris v. McRae, 448 U.S. 297 (1980).
''See, e.g., Wyatt v. Aderholt, 503 F.2d 1305 (5th Cir. 1974); Rouse v. Cameron,
373 F.2d 451 (D.C. Cir. 1966), appeal after remand, 387 F.2d 241 (D.C. Cir. 1967);
Wyatt V. Stickney: Retrospect and Prospect (L. Jones & R. Parlour eds. 1981). See
generally D. Wexler, Mental Health Law: Major Issues (1981).
but courts generally require either deinstitutionalization, sometimes also
with treatment, "^"^ or improved institutional care, going beyond the merely
custodial. ^^ Determining precisely what care is required and at what cost
proves rather difficult in practice.^^ The Supreme Court has given only
limited support to even this narrow concept of a right to mental health
treatment,^^ and the recent trend seems to disfavor such litigation. ^^
The second exception entitles incarcerated prisoners to adequate
health care. Traditionally, what little health care was available in jails
and prisons was very poor.^^ A series of lawsuits has established that
prison inmates must be given at least that level of care that prevents
their medical situation from being cruel and unusual punishment. ^° Again,
precisely what level of care meets the constitutional minimum is not
clear, nor is the extent to which a prisoner must contribute toward his
own care.^^
These two exceptions are readily understood. Both institutionalized
mental patients and prisoners are individually made wards of the state.
It is an easy step to hold that the act of taking away their liberty (and
with it their capacity to help themselves or to seek private charity)
requires the government to give them in return a reasonable level of
medical care, along with humane treatment in other regards. ^^ These
^^Callahan v. Carey, N.Y.LJ., Dec. 11, 1979, at 10, col. 5 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. Dec.
10, 1979).
^^See, e.g., Wyatt v. Stickney: Retrospect and Prospect, supra note 73.
^^See id.; see also Miller, The "Right to Treatment": Can The Courts Rehabilitate
and Cure?, 46 The Public Interest 96 (1977).
''See, e.g., McNeil v. Director, Patuxent Inst., 407 U.S. 245 (1972) (holding that
the state of Maryland could not confine appellant indefinitely on basis of administrative
referral for observation under "defective delinquent" law; dictum noted remarkable rarity
of litigation to set "substantive constitutional limitations on this [civil commitment] power").
'^See, e.g., Jones v. United States, 463 U.S. 354 (1983) (civil commitment of convicted
criminal upheld despite not meeting standards for independent civil commitment); Young-
berg V. Romeo, 457 U.S. 307 (1983) (constitutional "right to habilitation" grounded on
deprivation of personal freedom and safety, not on extent of available medical treatment);
Pennhurst State School v. Halderman, 451 U.S. 1, 18 (1982) (poorly treated mentally
retarded patients not entitled to redress against the state under federal handicapped statute;
Congress did not intend to require states "to assume the high cost of providing 'appropriate
treatment' " in exchange for federal funds).
'^See, e.g., S. Goldsmith, Prison Health: Travesty of Justice (1975).
^^See generally Neisser, Inmate Welfare Funds: Reassessing Prisoner Assessments,
in Prisoners and the Law 16-1, 16-18 through 16-20 (I. Robbins ed. 1985); Neisser, Is
there a Doctor in the Joint? The Search for Constitutional Standards for Prison Health
Care, 63 Va. L. Rev. 921 (1977).
«'In City of Revere v. Massachusetts General Hospital, 463 U.S. 239 (1983), the
Supreme Court carefully refrained from deciding to what extent the hospital could collect
from the patient, who was granted bail while hospitalized with wounds received during
arrest, stating that this was a matter of state law. Id. at 245-46,
«2C/. Wyatt V. Aderholt, 503 F.2d 1305, 1312 (5th Cir. 1974) (treatment is "the
quid pro quo society [has] to pay as the price of . . . denial of individuals' liberty").
874 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
exceptional cases do not support a fundamental positive "right to health
care," but there may be a fundamental negative right allowing a sort
of "free exercise." Thus, whereas certain aspects of medical practice
are subject to restrictions under licensure or economic regulation, ^^ courts
have recognized the importance of professional freedom^ and patients'
free choice,^^ even the choice not to receive care of any sort.^^
However, for the most part, the medically indigent have only those
entitlements that have been voluntarily enacted, in whole or in part, to
help them.^'^ Each statute — Medicare, veterans' coverage, maternal and
child health, and so on — carries with it greater or lesser entitlements to
a more or less defined population. The negative imphcation of each
program of special assistance is that no general federal obligation exists.
Beyond basic federal law, there are three other possible sources of
indigent rights. These are the duties of providers, of states and localities,
and of health insurers.
B. Obligations of Health Care Providers
1. Physicians, a. Duty to treat. — Although physicians may vol-
untarily provide charity care to the indigent, they have no affirmative
legal duty to do so. Like anyone else, physicians are free not to render
aid even in an emergency.^* Any assistance that a physician may gra-
tuitously render is considered the act of a "good Samaritan. "^^ This
same view has been echoed by numerous courts across the nation, and
stands unchanged by statute. ^'^
Most legal doctrine on the subject arises from malpractice law,
enforced through tort suits for damages. Doctors are remarkably free
of legal duty to treat anyone, paying customers and the impecunious
alike. The classic statement of this non-duty comes from Hurley v.
''See, e.g. Ind. Code §§ 25-22.5-1-1 et seq. (1982).
«^C/. Roe V. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 163 (1973) (importance of noninterference with
doctors' judgment).
«^The malpractice rule that patients must give "informed consent" is based on the
importance of personal sovereignty. See generally J. Katz, The Silent World of Doctor
AND Patient (1984).
'"•In re Quinlan, 70 N.J. 10, 355 A. 2d 647 (1976), is the seminal case. For a full
discussion, see President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine
and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Deciding to Forgo Life-Sustaining Treat-
ment: Ethical, Medical, and Legal Issues in Treatment Decisions (1983).
«^On federal medical programs, see generally F. Wilson & D. Neuhauser, Health
Services in the United States 137-228 (2d ed. 1982).
'^See Restatement (Second) of Torts § 314 comment c (1965).
'^State law typically protects such medical Samaritans from ordinary negligence actions.
See, e.g., Ind. Code §§ 34-4-12-1 to -2 (1982).
^See e.g.. Harper v. Baptist Medical Center-Princeton, 341 So. 2d 133 (Ala. 1976);
Childers v. Frye, 201 N.C. 42, 158 S.E. 744 (1931); Lyons v. Grether, 218 Va. 630, 239
S.E.2d 103 (1977).
Eddingfield,^^ a turn-of-the-century case in which the Indiana Supreme
Court ruled that a physician had no duty to treat anyone. The court
saw no common law duty, even though the doctor was not otherwise
occupied, the would-be patient was very sick (he later died), was a
former patient of the refusing physician, and tendered payment in advance.
The court rejected any medical analogy with the common law duty of
innkeepers to serve all comers as well as the argument that the then recently
enacted state regulatory scheme of physician licensure had created such
a duty. This minimalist legal view of physicians' obligations to would-be
patients has long been an accepted tenet of organized medicine as well
as of the law.'^ The traditional rule that physicians are free to reject anyone
as a patient may have been tempered somewhat by civil rights legisla-
tion," but medical indigency is not a protected civil rights category.
A physician's legal duty to treat a patient arises only from mutual
consent — by express contract or by one implied by the parties' behavior.
Whether this contractual physician-patient relationship exists is a factual
question that turns upon whether the physician accepted the case and
whether the patient accepted the physician's professional services. ^"^ Under
certain circumstances, some courts have inferred a duty to treat even
absent specific consent. For example, an Arizona court ruled that a
physician on the staff of a hospital who agreed to be an "on-call"
emergency room doctor could no longer refuse treatment to an individual
seeking emergency care.^^ A New York court found a physician-patient
relationship based solely on a telephone conversation between a hospital
physician and an emergency room visitor, even though the physician
was said mainly to have directed the patient to see his own doctor. ^^
For the most part, however, mutual consent remains a requirement.
"156 Ind. 416, 59 N.E. 1058 (1901).
^^Am. Med. Ass'n, Principles of Medical Exmcs § 6 (1985); cf. Relman & Reinhardt,
An Exchange on For-Profit Health Care, in For-Profit Enterprise, supra note 35, at
209 (lack of duty to serve shows profit orientation of physicians).
"^^See generally Nat'l Health Law Program, Manual on State and Local Gov-
ernment Responsibilities to Provide Medical Care for Indigents 163-71 (M. Dowell
ed. 1985) [hereinafter State and Local Government Responsibilities] (Chapter IV,
"Access to Health Care and Civil Rights Legislation").
^"Lyons, 218 Va. 630, 239 S.E.2d 103; see also 61 Am. Jur. 2d Physicians, Surgeons,
and Other Healers § 96 (1972).
^'Hiser v. Randolph, 126 Ariz. 608, 617 P.2d 774 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1980), overruled
on other grounds, Thompson v. Sun City Community Hosp., Inc. 141 Ariz. 597, 688
P. 2d 605 (Ariz. 1984) (The court in Thompson also distinguished Hiser on the issue of
the physicians' duty to treat in emergency situations). But see, e.g., Wilmington Gen.
Hosp. V. Manlove, 54 Del. 15, 174 A.2d 135 (1961); Richard v. Adair Hosp. Found.
Corp., 566 S.W.2d 791 (Ky. Ct. App. 1978). See infra discussion at notes 112-20 on
emergency care and duty to serve.
^O'Neill V. Montefiore Hosp., 11 A.D.2d 132, 202 N.Y.S.2d 436 (1960).
876 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
b. Standard of care and extent of treatment. — Once a patient-phy-
sician relationship has been estabHshed, the physician must exercise the
same standard of care — customary skill and diligence^^ — regardless of
whether the patient is an indigent or a paying customer. Even when
physicians render their services gratuitously, their potential liability for
negligence or malpractice remains the same as in treating any other
patient. ^^
Having once begun treatment, a physician must continue treatment
as long as medical care is necessary or face a possible malpractice action
for abandonment if actionable damage occurs. ^^ Physicians may safely
withdraw from a case only when services are no longer needed, when
the patient voluntarily terminates the relationship, when referral is made
to an equally qualified practitioner, or when the patient has a reasonable
opportunity to see another physician. '°°
2. Hospitals, a. Duty to treat. — As a general matter, private hospitals,
like physicians, have no legal duty to accept all potential patients seeking
care, except perhaps in emergency situations. ^°' Public hospitals, by
statute, by charter, or by tradition, generally are obligated to accept all
patients, at least in emergencies, '°^ but the ''right" of admission to public
hospitals for non-emergency cases is not absolute. ^°^
Even more than that of physicians, hospitals' discretion to refuse
patients is limited by civil rights provisions, '^'^ but in general, ability to
pay can be considered in deciding whether to treat. Indeed, absent an
emergency, a hospital may require a cash deposit as a condition of
admission. ^°^ Significantly, in only about half of the states are hospitals
'The classic article is McCoid, The Care Required of Medical Practitioners, 12
Vand. L. Rev. 549 (1959); see also A. Holder, Medical Malpractice Law 40-43, 53-
55 (1975).
"'See, e.g.. Rule v. Cheeseman, 181 Kan. 957, 317 P.2d 472, 477 (1957) (the fact
that the patient was a charity patient was immaterial in determining the surgeon's neg-
ligence); see also 70 C.J.S. Physicians and Surgeons § 52 (1951).
"""See, e.g., A. Holder, supra note 97, at 374-402.
'""Lyons v. Grether, 218 Va. 630, 239 S.E.2d 103 (1977); see also Annotation, Liability
of Physician Who Abandons Case, 57 A.L.R.2d 432, 439 § 3 (1958).
'°'See, e.g., Birmingham Baptist Hosp. v. Crews, 229 Ala. 398, 157 So. 224 (1934)
(physician in emergency room diagnosed child's advanced diphtheria and began treatment
but hospital denied admission because the disease was contagious; held no liability for
later death); Hill v. Ohio County, 468 S.W.2d 306 (Ky. 1971), cert, denied, 404 U.S.
1041 (1972) (pregnant woman had no right to hospital admission, absent emergency); see
also A. SouTHWiCK, The Law of Hospital and Health Care Administration 161-62
'"^See Wilmington Gen. Hosp. v. Manlove, 54 Del. 15, 174 A.2d 135 (1961) (dictum
on public hospital duty); A. Southwick, supra note 101, at 162-64.
"^^See A. Southwick, supra note 101, at 163.
^'^See State and Local Government Responsibilities, supra note 93, at 163-71.
'°^Joyner v. Alton Ochsner Medical Found., 230 So. 2d 913 (La. App. 1970) (auto
accident victim given emergency treatment but refused admission).
legally required to have emergency rooms. ^^^
As with physicians, once a hospital begins to provide diagnosis and
treatment for an indigent patient, it is held to the same standard of
care as for any other patient. ^^^ Particularly when financial considerations
prompt an early discharge of a patient, the hospital may be found liable
for damages in a tort suit for abandonment. ^^^
However, tort actions constitute an abysmal enforcement tool for
achieving access to care. Only those emergency refusals that result in
compensable damages are normally actionable, and severe damage is
usually needed to justify the expense of a suit. Indigents are also
disadvantaged because their economic damages are likely to be low and
they may have poor access to legal assistance. ^°^ Moreover, if indigents
are receiving public assistance, they may not be allowed to keep much
of any recovery.
Malpractice doctrine is, therefore, of little help to indigents seeking
care."^ Indeed, if anything, malpractice law may actually hurt indigents'
access to private care, because offering any care may make a provider,
especially a hospital, liable to provide all needed care, perhaps entirely
without recompense. It is precisely this concern that presumably prompts
'* dumping."
One way to reduce the malpractice incentive to dump patients would
be to grant immunity from tort actions to providers that conform to
the coverage and utilization requirements of any applicable indigent care
program. The existing federal Professional Review Organization (PRO)
legislation provides such immunity with regard to the appropriateness
'°*About half of states directly or indirectly require certain categories of hospitals to
have emergency facilities. A. Southwick, supra note 101, at 183-84. See, e.g.. III. Ann.
Stat. ch. Ill 1/2, para. 86, 87 (Smith-Hurd 1977 & Supp. 1986) (private and public
hospitals providing general medical or surgical services); Pa, Stat. Ann. tit. 62, § 443.3
(Purdon 1986) (all hospitals receiving payments from Department of Public Welfare).
State and Local Government Responsibilities, supra note 93, provides a table of
emergency care laws; on tax rules, see id. at 489-90.
'"^Hospital Law Manual 1 1-3 (1981).
'°«See e.g., Meiselman v. Crown Heights Hosp., 285 N.Y. 389, 34 N.E.2d 367 (1941)
(hospital discharged patient when open wounds were still draining); Jones v. City of New
York, Hosp. for Joint Diseases, 134 N.Y.S.2d 779 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 1954), rev'd on other
grounds, 286 A.D. 825, 143 N.Y.S.2d 628 (1955) (transfer of a stabbing victim who later
died was for hospital convenience rather than necessity and thus actionable).
•°^he last point is not self-evident, given free legal assistance as a free point of
entry and the wide availability of the private, contingent-fee personal injury bar. No direct
evidence on this point seems to exist. The only major empirical analysis of medical
malpractice, however, provides indirect evidence, that the incidence of claims does not
vary by differences in per capita income or in the proportion of people on welfare among
states. P. Danzon, Medical Malpractice: Theory, Evidence, and Public Policy 75
"°See Law, supra note 62, at 306-15; Rosenblatt, Rationing "Normal" Health Care:
The Hidden Legal Issues, 59 Texas L. Rev. 1401, 1410-15 (1981).
878 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
of treatment when Medicare has denied payment. ^^^ However, a broader
immunity provision could apply equally to coverage issues as well as to
issues of appropriateness. Under such a provision, a hospital would be
immune from suit if it failed to provide uncompensated care beyond
that covered under the indigency care program.
Of course, there are other ways to discourage providers from trans-
ferring patients, at least emergency patients, inappropriately. New federal
legislation specifically addresses inappropriate transfers.
b. Emergency room as a source of duty to treat. — Under 1986
federal legislation, hospitals that operate emergency rooms and that
participate in the Medicare or Medicaid programs must follow certain
protocols in assessment, treatment, and transfer of emergency patients
(including patients arriving in active labor). ^^^ The duty appHes to all
patients, not merely to public program beneficiaries. ^'^
This legislation was passed in response to growing concern over
refusals of care and "dumping" of patients on public facilities. ^'"^ Bas-
ically, affected hospitals must examine all patients and then either accept
them for full treatment or at least sta^bilize their condition so that they
can be safely transferred. UnstabiHzed patients may be transferred only
with their express consent or when the transfer is certified to be in their
own interest. ^'^ The federal act specifically states that it does not preempt
state rules except when they are plainly inconsistent with federal re-
quirements.'^^ Clearly the state remains free to enforce more stringent
The federal act was in many ways modeled upon landmark Texas
legislation that took effect the week before the federal action. ''"^ Under
the Texas law, a physician must examine all emergency patients within
'"42 U.S.C. § 1320c-6(c) (1982). This little known and little used provision was also
included in the predecessor PSRO legislation. It applies to Medicare, and to Medicaid as
well where the state elects to use the PRO to perform Medicaid review.
•'^Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, Pub. L. No. 99-272,
§ 9121, 100 Stat. 82, 164 et. seq. (COBRA, approved Apr. 7, 1986). Almost all hospitals
participate in one or both of these programs, and many have emergency rooms. See supra
note 106.
"The legislation's constitutionality might be challenged on the ground that no le-
gitimate purpose is served by requirements for non-Medicare persons as well as for Medicare
beneficiaries. In defense, one could argue that it is unwise, in emergency circumstances,
to make distinctions among various patients according to their insurance status.
'"•See supra notes 4 & 5.
"^Specifically, transfers before stabilization or during active labor may occur only at
the request of the patient or upon certification of the physician that the medical benefits
expected from transferring outweigh the risks of effecting the transfer. In addition, transfers
may be made only to facilities with available space and qualified personnel who have
agreed to accept the transfer and to provide appropriate medical treatment.
"^Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconcilation Act of 1985, Pub. L. No. 99-272,
§ 9121, 100 Stat. 82.
"Texas Indigent Health Care and Treatment Act, Tex. Rev. Stat. Ann. art. 4438f
(Vernon Supp. 1986). See Chershov, Texas Transfer Law Still Spurs Controversy, Hospitals,
May 5, 1986, at 160.
twenty minutes of their arrival. Patients are to be stabilized before any
transfer, and the receiving hospitals and physicians must agree to the
In the absence of applicable statutory enactments, emergency treat-
ment and transfer is governed mainly by malpractice law. In this con-
nection, many state courts have held that operating an emergency room
creates a duty to treat emergency cases regardless of payment. *^^ However,
not all courts have accepted the emergency room exception to the general
no-duty rule,'^^ and some have rejected it.^^^
c. The Hill-Burton Act as a source of duty to treat. — In the past,
many hospitals have accepted federal capital grants or loans under the
Hill-Burton program. ^^^ The terms of these grants obligate hospitals to
provide a "reasonable volume" of free or below-cost services to persons
unable to pay for hospital care. Until the 1970's, it was unclear exactly
how much care hospitals were required to provide (i.e., what was a
^'reasonable volume") and to whom they were to provide it. In 1970,
a federal district court found that a private civil action could be implied
under the Hill-Burton Act because the Act was designed in part to
benefit directly those persons unable to pay for medical services. ^^^ Upon
review, the circuit court held that individual hospitals could not be
expected to supply all the services needed by indigents in their states. ^^^
Accordingly, the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (now,
the Secretary of Health and Human Services) issued clarifying regulations
on what amount of uncompensated services provided by a hospital would
constitute comphance with the ''reasonable volume" requirement of the
Hill-Burton Act. Even with continued litigation in the 1970's and the
revised regulations,'^"^ the Hill-Burton Act has proven difficult to en-
force.'^^ Although the regulations and cases tend to interpret the Hill-
"«See e.g., Hiser v. Randolph, 126 Ariz. 608, 617 P. 2d 774 (Ariz. Ct. App. 1980);
Wilmington Gen. Hosp. v. Manlove, 54 Del. 15, 174 A. 2d 135 (1961); Mercy Medical
Center of Oshkosh, Inc. v. Winnebago County, 58 Wis. 2d 260, 206 N.W.2d 198 (1973).
"^See, e.g., Campbell v. Mincey, 413 F. Supp. 16 (N.D. Miss. 1975) (dictum noting
that Manlove not universally followed; held, no emergency, so hospital not liable under
own rules).
^^^See, e.g., Perth Amboy Gen. Hosp. v. Board of Chosen Freeholders, 158 N.J.
Super. 556, 386 A. 2d 900 (1978); Fabian v. Matzko, 236 Pa. Super. 267, 344 A.2d 569
(1975). Compare K. Wing, The Law and the Public's Health 234-45 (2d ed. 1985)
(hospital duty in emergency not settled law) with A. Southwick, supra note 101, at 185-
89 ("[m]ost observers" think holding that emergency room creates duty "should now be
accepted as the rule." Id. at 187).
'^'42 U.S.C. § 291(c)(e) (1982) (The Hospital Survey and Construction Act of 1946).
'^^Cook V. Ochsner Found. Hospital, 319 F. Supp. 603 (E.D. La. 1970), aff'd, 559
F.2d 968 (5th Cir. 1977).
'^'Cook, 559 F.2d at 971.
'^42 C.F.R. § 124.503 (1979).
'^^C/. Blumstein, Court Action, Agency Reaction: The Hill-Burton Act as a Case
Study, 69 Iowa L.Rev. 1227 (1984); Wing, The Community Service Obligation of Hill-
Burton Health Facilities, 23 B.C.L. Rev. 577 (1982).
880 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
Burton Act as creating entitlements for specific classes of patients/^^ no
individual patient has a claim to free services. '^^ Furthermore, even though
the regulations define persons "unable to pay," each hospital may develop
its own plans for distributing charity care.^^^
Some $571 million of free care met Hill-Burton obligations in 1984,^^^
a figure well below the uncompensated care burden^ ^° and dwarfed by
apparent need. Even this amount of charity care is likely to diminish
in the future because Hill-Burton "free care" obligations normally last
for twenty years and the grant program was virtually eliminated in
C Obligations of States and Localities
All states and a great many political subdivisions (counties, towns,
or cities) voluntarily provide or finance a variety of health services. The
largest program by far is the federal-state Medicaid program. Participating
states, by federal requirement, must cover certain categorically eligible
poor people and must provide certain mandatory benefits. Additional
coverage may be added at a state's option within the limits of federal
financial participation. ^^^ Medicaid's contribution to preventing medical
indigency is well known. Medicaid programs have by and large ceased
to expand to cover many additional people. ^^^ Consequently, this Article
does not further describe Medicaid at this point.
All levels of government provide many specialized health services
for the general population and general services for specialized populations.
Classic examples are treatment or immunizations for communicable dis-
eases and care for handicapped children. ^^^^ Poor people often receive
'^Blumstein, supra note 125.
'^^Newsom v. Vanderbilt Univ., 653 F.2d 1100, 1121 (6th Cir. 1981).
'2«42 C.F.R. § 124.507 (1979).
'^^State and Local Government Responsibilities, supra note 93, at 35.
'3°Sloan, Valvona & Mullner, supra note 31, at 19 ($1.7 billion of hospital-denominated
charity care is included in the $6.2 biUion of uncompensated care).
'^'U.S. Off. OF Mgmt. & Budget, The Budget of the United States Government,
Fiscal Year 1975, Appendix 415 (1974).
^^^See generally R. Bovbjerg & J. Holahan, supra note 18.
'"5ee generally J. Holahan & J. Cohen, supra note 18. An exception is limited
expansions targeted at needy children and young mothers, including expectant mothers,
authorized by 1986 federal legislation. See infra note 224.
'^^See generally F. Grad, Public Health Law Manual (1973); Role of State and
Local Governments in Relation to Personal Health Services (S. Jain ed. 1981) [here-
inafter Role of State and Local Governments] (reprinted from 71 Am. J. Pub. Health
1 (Supp. Jan. 1981)). State and Local Government Responsibilities, supra note 93, cites
statutory authority for many of these programs. The Association of State and Territorial
Health Officials (ASTHO), through its Public Health Foundation, publishes several annual
compilations of data on public health activities reported by 57 state health agencies and
estimated for some 3,000 local health departments. See, e.g.. Public Health Foundation,
1984 Public Health Chartbook (1986).
particular emphasis in such programs, but they are not the focus. More-
over, this type of pubhc health activity tends to be quite restricted, both
in the scope of the care provided and in the level of financing made
available. ^^^ Consequently, this Article also skips over programs such as
these to consider in depth only direct efforts to curb medical indigency.
1. Sources of State Power to Provide Indigent Health Care.^^^ — All
but three states either authorize or require state or county governments
to provide for * 'relief and support" of the poor.'^^ Many of these laws
date from 19th century *'poor laws."^^^ The older statutes do not always
expressly mention medical care, but several have been interpreted to
cover at least some level of medical services. '^^ State authority to provide
or finance health care is derived from the general police power. ^"^^ Counties
(or other substate jurisdictions) have such power by virtue of delegation
from their states. ^"^^
2. Types of Local Indigent Health Programs. — Existing indigent
care programs can be divided into four different types: The first is the
public hospital model, most typically run by counties or cities, sometimes
with state aid. States using this approach operate hospitals themselves
or authorize counties to do so. These public hospitals are generally
required to serve the poor free or at a discount. ^"^^ In 1984, there were
'"In fiscal year 1984, for example, state and local public health spending totaled
some $6.5 billion. Public Health Foundation, supra note 134, Fig. 1. A few state health
agencies administer Medicaid in their states, but the latter expenditures are not included.
By way of comparison, federal-state expenditures for Medicaid in 1984 totalled $34.5
billion (provider payments only). J. Holahan & J. Cohen, supra note 18, at 9.
'^*The following discussion owes much to three legal and programmatic compilations
of information on assistance for the medically indigent. Butler, Legal Obligations of State
and Local Government for Indigent Health Care, in Academy for State and Local
Government, Access to Care for the Medically Indigent: A Resource Document
FOR State and Local Officlals 13-44 (R. Curtis & S. White eds. 1985) [hereinafter Aca-
demy] provides the most readable review. State and Local Government Responsibilities,
supra note 93, thoroughly documents existing programs from the perspective of legal enforce-
ment; it gives numerous state-by-state listings, extracts and commentaries. Inter-
governmental Health Policy Project, George Washington Univ., State Programs of
Assistance for the Medically Indigent (1985) [hereinafter IHPP] also gives state-by-state
profiles from the program point of view, as well as some fiscal data. This Article would
not have been possible without the kind of background provided by such data sources.
'"Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee have no unit of government legally
responsible for indigent health care. Butler, supra note 136 at 17, Table I.
•38New Hampshire's General Assistance program, for example, originated from English
Poor Laws. Baker-Chaput v. Cammett, 406 F. Supp. 1134, 1137 (D.N.H. 1976). See also
R. Stevens & R. Stevens, Welfare Medicine in America (1974).
''^E.g., Jerauld County v. St. Paul-Mercury Indem. Co., 76 S.D. 1, 71 N.W.2d 571
(1955); see, e.g., Butler, supra note 136, at 16.
'""Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905); Industrial Comm'n v. Navajo
County, 64 Ariz. 172, 167 P.2d 113 (1946); Jerauld County, 76 S.D. 1, 71 N.W.2d 571.
^*^Jacobson 197 U.S. 11; F. Grad, supra note 134.
'"^States that have used this method include Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Iowa,
Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, and
Wisconsin. Butler, supra note 136, at 19 n. 25.
882 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
some 1,622 state and local government hospitals, of a national total of
5,759 community hospitals. ^"^^ These hospitals are important not merely
for inpatient care but also for outpatient care in emergency rooms and
outpatient clinics, especially in the nation's large urban areas.
A second approach is for government to contract for indigent care
with specific private providers, mainly hospitals and community health
centers but occasionally individual practitioners as well. Several levels
of government may share financing. '"^ Contracting is common for pubUc
health and mental health services and is sometimes used for general
health care to the indigent. ^"^^ States that have used this approach include
Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, and Indiana.
The third and fourth methods are both more insurance-style medical
programs, under which eligible indigent enrollees can get specified services
from many providers, not merely one or a few contracting providers.
Model number three is a rather limited "vendor-payment" program
under which eligibles do not enroll in advance. Medical providers bill
the county or state for care to the indigent and are reimbursed at some
rate on a case-by-case basis. '"'^ The benefits available and the indigency
standards for such programs vary greatly from place to place. Often,
only hospital care is covered.
Model four is the more familiar style of insurance program that
resembles Medicaid or private insurance: Once eHgible persons enroll,
they may seek any covered service (typically well beyond hospital care)
from any participating provider. A few states provide full Medicaid
benefits to the medically indigent, wholly at their own expense, without
federal matching support. ^"^"^ More commonly, these insurance-style pro-
grams for indigent care are far more restricted than Medicaid, both in
'"♦^Am. Hosp. Ass'n, Hospital Statistics 7, Table 1 (1985) (data from 1984 survey).
An additional 700-odd institutions were federal or long-term hospitals. Although state and
local hospitals thus constituted 28% of the total, they contributed a smaller share of total
hospital beds, some 2097o in 1984. On public hospitals' contributions to indigent care, see
e.g., Dallek, The Continuing Plight of Public Hospitals, 16 Clearinghouse Rev. 97 (1982);
Feder, Hadley & Mulliner, Poor People and Poor Hospitals, 9 J. Health Pol. Pol'y &
L. 237 (1984).
"^Community health centers often receive a mix of federal block grant, state, and
local funding to supplement earnings from charges to patients and their insurers, if any.
See, e.g., G. Peterson, supra note 63; R. Price, Health Block Grants (1981).
'"'On pubhc health contracting, see, e.g., Jain, supra note 134. Iowa contracts with
the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics to provide non-Medicaid indigent health care
statewide. IHPP, supra note 136, at 139. For a list of citations to states using this
approach, see Butler, supra note 136, at 20 nn. 28-30.
^'^^See Butler, supra note 136, at 28-30; State and Local Government Responsi-
bilities, supra note 93.
"•^Maryland's indigent care program is its Medicaid program, for example. IHPP,
supra note 136, at 157.
benefits and in provider payment levels. ^"^^ Eligibility for these indigency
programs may be tied to receipt of state "general assistance*' (welfare),
just as Medicaid categorical eligibility is based on welfare (Aid to Families
with Dependent Children or Supplemental Security Income Assistance).
This subtype of insurance program is often called a "GA-medical"
program.''*^ Administrative and funding responsibilities for these insur-
ance-style programs are often shared among state and local authorities. '^^
This brief discussion illustrates how widely the method of providing
indigent care and coverage varies nationwide. In addition, the states
differ in the amount of discretion they give to the financing or admin-
istrative agency. Some programs provide little administrative structure
and few operational guidelines, whereas others are quite detailed and
specific, and their diversity is enormous. '^^
From the point of view of the otherwise uninsured medically indigent,
what matters about these state and local efforts is how much access to
care they provide. The medical access that a program achieves depends
on its legal requirements, the funding provided, and the administrative
discretion given to allow funding to be matched to indigents' require-
ments. The administrator's discretion may be guided only by general
statutory principles; or specific statutory or administrative provisions
may govern eligibility, benefits, and level of provider payments.
3. Nature of State-Local Duty. — Although almost all states have
statutes permitting publicly provided indigent health coverage or care,'^^
few seem to mandate such aid. It has been argued that two states'
constitutions require those states to provide for the poor, while three
others require counties and hospital districts to do so.^" But even these
apparent constitutional mandates are open to interpretation about the
nature of duty created. ^^'^ In addition to constitutional provisions, some
state statutes purport to impose duties on the state, ^^^ but these apparent
"mandates" seem binding only so long as the state voluntarily accepts
that duty. The state remains free to repeal a statute, even if by its terms
it does not seem to allow administrative or budgetary cutbacks. Thus,
'"^/c?. passim.
^'^^Id. at 26 (also called general relief, home relief, or poor relief).
'^"Butler, supra note 136, at 19.
'^'IHPP, supra note 136, at 67-292; see also State and Local Government Re-
sponsibilities, supra note 93.
•"See, e.g., La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 40:2017 (West 1977) (state department of health
"may" provide for indigent care in private hospitals).
'"Butler, supra note 136, at 16 nn.8, 9 (citing Ala. Const, art. IV, § 88, Kan.
Const, art. 7, § 4, Mont. Const, art. XII, § 3(3), N.Y. Const, art. VIII, § 1 (states);
Tex. Const, art. 9, §§ 4,5,9. (counties or districts)).
''■*See, e.g., Mont. Const, art. XII, § 3 (state must estabhsh institutions but only
such as the public interest may require).
'"See, e.g., Del. Code Ann. tit. 31, § 505(6) (1985) (general assistance program).
884 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
it seems fair to conclude that there is no fundamental state right to
health care; some courts have so held.^^^
On the other hand, state statutory mandates on lesser jurisdictions
can be truly binding.'" Some state courts have interpreted even ostensibly
permissive statutes to mandate local government to fund care for the
indigent. The Arizona Supreme Court, for example, read two statutes
authorizing counties to care for the sick as imposing a duty to provide
medical care for the indigent sick.'^^ The obligation to provide some
variety of indigent medical care may even appear in a city charter'^^
and may apply even though an area is otherwise granted "home rule."'^°
In some thirty-seven states, counties or towns are to some degree re-
sponsible for indigent care (often shared among levels of government);
in four other states, counties are responsible for care only if they operate
county hospitals.'^'
Public hospitals are generally required to serve the poor at a discount
or at no charge. An interesting issue arises where administration of the
public hospital is contracted out to a private firm (as increasingly occurs
for cost containment reasons) or where the entire hospital is sold to
private interests. Of course, the private administrators or new owners
may be obligated by contract to provide some level of indigent care.
North Carolina has gone even further, enacting a provision requiring
both purchasers and lessees of public hospitals to continue indigent
care.'^^ In any event, enforcement of any such obligation may pose a
4. Extent of State-Local Duty. — Exactly what limits exist or may
be set on any public duty or undertaking to provide or finance care is
not settled by current case law.'^"* If a provision is not mandatory, the
government can revoke it by ceasing to provide or to finance care.
^^^See, e.g., Mary Lanning Memorial Hosp. v. Clay County, 170 Neb. 61, 101 N.W.2d
510 (1960).
'''See. e.g., Ind. Code §§ 12-2-1-1 through -39 (1982 & Supp. 1986) ("Township trustee
must promptly provide medical and surgical attendance for all the poor . . , not ... in
public institutions.").
'=«Industrial Comm'n v. Navajo County, 64 Ariz. 172, 167 P. 2d 113 (1946); see also
Memorial Hosp. v. Maricopa County, 415 U.S. 250, 252 (1974) (notes "mandatory" duty
of counties).
^'^See, e.g., F. Grad, supra note 134.
'"^See, e.g., Ill Ann. Stat. ch. 34, para. 5011-5029 (Supp. 1986) (Cook County is
obligated to finance care for poor).
'^'Calculated from Butler, supra note 136, at 17, Table I. See also State and Local
Government Responsibilities, supra note 93.
'"N.C. Gen. Stat. § 131E-13 (Supp. 1985).
'"Andrulis, Survival Strategies for Public Hospitals, Bus. & Health, June 1986, at
31, 34.
'^^Interestingly, most cases are brought not by the poor themselves but by hospitals
that have provided care to indigents and are requesting compensation for that care.
Courts generally will not obligate a government to undertake a function
that is permissive rather than mandatory. '^^
Occasionally, a state or county may operate an indigent health care
program simply by appropriating funds without a statutory mandate or
even express statutory authority. When such appropriated funds are
exhausted, the state or local agency would seem to have no lingering
obHgation to continue covering care for the indigent. '^^
Where specific statutory language governs indigent care, budgetary
discretion may be more circumscribed. Programs vary widely in the
discretion granted to control the scope of support through ehgibility,
benefits, and payment provisions. For example, Iowa gives its county
boards of social services broad control over the form and amount of
support. ^^^ CaUfornia also gives broad discretion to its county supervisors
to determine eligibility for, amount of, and conditions attached to indigent
rehef.'^^ However, a county's exercise of discretion must remain consistent
with the language and purpose of California's General Assistance statutes. '^^
Other states have given local authorities much less discretion. For ex-
ample, Michigan's GA-medical program sets very precise standards and
fixes the local share of resultant spending. '^° Even when counties are
given broad administrative discretion, state courts have held that county
regulations must bear a reasonable relationship to the intended purpose
of the state statute.
A county's obligation to deliver indigent health care does not nec-
essarily change if the state establishes an additional program, such as
Medicaid. '^^ Similarly, establishing a public medical facility within the
county does not necessarily relieve the county's responsibility for indigent
care rendered elsewhere. The Nevada Supreme Court, for example, held
a county responsible for emergency care rendered at a private hospital
even though the county operated its own facility. ^^^ In contrast, California
courts have held that counties were responsible only for care given at
'"See, e.g., Perth Amboy Gen. Hosp. v. Board of Chosen Freeholders, 158 N.J.
Super. 556, 386 A. 2d 900 (1978) (statute which authorized counties to make payments to
hospitals providing care to indigents did not require counties to do so).
^^See generally Butler, supra note 136, at 18.
'^^Collins V. Hoke, 705 F.2d 959 (8th Cir. 1983).
'^«City & County of San Francisco v. Superior Court, 57 Cal. App. 3d 44, 47, 128
Cal. Rptr. 712, 714 (1976).
'*'Bay Gen. Community Hosp. v. County of San Diego, 156 Cal. App. 3d 944, 203
Cal. Rptr. 184 (1984); Patten v. San Diego County, 106 Cal. App. 2d 467, 235 P.2d 217
''"Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 400.66a (West 1976); see IHPP, supra note 136, at
'^'Madera Community Hosp. v. County of Madera, 155 Cal. App. 3d 136, 201 Cal.
Rptr. 768 (1984); Hall v. County of Hillsborough, 122 N.H. 448, 445 A.2d 1125 (1982).
'^^Washoe County v. Wittenberg, 100 Nev. 143, 676 P.2d 808 (1984).
886 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
a county facility or by a provider already under contract with the
5. Funding Limitations and Obligations. — The state of Washington
statutorily limits public obligations to the appropriated amounts/^"^ whereas
Ohio positively obligates the county to appropriate needed funds. ^^^ Some
states have given counties specific authority to levy taxes in order to
care for the indigent. Idaho, for example, allows counties to levy an
ad valorem tax on property. '^^ Nevada allows indigent health spending
to raise county property taxes above an otherwise binding ceiling per-
centage on assessments. ^^^ A public hospital or cHnic or a private con-
tractor may simply reach the limit of its resources and then shut down
certain services or turn away certain people (or postpone serving them).
Presumably, in so doing, it would use accepted principles of medical
triage, serving the medically neediest first. Whether a disappointed patient
or the provider can then sue the responsible jurisdiction(s) for more
than the budgeted funds is not clear. ^^^ Presumably, a great deal would
turn on the precise statutory wording of the institution's duty and the
extent of discretion authorized.
6. Specific Terms of Assistance. — Any program of medical assist-
ance requires some operating definitions as to (a) eligible recipients, (b)
benefits available (including which providers and what services are cov-
ered), and (c) payment levels. As for other aspects of program admin-
istration, local administrators generally are given broad discretion, although
courts have sometimes hmited the exercise of this discretion. '"^^ For
example, a New Jersey court held that a municipality must conform to
statewide rules and regulations of public assistance. *^^ In a case from
'''Bay Gen. Community Hosp., 156 Cal. App. 3d 944, 203 Cal. Rptr. 184; Union
of Am. Physicians & Dentists v. County of Santa Clara, 149 Cal. App. 3d 45, 196 Cal.
Rptr. 602 (1983).
'^^Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 74.09.035 (Supp. 1987); see also Ga. Code Ann. § 31-
8-36(b) (1985).
'"St. Thomas Hosp. v. Schmidt, 62 Ohio St. 2d 439, 406 N.E.2d 819 (1980); Ohio
Rev. Code Ann. § 5101.161 (Anderson Supp. 1985).
'^^IDAHO Code § 31-3503 (1983); see also Idaho Falls Consol. Hosp. Inc. v. Bingham
County Bd. of County Comm'rs, 102 Idaho 838, 642 P.2d 553 (Idaho 1982).
'^^Nev. Rev. Stat. § 428.050 (1985).
''«Some courts have held that counties may not be liable for indigent health care
beyond their budgets. See, e.g.. Board of Directors of Memorial Gen. Hosp. v. County
Indigent Hosp. Claims Bd., 77 N.M. 475, 423 P.2d 994 (N.M. 1967); Board of Comm'rs
V. Ming, 195 Okla. 234, 156 P.2d 820 (1945); Cache Valley Gen. Hosp. v. Cache County,
92 Utah 279, 67 P. 2d 639 (1937). Other courts have held that obligations must be met
even if they exceed the county's budget hmitations. City & County of San Francisco v.
Superior Court, 57 Cal. App. 3d 44, 128 Cal. Rptr. 712 (1976); Hall v. County of
Hillsborough, 122 N.H. 448, 445 A.2d 1125 (1982).
""^See supra text accompanying notes 167-70.
•«°Ricker v. Lawson, 155 N.J. Super. 536, 382 A.2d 1183 (1977).
New Hampshire, a United States district court held that a town must
administer its assistance program pursuant to written, objective, and
ascertainable standards. ^^^
To determine eligibility, administrators of indigent health care must
define "indigent." The majority of states do not provide a definition
within the statute itself, although some statutes include a very general
definition. For example. New Hampshire defines those who are entitled
to free health care as those who are "poor" and unable to support
themselves. ^^^ Idaho defines the medically indigent as "persons needing
hospital care without income or resources sufficient to pay for necessary
medical care."'^^ Some states have included within their statutes more
precise definitions of "indigent." Arizona, for example, estabUshes spe-
cific income and resource standards. '^"^ Oklahoma defines an indigent as
a person with income under the federal poverty level, with resources
insufficient for self care, and with a need for hospital care.'^^
Where statutes have provided no definition of indigency or only a
general definition, state courts have often played an active role in
interpreting the statute. The Supreme Court of Montana, for example,
held that the counties must have flexible eligibility standards that take
into consideration not only income but also family debts and outstanding
medical bills. ^^^
In defining indigency, most state statutes contain residency or cit-
izenship requirements. However, in 1974, the United States Supreme
Court held that an Arizona statute requiring a year's residence in a
county as a condition of indigent care was unconstitutional under the
equal protection clause. '^^ Since this ruHng, several state courts have
invalidated other similar durational residency requirements. More recent
statutes simply require the indigent to be domiciled in the state with an
intent to reside there. '^^ This type of residency requirement would seem
to answer the equal protection concerns stated by the Supreme Court. '^^
'^■Baker-Chaput v. Cammet, 406 F. Supp. 1134 (D.N.H. 1976).
'«2N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 165:1 (Supp. 1986).
'^^IDAHO Code § 31-3503 (1983).
'«^Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 36-2905 (Supp. 1986).
•«'Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 56, § 58 (West Supp. 1987).
'«^Saint Patrick Hosp. v. Powell County, 156 Mont. 153, 477 P. 2d 340 (1970); see
also Hall v. County of HUlsborough, 122 N.H. 448, 445 A.2d 1125 (1982); Sioux Valley
Hosp. Ass'n V. Davison County, 319 N.V^.2d 490 (S.D. 1982).
'^^Memorial Hosp. v. Maricopa County, 415 U.S. 250 (1974).
'^^See, e.g., Mont. Code Ann. § 53-3-315 (1985).
'^^In 1982, the United States Supreme Court held unconstitutional a Texas statute
which prohibited illegal aliens from enrolling in public schools. Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S.
202 (1982). This case would seem to indicate that states could not deny indigent health
care to undocumented aliens. However, language in the opinion can be interpreted as
limiting the holding to educational rights of minor children.
888 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
States have differed in their treatment of undocumented aliens. The New
Mexico Supreme Court held undocumented aliens were "residents" for
purposes of the indigent care statute. '^° However, a California court
recently held that counties were not required to reimburse private hospitals
for care of undocumented aliens because the statute required indigents
to be "lawful" residents. ^^^
Most state statutes do not specify which providers or what services
are covered under their indigent health care laws.^^^ Thus, the counties
often have considerable discretion in determining the type of care covered
and who may be paid as providers. Although state courts generally have
upheld this broad discretion, California courts have held that a county
has no obligation to pay for indigent care delivered at a facility other
than its own or one with which it has contracted. ^^^ In contrast, the
Idaho Supreme Court required an Idaho county to pay a hospital that
was neither under contract nor even within the state. ^^"^ (The case involved
an Idaho resident's going to nearby Salt Lake City, a logical and common
pattern; query whether more distant hospitals would be paid.) Even those
states that require a contractual relationship with the provider often
allow recovery by noncontractors in emergency situations. ^^^
The particular services covered by indigent health care programs also
vary widely from state to state. '^^ Most state indigent statutes cover at
least emergency care. Some states cover a broader range of health care
needs. Arizona, for example, provides for hospitalization and medical
care, including long-term care and home health services. ^^^
Judicial interpretations of coverage provisions have been important.
The Indiana courts, for example, have construed an Indiana provision
that covers indigents suffering from a "disease, defect, or deformity"
to exclude normal pregnancy. '^^ In a later case interpreting the same
'^Perez v. Health & Social Servs., 91 N.M. 334, 573 P.2d 689 (1977).
'^'Bay Gen. Community Hosp. v. County of San Diego, 156 Cal. App. 3d 944, 203
Cal. Rptr. 184 (1984).
'^^See, e.g., Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code § 17000 (West 1980); Cal. Gov't Code
§ 29606 (West 1968). California's statute directs counties to "relieve and support" the
incompetent, poor and indigent, and "necessary expenses" incurred in this support are
charged to the county. See also Neb. Rev. Stat. § 68-104 (1984). Nebraska's statute
directs counties to provide "medical and hospital care" to "the poor".
'""'E.g., Bay Gen. Community Hosp. 156 Cal. App. 3d 944, 203 Cal Rptr. 184.
'^"University of Utah Hosp. & Medical Center v. Bethke, 101 Idaho 245, 611 P. 2d
1030 (1980).
'^^County Dep't of Public Welfare v. Trustees of Indiana Univ., 145 Ind. App. 392,
251 N.E.2d 456 (1969); Washoe County v. Wittenberg, 100 Nev. 143, 676 P.2d 808 (1984).
'^See generally IHPP, supra note 136, at 67-292 (state-by-state profiles).
"^Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 11-291 (Supp. 1986).
'9»Lutheran Hosp. of Fort Wayne, Inc. v. Department of Public Welfare, 397 N.E.2d
638 (Ind. Ct. App. 1979) (construing Ind. Code § 12-5-1-1 (1982)).
Statute, an Indiana court held that a county may not restrict the number
of inpatient days.^^^
Few indigent care programs set the type of particularized limits or
conditions on services that have become common in conventional private
group health insurance and in Medicaid, such as pre-admission screening
for nonemergency hospital admissions. ^^ Indigent programs that are
integrated with Medicaid present an exception. ^^^ Thus, the validity of
controls of this kind seems not to have been litigated.
Program specifications, or the lack thereof, also govern payment
levels, an important indirect influence on access to care. Medicaid-
integrated programs generally pay Medicaid rates, and contractual prov-
iders receive the contracted-for amounts. Many older-style indigent ven-
dor-payment programs, however, pay hospitals flat, per-day amounts. ^°^
Two older state statutes oddly prohibit price setting through bids^^^ —
quite contrary to recent innovations in practice, notably in Arizona and
California. ^^"^ One early Nebraska case disqualified counties' prepayment
for services as * 'insurance, "^°^ but this holding seems obsolete in light
of recent trends toward prepayment in Medicare and Medicaid.
Most states or counties have established varied procedural require-
ments that providers or patients must follow to receive payment for
indigent health care. Many states require prior governmental approval
or a contractual agreement before a provider renders care to an indigent.
However, this requirement may be waived in emergency situations. ^°^
'^Welborn Memorial Baptist Hosp., Inc. v. County Dep't of Public Welfare, 442
N,E.2d 372 (Ind. Ct. App. 1982).
^^See, e.g., J. Califano, supra note 22; P. Fox, W. Goldbeck & J. Spies, supra
note 22; J. Holahan & J. Cohen, supra note 18.
^"'Maryland, for example, simply includes indigents not eligible for federal Medicaid
assistance within the same state-federal Medicaid program, but wholly at state expense.
See IHPP, supra note 136, at 157-59.
^^See, e.g., Massachusetts Gen. Hosp. v. Cambridge, 347 Mass. 519, 198 N.E.2d
889 (1964) (hospital rate for voluntarily treated indigents is purely statutory and can be
below actual incurred expenses); Del. Code Ann. tit. 29, § 7204 (1983); see also Springfield
Hosp. V. Comm'r of Public Welfare, 350 Mass. 704, 216 N.E.2d 440 (1966) (hospital rate
for old age assistance patient below actual cost is valid; hospitals are "greatly affected with
the public interest" and have a "civic obligation" to serve patients),
^^CoNN. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 17-274 (West Supp. 1986); Utah Code Ann. § 17-5-
55 (Supp. 1986).
^See, e.g., J. Christianson & D. Hillman, Health Care for the Indigent and
Competitive Contracts: The Arizona Experience (1986); L. Johns, R. Serzan & M.
Anderson, Selective Contracting for Health Services in Californla, Final Report
^^Hustead v. Richardson County, 104 Neb. 27, 175 N.W. 648 (1949) (counties not
authorized to engage in business of insurance).
2o*University of Utah Hosp. & Medical Center v. Bethke, 101 Idaho 245, 611 P.2d
1030 (1980).
890 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
D. Obligations of Private Health Insurers
Would-be insureds have no general legal right to private health
coverage, and there is little tradition of providing free or below-cost
insurance as there has long been for providing hospital care. Insurance
is a private contract, only partially regulated, available to those who
can afford it and not to others. Several quahfications to this "no rights"
generalization deserve mention.
First, if workers or their dependents are covered through a workplace
group and they cease to be group members, because of layoff or wid-
owhood, for example, they are entitled to continue on the group policy
at their own expense for a certain period. ^^"^
Second, in most states, Blue Cross/Blue Shield plans in theory must
allow open enrollment in their nongroup plans. ^^^ This is one regulatory
stricture that can be seen as a pubUc quid pro quo for granting the
Blues tax exemption. Moreover, such nongroup Blues rates may be kept
low by direct or indirect subsidy from the Blues' group business if their
group market share is strong enough to permit this;^°' they also often use
a version of "community rating" principles. Community rating charges
all insureds in a large pool the same price (based on the pool's average
cost), rather than basing rates on the specific experience of subgroups.
PooHng experience arguably helps the poorest and sickest, whose ex-
perience is the worst, at the expense of lower-risk insureds. ^^°
Finally, ten states now guarantee otherwise uninsurable people the
right to conventional insurance at a subsidized rate.^'^ Coverage is rea-
^°^This "continuation" privilege (or the ability to "convert" to a relatively generous
individual policy) arose first through industry custom, then through state and federal law.
On custom, see Health Ins. Ass'n of Am., Group Health Insurance 1-17 (1976); for
state rules as of Spring 1985, see IHPP, supra note 136, at 294-95; for new federal rules
from COBRA legislation, extending the right to coverage to a period up to three years
in some cases, see Bovbjerg, supra note 24, at 405-06 nn. 12 & 13.
"^^See, e.g., Ind. Code § 27-8-11-3 (Supp. 1986). It is thought that in recent years,
the Blues' commitment to open enrollment has waned under competitive pressure. Cf.
U.S. Gen. Acct. Off., Pub. No. HRD-86-110, Health Insurance: Comparing Blue Cross
AND Blue Shield Plans with Commercla.l Insurers (July 1986) (Blues' differences from
commercials described as minor).
^"'In Massachusetts, for example, by order of the Insurance Commissioner, one percent
of group premiums helps defray nongroup expenses. Indirect subsidies may be achieved
by regulatory accounting rules that attribute the same administrative loading factor to
group coverage as to nongroup, when in fact group practice could normally be expected
to achieve economies of scale in sales and operations. Cf. Bovbjerg, supra note 24, at
2'°Under competition from more experience-rated policies, largely in the group market,
community rating pools tend to fragment, as low-risk groups insure on their own rather
than remain in the community pool. For a description of how such competition ended
early community rating in the group market, see P. Starr, The Soclal Transformation
OF American Medicine 329-31 (1982).
^"In one of the ten, Connecticut, the pool is not restricted to persons rejected by
conventional insurers. See Bovbjerg & Koller, State Health Insurance Pools: Current
sonably generous by non-group standards, but enrollments are very low,
even as a fraction of the tiny percentage of uninsurables.^^^ Even with
considerable subsidy, policies cost 150% or more of the price of standard
These various insurance rules all help would-be insureds, but do
require them to pay for their own coverage, albeit at relatively favorable
rates. Thus, they probably do not reach many or most of the medically
indigent, who are relatively poor or unemployed or both. They may,
however, help prevent medical indigency among the nonpoor caused by
large medical bills that exceed ability to pay.
One common type of state insurance regulation tends to make in-
surance relatively less affordable, namely * 'mandatory benefits" rules
that require all health insurance policies to cover certain services, notably
mental health care. Mandated benefits "upgrade" insurance protection
for those who can afford it, but disproportionately burden poorer insureds
and their employers and tend to make it more difficult for those less
able to pay to buy any coverage at all.^'^
IV. Private and Public Approaches Toward Improvement
A. Introduction: Where We Stand
The problems of the uninsured and of the uncompensated care they
generate are increasing. Legally, there is tenuous support for a right to
care or coverage in the constitutional or statutory sense, as just noted.
Most of the obligations are conditional: that is, if a provider, an insurer,
or the government assumes to provide care or coverage for someone,
then it must provide care or coverage of a certain standard. In any
event, this branch of the law appears to be poorly developed in terms
of the jurisprudence of rights. Indeed, for the most part, cases on
indigent coverage do not even cite one another. As a result, the body
of case law provides little guidance.
Performance, Future Prospects, 23 Inquiry HI (1986) (experience of six pools operating
before 1984). The states are Connecticut, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Montana,
Nebraska, Ohio, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. As of late 1986, ten states
now have risk pool legislation, according to the National Governors' Association. G.
Claxton, Concept Paper: Facilitating Health Care Coverage for the Working
Uninsured 14 (Nat'l Governor's Ass'n, Pre-Conference Draft, Dec. 1986).
^'^Bovbjerg & Koller, supra note 211. About one percent of the population is thought
to be uninsurable. Id. See also supra note 26 and accompanying text.
^^^See Demkovich, supra note 50. Such rules disproportionately burden small group
and nongroup coverage because large workplace groups very often "self-insure" precisely
so as to escape such state insurance mandates and achieve other economies. See Bovbjerg,
supra note 24, at 408. Over half of large employment groups are now thought to self-
insure. See infra note 273.
892 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
Any effective solution will require at least some government in-
volvement, although the nature of that involvement may vary considerably
according to circumstances. Past political responses to the problems of
the poor have varied enormously, and there is considerable disagreement
about the approach that should be taken.
B. Private Sector Approaches
"Leave it to the private sector" is the understandable response of
many people to medical indigency. After all, most of the progress in
past generations was due to the astonishing success of private group
health coverage. It is largely responsible for bringing health coverage to
approximately ninety percent of American workers and their depend-
ents. ^'"^ Moreover, "mainstream" employment group coverage prepays
for most typical medical and dental services from almost any licensed
provider at little out-of-pocket cost to the insured — thus guaranteeing
access to care while also protecting against poverty-inducing catastro-
The spread of workplace group insurance, however, seems to be
reaching its natural limit. ^'^ Under current economic conditions, it ap-
pears that a relatively high level of "structural uninsurance" will remain.
Of course, this level will vary from place to place depending upon
economic conditions, the employment structure of the economy, existing
tax incentives, and so on.
Relying on private efforts to increase insurance can only partly
address the problem of medical indigency. Private coverage can reach
only those with the wherewithal to pay for coverage. It thus bypasses
the indigent, although more coverage would tend to prevent the type
of medical-financial catastrophe that can cause people to become med-
ically indigent.
Most employed people who do not have "proper" coverage and
who might expect to benefit from private solutions are in small em-
ployment groups. Of employees in larger groups (100 or more employees),
nearly 100% have coverage, whereas fewer than half of the people in
smaller employment groups have health coverage. ^'^ The plain fact is
that existing forms of coverage sold through existing organizational
arrangements simply cost more than many of these workers and their
^'"See, e.g., Moyer & Cahill, supra note 24; see also supra notes 12-15 and accompany-
ing text.
^' ^Medicare and Medicaid are similar to private coverage in this regard; they have
essentially adopted the workplace model of middle class style coverage for their particular
^'*See supra text accompanying notes 46-52.
^''See, e.g., Moyer & Cahill, supra note 24. The problem is thought to be still worse
for very small groups, those with twenty, ten, or fewer employees.
employers are willing to pay. For smaller, poorer workplaces and for
individuals, covering the same medical expenses costs more per capita
in absolute terms, costs much more as a relative share of earnings, and
receives considerably less government "subsidy" in forgone taxes. ^^^
For large groups, medical experience is more predictable (and hence
more insurable), and economies of scale make coverage cheaper to sell
and to administer. Relative costs of sales, administration, claims settle-
ment, and regulation all rise as group size declines; and many of the
economizing methods of large groups are not available to smaller ones,
at least not to the same degree — including, for instance, self-insurance,
sophisticated protocols for screening and reviewing care, and negotiating
favorable rates with medical providers. Smaller groups can combine into
larger ones, but artificially created large groups do not act like naturally
existing groups. ^^^ Finally, the tax-free status of workplace health benefits
provides a greater benefit to higher income workers than to poorer ones
because income taxes are progressive. Those working poor most in need
of assistance pay no income tax at all but likewise receive no tax benefit
from buying medical care through workplace coverage, unlike their middle
class counterparts.
Some private initiatives offer opportunity for improvement, notably
in underwriting and pooling smaller groups and in developing attractive
plans with better cost-containment features. ^^° Attitudes about the im-
portance of insurance may also change. However, substantial changes
in the extent of purely private coverage look implausible in the near
future. Clearly, more fundamental changes will require more government
involvement, either through direct or indirect subsidies or through some
form of mandates or coercion. Again, this should not be surprising.
If the poor and near poor cannot or do not cover themselves voluntarily,
someone else must pay for their care, at least in part.
C Public Sector Approaches
Any model of coverage and care for the medically indigent must
address four basic questions: who should be eligible; what should be
the nature of the product or program; how should it be financed; and
how should it be administered.^^' This Article next examines a number
^•*On the problems of small versus large groups in insurance markets, see Bovbjerg,
supra note 24.
^'^Differences stem mainly from adverse selection, increased sales and administrative
expenses, and instability over time. See generally id.
^2'There are many ways to characterize options for indigent coverage and care, and
each author tends to develop his own. These four issues cover the fundamental choices.
For somewhat different categorizations, see, e.g., IHPP, supra note 136; State and Local
Government Responsibilities, supra note 93; Bartlett, Overviev/ of Public Policy Options
894 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
of models and the different ways they attempt to answer these questions.
1. Eligibility for Assistance. — The uncertain nature of medical in-
digency makes it difficult to determine who should be eligible. One
problem is the difficulty of deciding what constitutes "need." Taxpayers
and the political systems that represent them are unwilling to finance
unlimited amounts of everything called "medical care" for all those who
cannot or do not provide for themselves. From a policy perspective, it
is clearly inappropriate to undercut incentives for self-help and to promote
"free riding" by many people who would normally insure themselves
but who would happily take free public assistance instead.
Another problem with defining eligibility in advance is that relevant
circumstances are not fixed: employment status changes, and people's
incomes go up and down, as does their medical spending. The inability
to foresee such changes compHcates the operation of an insurance-style
program, which contemplates coverage for a defined population over a
preset time period. The uninsured, in notable contrast, are a constantly
shifting and unstable grouping.
Nonetheless, some ehgibility guidelines must be created, using income,
assets, medical status, and other characteristics of potential eligibles.
One way to deal with shifting circumstances is to allow administrators
discretion to reevaluate ehgibility on a continuous basis (for each hospital
admission, for example). A major legal question is to what extent
administrators will be allowed discretion to grant or deny eligibility for
unusual circumstances; indeed, existing medical indigency programs often
have extremely vague standards. These standards could be difficult to
sustain against an attack on due process grounds. ^^^ A major practical
concern is that constant reconsideration is not only expensive for public
administrators but also a deterrent to private actors who may be at risk
as a result of a finding of non-eligibility. Vagueness makes it difficult
for both eligibles and providers who deal with them to know where
they stand; this uncertainty must hurt access to care for these uncertain
At any given level of public spending, there is a clear trade-off
between covering more people and providing more benefits: the more
people covered, the higher the expense. Indeed, of any design decision,
eligibility has the greatest impact on total program spending. The quickest
way to increase or decrease spending is to add to or subtract someone
to Improve Access for the Medically Indigent, in Academy, supra note 136, at 47; Butler,
supra note 136; Hughes, Local Anesthetics: A Look at States' Programs for the Uninsured,
Health/PAC Bulletin, November 1986, at 11; Lewin & Lewin, Health Care for the Unin-
sured, Bus. & Health, September 1984, at 9; Wilensky, Underwriting the Uninsured:
Targeting Providers or Individuals, in Uncompensated Hospital Care, supra note 30, at 148.
"^5ee Butler, supra note 136; State and Local Government Responsibilities, supra
note 93, at 19-22.
from the rolls. Other program adjustments have a much smaller fiscal
impact than completely dropping or adding an additional person.
One way to avoid having to make an all-or-nothing eligibility decision
is to require people to contribute something on their own on an income-
related basis, even if they receive public assistance. Public assistance
then subsidizes self-help rather than wholly replacing it. This can be
done in advance by making beneficiaries share in premium payments,
or after the fact, by making them co-pay for incurred medical expenses.
Nevertheless, requiring even partial payments from poor people in need
of care is distasteful to many; cost sharing under Medicaid has met
with considerable political reluctance. ^^^ Moreover, it has often proven
difficult for providers to be very vigorous or effective in collecting their
unpaid share of bills from a relatively poor population.
Another possibility is to target specific groups seen as fiscally or
medically needier than others or those for whom the public investment
in care is perceived to have the largest benefit. The most obvious group
on both these counts is composed of low-income children and expectant
and recently delivered mothers. Numerous states are beginning to target
Medicaid expansions in this manner; the same could hold true for other
public efforts to aid the indigent. ^^"^
Of course, setting eligibility standards to aid the medically indigent
is more easily described in the abstract, as here, than actually imple-
mented. As already noted, the concept of medical indigency is itself not
easy to define. ^^^ Numerous programmatic problems arise in defining
what support to provide to people at what levels of income and assets:
For example, over what period of time is income measured? What assets
count, including those of family members, and how are they to be
valued? What "spend down" of income or assets (to meet large, un-
covered medical bills) makes an otherwise non-indigent person eligible?^^^
Once an operational definition of medical indigency is created, including
^^^Traditionally, Medicaid programs have not been allowed to charge co-payments,
although this has changed somewhat of late. See Cost Sharing by Recipients, 3 Medicare
& Medicaid Guide (CCH) 1 14,731 (March 1983).
^^See, e.g., Dallek, States Study Health Care for the Uninsured Poor, 18 Clear-
inghouse Rev. 740, 743 (1984); Kosterlitz, Concern About Children, Nat'l J., Sept. 20,
1986, at 2255 (state task forces have recommended special attention to children in Colorado
and Texas, for example). Recent federal legislation has allowed expanded coverage. See
infra note 237.
^"See supra note 9.
^^^Medicaid has of course had to create numerous rules and administrative mechanisms
to decide eligibility; eligibility is generally conceded to be the most complex and difficult
part of Medicaid to describe or understand. See, e.g., Joe, Meltzer & Yu, Arbitrary Access
to Care: The Case for Reforming Medicaid, Health Aff., Spring 1985, at 59. Complexities
make it difficult even to know how many people are eligible for any Medicaid program
at a particular time; hence reliable program statistics focus on the number of known
"recipients" of covered care. See, e.g., J. Holahan & J. Cohen, supra note 18, at 45.
896 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
of necessity lack of adequate health insurance, it becomes difficult to
avoid "free riding" by eligible beneficiaries who, absent pubUc aid,
would cover themselves through their own or their employers' efforts.
Even many low-income people have some insurance. Various strategies
exist to address this problem, but none is perfect. ^^^
2. The Product: Hospital Payment vs. Insurance. — What is to be
provided to those who are eUgible? Should public aid focus only on
hospital services, or should it instead provide for broader availability
of medical services, typically through an insurance-like mechanism? Either
approach can use public or private hospitals or insurance plans.
a. Hospital-based programs. — Three basic program models focus
on hospitals. The first is to operate a public hospital or, increasingly,
to contract with a private entity to operate it. Under the pubHc hospital
model, the hospital not only provides services but also determines eH-
gibility and benefits, since it is typically left to the hospital to decide
whom to serve, in what order, and how much care to give. It can be
difficult to establish good pubhc budgetary control over these hospital
choices. Public hospitals have been an important source of care for the
medically indigent, but the trend is toward reducing rather than increasing
the public role in this area.^^^
A second possibility is to contract with a number of hospitals, pubhc
and private, for the delivery of particular care to a particular population.
This model is often followed for small, specific public health programs, ^^^
but is less often used for general medical care for the medically indigent. ^^^
Its use could be expanded, A major advantage of contracting over the
public hospital approach is that it may provide some competition among
hospitals for the contract(s). In any event, in many areas there is no
public hospital, and the contract approach offers a simple way to pay
for care.
"^Eligibility standards can be set very stringently to cover only the desperately poor,
who can seldom contribute to their own coverage in any case. But this eliminates the
working poor, with some income, who contribute large numbers of uninsured. A "sliding
scale" of income-related assistance is a promising alternative, but requires ongoing ad-
ministrative complexity either to bill beneficiaries for their share of public premiums or
to give them "vouchers" to buy private coverage. Another mechanism is to offer assistance
to only the "hard core" uninsured, for example, by requiring that beneficiaries have gone
two years without any private coverage. This discourages free riding but again leaves
uncovered many otherwise deserving potential eligibles. Requiring "maintenance of effort"
in terms of employers' buying private insurance is another possibility, but is administratively
complex: monitoring and enforcement for hundreds of thousands of small workplaces
would be needed, more if individual self-help were required.
^^^See supra notes 57, 58, 142 & 143 and accompanying text.
^^"^See supra note 145 and accompanying text.
"°An exception is Iowa where, with state funds, the University of Iowa Hospital and
Clinics provide "free" care to all county-certified indigents (up to a preset quota) from
all over the state. See IHPP, supra note 136, at 139.
A third model, already in use in many states, is to cover a group
of qualifying hospitals under a ''vendor payment" program. ^^i Under
this model, eligibility standards may be defined by the program, with
hospitals put at risk to obtain verification of patients' eligibility before
delivering nonemergency services.
These options have been aggregated under the rubric of hospital-
based approach because by far the bulk of such programs' spending
normally goes to hospitals. A Hmited amount of non-hospital outpatient
care could also be provided through direct dealings with non-hospital
providers, primarily those affiliated with public health systems. Public
health systems provide various primary, preventive, and other medical
services through pubhc health clinics operated by local governments and
staffed with public health nurses, doctors, and others. ^^^
The major advantage of the hospital-based approach is that it builds
on the existing system. After all, hospitals deliver the most crucial care,
receive the bulk of current spending on the medically indigent, and
provide the most uncompensated care. The other advantage of a hospital-
oriented approach is its relative ease of operation and finance. The
number of hospitals, especially public hospitals, is relatively small, which
facilitates dealing with them. It would be far more difficult to deal on
the same basis with physicians or other more numerous providers.
b. Medicaid and lesser * 'insurance" programs, (i.) Advantages of
insurance. — The second basic approach is not hospital-oriented but rather
recipient-oriented — in short, insurance or something very much like it.
Insurance-style programs cover a broader spectrum of care and determine
eligibility not merely for one hospital episode, but for a set period of
time, much as private insurance enrolls people for a year or for some
other term of coverage.
Paying only for hospital care means covering only the most expensive
care and forgoing whatever possibilities exist to treat medical problems
before they become sufficiently serious to warrant institutionalization.
It also delegates to hospitals considerable control over who is to receive
care and to what extent. Moreover, if only public hospitals or a limited
number of private hospitals specialize in care to the poor, a hospital-
oriented approach also fails to promote quality competition, which may
be important in assuring that poor people get adequate care. There is
also some danger that any hospitals designated under a hospital-only
approach would be at least perceived as being lower quality, welfare-
style hospitals and hence would be shunned by the insured middle class.
In contrast, an insurance entitlement empowers the patient rather
^^^See, e.g., Butler, supra note 136, at 19-20; see supra text accompanying notes 146
& 147.
"^See, e.g.. Role of State and Local Governments, supra note 134; Public Health
Foundation, supra note 135.
898 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
than the provider.^" Giving people control over their own insurance
money gives them a measure of dignity in contrast to shunting them to
a "charity" hospital. It also allows both patients and providers to plan
for medical care to a greater extent. Moreover, giving people the resources
with which to "shop around" may promote desirable quality competition.
Quality is also enhanced by hospitals' and doctors' serving the
medically indigent alongside better funded and possibly more demanding
patients. Covering more than hospital services promotes health main-
tainence and thus avoids some needs for inpatient care. This method
may or may not save money overall, but it certainly makes people better
Qff 234 Finally, under an insurance plan, a partial public subsidy is more
feasible because the beneficiaries' share is collected in advance, when
they are more likely to be healthy and employed. Collecting at the time
of medical need or thereafter, as with the hospital-based plans described
above, is more difficult. For all of these reasons, this Article strongly
supports insurance-style programs for the medically indigent, to the fullest
extent that they are politically and economically feasible.
Economic feasibility is, of course, the Achilles' heel of this insurance
approach. Broad coverage can be far more expensive than simply relying
on public hospitals, both because the price per unit of service may be
higher and because a great deal more care may be delivered and con-
sumed. ^^^ The great challenge, then, for those who favor an insurance-
style approach is to find ways to provide coverage that is less expensive
than conventional approaches or to persuade the electorate that expansion
of existing programs is fiscally prudent and a good medical value.
(ii.) Options for expanding Medicaid. — The best known and by far
the largest insurance-style approach is Medicaid. Indeed, the most
straightforward way to expand coverage for the medically indigent would
be to cover more poor people under Medicaid. For states, Medicaid is
a good insurance "buy" because the federal government pays half or
more of program spending on an open-ended basis. Medicaid coverage
could be expanded by raising the income standards for eligibility, by
choosing to cover people in optional categories such as two-parent families
or children aged 18-21 or by operating "medically needy" programs that
allow people to "spend down" to eligibility. ^^^ Additional expansions
"^For one view of the importance of empowering patients, see Bovbjerg & Held,
Ethics and Money: The Case of Kidney Dialysis and Transplantation, Topics in Hosp.
L., Sept. 1986, at 55.
^^"♦It is poorly appreciated that much so-called "preventive" medical care is not cost-
effective, that is, does not save a dollar in prevented care for every dollar invested in
prevention. See generally L. Russell, Is Prevention Better Than Cure? (1986).
^"People without insurance now get much less care even though they are sicker.
Giving those people coverage can thus be expected at least to double the amount of care
that they get in hospitals and perhaps similarly for outpatient services. See supra Table
4 & note 27.
236pg^ states maximize federal financial participation in Medicaid by setting the highest
allowable income limits and covering all optional eligibility categories. See generally J.
would be possible if federal requirements for categorical eligibility as
well as low income were eased.^^^ However, the fact that states have
not expanded Medicaid eligibility indicates that they think it is too
expensive to cover more people in this way— even with federal subsidies. ^^^
The one major area of program expansion in recent years has been to
add coverage for poor children and their mothers. ^^^ Of course, states
are free to cover others as they please, without federal assistance.
(Hi.) New economizing options.— U Medicaid and other traditional
programs are perceived as too expensive, what alternatives exist? The
keys to economizing are to hold down the price and utilization of medical
care. This must be accomplished without leaving uncovered large expenses
for catastrophic care, a central goal of good coverage. It is especially
important to limit expensive hospital care, through some combination
of provider and patient incentives, prescreening of admissions, reviews
of care given, and judicious substitution of outpatient for inpatient care.
The other critical element is to lower prices paid to providers,
particularly hospital payments. ^^^ From the standpoint of the hospitals,
HoLAHAN & J. Cohen, supra note 18. This is one reason that only about AO^q of poor
people are Medicaid eligible. Id. For a good short review of Medicaid eligibility options,
see Reymer, Medicaid Eligibility Options, in Affording Access to Quality Care I (R.
Curtis & I. Hill eds. 1986).
"'Recent federal amendments have taken a first step toward easing categorical re-
quirements by allowing coverage of expectant mothers and poor children not receiving
AFDC cash assistance. See Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985,
Pub. L. No. 99-272, §§ 9501, 9511, 100 Stat. 82, 201, 212; Omnibus Budget and Recon-
ciliation Act of 1986, Pub. L. No. 99-509, 100 Stat. ; see also Kosterlitz, Breaking
Medicaid's Link with AFDC, Nat'l J., Sept. 20, 1986, at 2256. But more significant expan-
sions seem unlikely. The current administration has sought to cap federal Medicaid obliga-
tions rather than allowing states to expand them yet further. R. Bovbjerg & J. Holahan,
supra note 18, at 7-10, and budget deficits make congressional initiative unlikely as well.
See also supra note 63.
"*The number of Medicaid recipients has remained stable in the 1980's, despite
increased need for coverage. See supra notes 18-19 and accompanying text. See also J.
Holahan & J. Cohen, supra note 18, at 40-43.
"^The 1981 Medicaid amendments gave states the authority to target children's care
without having to provide full medically needy benefits for the elderly and disabled, who
consume far greater resources for less obvious returns in avoiding other long term medical
costs. R. Bovbjerg & J. Holahan, supra note 18, at 33-35. In the case of children, it
is possible to provide cost-effective care by expanding preventive and prenatal services
and thus to avoid many of the very large bills which can accompany difficult deliveries
and disabled or crippled children. Subsequent federal changes have both required and
allowed more coverage of children. See supra note 237.
^^°Of course, a key feature of any such program for the indigent would be a requirement
that the provider accept payment from the program as payment in full, except perhaps
for specified cost sharing by patients. That is currently done in both Medicare and Medicaid
with regard to hospitals. See Admissions and Quality Review, 1 Medicare & Medicaid
Guide (CCH) t 4227 (Nov. 1984); and Reimbursement in General, 3 Medicare & Medicaid
Guide (CCH) 1 14,723 (Oct. 1984) (Medicare); Limitations on Charges to Beneficiaries,
3 Medicare & Medicaid Guide (CCH) t 20,883Q (Oct. 1985); dind Acceptance of State Pay-
ment as Payment in Full, 4 Medicare & Medicaid Guide (CCH) 1 21,833 (June 1985)
900 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
this may not be disadvantageous if it helps reduce the total amount of
uncompensated care and increase the number of paying patients. Of course,
one must take care not to reduce payments so far as to deny beneficiaries
desired access to care.^'*^ Prices can be held down either by setting prices
administratively for public programs, by regulating prices of providers,
or by using bidding or negotiation to select providers who are willing
and able to accept lower prices for a higher volume of patients. ^''^ Benefits
redesign — better targeting of benefits to needs — may also be helpful; the
optimal mix of benefits is probably not provided in the traditional
insurance policy. ^''^
What new arrangements embody these principles? Perhaps the best
known example is the Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). HMO's
use restricted panels of physicians and hospitals to deliver care and are
thought to be less costly than conventionally provided insurance on a
fee-for-service basis with open access to all providers of the patient's
choice.^ Many state Medicaid programs now promote HMO's for their
eligible participants; programs in California and Michigan have long
advocated this approach. ^"^^ Unfortunately, HMO's do not exist in all
parts of the country.
Using HMO's to care for the medically indigent presents other
problems as well. First, existing HMO's would want to be prepaid on
a monthly basis and guaranteed enrollment for six months or more, as
is possible under Medicaid. ^"^^ However, the medically indigent can be
a floating population; some are transient, others are only intermittently
uncovered by private insurance or Medicaid. Second, HMO's are geared
to provide comprehensive, high quality care at a price not unlike that
charged by private conventional insurance. As a result, HMO's cost
considerably more per capita than what a state might pay for a public
hospital or for a limited vendor payment program.
^'The same holds true for physicians: It is desirable not to overpay physicians, but
if physicians are underpaid, they will not provide enough of the services needed to keep
people healthy and out of hospitals. This has been an endemic problem for states' Medicaid
programs. Low physician payment often results in people going to hospital emergency
rooms or outpatient departments for primary care that would have been much more
cheaply provided in physicians' offices. See generally J. Holahan & J. Cohen, supra
note 18, at 62.
^^See generally Bovbjerg, Held & Pauly, supra note 58; infra text accompanying
notes 253-56.
^^Long distance transportation (e.g., to less expensive outlying institutions) or non-
traditional providers for chronic-care services are two services not conventionally covered
but which could be cost-effective if implemented on a controlled basis.
^The extent of HMO savings has long been debated. It is clear that people in HMO's
use significantly less hospital care than others. H. Luft, Health Maintenance Orga-
nizations: Dimensions of Performance (1981). It is not clear to what extent this is due
to HMO economies rather than to self-selection by enroUees.
^'R. Bovbjerg & J. Holahan, supra note 18, at 57.
^*M at 58.
Another possibility is the so-called Preferred Provider Organization
(PPO).^^ Using existing hospitals and doctor practices, PPO's operate
like a cross between conventional insurance, covering all providers, and
HMO's, with a limited Hst of covered providers. PPO's encourage
enrollees to use one of a selected group of so-called preferred providers,
who have agreed to hold down spending either by discounting their
normal fees or by agreeing to utilization reviews or other cost-containment
PPO beneficiaries have fewer cost sharing requirements for using
preferred providers than for using other providers, who are still covered
but at a lower rate. Both beneficiaries and preferred providers profit
from this approach. Beneficiaries receive full benefits from a restricted
Hst of providers, yet retain the ability to go to anyone at some additional
expense. Preferred providers benefit, despite lower fees or restrictions,
because they can expect to receive additional patients from the PPO or
at least to retain patients they might otherwise have lost. Since their
inception in the early 1980's,^'^^ PPO's have grown rapidly, but have
only recently expanded their marketing to include small groups and
individuals. It is not known whether any states or localities have attempted
to contract with private PPO's to enroll the medically indigent. As with
HMO's, PPO's currently compete primarily in the employment group
market and provide relatively complete benefit packages and high quality
Another cost containment approach, which can be used in con-
junction with either conventional insurance or alternative systems like
HMO's and PPO's, involves "managed care." Management means in-
creased control over care by physician or nonphysician reviewers. One
common approach is "case management" by a primary care physician,
an internist, or a family physician. These physicians act as the patient's
point of entry for all care, controlling referrals to specialists and hospitals
and often reviewing the latters' care and charges. Traditional medical
practice has long been conceived as similarly beginning with a primary
care provider who then makes appropriate referrals, but in practice,
many patients have gone directly to high-priced specialists or hospital
care on their own. Moreover, even transfers from primary care physicians
have not normally involved fiscal management, although some medical
follow-up may exist. In contrast, case managers act like true "gatekeep-
ers" by controlling access to and use of care on both economic and
medical grounds. Various models exist, not all of which have been
successful. ^"^^
^^See, e.g., Gabel & Ermann, Preferred Provider Organizations: Performance, Prob-
lems, and Promise, Health Aff., Spring 1985, at 24.
^^See Bovbjerg, supra note 24.
^'It is possible, for example, to put financial risk on managing physicians, or merely
to reward them for being parsimonious in their patients' use of medical resources.
902 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
A number of areas are experimenting with case management as a
way of holding down medical costs while providing broad access to well
integrated medical care. Thus, management can potentially have positive
effects on health as well as on spending. The state of Kansas, for
example, has made some progress in using case management for the
medically indigent population, ^^^ as has the state of Michigan through
its Medicaid program. ^^^
Outside reviewers can also "manage" care indirectly through such
mechanisms as prescreening of hospital admissions, concurrent evalua-
tions of the necessity for prolonged hospital stays, or retrospective review
of utilization and claims. These practices are now common in large
private health insurance plans, but less so in public plans. ^^^
Of course, achieving improvements through case management de-
pends on there being something to manage. Savings are possible where
disjointed and perhaps over-generous coverage has led to previous over-
spending, so that cutbacks are not deleterious. But the main problem
for the uninsured is prior lack of care, not over-service. One could
implement managed care for a previously uncovered population, but the
manager must be able to provide a minimum set of benefits — both
primary care and necessary specialists, in addition to hospital care — well
beyond what is currently available to many or most of those now
medically indigent. Such management should make coverage less expensive
than traditional open access insurance, but it will almost surely cost
more than the patchwork of care now available to the uninsured —
because more care will be dehvered.
Mention should be made of two other major cost-containment ideas:
provider and patient incentives to economize. Providers can be motivated
to reduce their use of medical resources if they are prepaid some fixed
amount, rather than being "reimbursed" for their incurred costs or
charges as under the traditional practice of Medicare, Medicaid, and
private plans ahke. The 1980's have seen a virtual "buyer's revolution"
of refusal to accept provider-dictated spending.^"
^^^See Hansen, Kansas' Medical Coverage Programs for the Poor: A Targeted Approach
Through State-Financed and State-Administered Programs, in Academy, supra note 136,
at E-1.
^^'See, e.g., McDonald & Fairgrieve, Michigan's Experiment with Case Management,
20 Clearinghouse Rev. 423 (Special issue, Summer 1986).
^"For private developments in managing health spending, see, e.g., J. Califano,
supra note 22; P. Fox, W. Goldbeck & J. Spies, supra note 22. Efforts are too numerous
and varied to catalog here; many are reported regularly in such newsletters as Coalition
Report (U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Clearinghouse on Business Coalitions for Health
Action, Washington, D.C.) and Medical Benefits (Kelly Communications, Charlottesville,
Va). For public-plan developments, see, e.g.. Affording Access to Quality Care, supra
note 236, especially chapter 5 at 127 (Bartlett, The Management of Medicaid Inpatient
Hospital Expenditures) and Chapter 8 at 201 (Neuschler, Alternative Financing and Delivery
Systems: Managed Health Care).
^"See, e.g., J. Califano, supra note 22.
Prepayment can result from several approaches. First, plans may
simply set prices administratively and offer them to providers on a
"take it or leave it" basis, as does Medicare with its prospective payment
system for hospitals based on Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG's).^^"*
Alternatively, preset prices can be arrived at voluntarily through bidding
or negotiation, or set on a mandatory basis by economic regulation, as
are hospital rates in a number of states. ^^^ Referral or admitting physicians
can also be encouraged to economize on specialists' treatment or hospital
care by sharing savings with them.^^^ One concern about economizing
incentives is naturally that providers may undersQTVQ, just as generously
rewarded fee-for-service practitioners may overserve.
Finally, patients may be encouraged to save in similar fashion —
either by having to share in spending (cost-sharing through deductibles,
co-payments, or co-insurance) or by being allowed to share in savings
below expected amounts. However, as previously discussed, patient-
oriented strategies are generally considered less desirable for poverty
populations than for the insured middle class. A payment requirement
to pay X dollars per visit may help insured patients weigh the cost
versus the value of care without preventing them from proceeding; for
poor people, the burden looms larger relative to their other needs and
may deter them from getting care altogether.
3. Financing, a. Fiscal requirements. — How much financing is needed
to cover the medically indigent? That obviously depends on one's def-
inition of the problem and on how generous one is in addressing it.
The potential range is $5-50 billion, with $15-20 billion a reasonable
estimate for moderate initiatives. A minimal program might cover only
the cost of non-elective, uncompensated hospital care that is already
provided to "charity" patients. Such care totalled about $4-5 billion in
1986.^^^ Funding such care through a pubhc program would be the
^^'*See, e.g., Bovbjerg, Held & Pauly, supra note 58.
^^^See, e.g., id.
^^^Some case management strategies do this, as noted supra notes 249-52. Similarly,
some HMO's give their doctors performance bonuses. And some hospitals prepaid by
Medicare have sought to reward physicians for holding down hospital spending. See U.S.
Gen. Acct. Off., Pub. No. HRD-86-103, Medicare: Physician Incentive Payments by
Hospitals Could Lead to Abuse (1986). Congress has acted to ban under Medicare and
Medicaid any payment incentives to physicians from hospitals or risk bearing HMO's to
reduce or limit services to patients. Omnibus Budget ReconciUation Act of 1986, Pub. L.
No. 99-509, § 9313, 100 Stat. , .
^"The figure is the authors' rough estimate, with the following assumptions: The
1986 cost of uncompensated hospital care is $13 bilhon. Cohodes, supra note 36 (citing
estimates by American Hosp. Ass'n). About one-third of such care goes to charity patients,
as designated by hospitals themselves. Sloan, Valvona, & Mullner, supra note 31, at 19.
Approximately two-thirds of such care is for non-elective services. Cf. id. at 30 (fully
42% of relevant hospital charges comes from two categories, childbirth and accidents —
both non-elective services). Note that the estimate of $4-5 billion does not allow for an
increase in hospital service generated by the knowledge among hospitals and indigents
904 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
minimal response to the problems of the medically indigent.
The highest reasonable estimate comes from assuming coverage for
all of the uninsured and underinsured for a broad range of services to
a very high level of medical spending — on the ground that in-depth
coverage for all is needed to prevent catastrophic medical expenses from
rendering anyone medically indigent. Full coverage implemented on a
national basis could easily cost $50 billion dollars more a year than is
now spent, depending on how rich a benefit package were provided. ^^^
This approach would constitute national health insurance, although it
might not closely resemble the ambitious federal plans of the 1970's in
design or implementation.
More reasonable estimates of a program to cover the medically
indigent surely lie between the $5 and $50 billion extremes. As a rough
guess, spending $50 a month only for those now uninsured who are
below the poverty Une would cost "only" about $6 billion the first year,
whereas spending $80 a month for those with family incomes under two
alike that more funds were available to cover charity care. Depending on the eligibility
and payment rules applied under a new system, such an increase could be substantial.
2^^The $50 billion figure derives from assuming that an equivalent of 30 million
uninsured person-years currently exist, with an additional 20 million underinsured (i.e.,
not protected against catastrophe). Benefits are estimated at $100 per month for the
uninsured, half that for the underinsured: ($100/month/person x 12 months/year x 30
million person-years) + ($50/month/person x 12 months/year x 20 miUion person-years)
= $48 billion. No allowance is made for increased spending due to people cutting their
own coverage to rely on government help. Discussion: Some 35 miUion people were
uninsured in March 1984, probably two-thirds of them for the entire year, one-third for
part of the year, perhaps averaging six months, for a total of about 30 milUon person-
years. Calculated from M. Sulvetta & K. Swartz, supra note 16, at 3. At least an
additional 20 million are underinsured. This estimate is from the finding that in 1977
24*^0-37% of population was underinsured overall, id. at 19, whereas only 11% was
uninsured at the time of survey, id. at 3. See also Farley, supra note 11. The $100 and
$50 figures are reasonable guesses for moderate coverage. Average per capita personal
health spending for the entire population for 1986 is estimated at $146 per month. Calculated
from data in Arnett, McKusick, Sonnefeld & Co well. Projections of Health Care Spending
to 1990, Health Care Festancing Rev., Spring 1986, at 1, 3, 12. Spending of course
varies greatly according to characteristics of the insured and of the benefits covered. See,
e.g., id. at 20-32. Medicare, for an aged and disabled population, currently spends some
$180 per month for each beneficiary, not counting beneficiaries' own spending. U.S. Office
OF Management & Budget, The United States Budget in Brief 46-47 (1986) ($67
billion in federal fiscal 1986 for some 31 milhon beneficiaries). Medicaid spends about
$159 per month per recipient overall, although nearly half goes to a small fraction of
eligible recipients receiving long term care. Id. at 44 ($23,7 billion federal, $19.3 billion
state for 22.5 million FY 1986 recipients). Not all of these people are covered for the
entire year, so the estimate is biased low. Federal spending in 1986 for the Federal
Employees Health Benefits Plan averaged fully $221 per month per covered employee
(each with an unknown number of dependents), not counting employees' share of premiums
(about 25% of the total or 33% more than the federal share) or required cost sharing.
U.S. Office of Management & Budget, Budget of the United States Government, Ap-
pendix, Fiscal Year 1986 I-V 7 (1986) [hereinafter U.S. Budget].
times the poverty level would cost some $20 billion.^^^ In practice, it
would not be sensible to cover everyone below some arbitrary level for
100% of the cost and no one above it at all. Such abrupt breaking
points (or ** notches," as they are often called) are unfair to those just
above them, discourage beneficiaries from earning more (or reporting
earnings), and encourage non-beneficiaries to drop to covered levels. An
intermediate method is to provide graduated support in the boundary
zone (often called "shding scale'' support), which probably would increase
In comparison, states now spend about $20 billion a year in
Medicaid, ^^^ and almost all are working hard to cut back its scope. ^^^
Moreover, states spent an additional $24 billion on hospitals and other
health care in 1985.^^^ Cities and counties together contributed somewhat
less, about $18 biUion on health care in 1984.^" New funding for the
indigent could displace some existing spending; this small "savings"
would likely be overwhelmed by new spending generated by almost any
new entitlement.
b. Funding sources and limitations, (i.) State taxes and federal
preemption. — States and localities have numerous funding options through
taxation or mandates on individuals, employers, providers, and insurers.
In principle, any existing state tax could be used to fund programs for
the medically indigent, whether they were public programs, like Medicaid,
or private programs, like those considered in the next subsection. Tra-
ditionally, these taxes include the state income tax (for most states),
city, county, and state property taxes, and sales and excise taxes. Any
or all could be used for these purposes. States could appropriate general
fund monies or they could dedicate a particular tax levy to help meet
the needs of the medically indigent. Because state budgets are already
hard pressed, new revenues are probably needed, and many people prefer
to raise new revenue in some way related to health — by raising so-called
"sin taxes" on tobacco and alcohol, for example. Nevertheless, it is
clear that such taxes by themselves probably will not produce sufficient
^^'About one-third of the uninsured are uncovered only during part of the year,
Farley, supra note 11, so that they would not need new assistance for the full year. Also,
the estimates do not include newly uninsured people taking advantage of new assistance.
^^See U.S. Budget, supra note 258.
^^See generally Affording Access to Quality Care, supra note 236; J. Holahan
& J. Cohen, supra note 18.
^^^U.S. Bureau of the Census, Series No. GF84, No. 3, State Government Finances
IN 1984, at 2 (1985). Not all of such spending covers medical indigents, of course; much
goes to particular classes of patients not based on income, e.g., victims of tuberculosis,
crippled children.
^"U.S. Bureau of the Census, Series No. GF84, No. 4, City Government Finances
in 1983-84 (1985) and Series No. GF84, No.8, County Government Finances in 1983-
84, at 2 (1985).
906 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
revenue, ^^"^ and there is, of course, considerable political resistance to
general tax increases. ^^^
Therefore, funding that does not require direct taxation of individuals
attracts considerable interest. Public funding can be provided, in part,
by a tax or assessment on hospitals not providing a specified minimum
amount of charity care. Under this approach, all hospitals could be
required to provide a certain percentage of, say, their gross revenue as
charity care. Hospitals providing less would be required to pay the
difference into the fund.^^^ Public policy makers may find such taxation
by regulation attractive because it is *'off budget," or at least off their
Adopting this concept would have the added benefit of eliminating
* 'dumping" of non-paying patients as a way to hold down prices in the
increasingly competitive hospital market. Although expensive, it would
promote access to inpatient care for poor people, and the expense would
be spread among paying hospital patients, largely insured patients. Of
course, a standard definition of charity care, as compared to uncom-
pensated care, would be needed to exclude bad debts of those capable
of paying. And administration of this "program" would have to be left
mainly to hospitals themselves. ^^^
One might also attempt to reduce the number of uninsureds gen-
erally— not only the medically indigent — by mandating that employers
provide health insurance to their employees. The state of Hawaii currently
has such a program. However, a legal obstacle prevents other states
from enacting similar programs. The federal Employee Retirement In-
come Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) interferes with state options through
its regulation of employee benefit plans, both pension plans and welfare
benefit plans. ^^^
^^'*See Bartlett, State Level Policies and Programs, in Academy, supra note 136, at
54, 60-61.
^^^See supra note 56.
^^The Ohio task force dubbed this the "care or share" approach. Governor's
Commission on Ohio Health Care Costs: Final Report (July 1984) (summarized in J.
LuEHRS & R. Desonla, supra note 61, at 37-38). Hospital taxes could also be based on
net revenues, number of licensed or occupied beds, or other measures. Pooling similar
to that described in the text already occurs within hospital rate-setting states and in Florida,
where it helps fund an expanded Medicaid program. E.g., Perkins, Dallek, Do well &
Waxman, State-Based Financing of Indigent Health Care: Promise and Problems 20
Clearinghouse Rev. 372, 372-75 (Special Issue, Summer 1986).
^*^Such charity pooling seems impractical to extend to providers other than hospitals
because there are so many of them.
2^«29 U.S.C. §§ 1001 et seq. (1982). Welfare benefit plans covered under ERISA
include those that provide for medical, sickness, accident, and other non-pension fringe
benefits. 29 U.S.C. § 1002(1) (1982). It should be noted that nothing in ERISA regulates
the contents of welfare benefit plans; only reporting and disclosure requirements were
enacted, according to conventional wisdom because Congress expected national health
insurance soon to supercede all existing health plans.
Intending to make regulation of employee benefit plans exclusively
a federal concern, ERISA expressly preempts state regulation of employee
benefit plans. ^^^ One exception to this ERISA preemption of state law
is that states may continue to tax and regulate insurance, that is, insurance
companies and insurance contracts. ^^"^ The Supreme Court has upheld
such state regulation that mandates benefits to be covered in health
insurance contracts, for example. ^^^ However, the Court noted that ERISA
prohibits state regulation of an employer's benefit plan that is "self-
insured" rather than placed with an insurance company, as this would
not fall under the "insurance law" exception to the federal preemption. ^^^
Increasingly, especially in large employment groups, health benefits are
Given that ERISA prohibits state regulation of employee benefit
plans other than through the avenue of insurance regulation, it would
seem, a fortiori, that states cannot mandate that such plans exist. ^^"^
Thus, the state of Hawaii is able to maintain its program only because
of specific amendments to ERISA that "grandfather" the Hawaii Prepaid
Health Care Act.^^^ Of course, ERISA could be further amended to
grant states the authority to require private insurance coverage.
It might be possible for states to achieve similar "insurance" goals
through their power to tax employers. Clearly ERISA would not prohibit
states from taxing all employers to fund care or coverage for the
uninsured, for example, through a general payroll tax. Whether an income
tax, because it is related to ability to pay, or a payroll levy, because
it is related to the number of employees, is the more equitable method
is open to debate. A payroll tax would, of course, tax employers already
providing coverage in order to help those not now providing coverage,
and could thus considerably hurt incentives to insure, especially in in-
^^^29 U.S.C. § 1144(a) (1982).
2™29 U.S.C. § 1144(b) (1982).
^^'Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. v. Massachusetts, 105 S. Ct. 2380, 2393 (1985).
^^^ERISA expressly provides that self-insured plans are not to be considered "insurers"
or "insurance companies" for the purposes of state regulation, 29 U.S.C. § 1144(b)(2)(B)
^^^See, e.g., Etheredge, The World of Insurance: What Will the Future Bring?, Bus.
& Health, Jan. /Feb. 1986, at 5 (describes growth of self -insurance); Self Insurers Out-
number Fully Insured Among Larger U.S. Corporations, Coalition Rep., April 1985, at
"^5wr see Director of Bureau of Labor Standards v. Fort Halifax Packing Co., 510
A. 2d 1054 (Me. 1985), prob. Juris, noted sub. nom Fort Halifax Packing Co. v. Coyne,
107 S. Ct. 430 (1986). In this case, Maine's Supreme Judicial Court held that because a
Maine statute requiring severance pay was only operative when a benefit plan was not
in existence, the statute did not "relate to" an employee benefit plan and thus was not
preempted by ERISA.
^^'Pub. L. 97-473, § 302, 96 Stat. 2605 (1982) (codified at 29 U.S.C. § 1144(b)(5)
908 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
dustries where many companies already provide no insurance. To maintain
insurance incentives, employers could be allowed to deduct from the
amount of payroll tax due any amounts contributed to health benefit
plans (insured or self-insured) for their employees.
Would such provisions be impermissible regulation under ERISA?
Perhaps so. Some courts have interpreted certain state plans of taxation
as prohibited regulation and therefore ruled them preempted by ERISA.
For example, a federal district court in Connecticut found a statute that
imposed a 2.75^^0 annual tax on employee benefit plans to be void and
unenforceable because of ERISA preemption of state regulation. ^^^ More-
over, in protecting Hawaii's Prepaid Health Care Act in 1983, Congress
specifically provided that Hawaii's ERISA exemption did not affect the
status of "any state tax law relating to employee benefit plans. "^^^ Courts
have interpreted this language to indicate that Congress intended to
preempt all state tax laws insofar as they relate either directly or indirectly
to employee benefit plans. ^"^^
Despite these rulings, a state may still be able to enact a payroll
tax with deductions for health coverage such as the one outlined above.
The rationale behind the deduction would be that these employers are
already doing their part toward financing health care by providing some
reasonable form of coverage. The legal argument runs as follows: First,
the tax is analogous to a state corporate income tax that allows deductions
for an employer's expenses incurred in maintaining employee benefit
plans. Clearly, such state income taxes with such deductions have not
yet been found to "relate to" employee benefit plans for purposes of
ERISA preemption. A payroll tax with similar offsets should be afforded
similar status.
Second, such a payroll tax does not "relate to" employee benefit
plans because the employer is taxed, not the benefit plan itself. Moreover,
unlike the voided Connecticut statute, the amount of deduction would
not discriminate between insured and self-insured health benefits — the
very distinction ERISA has been held to maintain.^^^ For these reasons.
"^National Carriers' Conference Comm, v. Heffernan, 454 F. Supp. 914 (D. Conn.
1978). Connecticut's tax on premiums received by insurance companies was 2%, which
meant that the tax structure operated as an incentive to use traditional insurance rather
than ERISA-exempted plans. The court found this discrepancy (2% vs. 2.75%) to be
"illustrative of the potential use of taxation as a means of regulation." Id. at 917-18.
^^^29 U.S.C. § 1144(b)(5)(B)(i) (1982).
"^"^See, e.g.. Northwest Airlines, Inc. v. Roemer, 603 F. Supp. 7 (D. Minn. 1984);
General Motors Corp. v. California State Bd. of Equalization, 600 F. Supp. 76 (CD.
Cal. 1984). See Shaw v. Delta Airlines, Inc., 463 U.S. 85 (1983); Alessi v. Raybestos-
Manhattan, Inc., 451 U.S. 504 (1981).
^^'^See supra notes 271-72 and accompanying text. Taxing self-insurance for the purpose
of funding the deficits of state high-risk pools has also been invalidated on ERISA grounds.
See generally Bovbjerg & Koller, supra note 211.
a combination payroll tax and coverage credit may not be considered
as regulating employee benefit plans.
Similarly, states are also free to tax the insurance-like alternative
plans such as HMO's and PPO's; again, they may offset charitable care
these entities provide. Indeed, to some extent, states already do so through
the imposition of insurance premium taxes.
The calculation of such taxes as well as set-offs for indigent coverage
or care involve complex administrative questions. Nevertheless, such taxes
could provide a useful basis for funding, and could equalize the burden
imposed on competing financing and delivery alternatives — insurance
companies, self-insurers, and alternative plans like HMO's and PPO's.
Mandates or taxes on insurers, on medical providers, or on employers
may have more current political appeal than taxes on individual taxpayers.
Indirect funding through mandates for individuals to insure themselves
is another '*off-budget" option for states to consider. It would be foolish
to replace efficient group purchasing of health coverage by employers
with more expensive individual policies; however, it might be sensible
to fill in some gaps with individual mandates. One such mechanism is
auto insurance, with a long tradition of individual requirements. ^^° Au-
tomobile owners or drivers could be required to provide evidence of
adequate health insurance as a condition of Hcensure, especially to cover
the very large bills that often result from accidents and which contribute
disproportionately to uncompensated care in hospitals. ^^'
(ii.) Private revenue. — States can also seek to attract voluntary
funding from individuals themselves (or their employers, if any) by
mandating, or themselves running, subsidized insurance plans for some
of the uninsured. The basic idea here is to encourage insurance coverage
with subsidies while holding down costs with private contributions to
premiums. This strategy presupposes that potential eligibles (or their
employers) can afford to make a contribution, so it does not address
the impoverished "hard core" of the uninsured. The approach would
nonetheless address two groups who may be considered medically in-
digent—the uninsured working poor and the medically uninsurable. Public
assistance could take the form of subsidizing eligibles' purchase of private
coverage with cash, vouchers, or tax benefits; alternatively, governments
could create publicly underwritten plans or insurance pools that eligibles
could "buy into" at below-market rates. ^^ It would be difficult, but
^^°See, e.g. Widiss, Introduction: Background and Perspective, in No-Fault Auto-
mobile Insurance in Action: The Experiences in Massachusetts, Florida, Delaware
AND Michigan (A. Widiss, J. Little, R. Clark & T. Jones eds. 1977).
^^^See supra note 257 on the contribution of accidents.
^^^Assistance to the working poor could readily take the form of providing a tax
credit for workplace purchase of insurance, which would assist low and high income
workers ahke, rather than today's tax exclusion, which disproportionately assists upper-
910 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
perhaps not impossible, to structure such a new subsidy to aid those
at high risk of faiUng to insure themselves, without having to subsidize
too many otherwise similar people who already have coverage. This
approach is experimental but merits close attention.
A second category of potential eligibles also needs pubhc help to
obtain coverage but can contribute themselves. These are nonpoor people
otherwise uninsurable because of pre-existing adverse health conditions.
In a number of states, state-run comprehensive insurance risk pools help
these people buy standard policies at a surcharged rate.^^^ The pools
help a small fraction of even the uninsurable, and still fewer of the
uninsured generally, and they do so at a high cost because even the
surcharged premiums must be subsidized to meet high medical bills.
Moreover, as now run, the pools do not help the indigent, but only
those with the wherewithal to pay high premiums themselves. Although
states may move toward targeted subsidies to help the low income
uninsurable, high risk pools will provide only limited general help to
the medically indigent.
4. Administration. — Any of the strategies just discussed can be
implemented with varying degrees of public involvement. An entire public
system can be created, using public funds and employees. Alternatively,
government may specify what model(s) are desired and contract with
private companies to administer the plan(s). Or government may help
currently uninsured people "buy into" existing private plans, including
those run privately for public employees. ^^"^ Beneficiaries may be required
to choose among multiple alternatives, e.g., HMO, PPO, private fee-
for-service plan, pubhc fee-for-service plan. Any of these alternatives
may be funded with a mix of public and private revenues.
bracket taxpayers. See generally Enthoven, Health Tax Policy Mismatch, Health Aff.,
Winter 1985, at 5. The self employed could also be given tax benefits equivalent to those
of group employees, as proposed in the Improved Access to Health Care Bill, H.R.
4742, S.2402-S.2403, 99th Cong., 2d Sess. (1986). Such major federal tax changes seem
unlikely, given that comprehensive reforms have just been legislated. See supra note 48.
^"See supra notes 11 & 26 for description of uninsurables; on the operation of state
pools, see Bovbjerg & KoUer, supra note 211.
^^"The state of West Virginia, for example, has a unique multi-employer group plan
for public employees that already covers about 1 state resident in 8. The plan began at
the state level, then expanded to cover local employees. The state is seeking foundation
funding to study the feasibility of opening the plan to small, private employers as well.
Remarks of Robert Chehig, West Virginia Public Employees Insurance Board, at Conference
on Facilitating Health Care Coverage for the Working Uninsured: Alternative Strategies,
Center for Policy Research, National Governors' Association, in Rosemont, Illinois (De-
cember 16, 1986). The two main implementation problems are how to prevent free-riding
by small employers who would have bought coverage anyway and how to prevent adverse
selection by high-utilizing new enrollees that would drive up the cost of the plan for all
participants. Some judgmental underwriting (exclusion of bad risks) appears to be required.
On the problems of pooling small groups, see generally Bovbjerg, supra note 24.
The State of Arizona, for example, has brought a number of these
different methods together in the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment
System. ^^^ AHCCCS, as it is known, is a comprehensive program of
medical services provided to the medically indigent on a prepaid basis.
Arizona runs the program with federal financial participation in lieu of
conventional Medicaid. The program is privately administered under a
state contract set by competitive bidding. The private contractor in turn
contracts with local health plans for the provision of care, again on a
prepaid basis through competitive bidding. HMO's, PPO's, and others
are eligible to bid if they provide the requisite services in the designated
areas. All providers are required to use primary care gatekeepers.
Currently, AHCCCS is being run as a demonstration project with
federal Medicaid waiver authority, and results are not complete. The
results on quality and access are not yet in, and there is some concern
that people are not being well enough served. ^^^ However, the state itself
is encouraged that it is delivering good quality care to a broad section
of the medically indigent at a price less than that which prevails for
Medicaid in somewhat comparable sunbelt states. ^^^ The state plans to
expand AHCCCS to include non-Medicaid ehgibles, including the working
poor. This approach would mix public and private roles both in funding
and in administration.
Numerous other initiatives incorporating these economizing ideas are
under way at the state and local level, mainly initiated by public or
quasi-public entities. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has sought
to stimulate such trials with technical assistance and modest "seed
money. "^^^
As a matter of public administration, the need to implement controls
over medical spending points toward local control because most medical
markets are local. It is difficult to relate individually to providers or
patients from a distance. Moreover, integrating new medical assistance
with public hospital care might also occur more readily at a local level.
Public "tastes" in welfare spending also vary considerably from place
to place, certainly among states, and even within them. Some areas are
well known for high taxes and high benefits, while other areas are known
for the opposite.
Local control would also result in more experimentation than a
national or even a state approach, assuming that the responsible localities
^^^E.g., J. Christianson & D, Hillman, supra note 204.
^*^Kirkman-Liff, Refusal of Care: Evidence from Arizona, Health Aff., Winter 1985,
at 15.
^*^D. ScHALLER, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System: Annual Report,
July 1984- June 1985, at 91-118 (March 1986).
^^^RoBERT Wood Johnson Foundation, Health Care for the Uninsured Program
(1985) (grant solicitation materials).
^^'^See generally P. Fox, W. Goldbeck & J. Spies, supra note 22.
912 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
are large enough to support professional management. It is no accident
that changes in private-sector health insurance occur market area by
market area, through new entry by HMO's and PPO's and aggressive
benefits management by large employers, third-party administrators, and
business coalitions. ^^^ On the other hand, medical indigence is greatly
affected by state-level decisions on welfare, Medicaid, hospital Ucensure,
and insurance regulation, as well as by federal ERISA, Medicaid, and
Medicare rules. Moreover, the ability of jurisdictions to raise revenues
varies, so a broader approach also makes sense.
Given the current administration's attitude, the federal government
appears to be out of the funding picture, although federal legislation
continues to seek state and private solutions. For example, bills apparently
to be reintroduced in the 100th Congress would require subsidized state
high-risk pools, as well as revenue pooling for essential hospital care
on behalf of those who cannot pay.^^° In any event, the short-term
political reality, along with tradition and legal theory, suggest that
combined state-local programs will be the dominant approach in the
future as in the past.^^' Such approaches can combine state strengths in
financing, pooling, regulation, and managerial expertise (available directly
or through technical assistance to localities) with local virtues of provider
and patient relations and flexible tailoring of programs to local desires
and needs.
V. Affording Decent Coverage for the Medically Indigent
Conventional medical care is expensive, as is the insurance needed
to cover it. One reason that it costs so much is the widespread belief
that only the best will suffice (especially when care is heavily insured).
Such attitudes seem to be changing, and certain economizing measures
have become acceptable. ^^^ However, no * 'magic bullets" exist that can
make the same conventional care or coverage affordable for all without
considerable pubhc subsidy or coercion. ^^^ Even with new economies,
additional efforts to help the medically indigent will cost more than the
current patchwork of assistance through Medicaid, public hospitals, reg-
ulatory requirements, and private charity, and society seems unwilling
to contribute enough money, individually or collectively.^^"*
^^In the 99th Congress, these bills were S.2402, S.2403, and H.R. 4742, The Access
to Health Care Act; see also supra notes 63 & 282.
^^'See discussion of existing programs, supra notes 132-213 and accompanying text.
^'^The "buyers' revolution" in health financing has necessitated the acceptance of
hmits on insurance coverage and on patients' and medical providers' discretion to order
ever more and more expensive health care. See, e.g., J. Califano, supra note 22.
^"^^See Bovbjerg, supra note 24, at 416 (same conclusion, for private coverage, vol-
untarily purchased).
^^'The most obvious demonstration of unwillingness to pay for medical indigents is
states' reluctance to expand Medicaid to cover as many medical indigents as that program
Improvements seem to require one or both of two interrelated de-
velopments—greater willingness to pay or increased acceptance of new
health '^products" that offer lower but still decent levels of protection
that people will be wiUing to finance. One major obstacle impedes both
developments — professional and political desires (and legal expectations)
for high quality medicine within a so-called single-tier system of health
care for all, even the medically indigent.
With regard to willingness to pay, several trends offer some en-
(1) More information about the plight of uninsured indigents
should increase willingness to help them.
(2) Ordinary, middle-class people are increasingly at risk of
medical indigency — because many have lost well-insured jobs, because
many are beginning to work in small, less-insured workplaces, because
high medical spending can exceed what was once a reasonable extent of
coverage, and because more people are developing adverse medical histories
that hamper obtaining insurance. Funding an adequate social safety net
should appeal to those concerned about these risks.
(3) Finally, new mechanisms are being found to control medical
spending, ^^^ offering the eventual prospect that a politically attractive,
streamlined '^product" will indeed emerge.
New products, the second needed development, must be able to
implement sensible restrictions on the amount of care available and the
prices paid in order to maximize the number of people who can be
covered, even if this means somewhat more restricted access to less
elaborate care. For those who now have no protection at all, some care
is better than none. Indeed, existing medically indigent programs are
experimenting with restricting access to providers, as are many middle-
class plans.
Likewise, strong utilization control over the services delivered seems
reasonable, and it may prove appropriate to insist on less expensive,
nontraditional providers to cover certain services. It definitely makes
sense to keep people out of the hospital wherever possible. Something
Hke the Arizona AHCCCS program, perhaps with even a lesser package
of benefits, may be appropriate depending on the local situation. Of
course, any restrictions on providers or coverage can prove difficult to
implement. Further experimentation is needed here.
This ongoing search for a decent, even if bare-bones, level of coverage
is significantly hampered by ethical, professional, and legal reluctance
to allow lower levels. Anything less than equal care for all is often
castigated as '^rationing" or unethical * 'second class" care. It faces legal
impediments as well.
will reach, even though the federal government pays half or more of the cost. See supra
notes 236-39 and accompanying text.
^'^^See supra notes 240-54 and accompanying text.
914 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
All the permutations of ethical-professional concern cannot be suc-
cessfully addressed here. In brief, insisting on single-tier medicine for
all in practice means eliminating any assistance for many of the least
fortunate, because currently society demonstrably will not provide un-
limited funds. Perfection is the enemy of the good here, even in the
opponents' own ethical frame of reference. ^^^ Society accepts dual stan-
dards for other charity, whether pubhc or private charity, even with
regard to fundamental needs like food, housing, and clothing; why not
in medical care?^^^ Moreover, although today many politicians and prov-
iders pay lip service to the notion of * 'nothing but the best" for all,
the reality differs. There are different delivery systems for the insured
middle class, for veterans, for Indians, and for people using public
hospitals. Accepting different programs for the medically indigent does
not seem unthinkable. ^^^ Certainly, Medicaid pays less for physicians
than do private insurance programs and thus buys much lower access
for Medicaid patients. Yet, even with Medicaid, those within the eligible
categories are clearly better off than non-eligibles in otherwise similar
economic circumstances.
On a more philosophical level, it is notable that opponents seem to
like to invoke the spectre of " rationing "^^^ because it connotes denying
people something to which they are entitled and could get, absent a
meddling government. ^^^ However, labeling lower but decent care or
coverage "rationing" is conceptually misleading and politically unhelpful.
In the case of indigent medical care or coverage, the real argument
concerns the nature and level of any entitlement; the "rationing" no-
^^^As argued by one respected academic and advocate of public health programs:
"[F]inally, the argument is advanced that special programs for poor people are fated to
become poor programs — always the first for recissions. That argument has served too
long as the refuge for neglecting poor people altogether." Miller, The Role of Health
Planning in the Provision of Complex and Not-So-Complex Services, in The Role of
Health Planning in the Competitive Era 43 (F. Sloan, J. Blumstein & J. Perrin eds.
forthcoming 1987).
2'Tor example, although it needs to be safe and fit for habitation, public housing
need not supply middle class space or amenities. Food stamps cover a minimal diet at
best, and no specific allowance at all is made for clothing. With regard to private charity,
people seem to donate used clothing rather than new, and soup kitchens hardly offer
cuisine competitive with many restaurants. It is true that some health care more immediately
involves hfe and death than do food or housing, but access to true emergency care is
not what needs to be Hmited. See also supra note 67.
^^^Compare, e.g., Rosenblatt, Rationing 'Normal' Health Care: The Hidden Legal
Issues, 59 Texas L. Rev. 1401 (1981) with Blumstein, Rationing Medical Resources: A
Constitutional, Legal, and Policy Analysis, 59 Texas L. Rev. 1345 (1981).
^^hus, for instance, gasoline rationing means queues for all, not merely for the
poor. Cf Bovbjerg & Held, supra note 233 (prefer "resource allocation" to "rationing"
as descriptive term). "Rationing" as a term makes more sense if read in its older meaning
of "offering limited quantities" (as in sailors' "rations" of rum), but the usual connotation
of the expression is wholly different.
menclature merely assumes entitlement to full equality without dem-
onstrating it or convincing taxpayers or others to fund it.
Hence, there are both practical and theoretical reasons for accepting
separate programs for the poor. Beyond the ethical-political arguments
He practical legal problems. The law also contemplates equality of care
for all, at least in that where care is provided, the same malpractice
^'standard of care" applies regardless of the patient's ability to pay.^^°
Thus, where care is limited and a bad outcome occurs, providers (and
insurers, as well) face possible liabihty.^^* In practice, legal exposure
may reduce coverage because providers and funding jurisdictions may
prefer to offer no nonemergency service rather than limited service or
coverage with a liability risk.
How might liability rules protect the medically indigent without
threatening willingness to help serve them at an affordable price? Prec-
edents are not encouraging. Under malpractice law, a ''reasonable mi-
nority" of practitioners may practice differently from the mainstream, ^^^
but the rule is grounded mainly in medical uncertainty, not differences
in patients' ability to pay. The traditional locality rule, although now
much eroded, is a second possibility. ^^^ The rule recognized local variation
in the extent of medical talent and resources available. Some cases
similarly hold it unnecessary for outlying hospitals to have the latest
equipment available. ^^"^ Such cases, however, focus on geographic rather
than economic differences. More to the point is the distinction between
specialists and general practitioners; specialists have a higher standard
because they hold themselves out to patients as being more qualified
(and, presumably, charge more as a result). ^°^ Public coverage that held
itself out as only a decent minimum might seem analogous, but indigent
patients have no real alternative, so the rationale is not really comparable.
Another relevant line of legal thinking — now quite academic and
somewhat heretical — holds that malpractice law should govern only in
the absence of contractual agreements specifying desired care (and dispute
resolution procedures). ^'^^ This approach suggests that different people
^°°See supra notes 97-98, 107-08 and accompanying text. Cf. Atiyah, Medical Mal-
practice and the Contract /Tort Boundary, 49 Law & Contemp. Probs. 287, 292-98 (Spring
1986) (desire for egalitarianism a reason for tort, not contract, to govern malpractice).
'°'See, e.g., Wickline v. State, 183 Cai. App. 3d 1175, 228 Cal. Rptr. 661, rev.
granted, 231 Cal. Rptr. 560, 727 P.2d 753 (1986) (issue of liability for bad outcome after
hospital stay cut short under third-party coverage rules).
^°'^E.g. A. Holder, supra note 97, at 55-57.
^°^E.g., Comment, Standard of Care for Medical Practitioners — Abandonment of the
Locality Rule, 60 Ky. L.J. 209 (1971).
"^E.g., Pederson v. Dumouchel, 72 Wash. 2d 73, 431 P.2d 973 (1967).
^"^Naccarato v. Grob, 384 Mich. 248, 180 N.W.2d 788 (1970).
^°^E.g., Havighurst, Private Reform of Tort Law Dogma: Market Opportunities and
Legal Obstacles, 49 Law & Contemp. Probs. 143 (Spring 1986).
916 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:857
can choose different levels of care for themselves. It could be argued
that public beneficiaries had voluntarily accepted the restrictions in the
program, so long as those restrictions were fully disclosed. However,
this approach is not fully developed as a conceptual matter, much less
as an accepted rule of law, and its relevance to poor people with few
real choices is questionable. ^°^
Perhaps the very notion that malpractice law should set the standard
of care, in the sense of what care should be given, is over-broad. Partly
through an unfortunate linguistic coincidence, the legal standard of
"care," which originally meant the degree of carefulness required to be
non-negligent, has come to mean also what services themselves are
appropriate. Some rethinking seems called for here. The fact that a
given insurance program or a given provider simply does not cover long-
term care, mental health, or transplants — or for that matter, certain
hospitalizations or hospitals — does not seem to be a failure of "care."
It seems rather a personal or social judgment about the appropriate use
of limited resources.
Malpractice rules and judicial process seem better suited to deter-
mining whether a technical mistake or oversight occurred than to deciding
broader coverage issues. Thus, one solution to the problem might be
to establish a program that defines and is limited to specific medical
services and gives malpractice immunity to those who carefully provide
those services. Whether the jurisdiction(s) establishing such a program
can immunize themselves is another question.
VI. Conclusion
The main problem for the medically indigent is that they do not
have enough money. And the main problem with health coverage for
the indigent is that neither they themselves, their employers, nor their
government(s) have bought them adequate protection. Medical providers
have limited ability to provide charity care. Consequently, the medically
indigent are disadvantaged in their access to medical care.
This Article has discussed various ways of organizing and financing
coverage or care for the medically indigent. More public and private
resources must be raised through some combination of taxation, regu-
lation, and increased voluntary payment. The effort needed for even
medium-level assistance is significant, perhaps $15-20 billion in the first
year, or as much as states already spend on Medicaid.
If society in its various components is not wiUing to fund universal
coverage of a conventional kind — and it currently is not — then society
must settle for less, but in a constructive fashion. It must define a lesser
but decent health "product," preferably in a subsidized, insurance-hke
^°'Atiyah, supra note 300.
form that offers beneficiaries choice among competing providers. Prov-
iders who participate in improving care for the indigent deserve praise,
not malpractice suits for dehvering only the care that is covered. They
should receive protection from tort claims of misfeasance when they
have in fact carefully complied with social norms of adequacy as reflected
in coverage rules.
The need is urgent and the time to begin is now. It is better to
start with a reasonable minimum, with the hope of later expansion, than
to hold out for optimal plans that may never come to pass. Further
arguing about "rationing" of care to the poor or the ethics of "two-
tier" medicine merely postpones difficult coverage decisions, to the clear
disadvantage of the medically indigent.
state Hospital Cost Containment: An Analysis of
Legislative Initiatives
Carl J. Schramm*
As a result of the success of various state efforts at containing
hospital cost inflation and the encouragement such efforts have received
in recent federal legislation directed at reducing Medicare costs, ^ a second
wave of state initiatives directed at regulating hospital revenues appears
to be breaking out in legislatures across the land. In 1983, three states
enacted mandatory hospital rate-setting legislation.^ In 1984, at least ten
legislatures considered similar proposals. It has been suggested that in
the next few years over half of the states will have adopted such
Observation of several recent legislative campaigns suggests an in-
teresting similarity of parties, interests, tactics, arguments, and outcomes
common to such efforts. Unlike many areas of public action where a
small number of interests are contesting for resource control, any change
involving hospitals has an immediate impact on a large number of groups.
This Article attempts to identify the parties interested in state efforts
to reform hospital financing mechanisms. It also describes the likely
arguments and positions of each party, the dynamics of the various
legislative tactics, and the probable outcomes.
This analysis is based on the author's experience and observations
from 1980 to 1985 in eighteen states where hospital rate setting has been
either: 1) successfully established by legislation, 2) enacted but not given
hfe as an operating program, 3) considered by the legislature but not
enacted, or 4) the focus of formal study by a gubernatorial or legislative
task force or work group. '^ Because hospital rate setting has been the
*Director, John Hopkins Center for Hospital Finance and Management; Lecturer,
University of Maryland School of Law; Former Vice Chairman, Maryland Health Services
Cost Review Commission. Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1973; J.D., Georgetown Univer-
sity Law Center, 1978.
'Social Security Amendments of 1983, Pub. L. No. 98-21, tit. VI, §§ 601 et seq.,
97 Stat. 65 (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395ww(b), (d) (1982 & Supp. 1985)).
The three states were: Maine, Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, § 381 (West Supp.
1986); Maryland, Md. Health Gen. Code Ann. § 19-209 (Supp. 1986); and Wisconsin,
Wis. Stat. Ann. §§ 54.01 et seq. (West Supp. 1986).
^See generally Intergovernmental Health Policy Project, State Health Notes (D.
Merritt ed. March 1985).
*See Am. Hosp. Ass'n, State Rate-Setting Legislation: Legal Issues in the
negotla.tion and implementation of a statute (1984); intergovernmental health
Policy Project, The Status of Major State Policies Affecting Hospital Capital
Investment (1984); Nat'l Conference of State Legislatures, Health Care Cost Con-
tainment Legislation: 1983 Legislative Update Fifty States (1983); Nat'l Conference
of State Legislatures, 1984 State Health Care Cost Containment Legislation (1984);
920 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
object of legislative action or governmental study in approximately twenty-
three states,^ the experience reported here, while representative, is not
I. Background on State Legislation
A. Forces for Reform
It is clear that the nation is struggling with the problem of unac-
ceptable hospital costs. Evidence suggests that the health care delivery
system is operating inefficiently.^ Since the passage of the Medicare
diagnostic-payment system in 1983,^ falling hospital occupancy through-
out the nation suggests that hospitals have in fact been overutilized.^
Moreover, the large increase in the number of physicians entering the
system^ and the increasing age of the population'^ add a sense of urgency
to the search for some means of reducing, or at least holding in check,
the growth of the health care enterprise. Largely because hospitals are
the most visible entity in the delivery system and have had the fastest
relative increase in unit prices and absolute budgets, '^ they have been
singled out as the object of public and private policy aimed at reducing
overall health expenditures.
Partly as a response to the entry of government as a significant
Schramm, Wren & Biles, Controlling Hospital Cost Inflation: New Perspectives on State
Rate Setting, 5 Health Aff. 22, 23 (1986).
^See supra note 4 and accompanying text. Previous model state hospital legislation
has been the basis for several legislative proposals and underlies the recently enacted West
Virginia legislation. Schramm, A State-Based Approach to Hospital Cost Containment,
18 Harv. J. ON Legis. 603, 658-78 (1981).
^See, e.g., Dep't of Health & Human Services, Hospital Prospective Payment
FOR Medicare: Report to Congress Required by the Tax Equity and Fiscal Re-
sponsibility Act of 1982 i-iii (1982); Dep't of Health & Human Services, Office of
Ass't Secretary for Planning & Evaluation, Hospital Capital Expenses, A Medicare
Payment Strategy for the Future: Report to Congress 1-33 (1986); Prospective
Payment Assessment Comm'n, Medicare Prospective Payment and the American
Health Care System: Report to the Congress 9-11 (1986) [hereinafter ProPAC Report
ON the American Health Care System].
'Social Security Amendments of 1983, Pub. L. No. 98-21, tit. VI, §§ 601 et seq.,
97 Stat. 65 (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(d) (1982 & Supp. 1985)).
*ProPAC Report on the American Health Care System, supra note 6, at 19-
^See generally The Coming Physician Surplus (E. Ginzberg & M. Ostow eds.
^°See generally Fuchs, "Though Much is Taken": Reflections on Aging, Health, and
Medical Care, 62 Milbank Mem. Fund Q. 143 (1984).
"Gornik, Greenberg, Eggers & Dobson, Twenty Years of Medicare and Medicaid:
Covered Populations, Use of Benefits, and Program Expenditures, Health Care Fin.
Rev. 13, 43 (Supp. 1985) [hereinafter Twenty Years of Medicare and Medicaid].
payer of health care costs through Medicare and Medicaid, hospital
prices have grown at a rate outstripping that of all other goods and
services in the economy.'^ Consequently, it is not surprising that gov-
ernment has been the most active party attempting to reduce overall
hospital cost inflation. Government interest is founded on two bases:
government is attempting to react to the complaints of citizens about
a poHtically sensitive issue, and government, as a payer itself through
Medicare and Medicaid, is directly affected in its own budgets by cost
inflation in hospital services.
Governmental approaches to the problem of inflation in certain
markets can generally be characterized as regulatory in nature, i.e., a
public agency typically becomes the mechanism by which prices are
determined.'^ However, in the case of hospital costs, government has
actively sought non-regulatory answers as well, including the establishment
of alternative providers of care such as health maintenance organizations
(HMO's) and the encouragement of financing mechanisms that result in
more rational economic choices by consumers. The latter approach stim-
ulates insurers to increase the presence of coinsurance and deductibles
and to pay for second opinions in order to reduce the incidence of
unnecessary surgery. •'*
Recently, however, concern with reducing costs in health and hospital
care has grown so widespread that a larger number of private parties
have taken an active role in influencing hospital prices. These include
employers, unions, and health insurance companies. In response, prov-
iders, including hospitals and physicians, have unsuccessfully attempted
voluntary price restraint as one possible solution.'^
While there is widespread concern that hospital prices are rising too
rapidly, few agree on how the problem should be attacked. However,
several goals seem to be uniform objectives. The first is reducing the
rate of increase in hospital cost inflation.'^ This has been the most
widely accepted policy objective, largely because hospital prices have
been rising faster than prices for other goods and services.'^
In more recent years a second goal has become important, namely,
reducing absolute levels of spending on health care. This objective began
^^See, e.g., Levits, Lazenby, Waldo & Davidoff, National Health Expenditures, 1984,
Health Care Fin. Rev., Fall 1984, at 1, 8 [hereinafter National Health Expenditures,
1984]; Prospective Payment Assessment Comm'n, Report and Recommendations to
THE Secretary 12-13 (1985) [hereinafter ProPAC Report to the Secretary, 1985].
^^See generally S. Breyer, Regulation and Its Reform 15-35 (1982).
^*See ProPAC Report to the Secretary, 1985, supra note 12, at 13.
^^See, e.g.. Am. Hosp. Ass'n, 1978-79 Goals of the Voluntary Effort (1979).
'^Biles, Schramm & Atkinson, Hospital Cost Inflation Under State Rate-Setting
Programs, 303 N. Eng. J. Med. 663 (1980).
"Twenty Years of Medicare and Medicaid, supra note 11, at 16-17.
922 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
to emerge with the recession of the early 1980's and with the immense
growth of the federal deficit.'^ Related to reducing absolute levels of
spending is the goal of reducing per capita spending on health care.*^
The emergence of these goals suggests that merely to reduce the rate
of change in hospital prices, or to cut back levels of spending, is to
avoid the issue of the drift of real wealth into the health care sector
from other areas of social enterprise. The twofold growth of GNP shares
consumed by the health sector in the post-Medicare era is evidence that
wealth drift is the operative issue of concern. ^°
Therefore, the objective of those concerned over rising health care
costs is some effective solution to the problem. While many have argued
that competitive or market-based solutions offer the best hope of reducing
the health care cost problem^' — and, to be sure, increased competition
in health care markets in the next few years will be observed — others
believe it is inevitable that government will be the prime mover in
restructuring the reimbursement system. ^^ Government may act to reduce
its own budget exposure and it may act for broader motives such as
ensuring an orderly and politically acceptable allocation system.
B. The Road to Legislation — Four Premises of State
The first premise of government efforts to reduce costs is that
legislative intervention and guidance are necessary if any system-wide
change is to come about. For over a decade, hospital costs have been
termed a serious, even critical, problem by many private interests. How-
ever, until very recently, there has been no evidence of any consensus,
let alone action, among private sector actors. While there are increasing
signs that some employers have taken an active interest in reducing
health care costs, ^^ it seems hkely that government action will be necessary
'^The deficit in the federal budget increased from $59.6 billion in fiscal year 1980
to an estimated $207.7 billion in fiscal year 1983. Office of Management & Budget,
Fiscal Year 1982, Budget Revisions, March 1981, at 11; Office of Management &
Budget, Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1984 Mil (1983).
^'^See National Health Expenditures, 1984, supra note 12, at 15-19; see also M.
^"Schramm, Can We Solve the Hospital-Cost Problem in Our Democracy? , 311 New
Eng. J. Med. 729 (1984).
^'See generally A. Enthoven, Health Plan: The Only Practical Solution to the
Soaring Costs of Health Care 70-92 (1980).
^^See generally Davis & Rowland, Medicare Reform Options, in Reshaping Health
Care for the Elderly: Recommendations for National Policy (C. Eisdorfer ed.,
^^See, e.g.. The Corporate Rx for Medical Costs: A Push for Revolutionary Changes
in the Health Care Industry, Business Week, Oct. 15, 1984, at 138-41.
to Stimulate and channel change and to ensure that whatever change
occurs serves the public interest.
The second premise is that the forum of policy change will be the
legislature. Over the last ten years, the executive branch has not developed
a solution acceptable to a sufficiently large coalition of interests; con-
sequently, the executive branch has forfeited control of the health care
cost issue to the legislature. Issues that do not yield to consensual solution
within the executive branch must be solved, if at all, in the legislative
branch. Moreover, the legislature, because it effectively controls the
spending power and is responsible for taxing, has been required to act
on health care costs from a budget perspective. Clearly, at the federal
level, it was Congress that created the Omnibus Reconciliation Act in
1981, changing Medicaid programs substantially,^"^ that fashioned the
overall hospital spending limits in the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility
Act of 1982,^^ and that radically reformed the payment system by
instituting diagnosis-related payment for Medicare in the Social Security
Amendments of 1983.^^
The third premise is that state legislatures have become equal to the
Congress in developing new legislative approaches to the health care cost
problem. As the federal ability to control rising health care costs seems
less apparent, states have moved independently to control inflation. ^^ Of
course, the states retain regulatory jurisdiction over the hospital industry
and can co-regulate with the federal government. But more important
than constitutional authority is the rationale on which state action rests.
Fundamentally, state authority is based on the economic dependence of
hospitals on revenues generated in the state and on the nature of the
hospital as a firm. Once Medicare and the federal share of the Medicaid
program are removed, sixty percent of hospital revenues come from
local sources. ^^ In addition, because of the typical non-profit, charitable
nature of the hospital, the state's interest in regulation is heightened.
Thus, the economic rationale for state intervention seems well-established.
The final premise is that state legislatures may be the preferred
policy locus. Because the nature of the cost problem varies substantially
from state to state, both in terms of its magnitude and its causes, and
because the constellation of actors and the strength of the various interest
"^See Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1981, Pub. L. No. 97-35, tit. XXIII, §§ 2161-
2184, 95 Stat. 357 (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. § 1396n (1982 & Supp. 1985)).
^Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, Pub. L. No. 97-248, § 101(a)(1),
96 Stat. 331-36 (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395ww(a), (b) (1982 & Supp.
^^Social Security Amendments of 1983, Pub. L. No. 98-21, tit. VI, § 601 et seq.,
97 Stat. 65 (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(d) (1982 & Supp. 1985)).
^^See Schramm, supra note 5, at 632-41.
^^Gibson, Waldo & Levit, National Health Expenditures, 1982, 5 Health Care Fin.
Rev. 1, 19 (1983).
924 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
groups are different in each state, state legislatures are presumably more
likely to craft acceptable solutions to meet local demands. Moreover,
in our federal system, experience with a wide variety of state initiatives
has the potential of increasing the development of more effective ap-
proaches to the problem of health care costs. ^^
Overarching each of the foregoing, however, is a fundamental concept
of what role regulation plays in society. While many arguments have
been advanced as to why regulation exists, it seems clear that in the
case of economic regulation, the state is engaged in balancing interests
that are not satisfactorily arbitrated in the market. ^° In response to actual
or perceived market malfunction, the state enters to establish a distri-
butional scheme (mainly by controlling entry and setting acceptable prices)
that more adequately reflects an articulated social interest in the outcome
of the economic exchange under scrutiny. In return for accepting a state
presence, which necessarily reduces the discretion of the regulated en-
terprise, the state ensures some degree of security to the regulated entities.
This quid pro quo reflects the fundamental nature of regulation: a
formalized bargain where society exacts more acceptable behavior from
the regulated firm in return for a promise of protection from some
features of the unregulated marketplace.^^ Contemporary theory in state
legislatures appears grounded on this exchange theory as opposed to the
prevailing federal theory of unilateral delegation.
C. Primer on State Hospital Regulation
Modern state efforts at regulating the hospital industry began in the
late 1960's.^^ In several states, controlling hospital cost inflation emerged
as a matter for public concern and eventual legislation because of the
public cost of care for the poor. In New York, where publicly supported
care of the poor imposes a higher tax-related burden than in any other
jurisdiction, inflation in hospital costs became a major issue in budget
debates of the late sixties when it was apparent that New York City
was close to financial collapse." As part of the solution imposed by
financiers, major reductions in spending, including for health care, were
necessitated. Thus, the state established a program to supervise the
^'^See Biles, Schramm & Atkinson, supra note 16.
^°Breyer, Analyzing Regulatory Failure: Mismatches, Less Restrictive Alternatives,
and Reform, 92 Harv. L. Rev. 549, 553 n.l7 (1979).
^'See Stigler, Theory of Economic Regulation, in Perspectives on the Administrative
Process 81 (R. Rabin ed. 1979); Wilson, The Politics of Regulation, in Perspectives on
THE Administrative Process 90 (R. Rabin ed. 1979).
^^See generally Schramm, Wren & Biles, supra note 4, at 22.
"Health Care Financing Admin., U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services,
National Hospital Rate Setting Study, Vol. VII: Case Study of Prospective Reim-
bursement IN New York 2-8 (1980).
budgets of all hospitals, attempting to reduce spending for all payers,
including Medicaid. ^^
The second state to establish a hospital cost containment program
was Maryland, where hospital trustees were concerned that inner-city
hospitals dealing with a higher-than-average caseload of indigent patients
were in a state of fiscal stress and might be forced to close. As a result,
trustees of the state's hospitals petitioned the legislature for an agency
that would reduce hospital spending for all payers and distribute the
expense of deUvering care to the poor among all patients by estabhshing
a uniform rate.^^
In these two programs the seeds of the hospital regulation movement
were planted. In both, the state stepped in to protect both the citizens
who ultimately pay for care and the hospital system from financial
insolvency related to uncompensated care. In each instance, the system
of budget discipline imposed on the hospital was prospective payment
for all care provided over a given period. Also, in both states all payers
for care were made to pay the same price, thus allowing the costs of
care provided to the poor to be redistributed over the entire patient
Shortly after the New York and Maryland legislatures established
their programs, four other states initiated prospective hospital cost-
containment programs. ^^ Three of these states, Connecticut, Massachu-
setts, and New Jersey were in the northeast, where state legislatures had
created substantial Medicaid programs in the mid-sixties. Because of the
balanced budget requirements of state constitutions and recession-con-
nected declines in tax revenues, these states were interested in reducing
hospital cost inflation from a budgetary perspective. Another goal of
the legislation was that both consumers and hospitals would benefit from
a system that rationalized payment schemes among payers such that all
citizens profited from reduced spending on hospital care.
Because of varying delays in collecting necessary financial infor-
mation, all six states began regulating hospital rates at virtually the same
time. Examination of the regulatory period from 1976 to the present
^''1965 N.Y. Laws 795 (codified as amended at N.Y. Pub. Health Laws § 2807
(McKinney 1985 & Supp. 1986)).
"See 1971 Md. Laws 627 (codified as amended at Md. Health-Gen. Code §§19-
201 to 19-220 (Supp. 1985)).
'*The states were Connecticut, 1973 Conn. Acts 117 (codified as amended at Conn.
Gen. Stat. Ann. §§ 19a-145 to 19a-166 (West 1986)); Massachusetts, 1973 Mass. Acts
1229 (codified as amended at Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 6A, §§ 31-77 (West 1986));
New Jersey, 1971 N.J. Laws 136; 1978 N.J. Laws 83 (codified as amended at N.J. Stat.
Ann. § 26:2H-4.1 (West Supp. 1986)); and Washington, 1973 Wash. Laws ch. 5 (codified
as amended at Wash. Rev. Code Ann. §§ 70.39.030 to 70.39.910 (West 1975 & Supp.
926 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
has consistently shown statistically significant reductions in the rate of
hospital cost inflation in the regulated states. ^^ It is these data that in
part account for the growing interest in hospital regulation at the state
D. State Activity to Date and its Classification
After nearly fifteen years, there are now several types of formal
state-level initiatives to control hospital costs. The most extensive, typified
by the first six states, is the regulation of total hospital revenues and
the rates that all payers in the state are charged for care. In 1983,
Maine, West Virginia, and Wisconsin enacted statutes similar to those
in effect in the original six states. ^^
A second group of states are those that supervise hospital rates but
do not have authority to set them. For example, in Florida, a public
body exists to collect hospital price information and to disclose it publicly. ^^
A third type of statute merely requires reporting of information on
hospital prices to a state agency, which in turn may publish the infor-
mation."^^ While it is still too early to judge the latter two types of
efforts, ample evidence suggests that cost-containment programs are
effective in direct proportion to the amount of government power vested
in the regulating agency. Mere disclosure, for example, cannot be expected
to be effective where consumers are fully insured against the costs of
II. The Parties and Their Interests
A. The Identities and Interests of the Twelve Groups
Most matters considered by legislatures evoke the attention of only
two or three groups affected by a proposal. The groups include pro-
ponents (often private citizen/consumers, businesses, social reformers,
and the executive departments of government) who seek legislative action
on their behalf or on behalf of their cause; unqualified opponents of
the proposal; and those who will be marginally disadvantaged by the
measure and oppose its passage until the offending features have been
discarded. When proposals that would limit hospital revenues are under
consideration, however, at least twelve parties with distinguishable in-
terests have been observed to take active roles. The presence of many
interest groups makes the consensus necessary for the passage of leg-
"Biles, Schramm & Atkinson, supra note 16.
''See Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, § 381 (West Supp. 1986); W. Va. Code §§ 16-5F-1
to 16-5F-6 (1985); Wis. Stat. Ann. §§ 54.01 et seq. (West Supp. 1986). See Appendix for
a summary of a variety of state efforts.
""See Fla. Stat. Ann. §§ 395.501-395.514 (West 1986).
"^See 1971 Cal. Stat. 1242.
islation problematic for two reasons: the process of multilateral nego-
tiations is cumbersome and expensive, and the number of issues in
dispute is extremely large.
As a result of the large number of interested parties, hospital rate-
setting proposals present a curious legislative phenomenon; namely, un-
predictable coalition behavior among the interest groups depending on
the positions they adopt from state to state. Indeed, several of these
groups have taken diametrically opposing positions in different juris-
dictions. Compounding matters is the unpredictable identity of the "in-
itiator" party from state to state.
What follows is a description of the interest groups and their re-
spective positions on the question of regulating hospital revenue. The
order in which they are presented does not reflect their importance to
the legislative process. Once the groups and their causes are identified,
the possible initiators of legislation are examined. Finally, the coalition
behavior of the parties is explored and likely legislative outcomes — which
ultimately depend on the nature and number of parties forming the most
forceful coalition — are discussed.
1. Community Hospitals. — This group is composed of non-profit or
voluntary, acute care community hospitals. More specifically, the interest
group represents the position of professional administrators working in
these hospitals. Their interests can often be distinguished from those
who have a stake or interest in the hospital and its continued existence;
for example, hospital trustees. As will be discussed in more detail below,
community hospital trustees have traditionally represented what might
be thought of as a long term local interest in the hospital.
The American Hospital Association (AHA), the national interest
group whose membership is overwhelmingly composed of hospital chief
executives, has vigorously resisted the adoption of rate setting. Reduced
to its essence, the position of the AHA is based on the criticism that
regulation reduces the managerial discretion of the professional admin-
istrator.'^^ Professional administrators recognize that their interests might
diverge from those of trustees, and the AHA has attempted to influence
hospital trustees to its way of thinking. For example, the Association
has established a separate trustee educational effort and has founded a
magazine designed to influence trustees' perspectives.'*^
2. Hospital Trustees.— TiVi^iQQS are more closely connected to the
""See Hearings Before the Subcomm. on Health of the Senate Comm. on Finance
on State Hospital Payment Systems, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. 236 (1982) (statement of the
American Hospital Association); Knieser, Free Market System Is Still the Best Answer,
56 Hospitals 31 (1982); see also Am. Hosp. Ass'n, supra note 4; Am. Hosp. Ass'n, How
States Can Opt Out of the Federal Medicare DRG System: A Summary of Legal
Issues (1983).
"•^This magazine is Trustee, published monthly by the American Hospital Publishing
928 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
hospital's role in the community than many of the individuals who work
in the hospital every day. To the extent that the hospital is viewed as
a community-owned resource, often based literally on a financial trust
dedicated to community welfare, trustees may view themselves as the
custodians of a very special community asset.
In contrast to the essential '^localness" of the trustee's interests,
professional administrators participate in national labor markets, and
their allegiance to a given institution often appears minimal. Whereas
administrators, qua professionals, view themselves as important to the
orderly functioning of the nation's hospitals, trustees represent community
concerns and continuity of interest in the fortunes and successes of a
local institution. Thus, from time to time, one can observe a clear
divergence of interest between trustees and professional hospital lead-
In the case of rate setting, a state presence may be desirable or at
least less threatening to trustees who are members of the community
elite and can informally make their voices heard in government circles.
In Maryland, trustees initiated the movement that ultimately resulted in
the creation of a state agency with authority to set hospital revenue
limits; they saw government as the only means to distribute equitably
the burden of uncompensated care and thus preserve the hospital system
in a time of significant economic stress. Administrators, who as outsiders
do not enjoy comparable government access, tend to view rate setting
as an affront to their professional competence in making decisions related
to hospital resource use."*^
3. For-Profit Hospitals. — For-profit hospitals, whose political im-
portance varies enormously from state to state depending on the share
of hospital services provided by investor-owned hospitals, have always
opposed rate-setting legislation. The basis of their opposition seems
obvious; in regulated markets, firms have their profit level determined
by a regulatory agency which customarily ties approved rates to actual
costs of production plus a rate~of-return on investment. In such systems,
investor-owned hospital executives believe that the freedom to seek max-
imum profit is removed. It appears that the resistance for-profit hospitals
offer to state-level proposals to hmit hospital revenue has little to do
with the number of for-profit hospitals within a jurisdiction. Rather,
the behavior of for-profit hospitals toward new rate-setting proposals
suggests that the for-profit industry operates with the domino theory in
mind — each additional state adopting hospital regulation, even if there
is no significant investor-owned market share, increases the Hkelihood
of regulation in other states. ^^
*^See Jolly, Election Post-Mortem: Arizona Hospital, Business Health Cost Fight
Fizzles, Bus. «fe Health, March 1985.
**See Statement by Cyndee Eyster, Director of State Legislation, Federation of
American Hospitals, to the Special Committee on Health Care Cost Containment and the
4. Blue Cross. — Blue Cross plans were founded by hospitals as non-
profit insurance schemes by which patients would fund hospital care
through premiums/^ As such, most state Blue Cross plans operate as
specially chartered, non-profit, tax-exempt entities. Over the years, be-
cause of the close link between hospitals and Blue Cross (until the last
decade overlapping boards of directors were common), ^^ Blue Cross plans
with larger market shares have enjoyed significant discounts from hospital
charges in paying for their subscribers' care/^ To the extent that rate-
setting legislation would set hospital prices evenly among all payers, in
an attempt to shift bad debt equitably among all hospitals and patients.
Blue Cross will find the proposal objectionable because it will result in
a major inhibition to maintaining what Blue Cross considers competitive
rates /^
5. Commercial Insurers. — Because commercial insurance companies
do not have direct contracts with providers as do Blue Cross plans
(where the subscriber/patient stands legally as a third party beneficiary),
but rather indemnify the insured/patient, they have not been able to
extract discounts from hospitals. Commercial health carriers argue that
as a result, virtually every other payer— because they contract directly
with hospitals on behalf of a pool of patients, albeit an uncertain and
unpredictable pool from the perspective of any one hospital — is able to
extract some discount from hospital charges. Thus, commercial carriers
argue that hospital administrators, in order to meet the demands for
discounts made by direct payers (Blue Cross, Medicare, Medicaid, and
workers' compensation), pass on the costs of this practice to those
patients who pay full charges and seek indemnification from their in-
surers.^^ The practice of imposing higher charges on commercially insured
patients, commonly referred to as cost-shifting, operates to disadvantage
the indemnification carriers by raising their claims expenses. As a result,
commercial insurers generally endorse cost-containment proposals which
promise the equitable treatment of all payers.
6. Medicaid. — Every state except Arizona established a Medicaid
program shortly after Congress passed the federal act in 1965.^^ Under
the statute. Congress provided that roughly half of all costs of state
programs would be met from the federal treasury provided that state
programs included certain minimum benefits. ^^ During the 1970's, Med-
Human Resources Committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures (September
''^S. Law, Blue Cross: What Went Wrong? 6-25 (2d ed. 1976).
"^See, e.g., Weller, "Free Choice'' as a Restraint of Trade in American Health Care
Delivery and Insurance, 69 Iowa L. Rev. 1351, 1370-71 (1984).
"''S. Law, supra note 45, at 1-5.
^«Ginzburg, Hospital Cost Shifting, 310 N. Eng. J. Med. 893, 895-96 (1984).
'^Id. at 897.
^Twenty Years of Medicare and Medicaid, supra note 11, at 16.
^'Social Security Amendments of 1965, Pub. L. No. 89-97, tit. I, §§ 121-122, 79
Stat. 343 (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. §§ 1396 et seq. (1982 & Supp. 1985)).
930 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
icaid programs felt the financial strain of hyper-inflation in peculiar
ways. State revenue is often more sensitive to general economic conditions
because of sales tax, and the recessionary conditions of the seventies
reduced state income substantially." In states with relatively generous
Medicaid programs, inflation in health care costs and a growing number
of beneficiaries caused Medicaid expenditures to become a major part
of state budgets by the 1970's.^^
State budget officers have long seen Medicaid as particularly im-
portant to the fiscal condition of the state and have pressured Medicaid
programs to reduce expenditures. Because federal law requires only
minimum benefits and state enactments often expand the minimum,
policy attempts to reduce costs have basically focused on three avenues.
The first is to reduce the number of beneficiaries by readjusting eligibility
standards for program coverage. ^"^ The second has been to pressure
providers into giving Medicaid discounts against either charges or costs.
These discount approaches have proceeded directly, for example by
Medicaid unilaterally determining that it will not pay for inpatient care
after, say, the twentieth day of hospitalization, or indirectly, by not
increasing the payment for physician visits from amounts established as
long as a decade ago.^^ The third approach has been to advance plans
that would reduce the rate of inflation of costs in order to lessen the
growth of the Medicaid expenditure from year to year.^^
While governors may feel obliged to be sympathetic to the interests
of hospitals and others who might be harmed by regulation, the condition
of state budgets imposes a certain unavoidable demand on executives'
allegiance. While cases exist where a state health department has publicly
assumed a position on rate setting contrary to an executive's, such
situations are rare and generally change once the governor imposes
executive discipline.
7. Medicare. — For the most part, the federal government's role in
the rate-setting debate at the state level has been minimal. In 1972,
Congress sanctioned state hospital cost containment initiatives when it
offered a waiver of Medicare reimbursement principles to those states
experimenting with rate regulation. ^^ Under this authority, several of the
"The Reagan Experiment: An Examination of Economic and Social Policies
Under the Reagan Administration 157-219 (J. Palmer & I. Sawhill eds. 1982).
"Wing, The Impact of Reagan-Era Politics on the Federal Medicaid Program, 33
Cath. U. L. Rev. 1 (1983).
State Choices 25-32 (1982).
"Intergovernmental Health Policy Project, Recent and Proposed Changes in
State Medicaid Programs: A Fifty State Survey (1983).
^^R. BovBjERG & J. HoLAHAN, supra note 54, at 38-45.
"Social Security Amendments of 1972, Pub. L. No. 92-603, tit. II, § 222, 86 Stat.
rate-setting states were granted Medicare waivers in which the federal
government agreed to pay its Medicare obHgations according to the rate
schedule set by the state agency. In 1983, Congress mandated that if
certain requirements were met by a state rate-setting agency, the Secretary
of Health and Human Services, acting through the federal Health Care
Financing Administration (HCFA), must grant a waiver to the applicant. ^^
Notwithstanding the nondiscretionary nature of this congressional di-
rective, the Reagan Administration, acting through the Office of Man-
agement and Budget, has taken a decidedly hostile approach to Medicare
waivers. ^^ The Administration seems to perceive rate setting as an ob-
jectionable advance of regulation in society and to believe that it should
not be encouraged as a matter of poHcy.
Medicare's non-participation may influence state legislation regarding
rate setting in the future. To the extent that rate setting is attractive
because it imposes the same rate schedule on all payers, thus making
all payers share equally in uncompensated care, federal participation is
critical. Apart from its philosophical objection, the Reagan Adminis-
tration does not support the waiver option because of its perception
that Medicare expenditures have been higher in waiver states than they
would have been under normal Medicare reimbursement methods. ^° Not-
withstanding evidence to the contrary,^* it remains to be seen whether
the Administration will attempt to revoke federal participation in existing
waivers or grant waivers to the new rate-setting states.
8. Business. — In recent years, business leaders have become increas-
ingly active in the debate over solving hospital costs. Indeed, the interest
of business has served to refocus the problem away from concern over
hospital cost inflation to concern over both the absolute level of hospital
prices and aggregate hospital spending in a given community. ^^ Business
has joined other interests, most notably organized labor, in an attempt
to force a discussion of what might be done in the community to reduce
total hospital budgets. In many cases, employers have acted to reduce
actual claims expense. ^^ Generally this action has involved pressuring
hospitals and Blue Cross plans to reduce both utilization by employees
and the unit prices charged by the hospital to employees.
This movement is significant because it represents the first time a
^«Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, Pub. L. No. 97-248, tit. I,
§ 101(a)(1), 96 Stat. 334 (codified at 42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(c) (1982 & Supp. 1986)).
^"^See, e.g., Washington Report on Medicine and Health, Oct. 29, 1984, at 38.
•^'S. Renn, The Efficacy of Waivers (1984) (unpublished paper. The Johns Hopkins
Center for Hospital Finance and Management).
''See generally The Corporate Rx for Medical Costs: A Push for Revolutionary
Changes in the Health Care Industry, Business Week, Oct. 15, 1984, at 138-41.
"See, e.g.. Jolly, supra note 43; Meyerhoff & Crozier, Health Care Coalitions: The
Evaluation of a Movement, 3 Health Aff. 120 (1984).
932 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
major division between a community's employers and a community's
hospitals has been observed. It probably reflects in part the decision by
employers over the last decade personally to bear the risk of hospital
costs by self -insuring. ^"^ Self-insurance has forced many Blue Cross plans
to play the limited role of claims administration. As a result, if an
employer is dissatisfied with its claims expense, it may move directly
against a group of hospitals in an attempt to secure lower costs.
9. Organized Labor. — Fringe benefits, including health insurance,
have long been regarded by the leadership of organized labor as one
of unionism's greatest achievements.^^ Thus, there has been little historic
concern over the matter of rising hospital costs since higher costs have
been viewed as resulting in more and better care. Employers paid for
all or most of the costs of insurance, and union leadership has been
largely disinterested in the absolute cost of these benefits. However, in
recent times, the growth of fringe benefit expenses has been so great
that employers have been more aggressive in bargaining. Unions have
experienced negotiations in which little or no increase in take-home wages
was possible because fringe benefit increases had eaten away all that
the employer was willing to give or all that labor was able to bargain.
Faced with such a vital challenge to the bargaining process, union
leadership has increasingly concluded that hospital prices must be con-
The position of organized labor regarding hospital rate setting has
been ambivalent in the past and continues to be ill-defined despite an
increased sense of its importance. In some jurisdictions where hospital
workers are organized, revenue control of hospitals is perceived as
inevitably leading to reduced employment. Recently, however, organized
labor has officially determined that it supports the concept of hospital
rate regulation and has worked on behalf of regulation in West Virginia."
10. Consumers.— Consumers have only recently emerged as a force
in rate-setting legislation. Because they have traditionally been shielded
from the true costs of health care by comprehensive insurance, consumers
have been relatively indifferent to inflation in this sector of the economy.
Insurance carriers have historically paid the costs of health care no
matter how fast unit prices increased. Consumer apathy has been ex-
acerbated by the very nature of hospital care finance, a field so complex
^The Corporate Rx for Medical Costs: A Push for Revolutionary Changes in the
Health Care Industry, Business Week, Oct. 15, 1984, at 138-41; see also Iglehart, Big
Business and Health Care in the Heartland: An Interview with Robert Burnett, 3 Health
Aff. 40 (1984).
^^See Dunlop, Health Care Coalitions, in Prfvate Sector Coalitions: A Fourth
Party in Health Care 10-11 (B. Jaeger ed. 1982).
•^West Virginia Labor Fed'n (AFL-CIO), Committee on Political Education,
Legislative Report Sixty-Fifth Legislature 16 (1982).
that it would require a substantial investment of time for individuals to
comprehend the extent of their coverage and their exposure.
However, recent erosion of the fully protective nature of insurance,
evidenced by increased copayments and deductibles, coupled with the
erosion and threatened cutbacks in programs protecting the elderly and
the poor, have forced more consumer advocates to turn their attention
to the issue of rising heahh care costs. ^^ Nearly all consumers have faced
reductions in current coverage. Employer and union approaches have
primarily involved reductions in the "first dollar" aspects of coverage
in an attempt to make the consumer more price conscious and thus
more judicious in the use of care.^^ Similarly, Medicare and Medicaid
have been attempting to control provider (hospitals and physicians)
expenditures for several years with little success. As a result, both
programs have turned their attention to the patient/beneficiary as a
means of curbing program costs in light of uncontrollable provider
11. Physicians.— ?\\ys\Q,\dins always resist proposals to control hospital
revenue. Their objections appear founded on the notion that if hospital
revenue is constrained, ultimately the freedom of the physician to make
choices related to the use of the hospital will be reduced. To the extent
that physicians make a disproportionate share of their income from
activities related to patient care in hospitals, ^^ rate regulation is seen as
a potential negative force on physician incomes. Others have suggested
that physician resistance is based on the domino theory — if hospital
prices are regulated, physician prices will be next. Recent action by the
Congress in the 1984 Medicare amendments suggests this fear may not
be groundless.''^
12. Nurses. — Nurses have not played an important role in the rate-
setting debate as yet. Where they have been visible, in only a handful
of states, their resistance has been orchestrated by the state hospital
association. Indeed, the only position taken by spokespersons for nursing
interests has been that regulation has adverse effects on patient care.^'
Putting aside the quality issue, however, regulation will have no evident
^^See Am. Ass'n of Retired Persons, 1985 Federal & State Legislative Policy
^^See Havighurst, Competition in Health Services: Overview, Issues and Answers, 34
Vand. L. Rev. 1117 (1981); see also Goldsmith, Death of a Paradigm: The Challenge
of Competition, 3 Health Aff. 5 (1984).
^"^See Showstack, Blumberg, Schwartz & Schroeder, Fee-for-Service Physician Pay-
ment: Analysis of Current Methods and Their Development, 16 Inquiry 230 (1979).
™5ee Deficit Reduction Act of 1984, Pub. L. No. 98-369, § 2306, div. B, tit. Ill,
98 Stat. 494, 1070 (amending 42 U.S.C. § 1395u(b) (1982)).
''^See Schramm, Economic Perspectives on the Nursing Shortage, in Nursing in the
1980's, at 55 (L. Aiken <& S. Gortner eds. 1982).
934 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
economic impact on nurses other than potentially reducing system-wide
demand for nurses involved in inpatient care.^^
Any description of the actors and their interests would be incomplete
without noting that members of legislatures have their own interests to
advance on the issue of hospital regulation. Most legislators have hospitals
in their districts, which have tutored them on the causes of hospital
inflation and the evils of rate setting. On the other hand, legislators
inevitably deal with larger social issues and are compelled to behave
with state-wide interests relative to the state's budget. This tension
between serving the interests of their constituent hospitals and the needs
of the state sometimes makes the issue of hospital cost control trou-
blesome for legislators. The very nature of the hospital cost control
problem, i.e., its complexity, persistence, and political intractability,
makes it more amenable to a regulatory solution whereby the legislature
delegates its authority to a continuing agency. This approach takes
hospital decisions out of the hands of the legislature and places them
in the "independent" branch of government where politicians cannot
be held responsible for the outcome of the regulatory process. ^^
B. The Initiator
One of the most interesting aspects of the legislative process relating
to hospital cost containment is the changing identity of the initiator of
regulatory efforts from state to state. As one might suspect, the parties
involved have somewhat different interests in each state. For example,
in jurisdictions where Blue Cross market penetration is significant, sizable
discounts against charges are often encountered. In these states, Blue
Cross would clearly oppose any action to equalize rates among payers.
On the other hand, in states where Blue Cross does not enjoy such
discounts. Blue Cross might look upon rate regulation as a positive
development designed to keep claims expense under control.
Based on experience to date, the parties that have first presented
the idea of regulating hospital rates have included hospital trustees,
governors, business, commercial insurers, and consumers. In each case,
the interest in the issue is different. Trustees see rate regulation as a
means of protecting hospitals from unequal exposure to bad debt expense,
thus stabilizing the industry as a whole. Governors espouse the notion
of controlling hospital inflation as a means of dampening the demand
of state Medicaid programs for general funds. Business leaders have
advocated regulation out of frustration with hospital inflation. Com-
mercial insurers see regulation as a means of equity in payment and
'^Id. at 44-49.
"Kinney, Coordinating Rate Setting and Planning in States with Mandatory Hospital
Rate Regulation: What Makes a Difference? (to be published in Journal of Legal Medicine).
protection against cost shifting. Finally, consumers have argued for rate
controls to address the growing burden of insurance copayments and
Obversely, certain parties have never supported rate regulation, much
less acted as proponents. These include hospital associations and the
investor-owned hospitals, medical societies, and nurses. The perception
of each group is that if rate review legislation were to emerge, its
economic interest might be impaired.
Several actors have been on each side of the issue in different states,
and on each side of the issue in the same jurisdiction, but in different
periods of time. Business has been divided on whether regulations are
necessary. As mentioned above, many business leaders abhor the notion
of encouraging the spread of regulation, notwithstanding their perception
that hospitals will not estabhsh spending restraints on their own. Likewise,
organized labor has historically resisted hospital regulation as an implicit
reduction in the benefits available to members and as a potential threat
to the jobs of the many unionized hospital workers. A final example
of ambiguous support is the action of Governor James Thompson of
Illinois, who endorsed legislation designed to estabhsh a hospital reg-
ulation agency and then failed to appropriate the funds needed to give
it Hfe.^^
In conclusion, one is reminded of the work of Anthony Downs
regarding the factors that make issues the subject of public, specifically
legislative, attention. Downs argues that ideas move into pubhc debate
and are dealt with depending on the parties introducing the idea and
the amount of pubhc support the idea receives. ^'^ The crux of Downs'
theory is that issues change through time, and predicting what action
will emerge depends largely on who initially brings an idea to public
attention. In the case of rate setting, because of the large number of
interested parties, the importance of the initiator of the idea is over-
whelmed by the identity of parties who support the notion.
C. Coalitions of Parties and Their Behavior
While the formation of coalitions is key in understanding the process
that brings hospital revenue regulation about, there is little systematic
knowledge about the operation of joint interests. There are, however,
certain groups whose interests seem to coincide and others where certain
antipathy is observed. The most commonly observed link is between
commercial insurers and employers, if employers are at all active on the
issue. Likewise, the bond between hospitals and Blue Cross seems certain.
'^See Crozier, State Rote-Setting: A Status Report, 1 Health Aff. 74 (1982).
"Downs, Up and Down with Ecology: The "Issue-Attention Cycle," 28 Pub. Interest
38 (1972).
936 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
In most cases, the similarity of positions between trustees and hospitals
prompts joint activity to resist rate setting. Increasingly, where business
has taken a positive stand, it is supported by organized labor, due largely
to the formal existence of labor-management coalitions.
Just as certain parties find it in their interest to work together, the
opposite also holds. Blue Cross and commercial insurers seldom appear
to work together, just as physicians never join employers or unions in
their positions. Similarly, for-profit hospitals will never work with or-
ganized labor, Medicaid, Medicare, and organized nurses generally op-
erate on their own and seldom become an integral part of any coalition.
D. Likely Outcomes — Predicting Success or Failure
In the legislative process, it is always difficult to predict success or
failure with any certainty. Considering the enormous diversity among
state legislatures, it is virtually impossible to develop a paradigm that
would be useful in forecasting the outcome of a drive to bring about
hospital rate regulation. However, several postulates appear helpful in
understanding the legislative disposition of hospital revenue control pro-
posals. The first is that no one group can be successful in a legislative
campaign. It appears that some majority of the more important actors
must support legislation in order for it to pass. The second postulate
is that active opposition by a small number of key interests can prevent
passage. It appears that hospitals, working with Blue Cross, have generally
been successful in preventing passage, especially if trustees have been
active in their resistance. The third postulate is related; namely, no one
group can prevent passage. Acting alone, hospitals, physicians, organized
labor, and Blue Cross have been unable to prevent the passage of rate-
setting legislation.
The net importance of these observations is that one must watch
the joint behavior of the parties surrounding a legislative proposal.
Success or failure lies in the coalitions that effectively work for or against
the proposal.
III. Positions of the Parties
A. The Context of Argument in the Legislative Milieu
Having observed the legislative and executive process related to
hospital rate regulation in several jurisdictions, it is possible to inventory
the major positions advanced by proponents and opponents of regulation.
Because of the apparent interest in the phenomenon, this Article gives
limited attention to the arguments in favor of hospital rate regulation.
Instead, it concentrates in more detail on the arguments offered by
opponents. This approach should prove more useful in understanding
the legislative process, as legislation typically succeeds more by over-
coming negatives than by being embraced for its obvious utility to society.
B. Why Hospital Rate Settingl
The statistical case that rate-setting achieves the objectives of leg-
islation establishing a regulatory mechanism for hospital revenues is
rather easily made and, indeed, is nearly universally confirmed by eval-
uative research on the effects of the regulatory process. ^^ In the post-
1976 regulatory era, the rate of increase in the cost of an average hospital
admission has risen more slowly in the original six rate-setting states
than in the 45 remaining jurisdictions — a finding of particular interest
given the contrary inflationary experience of the six states in the pre-
regulatory period. ^^ Inflation in the cost of a hospital stay is a convenient
proxy for measuring the effectiveness of the legislation in accomplishing
its goal of reducing overall inflation.
C. Arguments on Behalf of Rate Setting
Given the success of the original state efforts to control hospital
spending, it is interesting to examine the arguments advanced on behalf
of hospital revenue regulation more carefully. It is important, however,
to appreciate that for the most part, the success of rate setting has been
Hnked to its ability to impose the same rate on all payers for hospital
care. In most states, hospitals charge a variety of prices for the same
services depending on the source of payment. Thus, cash paying patients
and those insured by indemnity policies (commercial insurance) are re-
ferred to as charge-based payers because they pay for the actual cost
of their care plus a markup to the charged price. Medicare and many
state Medicaid plans have traditionally paid * 'reasonable costs," with
no markup over the actual cost of providing care for the beneficiaries.
In four of the original rate-setting states, the federal government, using
its authority to waive Medicare regulations, agreed to reimburse hospitals
at the rates set by the state agencies. In several states, Medicaid programs
pay less than actual costs by setting lower-than-cost fee schedules for
hospital care. In between are payers such as workers' compensation
carriers that pay according to a fee schedule. Blue Cross plans which
generally pay charges minus a contractually-agreed discount, and other
'^See, e.g.. Biles, Schramm & Atkinson, supra note 16; Sloan, Rate Regulation as
a Strategy for Hospital Cost Control: Evidence from the Last Decade, 61 Milbank Mem.
Fund Q. 195 (1983). But see Mitchell, Issues, Evidence, and the Policymaker's Dilemma,
1 Health Aff. 84 (1982); Morrisey, Sloan & Mitchell, State Rate-Setting: An Analysis
of Some Unresolved Issues, 2 Health Aff. 36 (1983).
"See Appendix, Fig. 1 for the rate of cost increases in the original six states and
Figs. 2-7 for the experience in each of the six.
938 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
payers who have entered into agreements for discounts with the hospital.
Clearly, the existence of multiple price schedules in hospitals suggests
the existence of cross-subsidization of costs among patients depending
on payment source. ^^ In this respect, the average hospital operates as an
implicit social taxing scheme on its patients.
The most important argument advanced for the initiation of rate-
setting is that it clearly establishes strong incentives to reduce price
inflation and ultimately to reduce the underlying costs of hospital care.
To the extent that certain price levels are disallowed by the agency, the
hospital must act to reduce costs.
The second most persuasive argument relates to the uniform price
imposed in "all-payer" states; namely, that hospitals find all patients
equally attractive. In states where different rates of reimbursement attach
to different patients, equal access to hospital care is jeopardized. Hospitals
clearly find certain patients more attractive than others. Likewise, where
the state agency adjusts the uniform price in each hospital to reflect
the cost of caring for poor patients, the hospital can be immunized
against the risk of uncompensated care to those patients who have no
form of insurance protection. Thus, discounts are awarded only to payers
who offer demonstrated cost savings to hospitals, and no payer bears
an unequal obligation to subsidize the care of uncovered patients. Related
to inter-payer equity is the removal of any cause for hospitals to tax
certain payers by "cost-shifting" unmet expenses from some patients to
Finally, in a package of attributes that might be characterized as
management reforms, hospitals in regulated jurisdictions operate within
a more predictable revenue environment, with a consistent set of incentives
and payment methods from carrier to carrier. Further, due to the public
collection of information, hospitals in regulated jurisdictions find eval-
uation of comparative performance easier.
D. Arguments Against Hospital Revenue Regulation
Opponents of hospital revenue regulation fall into two types: those
who oppose regulation in general and those who object specifically to
hospital rate control. The former adapt general economic arguments
against regulation to the hospital setting. The latter argue from experience
and use the record of hospital regulation in other jurisdictions as evidence
of why regulation should not be adopted in the instant case. In the
legislative milieu, these theoretical and experiential arguments are both
used simultaneously and are often confused with each other.
1. Adverse Effects of Hospital Regulation in General.— The general
^^See generally B. Kinkead, Pricing Policy in the Hospital Industry (1984) (unpublished
thesis, Johns Hopkins University).
arguments against hospital regulation are variants of well-known anti-
regulatory reasoning that has developed over the hundred-year span of
regulation in America. The most important generic argument relates to
the effect of regulation on competition and the operation of market
forces. Quite clearly the most commonly shared value in the American
economy is the importance of freely functioning markets. Our commercial
creed is based on the notion that markets act to distribute goods im-
partially in a manner that maximizes efficient production and equitable
distribution. Notwithstanding the importance of this economic tenet, our
history since the advent of industrialism has been rife with tension between
parties attempting to control markets and maximize profits. In the early
phases of industrialism, private interests appeared to consolidate capital,
manufacturing, and distribution networks in order to reap "monopoly"
profits. As government responded to perceived abuses in the market by
enacting antitrust laws, it appeared as if government was seeking to
regulate markets in the interest of the consumer. Most economists believe,
however, that government regulation of markets merely reflects a trans-
formation of the mechanism by which large commercial interests operate
to protect their market shares and, consequently, their prof its. ^^ Thus,
economists argue that while business interests vociferously oppose reg-
ulation in general as destructive of the working of the free market,
many businesses enjoy and seek government intervention in ordering the
market in which they operate.
The foregoing demonstrates that regulation has been ubiquitous in
our economic order for nearly one hundred years. That regulation is
antithetical to the operation of free markets is not clear from history,
nor is it clear that consumers would tolerate an exclusively competitive
market.^^ Indeed, as suggested above, the existence of regulation in an
industry cannot be interpreted as the triumph of government over private
interests. Rather, it suggests that a public presence has been introduced
as an implicit bargain which occurs through our pohtical process. Con-
sumer/voters acting through their government have extracted price conces-
sions in exchange for a government promise to protect the regulated
industry from potential competitors and sagging profits. From this per-
spective, it is difficult to view the position that regulation is antithetical
to competition and our free market tradition as anything but a historic
and simple perspective on a tremendously complex issue. ^^
Closely linked to the argument that regulation is anticompetitive is
the position that it inhibits innovation and experimentation. Much of
what we value in the free enterprise system are the dynamics of the
constant vying for market share. As a result, competitive firms are forced
^"^See Stigler, supra note 31.
^^See generally S. Breyer, supra note 13, at 1-35.
^'See generally H. Commager, The American Mind (1950).
940 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
to innovate and experiment with new products. In a regulated market,
it is feared that formal entry rules will inhibit new competitors, and
that existing firms will no longer feel pressured to innovate and seek
improved efficiencies. As a result, consumers will not benefit from lower
prices over time.
A third general argument against regulation is that the transaction
costs of regulation are excessive. For example, regulated firms must bear
the additional legal and administrative costs of complying with rules
that are not imposed by the marketplace as well as the process-related
costs of seeking government approval for decisions. The burden of these
process costs is passed on to consumers. Surveys by hospital associations
suggest that the costs of complying with regulatory requirements add
substantially to hospital costs. ^^ Moreover, some argue that the costs of
regulation are borne disproportionately by regulated firms and that larger
firms bear relatively heavier costs than smaller firms. In any event, the
distillate of these claims is that regulation is costly and that the burden
of these costs does not fall neutrally on all firms. ^^
The final contention against regulation is that it intrudes into the
decision-making authority of management. In the case of hospitals, it
is further argued that regulation eventually invades the clinical decision
making of physicians. ^"^ Regardless of the motive for regulation, the very
nature of the process circumscribes the authority of managers and ad-
ministrators. The existence of a public agency charged with setting
operating rules for the industry and monitoring the behavior of regulated
firms is the mechanism whereby the public's interest in the firm's decision
making is presumably established.
The arguments against regulation in general meet peculiar difficulty
when applied to hospitals. Regarding the theory of imposing a public
interest in the decision making of the hospital, it must be remembered
that the typical hospital was estabhshed as a public service entity, in
nearly all instances as a non-profit, charitable institution.^^ It is therefore
curious that hospitals would resist the imposition of a regulatory scheme
whose rationale is to protect the public from the unbridled discretion
of the regulated entities. Likewise, regarding regulatory costs in the
hospital industry, many of the regulatory strictures already in place were
developed by hospitals themselves in an attempt to develop uniform
^^See, e.g., Hosp. Ass'n of New York State, Cost of Regulation, Report of
THE Task Force on Regulation (1978); Lewin, Sommers & Sommers, State Health Cost
Regulation and Administration, 6 Toledo L. Rev, 647 (1975).
''See Cutler & Johnson, Regulation and the Political Process, 84 Yale L.J. 1395
^See Zuckerman, Becker & Adams, Physician Practice Patterns Under Hospital Rate-
Setting Programs, 252 J. A.M.A. 2589 (1984).
''See Am. Hosp. Ass'n, Hospital Statistics, 1986 ed. 18-19, Table 5A (1987).
Standards for their industry. Indeed, few if any industries in our economy
have been so persistent in estabUshing self-policing bodies such as the
Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH) or in seeking
legislative delegation to these private regulatory efforts.^^ For example,
a hospital can become a certified Medicare provider and qualify for
federal payment simply by receiving JCAH accreditation.^^
2. Specific Adverse Effects of Hospital Regulation. — The specific
adverse effects of hospital regulation are generally associated with a
particular interest which might be offended. For this reason, the problems
with regulation will be examined from five perspectives.
a. Financial effects on hospitals. — Because revenue is affected, hos-
pitals argue that regulation seriously erodes their short and long term
financial strength. In the short term, it is argued that regulation affects
the liquidity of the hospital, threatening its ability to meet current
liabilities from current revenues. Through time, the additive nature of
this revenue shortfall is said to threaten the hospital's solvency. As a
result, accumulated capital resources, particularly endowment funds, are
used to the long-term detriment of the hospital's fiscal stability.
On the basis of Stigler's theory of regulation, one would not expect
this outcome. ^^ Indeed, one would suspect that the presence of regulation
would lead to a strengthened fiscal position for the hospital. Some
evidence suggests that this is so. While hospital operating margins in
the first six regulated states were lower than in other jurisdictions, through
time hospitals in regulated states have experienced constant improvement
in their margins relative to their past and to the non-regulated juris-
Related to the argument that their fiscal status is jeopardized by
revenue regulation is the hospitals' contention that the presence of a
regulatory scheme operates as a liability in hospital capital markets. This
contention is important because public capital markets have become
increasingly important to hospitals in recent years. ^'^ Roughly a decade
ago, most new capital investment in hospitals was funded through phil-
anthropic gifts and accrued surpluses; now, however, most new con-
struction is funded through revenue supported debt obligations sold by
hospitals on the pubUc bond market.^' Should a hospital operating in
**II A Hospital Law Manual, Licensure I (1980).
^'See 42 U.S.C. § 1395bb (1982 & Supp. 1985). See generally Jost, The Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals: Private Regulation of Health Care in the Public
Interest, 24 B.C.L. Rev. 835 (1983).
^^See Stigler, supra note 31.
*'5ee Appendix, Fig. 8.
^See generally D. Cohodes & B. Kinkead, Hospital Capital Formation in the
1980's (1984).
'•M at 51-53.
942 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
a regulated environment find its ability to place revenue bonds impaired,
it could greatly increase the cost of debt service through the life of the
obligation. While investors may have previously viewed the hospital rate-
setting agency as an impediment to the hospital's ability to set rates at
levels sufficient to support its debt service, hospital capital markets are
now taking comfort in the presence of an agency which, among other
goals, seeks to insure the hospital from bad debt (traditionally the greatest
threat to an institution's long-term solvency), and which has had a
demonstrable positive effect on operating margins. ^^
b. Adverse effects on medical practice and the organization of the
market for care. — Perhaps the most important argument relating to the
advent of regulation is that is has unintended and counterproductive
consequences. Most of these * 'secondary" effects relate to changes in
medical practice and a reorganization of the medical care delivery system
in response to the establishment of a regulatory system.
These observations generally rest on the early utilization experience
of hospitals during the first years of hospital rate regulation. Initially,
rate-setting methods focused on controlling the rate of change in unit
prices within the hospital for all services delivered to patients. ^^ In
response, quite naturally, hospitals began to increase the volume of units
delivered in order to protect overall revenues. Likewise, there is some
evidence that hospitals encouraged increased admissions, again to protect
the level of revenues.^ Soon after this response was observed, regulatory
agencies developed new rate-setting methods which established positive
incentives for hospitals to reduce overall costs. Thus, regardless of the
change in the regulated price per unit of service, the hospital would
attempt to reduce the overall budget. One such approach developed in
Maryland is referred to as the Guaranteed Inpatient Revenue System. ^^
Here, as in the recently adopted federal Medicare payment system, a
hospital is paid a set amount per admitting diagnosis. Under the Maryland
system, at the beginning of the fiscal year, the agency promises a
prospectively agreed upon budget to a hospital producing care for a
given number of cases of a certain complexity (based on its historic
experience) as measured by diagnostic groups. Should a hospital deliver
^^See, e.g., Effects of New Jersey's DRG Hospital Reimbursement System on
Hospitals' Access to Capital Markets, Report of the Health Research and Edu-
cational Trust of New Jersey (1983).
"Health Care Financing Admin., U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services,
First Annual Report of the National Hospital Rate-Setting Study: A Comparative
Review of Nine Prospective Rate-Setting Programs (1980).
^"Worthington & Piro, The Effects of Hospital Rate-Setting on Volumes of Hospital
Services: A Preliminary Analysis, 4 Health Care Fin. Rev. 47 (1982).
'^For a description of the Guaranteed Inpatient Revenue System, see Esposito, Hupfer,
Mason & Rogler, Abstracts of State Legislated Hospital Cost-Containment Programs, 4
Health Care Fin. Rev. 129, 143-44 (1982).
care under budget, it keeps fifty percent of all savings. Thus, the hospital
has a strong incentive to improve internal efficiency and not to increase
A second undesired effect of regulation is the reordering of the
market resulting from efforts to avoid the reach of the rate-setting
agency. Increasingly, hospitals have been attempting to diversify into a
large number of out-of-hospital ventures, including off-campus ambu-
latory surgical facilities, nursing homes, and diagnostic centers that are
not traditionally within the contemplation of the enabhng statutes. As
a result, hospital rates may be held constant but overall spending on
health care may accelerate as hospitals "unbundle" their services, in-
tending to maximize revenue by developing whole new markets. This
phenomenon points out one area for improvement needed in regulation,
namely, control of capital decisions related to the situs of health care.
Most communities are burdened with excess hospital capacity. Increas-
ingly, it appears, more efficient and cheaper treatment sites such as
ambulatory care facilities and HMO's are being developed. As this trend
continues, the overinvestment in unnecessary hospital capacity becomes
more acute. Therefore, states should consider removing inefficient ca-
pacity by closing or encouraging the merger and consolidation of existing
facilities. ^^
c. Adverse effects on payers. — Obviously, if regulation operates well,
payers should benefit by having their claims expense reduced. However,
all payers will not be equally affected, just as all payers will not have
an equal interest in hospital cost containment. Hospital revenue regulation
may have beneficial results for some and harmful effects for others,
before examining the impact of regulation on various payers, it is
important to remember that in non-regulated jurisdictions, real hospital
costs differ substantially from one payer to the next.^^ To the extent
that rate setting sets a uniform price for all payers, those presently
enjoying price concessions (in many states, everyone except cash-paying
patients and indemnity or commercial insurance carriers) will resist reg-
ulation. It is also important to note that from the perspective of some
carriers, the fundamental premise of controUing hospital price inflation
may not be in their interest. For those carriers who have their rates
established by state insurance commissions (all carriers except Medicare
and Medicaid), premiums are often set on the basis of claims expenses
plus some allowance — usually a percentage of expenses for administrative
costs. Thus, these carriers have actually benefited from rising a hospital
^^See, e.g.. Final Report of the Governor's Commission on Ohio Health Care
Costs (July 9, 1984); Final Report of the Governor's Task Force on Health Care
Cost Containment (State of Maryland, Dec. 14, 1984).
^^See generally Ginzburg, supra note 48.
944 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
In regulatory systems where hospital costs will be controlled for a
subset of payers (e.g., Medicaid and Blue Cross — a system once in effect
in Massachusetts), costs will unavoidably be shifted to the unregulated
payers. If the regulated cost of a stay is set lower than the average
prevaihng in the hospital, and the institution cannot shift its cost curve
in the short run, it will attempt to shift the shortfalls incurred in serving
patients covered by regulated payers to patients to whom the hospital
is free to charge any price. As hospitals shift unmet expenditures, the
unregulated carriers may experience a relatively higher rate of claims
cost than prevailed in the pre-regulatory period. This cost-shifting burden
has been felt most heavily by commercial carriers who, because of their
indemnity relationship with their insureds, are among the last payers
whose rates are included in regulation. ^^
Closely related to the issue of cost-shifting among payers treated
unequally by rate setting is the burden an all-payer approach might place
on the state treasury should Medicaid be required to pay at the same
rate as other payers. Especially in jurisdictions where the state Medicaid
program has unilaterally established payment schedules substantially be-
low the rates charged to other payers, the legislature will find it difficult
to deal with the initial costs of reestablishing Medicaid payment at equal
levels. In 1982, for example, Governor Thompson of Illinois decided
that even though he had endorsed a hospital regulatory program enacted
by the legislature, the cost of bringing the state's Medicaid payments
up to those required by the all-payer nature of the program was too
high, and the legislation was never implemented.^^
In addition to the adverse effects that concern both the commercial
insurers and Medicaid programs, there is concern that Medicare obli-
gations increase in states where the federal program reimburses at rates
established by state agencies. The federal government may choose in
certain jurisdictions to pay at rates other than its nationwide payment
method.'^ As noted previously, in an attempt to stimulate state exper-
imentation with all-payer rate setting, Congress recently enacted statutory
language providing that any state enacting comprehensive regulatory
programs that set hospital rates for all payers would qualify for a waiver
of the Medicare payment method. The Reagan Administration has viewed
the proHferation of hospital rate setting as an undesirable expansion of
government regulation. ^^^ It has argued that where Medicare pays rates
in accordance with all-payer systems, the total cost to the Medicare
program exceeds what would have been paid under prevailing payment
principles. However, recent studies have established that Medicare pay-
^See Crozier, supra note 74, at 74.
^°°See S. Renn, supra note 61, at 1.
'"'See Washington Report on Medicine and Health, Oct. 29, 1984, at 38.
ments in the regulated states where the federal government has waived
its payment principles have in fact been substantially lower than they
would have been absent the waiver. '°^
The final payer adversely affected by rate-setting legislation is Blue
Cross. As noted above, many Blue Cross plans enjoy discounts against
charges because of their close connection with hospitals, their policy of
not contesting claims, and their assurance to hospitals regarding method
of payment. To the extent that an all-payer system would reduce these
discounts or limit them to their economic value to the hospital, Blue
Cross will be adversely affected since it will have to compensate for the
resulting increase in claims expense by increasing premiums in the short
d. Adverse effects on patient /consumers. — Two arguments are ad-
vanced relating to the adverse effects of regulation on patients. The first
suggests that one of the inevitable outcomes of regulation is the rationing
of care. This argument holds that when hospital budgets are constrained,
less care will be delivered and some hospital needs of the population
will go unmet. The argument assumes that productivity within the hospital
cannot be improved and that the level of hospital care currently delivered
is medically necessary. Indeed, the weight of all the evidence related to
this question indicates that we are oversupplied with hospitals.
The second adverse consequence of regulation from the patient's
perspective is its potential impact on the quality of care. In reasoning
similar to that underlying the rationing argument, opponents of hospital
revenue limits suggest that with fewer resources at the physician's com-
mand, the patient will be deprived of necessary services and supplies
for maximum quality care. Because there are virtually no scientific
measures of quality available, any statement about quality can be nothing
more than expert opinion. It could, in fact, be argued that by setting
resource constraints on hospitals, one of the benefits to emerge will be
strong incentives to examine treatment outcomes more carefully so as
to optimize resource use.
e. Adverse effects on hospital employees. — The final category of
arguments against rate setting is that it will have adverse effects on
those who are economically Hnked to the continued well-being of in-
dividual hospitals. While the number of individuals potentially affected
by a reduction in spending on hospital care is extremely large, hospital
employees are likely to be the most immediately affected by any potential
reduction of hospital revenue. One reason why this group receives such
attention is that if a hospital is to keep its operating expenses in line
with permitted revenues, it must focus attention on labor costs. Labor
costs alone account for over sixty percent of hospital expenses. '^^
^^See S. Renn, supra note 61.
'"^Am. Hosp. Ass'n, Hospital Statistics 23 (1984).
946 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
Concern over the impact of hospital regulation on employment is
most commonly articulated in two arguments. First, hospitals will move
to reduce labor expenses before any other cost-cutting approaches are
taken. Obviously, because labor expenses account for such a high share
of total costs, attention will be focused on reducing labor costs by layoffs
and/or reductions in pay levels. In the case of layoffs, enormous political
pressure builds on local officials to seek ways of expanding the hospital's
budget in order to protect jobs. In the case of wage reductions, employees
generally find such steps enormously unnerving to their sense of security,
and the hospital adopting such a strategy may jeopardize organization
The second labor-related argument is akin to the first but reflects
a more subtle approach to reducing labor costs. It involves the substitution
of higher-skilled with lower-skilled and lower-paid workers. For example,
faced with new budget constraints, a hospital might attempt to substitute
registered nurses with lower-paid practical nurses, or it might attempt
to use nurse anesthetists in conjunction with physician anesthesiologists.
There is some evidence, however, that in regulated situations some
hospitals attempt to improve efficiency by replacing lower-skilled per-
sons with fewer, more highly paid personnel. ^^"^
IV. Discussion
The issue of regulating hospital rates will grow in importance in the
future. Indeed, state legislative activity in this area will increase, as will
other avenues to establish a formal role for state government in the
regulation of hospital finances. One of the most interesting lessons from
observing legislative proceedings in eighteen states is the unpredictabihty
of the outcome. As mentioned at the outset, the multiphcity of parties
and the inconsistency of their coalition behavior from state to state
make the legislative process very difficult to control, and often it appears
a risky investment for those seeking to enact rate-setting laws.
Examining the legislative outcome in several states suggests the dif-
ficulty of working through legislation relating to hospitals. Of the eighteen
states where legislation has been proposed or introduced during the last
three years, laws have emerged in only three. While it is difficult to
draw comparisons with other types of legislation, this success rate seems
particularly low. On the other hand, previous observations suggest that
there is a long gestation period for statutory proposals to limit hospital
revenues. Moreover, the hospital industry nearly always ranks among
the largest in terms of aggregate budgets in any state.
In response to the unpredictability and difficulty of pursuing a
legislative program, recently it appears as if those seeking cost contain-
"^Schramm, supra note 71, at 45.
merit through the regulation of hospitals have taken new non-legislative
approaches. By far the most dramatic has been the referendum attempt
conducted in Arizona in the fall of 1984. Here, a coalition of major
businesses interested in the establishment of a regulatory system for
hospital budgets was urging a rate-setting bill upon the state legislature. '°^
The hospitals' opposition was extremely strong and the legislature was
apparently deadlocked. As an avenue for circumventing the legislature,
the employer coalition ran a successful drive for a state-wide referendum
in November of 1984. The legislature similarly developed several proposals
related to hospital costs and placed them on the November ballot.
Likewise, the hospitals developed a referendum proposal calling for
limited regulation. In all, five regulatory proposals went before the voters.
None passed despite what appeared in exit polling as a strong commitment
to the idea by a majority of the voters. Explanations of the results vary,
but the important observation here is that while the legislative route
may prove difficult, the shortcut of referenda seems equally if not more
unpredictable. Similar referendum campaigns have been discussed in other
states, but since the Arizona experience, interest in the idea appears to
have declined.
An emerging alternative to hospital revenue legislation seems to be
attempts to change the underlying causes of the problem of high absolute
hospital cost. In general, these approaches appear to focus on two
separate issues — one institutional and the other more market-oriented.
The first relates to the oversupply of hospital beds. For over twenty
years, the connection between excess hospital beds and high costs has
been recognized and has motivated policy at both the federal and state
levels. In the last few years, however, with admission rates, length of
stay, and overall occupancy falling in the nation's hospitals, the issue
of excess capacity has taken on added importance from the perspective
of reducing hospital costs. This results from the now widely observed
phenomenon of hospitals attempting to compete with each other to fill
beds — often at the risk of unnecessary hospitalizations — and from the
costs of carrying overhead expenses on unfilled beds. Several states have
recently published studies showing that as much as one third of their
bed supply is unneeded.'^^ As a result, the states are taking action to
remove hospital beds through a series of legislative proposals that involve
redeveloping hospital capital into other uses, pubhc ''buy-outs" of ex-
isting hospital debt, and exemptions to antitrust laws in order to en-
courage mergers and consolidations between hospitals.'
^^^See Jolly, supra note 43.
'°^See generally Ohio and Maryland Commission reports, supra note 95.
'""See Intergovernmental Health Policy Project, supra note 4.
948 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:919
The market approach involves several states moving to payment
mechanisms, principally for Medicaid, that revolve around fixed unit
prices for given diagnoses. Similar to the federal diagnostic related group
(DRG) system of payment recently imposed by Medicare, state Medicaid
programs are looking to the unit price system as a means of forcing
hospitals to cut their costs or suffer financial loss in treating the Medicaid
population. In a similar vein, some states have promoted health main-
tenance organizations (HMO's) as a means of reducing hospital utili-
zation. In Wisconsin, for example, a plan to put state workers into
HMO's has stimulated rapid development of similar organizations in the
state. io«
The final observation related to state hospital rate regulation regards
the role of the federal government in the development of future state
initiatives in this area. In the past, the federal government has encouraged
state efforts at controlling the hospital marketplace principally through
Medicare waivers. As mentioned, under this authority the federal gov-
ernment cedes to certain rate-setting states the power to establish the
rate at which Medicare pays hospitals for treatment of the Title 18
population. Currently, however, continuation of the waivers in the four
states that qualified seems tenuous,'"^ and the granting of new waivers,
although recently encouraged by Congress, seems less and less Hkely
under the current Administration. Fundamentally, the Reagan Admin-
istration has opposed Medicare waivers on the basis that they encourage
regulatory solutions to social problems and represent the inevitable ex-
pansion of government.
In response, several new state rate-setting laws, such as that of
Maine, '''^ ehminate the need for Medicare participation in the regulatory
scheme. Thus, Medicare is '*carved out" and does not participate in
the otherwise all-payer nature of the system. As a result, hospitals treating
Medicare beneficiaries must operate within the DRG payment limits for
these patients, while all other payers operate at the rates established by
the state. Under this system. Medicare cannot participate in savings that
accrue to other payers, and hospitals might make substantial profits
from the Medicare population, at least in the initial years of the federal
DRG system. Increasingly states will attempt to avoid bringing the federal
government into their plans for controlling hospital costs both because
the federal government is hostile to such state initiatives (something of
an irony given the interest the current Administration has in state par-
ticipation in other issues), and because the states are discovering that
the systems can operate adequately without Medicare participation.
'°^See generally Andreano, Wisconsin Health Care Reforms Blend Tighter Regulation
and Competition, Bus. & Health, Jan. /Feb. 1984, at 47.
'""See Washington Report on Medicine and Health, Oct. 29, 1984, at 38.
"°Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, § 381 (West Supp. 1986).
V. Afterword
What makes for success in the legislature has little to do with
successful administration of its product, namely, a policy initiative em-
bodied in statute. If the legislative effort is to yield a successful solution
to the ultimate problem, the statutory scheme and the legislative intent
must be transformed into a properly functioning agency and program.
Necessarily, the legislature must enact statutes that embody the best
contemporary thinking about the problem and its solution.
However, the best laws do not assure an acceptable solution to the
problem. A good example of the difference between statute and per-
formance exists in the comparison of the Maryland and Washington
statutes and their success in containing hospital costs. The Maryland
statute was enacted in 1971 and provided for comprehensive control of
all hospital budgets in the state.'" Shortly after its enactment, the
Washington legislature passed a bilP'^ modeled on the Maryland law,
incorporating all of the features of the Maryland drafters. After a decade
of experience, Maryland's agency was able to point to statistically sig-
nificant reductions in hospital cost inflation and overall budgets,'*^ while
no significant effect on costs was discernible in Washington throughout
the period.""^
The absence of effect in the one state and success in the other
suggest only that the system envisioned in the law itself is not the
controlling essential. It merely points up the importance of several factors
which are necessary to make hospital cost control a reality. The first,
obviously, is continuing commitment on the part of the legislature to
the importance of the issue. Second, once the delegation by the legislature
is complete, the more important factor is the support of the state's
executive. Continuous reinforcement by the governor is necessary if the
agency is to be protected from the enormously powerful political forces
concerned with the administration of the regulatory system. Third is the
independence of the agency; good appointments by the governor and
insulation from political pressure are requisites for an effective imple-
mentation of the legislature's intention. Finally, and of overwhelming
importance, is the presence of a strong and professional staff for the
'"1971 Md. Laws 627 (codified as amended at Md. Health-Gen. Code Ann.
§§ 19-201 to 19-220 (Supp. 1985)).
"'1973 Wash. Laws ch. 5 (codified as amended at Wash. Rev. Code Ann. §§ 70.39.030-
70.39.910 (West 1975 & Supp. 1986)).
"'Coelen & Sullivan, An Analysis of the Effects of Prospective Reimbursement
Programs on Hospital Expenditures, Health Care Fin. Rev., Winter 1981, at 1; Cohen
& Colmers, ReViews: A State Rate-Setting Commission, 1 Health Aff. 99 (1982). But
see Mitchell, Issues, Evidence, and the Policymaker's Dilemma, 1 Health Aff. 84 (1982).
'"'C/'. Coelen & Sullivan, supra note 113.
[Vol. 19:919
agency. Without a skilled and politically neutral staff, the rate-setting
experiment will not succeed.
The foregoing analysis underscores the observation of one analyst
that "good people cannot make a bad law work, just as bad people
cannot make a good law work." Good laws are necessary to give force
to a strong rate-setting program, and public-spirited people of deter-
mination must be encouraged to administer the will of the people as
expressed through the legislature.
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1983 1984
1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982
1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984
[Vol. 19:919
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1982 1983
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1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983
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1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984
[Vol. 19:919
Liver Transplantation in Massachusetts:
Public Policymaking as Morality Play*
Clark C. Havighurst**
Nancy M. P. King***
In 1982, Jamie Fiske, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Fiske of Massachusetts, was dying of congenital liver disease. Her death
was imminent, except for the possibility that a liver transplant — a dif-
ficult, risky, and extremely costly surgical procedure considered by many
authorities still to be experimental — could prolong her hfe, for months
or years, under a Ufetime regimen of drugs to prevent her body's
natural rejection of the foreign tissue. No surgeons or hospitals in
Massachusetts performed liver transplants at the time. Moreover, the
Massachusetts Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans (MBCBS), the family's
health insurers, advised the Fiskes that such an experimental procedure
would not be covered under their policy. • Thus begins the complex
morality play, * 'Liver Transplantation in Massachusetts."
In addition to the Fiskes, the players in this drama include: two
state-appointed commissions, composed of prominent citizen-experts; the
state Department of Public Health; the state Medicaid program; MBCBS
and Blue Shield's president, John Larkin Thompson; and, as a kind of
Greek chorus, the omnipresent media. The role of ''identified life"^ is
♦Support for the research reflected in this article was provided under Grant No. HS
05326 from the National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Technology
Assessment, U.S. Department of HeaUh and Human Services. The authors are indebted
to personnel of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and Blue Cross of
Massachusetts and to members of the Task Force on Organ Transplantation for their
generous help in facilitating access to information and documents and for submitting to
interviews. Conversations with numerous individuals, most of which are cited herein,
greatly assisted the authors in forming their impressions of liver transplantation in Mas-
sachusetts. The interpretations offered here are of course not necessarily shared by those
who assisted the authors or participated so conscientiously in the policymaking effort.
** William Neal Reynolds Professor of Law, Duke University. A.B., Princeton University,
1955; J.D., Northwestern University, 1958.
***Instructor, Department of Social and Administrative Medicine, University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. B.A., St. John's College, 1975; J.D., University of North CaroHna
at Chapel Hill, 1980.
'Because the Fiskes had initially been guaranteed coverage for the transplant by an
MBCBS employee, the Blues eventually agreed to pay for Jamie's treatment even though
the procedure was technically excluded from plan coverage.
The special function of characters Uke Jamie— endangered individuals whose jeop-
ardy could be relieved by heroic or extraordinary governmental action— in dramas of this
kind has been observed by numerous critics. Interestingly, many if not most of these
critics have been Harvard professors and citizens of Massachusetts. See, e.g.. Fried, The
Value of Life, 88 Harv. L. Rev. 1415 (1969); Fuller, The Case of the Speluncean Explorers,
62 Harv. L. Rev. 616, 623 (1949); Schelling, The Life You Save May Be Your Own,
956 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
played by Jamie Fiske, whose plight precipitated a dramatic medical
rescue and who has so far lived as happily ever after as her circumstances
permit. Absent from the play, even as off-stage voices like the unborn
children in Die Frau ohne Schatten,^ are the "statistical lives" that
policymakers reputedly find easier to ignore than identified hves in
allocating public resources. "^
The action takes place under the full glare of publicity. The setting,
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts between 1982 and 1985, features
a highly regulated health care system built on assumptions that were
common in the 1960's and 1970's but that are not universally embraced
in the United States today. To understand the plot of this drama, it is
helpful to recognize that the political ethos of Massachusetts envisions
a true health care ''system" governed centrally in accordance with exphcit
public choices. Thus, although Jamie Fiske' s fate was not directly in
the hands of the Commonwealth, the state government seemed to view
itself as responsible for seeing that nothing so pubUcly heart-rending
could happen again.
This review of the Massachusetts experience with liver transplantation
treats it as a case study of how a centrally controlled health care system
faces difficult choices concerning health care and health care technology.
Despite its many special features, the problem of liver transplantation
is not sui generis. Health care abounds with similar questions concerning
marginal trade-offs between benefits and costs. Although few of them
are as visible or as fraught with the characteristics of "tragic choices"^
as organ transplantation, the basic dilemma of whether to spend scarce
resources to achieve a particular health benefit of possibly less than
commensurate value is always the same. The choice of decisionmaking
mechanisms, pubhc or private, through which to address these inescapable
trade-offs has been the fundamental problem of health poHcy in the
United States.^
in Problems in Public Expenditure Analysis 127 (S. Chase ed. 1968); Zeckhauser,
Procedures for Valuing Lives, 23 Pub. Pol'y 419, 447, 458-59 (1975); see also Evans,
Health Care Technology and the Inevitability of Resource Allocation and Rationing
Decisions, pts. 1 & 2, 249 J. A.M. A. 2047, 2208 (1983); Friedman, Rationing and the
Identified Life, Hosps., May 16, 1984, at 65; infra text accompanying notes 37-43.
^A well-known operatic fantasy by Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannsthal.
*See generally Havighurst, Blumstein, & Bovbjerg, Strategies in Underwriting the
Costs of Catastrophic Disease, Law &. Contemp. Probs., Autumn 1976, at 122, 140-45;
see also supra references cited note 2 and infra text accompanying notes 37-43.
The term is Guido Calabresi's. See generally G. Calabresi & P. Bobbitt, Tragic
Choices (1978). Tragic choices arise in situations where no decision can be satisfying
because any choice necessarily sacrifices one or more irreconcilable fundamental values.
Scarcity is the fundamental condition that necessitates such choices. Not all choices are
tragic, of course, and markets are usually tolerated to allocate mundane goods and services.
Where the opportunity cost of a particular choice includes a highly visible possibility of
a lost life or other personal tragedy, however, its potentially tragic character appears.
^See generally Havighurst & Blumstein, Coping with Quality /Cost Trade-offs in
Medical Care: The Role of PSROs, 70 Nw. U.L. Rev. 6, 9-45 (1975).
American society as a whole is somewhat less committed than Mas-
sachusetts to centralized decisionmaking on questions of what health
services should be provided. Indeed, although the enactment of Medicare
and Medicaid in 1965 started a seemingly inexorable movement toward
such centralization of authority in government hands, recent years have
seen a distinct movement in the opposite direction, particularly in federal
policy.^ Despite the promise of this new poHcy and some signs that
hopes for it are being rewarded, it is still not clear that private choices
can effectively ration expensive, potentially hfesaving therapies or that
such rationing, if effective, would be acceptable politically. Many believe
that effective and acceptable rationing can be achieved only by having
government assume direct or indirect control of technology and health
care spending. Although the Massachusetts experience with liver trans-
plants provides no answers to these policy questions, it yields some
insights into the relative merits of both approaches.^
I. Act One
Jamie Fiske's father successfully pleaded her need for a transplantable
organ (and financial assistance) before the entire country, leading to a
successful transplant at the University of Minnesota in November 1982.
As a direct result of Jamie's case and the publicity it attracted, several
things happened back home in Massachusetts. Several hospitals in Boston,
all of them nationally prominent research and tertiary care centers, began
expressing an interest in undertaking liver transplants. Other candidates
for transplant surgery began appearing and pressing for financial support
for the expensive lifesaving therapy. Such developments immediately
focused attention and pressure on state government, because Massachu-
setts hospitals were not free to offer the service without a "determination
of need" (DON) by state health planners^ and because the state Medicaid
program was one of the payers being asked to cover the cost. In addition,
although MBCBS were private entities, they were finding it difficult both
on medical grounds and as a public relations matter to insist that liver
transplantation was still "experimental" and therefore not covered by
their insurance contracts. MBCBS were hopeful that the state would
''See generally Market Reforms in Health Care (J. Meyer ed. 1983); Havighurst,
The Changing Locus of Decisionmaking in the Health Care Sector, 11 J. Health Pol,
Pol'y & h. 691 (1986).
Tor other studies providing insight on technology assessment, rationing, and tragic
choices in different health care settings, see generally H. Aaron & W. Schwartz, The
Painful Prescription (1984) (describing the rationing of health care in the United Kingdom);
Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Assessing Medical Technol-
ogies (1985); Minnesota Coalition on Health Care Costs, The Price of Life: Ethics
and Economics (Dec. 1984) [hereinafter Minnesota Coalition Report]; Office of Tech-
nology Assessment, Medical Technology Under Proposals to Increase Competition
IN Health Care (1982).
^Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. Ill, § 25B (West 1977).
958 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
take the heat either for denying the service or for authorizing it and
the higher insurance premiums needed to pay for it. Under these cir-
cumstances, the Commonwealth government did the predictable thing — it
appointed a commission.'"
A. The Fineberg Task Force and Report
The Liver Transplantation Task Force (LTTF), which was created
in December 1982, was charged by the Commissioner of Public Health
with the task of discussing several issues, including the question, "Should
this type of program and procedures be encouraged or permitted?""
Notably, this charge directly raised the fundamental question of whether
the state should allow livers to be transplanted at all. It envisioned a
range of possible postures for the state, from prohibition to neutrality
to active encouragement. Although outright suppression of either research
on a new technology or use of a technology once developed would, in
practice, raise serious political and legal questions, the LTTF was never-
theless asked to recommend what state policy ought to be.
The LTTF's report, known as the Fineberg Report, ^^ was issued in
May 1983. It described liver transplantation as
a technically feasible, extreme and expensive procedure, de-
monstrably capable of extending the lives of some patients near
death, and with substantial uncertainties about optimal selection
of patients, appropriate criteria for excluding other patients,
optimal matching of donor organs and recipients, effectiveness
under conditions of more widespread use, and the extent of
benefits and costs. '^
The report recommended that liver transplants in Massachusetts be Hmited
to one adult and one pediatric program with extensive data to be gathered
from these programs in order to clarify the numerous "uncertainties"
it had identified.'"^ The LTTF viewed both this data gathering and
systematic evaluation of the procedure as vitally important.
'"This commission was the Liver Transplantation Task Force (LTTF), which was
created in December 1982.
"Letter from Alfred L. Frechette, Commissioner of Public Health, Commonwealth
of Massachusetts, to Harvey Fineberg, Harvard School of Public Health (Dec. 27, 1982)
reprinted in Final Report of the Task Force on Liver Transplantation in Massa-
chusetts B1-B2 (May 1983).
'TiNAL Report of the Task Force on Liver Transplantation in Massachusetts
(May 1983) [hereinafter Fineberg ReportI (known as the Fineberg Report after the chairman
of the LTTF, Harvey Fineberg of the Harvard School of Public Health).
'Ud. at 34.
'"Id. at 36, 40-41. The report also recommended that liver transplantation be initiated
under a special one-year DON exemption, so that the data gathered by the new programs
could be evaluated before a final DON determination was made. Id. at 39-40. In a
In addition, the Fineberg Report provided extensive cost estimates
on liver transplantation, derived largely from data supplied by MBCBS.*^
It identified eleven cost components, ranging from preoperative expenses,
surgery, and follow-up to the costs of complications, including
rehospitalization and additional transplants.^^ It concluded by estimating
that the average cost per Massachusetts patient surviving one year after
the transplant would be $238,800. '^ The report candidly acknowledged
that some of its assumptions may have reduced the reliability of this
estimate, noting that it took hospital charges to reflect true resource costs
and ignored both indirect economic effects and "potential savings at-
tributable to averted medical expenses" incurred in caring for a dying
patient.'* The report's completeness and candor on these points were un-
precedented; they serve to highlight the shortcomings of other prominent
studies and the great need for better data gathering.'^
The LTTF's average total cost figure obscures the possibility that
the marginal or incremental cost of a transplant may be considerably
less. Based on the observation that transplantation could be undertaken
in Massachusetts hospitals without adding equipment or personnel, the
LTTF concluded that hospitals undertaking transplantation should be
required to do so within their respective current cost ceilings under
Massachusetts' system for regulating hospital revenues. ^^ Under this rec-
ommendation, a hospital could receive no additional funds by virtue of
adding a liver transplantation program and would thus have to finance
its involvement from any surpluses it might earn or by economizing on
(or terminating) the provision of other services. It appears that the LTTF
judged liver transplantation to have so little proven value to date that
new public or private outlays for it were not warranted. A payment
restriction was one of several methods by which the LTTF hoped to
achieve a "controlled dissemination of liver transplantation in Massa-
chusetts" until more data on its efficacy, cost, and desirability were
collected. ^'
Although this decisive call for caution seemed to stem from strong
reservations about the value of the new technology, the Fineberg Report
stopped short of addressing the most fundamental question raised in its
charge. Admitting great discomfort in addressing the question of whether
liver transplantation should take place at all, the LTTF passed the buck.
thoughtful discussion estabUshing the need for this data gathering, the report described
liver transplantation as being somewhere "on the continuum between 'experimental' and
'established.' " Id. at 8.
''Id. at 25.
'"•Id. at 27.
''Id. at 29.
''Id. at 30.
^°Id. at 39-40.
^'Id. at 35.
960 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
Declaring itself "not legitimately constituted to render these views on
behalf of society, "^^ the LTTF asked the Commissioner of Public Health
to "appoint a broadly representative advisory body to consider the
difficult value judgments about whether society can and should support
liver transplantation and to what degree. "^^ Hidden in this response, it
should be noted, is an affirmation of the assumption that a single choice
for "society" as a whole is necessary and appropriate and that this
choice should be made by a committee in the first instance and ultimately
by political processes. By recasting the question to focus on whether
society should "support" transplantation, the LTTF seemed to eliminate
the possibility that transplantation would be expressly forbidden. It is
also possible, however, that the LTTF simply recognized that the reg-
ulatory blanket covering Massachusetts hospitals was so stifling that a
decision not to "support" transplantation was tantamount to prohibiting
B. The Regulatory Setting
The specific occasion for creating the LTTF was an application by
New England Deaconness Hospital to the Department of Public Health
for an exemption from state DON requirements that would allow a small
number of liver transplants in 1983.^^ On further inquiry, the Department
found that the Massachusetts General Hospital, Children's Hospital, and
the New England Medical Center were also prepared to perform liver
transplants.^^ It was hardly surprising that Boston's internationally prom-
inent research hospitals were eager to perform liver transplants after the
publicity given to Jamie Fiske's ordeal.
Like those of other states, Massachusetts' certificate-of-need program
(known as DON) makes capital expenditures and substantial changes of
service subject to approval by state authorities.^^ Such regulatory pro-
grams, the adoption of which was at one time required by federal law,^^
were established in an effort to curb the proliferation and expansion of
health care facilities so that growth would correspond to officially pro-
^^Id. at 31. The LTTF's reservations about its competency were based on the fact
that it was composed predominantly of scientists.
^^Id. at 42.
^See Letter, supra note 11. Several interviews confirmed the identity of the institution
in question.
^'These four hospitals supplied the LTTF with much of its information about the
feasibility of liver transplantation in Massachusetts. See Fineberg Report, supra note 12,
at app. D.
^^Mass. Gen, Laws Ann. ch. Ill, § 25B (West 1977).
^The Health Planning and Resources Development Act of 1974, Pub. L. No. 93-
641, 93 Stat. 606 (1974) (codified in scattered sections of 42 U.S.C), made the availability
of certain federal funds conditional on the enactment of a certificate-of-need program
jected needs. ^^ The Massachusetts DON statute and regulations give
especially broad authority to the Department of Public Health to de-
termine whether a '^substantial change in services" is needed,^^ and it
was apparently conceded that a hver transplantation program needed
state approval under this provision. The immediate reason for commis-
sioning the Fineberg Report was to assist the Department in the DON
process. ^^ Without affirmative action by the Commonwealth, Boston's
research hospitals would be barred from performing liver transplantation.
For interested hospitals, getting a DON was only the first regulatory
hurdle. Massachusetts places a ceiling on hospital expenditures through
its "all-payer" Maximum Allowable Cost (MAC) system.^' Under this
system of revenue limits, each acute care hospital's annual operating
budget ceiling is determined in advance by the state, and the hospital
is then permitted to collect revenues necessary to cover its anticipated
needs from Medicare, Blue Cross, and private insurers, roughly in pro-
portion to the number of beneficiaries treat ed.^^ Instituted in 1982, the
MAC program assures each hospital prospectively that it will receive
payments reflecting its actual 1981 costs plus adjustments for inflation,
exceptions, and certain other factors." The provision for exceptions
permits a hospital to seek additional revenues to cover the anticipated
costs of approved new services, such as liver transplants, and capital
and operating expenses associated with other DON's.^'*
Naturally, any hospital receiving a DON to begin performing hver
transplants would also wish to receive payment for them under a MAC
exception. Under the Fineberg Report's recommendation, however, the
meeting certain standards. The federal compulsion has recently been relaxed. See Dere-
gulation Is Growing Trend for State CON Programs, Alpha Centerpiece, Feb. 1986, at
1. Pending legislation would make state participation voluntary. See Health Planning Bill
Passed, 44 Cong. Q. Weekly Rep. 268 (1986).
^«On the policy underlying certificate-of-need laws, see generally C. Havighurst,
Deregulating the Health Care Industry: Planning for Competition 26-30, 54-63
(1982); Bovbjerg, Problems and Prospects for Health Planning: The Importance of In-
centives, Standards, and Procedures in Certificate of Need, 1978 Utah L. Rev. 83, 84-
97; Havighurst, Regulation of Health Facilities and Services by "Certificate of Need,''
59 Va. L. Rev. 1143, 1148-69 (1973).
^^Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. Ill, § 25B (West 1977); Mass. Regs. Code 105, §
100.020 (1977).
^"Fineberg Report, supra note 12, at app. B.
"The MAC system was put into place by chapter 372 of the Massachusetts Acts of
1982. See Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 6A (West Supp. 1985). It established a prospective
payment system for Medicaid and private insurers, modeling the approach after a Blue
Cross hospital payment contract already in use. A federal waiver made the state's payment
system binding on the Medicare program. Id.
'^See Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 6A, §§ 50-56 (West Supp. 1985).
962 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
exception would not be granted and the hospital would have to finance
the service out of savings elsewhere. Under these circumstances, a trans-
plant candidate with an insurer willing to pay for the procedure might
not find a Massachusetts hospital willing to provide it, because any
hospital revenue from treating that patient would have to be offset
by reduced revenue from treating other s.^^ On the other hand, a MAC
exception would allow the hospital to cover the costs of transplants by
cost shifting, increasing its charges to the various payers in order to
pay for transplants needed by patients lacking adequate insurance. ^^
Under these regulatory circumstances, the willingness or unwillingness
of payers to pay for, or of patients to buy coverage for, such procedures
would have little or no effect on whether transplants would be undertaken.
This decision was essentially the state's, and if the state decided to
authorize the service, the public would pay for it one way or another.
But this payment would not necessarily be through the usual method
of openly levying taxes and explicitly appropriating funds for worthy
pubhc projects. The Massachusetts philosophy, with which no one seems
to have quarreled throughout this episode, is apparently that the state
alone, through the DON-MAC process, should finally dictate such mat-
ters. The state's potential role in frustrating transactions between a willing
buyer and a willing seller was not commented upon. As will be seen,
the state was comfortable with — though perhaps not entirely comfortable
in — its role as giver or withholder of lifesaving medical treatment.
C The Political Scene
It is a widely noted fact of our political life that when an individual
human life is placed in visible, media-covered jeopardy, a tug on the
public heart strings loosens governmental purse strings, causing expend-
itures to save that "identified life" which far exceed what government
is wilhng to spend to save an otherwise comparable "statistical life."^^
This phenomenon of our media-driven democracy can be viewed in
contrasting ways. It is either, on the one hand, an inexcusable pandering
to public passions by public officials freely using pubhc funds to establish
that they are compassionate and deserve re-election or, on the other
"Freezing the resources available to an institution places responsibility for allocating
those resources on the institution and its physicians. Decisions may not reflect the public's
priorities because internal institutional politics allow economic interests and professional
values to enter the picture. See Harris, Regulation and Internal Controls in Hospitals, 55
Bull. N.Y. Acad. Med. 88 (1979).
^^The MAC system effectively breaks most of the links between the private insurance
coverage that individuals buy and the care they receive. Hospitals are free to provide any
of the myriad of services authorized by their DON and to tax the cost proportionately
to all payers, up to the MAC limit. See supra note 35.
"See supra notes 2, 4.
hand, a healthy and reassuring affirmation that the community prizes
each individual and is not coldly calculating when human life is at stake.
Although such seemingly inefficient expenditures may be defensible be-
cause they give the community a chance to feel good about itself, it is
also possible that they cultivate false impressions and divert attention
and resources away from unfulfilled obligations.
Jamie Fiske's story had poignant consequences nationwide and il-
lustrated the dilemmas that government faces in allocating public re-
sources to health care in a political environment that demands concern
for a handful of identified lives. Following Jamie's transplant, public
and private financing mechanisms across the country faced strong public
pressure to cover the costs of the procedure for other individual victims,
frequently children. ^^ The pressure was particularly acute for state Med-
icaid programs; a number of governors and legislatures responded by
issuing ad hoc directives to finance highly pubHcized cases with state
funds. In Missouri, for example, the legislature specifically authorized
an exceptional payment on behalf of a 16-year-old girl, only 'to reverse
itself the following week when two things happened: additional candidates
appeared, demonstrating that one costly symboHc act would not be
enough to satisfy the media, and perhaps consequentially, such private
legislation was found to violate the state constitution.^^
Nowhere was the political pressure on a Medicaid program greater
than in Massachusetts — the home of Jamie Fiske, as well as a major center
for biomedical research and a state that had gone very far in accept-
ing pohtical responsibility for the operation of the health care enterprise.
Massachusetts Medicaid declared liver transplants reimburseable for eligi-
ble persons in the summer of 1983. From then until January
1984, Massachusetts was in the anomalous position of guaranteeing to
the very poor an extremely costly medical procedure that was not available
to middle-class MBCBS subscribers. Thus, taxpayers were forced to buy
for others transplants which they had not yet chosen to purchase for
themselves through insurance. Although MBCBS was also under pressure,
it was able as a private entity to hold out longer. This experience seems
to confirm that elected officials and programs accountable to them — even
more than private nonprofit organizations that strive to be perceived as
benign dispensers of good things — do indeed seize opportunities to
demonstrate their compassion by spending scarce public funds irra-
^^See, e.g., Friedman & Richards, Life and Death in a Policy Vacuum, Hosps., May
16, 1984, at 79; Wessell, Medical Quandary: Transplants Increase, and So Do Disputes
Over Who Pays Bills, Wall St. J., Apr. 12, 1984, at 1, col. 1; Rust, Transplant Successes
Stir Debate on Coverage, Am. Med. News, Oct. 21, 1983, at 1.
^^Friedman & Richards, supra note 38, at 80.
''°One report asserts that this pattern is not universal, and suggests that public insurers
are on the whole reluctant to cover expensive new technologies. Evans, Transplant Coverage:
964 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
Undoubtedly, Medicaid dollars allocated to transplants could have
been put to better use in saving statistical lives or purchasing *' quality-
adjusted Hfe years. "^^ In Cahfornia, the point was illustrated most
tellingly: the legislative decision to pay for liver transplantation came
at the same time that the legislature decided to terminate state support
for its medically indigent population, those who cannot afford insurance
for their own health care but are not deemed poor enough to warrant
public assistance/^ The eagerness of public officials to gain credit for
their humanitarianism, especially when someone else's money was at
stake, was revealed even in the White House, which made a number
of dramatic appeals to state governments and private payers on behalf
of particular individuals.^^ These scenes of elected representatives crowd-
ing onto the stage of this morality play left to the audience's imagination
the effects of government policies on those who lacked the limehght.'^'^
D. The Private Sector: MBCBS
Just as the public sector felt pressure to finance transplants for
identified patients, private insurers all over the country, particularly Blue
Cross plans, found themselves making difficult case-by-case decisions in
full view of the media. MBCBS's particular problem in this regard was
A Public Policy Dilemma, Bus. & Health, Apr. 1986, at 5. As the Missouri experience
{see supra text accompanying note 39) suggests, government's largess will stop when the
costs to policymakers exceed the political benefits of being associated with a lifesaving
"'Expanding Medicaid ehgibility and coverage of preventive services would be obvious
strategies. See, e.g.. President's- Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in
Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, Securing Access to Health
Care: The Ethical Implications of Differences in the Availability of Heath Services,
19-20, 59-65, 79-90 (1983) thereinafter President's Commission Report] (discussing what
ought to be encompassed by "an adequate level of health care" available to all citizens
and highlighting current problems in health services delivery). On the use of "quality-
adjusted life years" as a way of assigning priorities to public investments in health and
safety, see, e.g., Zeckhauser & Shepard, Where Now for Saving Lives?, Law & Contemp.
Probs., Autumn 1976, at 5, 11-15.
■'^Wessell, supra note 38.
"^M; see also Iglehart, Transplantation: The Problem of Limited Resources, 309 N.
Eng. J. Med. 123, 126-27 (1983); Meyer, Transplant Eunding: A Controversial New Area,
Washington Post, Sept. 12, 1984, at C3, col. 1.
'^In yet another demonstration of elected officials' felt need to "do something" to
respond to media attention to the transplantation issue and to get media attention for
themselves, the Massachusetts legislature, in late 1983, added a check-off box to the state's
income tax returns so that taxpayers could direct that a portion of any tax refund go
into an organ transplantation fund. In 1985, when the checkoff first appeared on tax
forms, some 37,000 taxpayers contributed approximately $187,000 to the fund, which will
probably be used primarily to help pay for cyclosporin and other follow-up care for
transplant recipients. Interview with Joan Gorga, Dept. of Pubhc Health, Boston (July
not solved by the continued failure of Massachusetts regulators to au-
thorize transplants, because insureds could still request treatment out of
state. For this reason, MBCBS did not oppose the effort by local hospitals
to get DON approval for transplantation. Indeed, MBCBS took the view
that if they were going to have to pay for transplants eventually, it
would be better to pay for in-state procedures. "^^ They anticipated that
the MAC system would control the incremental cost and that the DON
system would limit the number of facilities. "^^ Together these regulatory
programs might restrict the capacity and the incentives of the system
to perform more than a few procedures.
For the time being, however, MBCBS were reluctant to accept
responsibility for paying for liver transplants anywhere. According to
MBCBS officials, public pressure to pay for liver transplants in 1982
and 1983 was enormous. Although they did not wish to be perceived
as denying potentially beneficial care, however costly, to any insured,'*^
the plans were also hesitant to waive the contractual limitation under
which they were obUgated to pay only for generally accepted medical
procedures. One reason for this attitude was recognition of the financial
cost which transplants would impose on them immediately and which
would have to be built into future premiums charged to customers already
grumbling about high insurance costs. "^^
Another explanation, however, had to do with MBCBS's view of
their precise role in the Massachusetts system. MBCBS complained that
they were not getting clear signals from their usual sources. On the one
hand, there were the pressures from the media and the example set by
the Medicaid program. On the other hand, the health care system's
central decisionmakers were not speaking with one authoritative voice. "^^
For example, in 1982 and 1983, although liver transplants were gaining
favor, MBCBS's medical advisors could not reasonably declare liver
transplantation to be accepted therapy covered by their policies because
any reasonable chance of a procedure's success depended upon use of
a drug, cyclosporin A, which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) considered experimental until September 1983.^°
Apparently wedded to a vision of themselves as mere financing
intermediaries bound to give effect to any doctor's prescription made
"•'Interviews with Douglas Dickson, Ombudsman, and James Young, M.D., Medical
Director, Massachusetts Blue Cross (July 15, 1985); see also Rust, supra note 38, at 16.
"•^Dickson and Young interviews, supra note 45.
"•^Wessell, supra note 38.
"^Rust, supra note 38. The termination of the National Center for Health Care
Technology in a 1981 funding cut left MBCBS and other third-party payers without the
prospect of an authoritative governmental opinion on which to base their payment decisions.
'"Food & Drug Administration, U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services, HHS
News, Pub. No. 83-19 (Sept. 2, 1983).
966 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
according to policies centrally determined by professional or governmental
decisionmakers,^^ MBCBS preferred to rest coverage decisions on the
actions of public regulatory agencies such as the FDA. They thus resisted
any suggestion that they should embark on independent assessments of
medical treatments, either paying for something officially deemed ex-
perimental or refusing on benefit/cost grounds to pay for something
that enjoyed professional and governmental approval. As nonprofit cor-
porations together constituting the dominant health insurer in Massa-
chusetts, MBCBS were dependent on the pubhc's perception of them as
a benign source of financial assistance in meeting officially recognized
medical needs. The Blues were beginning, however, to see the high cost
and difficulties of marketing themselves in this way.
In mid- 1983, MBCBS's arguments for not paying for liver transplants
began to collapse. In May, the Fineberg Report called liver transplantation
"cHnically justifiable,"" and in June, a National Institutes of Health
consensus conference stated that "liver transplantation offers an alter-
native therapeutic approach which may prolong Ufe in some patients.""
When these lukewarm semi-official endorsements of liver transplantation
were combined with media attention to the plight of transplant candidates
and the relative willingness of other insurers and Medicaid to pay for
liver transplants, they seemed to leave MBCBS with no choice. MBCBS
had to discover some way around their own guidelines or be perceived
as denying treatment solely because of the procedure's high cost. The
solution that MBCBS hit upon was to offer their subscribers a Transplant
Insurance Program, called 'TIP."^"* By this means, they hoped to bridge
the gap until the FDA would approve cyclosporin A, which would allow
MBCBS, consistent with their principles, to build transplants into their
basic coverage and rates.
TIP was a separate, optional rider offered to all employment groups
or ''accounts" at a cost of 55 cents per individual or $2 per family per
month. TIP offered full coverage for heart, heart-lung, and Hver trans-
plants, beginning five days before the procedure and continuing for
twelve months thereafter. ^^ If an account chose to purchase TIP, it would
be mandatory rather than optional for the account's insureds or "mem-
'•For complex reasons, private health insurers have long denied responsibility for
influencing providers' treatment decisions, relying instead on professional or governmental
decisionmakers to establish what services should be paid for. See Havighurst, Explaining
the Questionable Cost-Containment Record of Commercial Health Insurers, in The Po-
litical Economy of Health Care (H. Freeh ed. to be published).
"Fineberg Report, supra note 12, at 2.
"National Institutes of Health, Consensus Development Conference Summary,
Liver Transplantation (1983).
'^See Rust, supra note 38, at 16-17.
"Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Mass., "Special Announcement: New Transplant
Insurance Plan" (Sept. 1983) [hereinafter Special Announcement] (mailing to accounts).
bers." Before offering TIP, Blue Cross conducted several opinion surveys
to determine whether the public pressure they were feeling would actually
translate into individual choices to purchase transplant insurance. These
surveys indicated considerable desire for such insurance on the part of
surveyed individuals and families. ^^ However, the response to TIP itself
differed significantly from the response to the surveys.
TIP was offered to MBCBS accounts in September 1983. Although
John Larkin Thompson, president of Blue Shield, called TIP "the
ultimate referendum on whether or not the public wants to pay for
these operations, "^^ TIP was not offered directly to individual members
because MBCBS feared the effects of adverse selection. ^^ It was left to
employers to act for their insured employees. Conceivably, publicity
given to the transplant issue placed employers in a political position vis-
a-vis their workers that was not dissimilar to that of MBCBS and
Medicaid vis-a-vis the larger public. Not wanting to appear to economize
at the expense of employees who might need a transplant, employers
may have been more wiUing to buy TIP than the employees themselves
would have been. On the other hand, employers might be reluctant to
buy transplant coverage because its cost might be perceived as difficult
to pass on to employees.
Each account was sent a special announcement explaining TIP, which
stated, "The public has indicated its desire to have coverage for organ
transplants."^^ The announcement was clear and complete, but gave
accounts only about a month to make a decision whether to begin TIP
coverage on November 1. It left them, however, the alternative of picking
it up at their regular renewal period during the next calendar year.
The TIP "referendum" was never completed because MBCBS dis-
continued it as of February 1, 1984. Cyclosporin A had actually received
FDA approval in September 1983,6« and in January 1984, MBCBS's
medical advisory committee finally recommended that liver, heart, and
heart-lung transplants be considered medically accepted procedures. These
developments allowed transplantation coverage to be extended to all
accounts, with a premium increase roughly equal to the TIP premium.
In contrast to the results from MBCBS's preHminary surveys, TIP
did not prove especially popular during its brief marketing. By the time
it was discontinued, only 7400 of the 24,348 accounts to which it was
offered had purchased the coverage, 7100 had refused it, and the rest
^^Dickson interview, supra note 47.
"Rust, supra note 38.
^^Dickson interview, supra note 47; Interview with Dorris C. Commander, Under-
writing Manager, Blue Cross of Massachusetts (July 1985).
^^Special Announcement, supra note 55.
^FooD & Drug Administration, U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services, HHS
News, Pub. No. 83-19 (Sept. 2, 1983).
968 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
— over 9800 — had not responded/* Even the Massachusetts Commissioner
of Insurance, who had statutory responsibility to act as the account
decisionmaker for MBCBS's 120,000 nongroup subscribers (includ-
ing a special group of low-income individually insured), had failed to
make a decision regarding TIP before it was mooted." There are many
possible explanations for the modest response rate. Some accounts may
have intended to pick up TIP when they next renewed their coverage.
According to MBCBS, however, financial considerations probably loomed
largest in accounts' decisionmaking. In addition, some accounts, par-
ticularly large ones based in more than one state, may have preferred
to pay for transplantation in different ways so as to be able to offer
uniform coverage to employees in all states. One employer, Honeywell,
wanted the opportunity to approve the transplanting facility. ^^ MBCBS
were much more interested in seeing that someone other than themselves,
preferably the state through DON, would be responsible for approving
facilities and quality control. ^"^
At MBCBS, there was little surprise at TIP's poor showing, and
the perceived reason for it was TIP's cost. Yet no thought was ever
given to making a point of the public's apparent indifference to transplant
insurance once an actuarially fair price tag was attached. Perhaps MBCBS
saw no difference from a public relations standpoint between denying
transplants on the ground that the procedure was experimental and telling
an individual that because his employer had rejected the TIP offer, he
could not have a lifesaving procedure that the plan was providing for
In any case, MBCBS made no real effort to examine and ponder
the significance of the TIP experiment. Indeed, they were quite happy
to extend their regular coverage to handle transplants. TIP had been
complicated and cumbersom.e. Because it constituted a separate insurance
program with a separate pool of funds, TIP required a lot of tracking
to separate costs attributable to the transplant from ordinary medical
costs. This tracking difficulty led, in part, to the *'five-days-before,
twelve-months-after" policy under which all medical costs incurred within
that period were deemed attributable to the transplant. Both this policy
and, later, the demise of TIP sacrificed Blue Cross's ability to extract
easily any data on transplants. All transplant data now go into the files
with every other medical procedure and, as such, are entered per hos-
pitalization rather than per individual insured; cumulative information
^'Friedman & Richards, supra note 38, at 79.
*^Dickson interview, supra note 47,
"On Honeywell's transplant coverage, see Minnesota Coalition Report, supra note
9, at 48; Utah Health Cost Management Foundation, Honeywell's Transplant Coverage
Stresses Cost Containment, Health Cost Management Nev^s, May 1985, at 3.
**Young interview, supra note 47.
on rehospitalization, outpatient care costs, and related other costs are
difficult to retrieve. ^^
Although apparently efficient, blending transplant coverage into a
system geared only to paying claims and not to evaluating the costs and
benefits of particular procedures may be a false economy. It is, however,
a predictable feature of a health care system in which private insurers
such as MBCBS perceive themselves merely as executing orders from
the top. MBCBS throughout this episode seemed troubled only that they
were unable to interpret the conflicting signals they received. Once
transplants crossed the threshold of acceptability at the FDA, the NIH,
the LTTF, and the DON agency, the Blues could go happily back to
their usual business of forcing consumers to buy things that they have
had no real opportunity to refuse.
E. Enter the Task Force on Organ Transplantation
The foregoing events left Massachusetts about to plunge into trans-
plantation. Yet a number of problems still existed; these resulted primarily
from the way in which the DON and MAC programs articulated. Simply
granting a DON without increasing the MAC allowance, as recommended
by the Fineberg Report, would give rise to the danger that hospitals,
instead of cutting back on indisputable waste to finance transplants,
would terminate other, more essential services, creating problems through-
out the system. For example, a hospital closing a maternity service and
using its MAC allowance to start transplants would leave its obstetrical
patients to burden other hospitals, which could not be assured of increased
MAC allowances to provide for these patients. In this way, the threat
of sudden introduction of a costly new therapy revealed major flaws in
the state's basic faith that hospitals' revenue needs could be predicted
by a formula without creating major anomalies, windfalls, and unfair-
The liver transplant challenge also revealed faults in the regulatory
system. Simply granting a MAC exception on the theory that transplants
had now become just another accepted therapy would mean losing the
opportunity to ensure that the procedure was being used appropriately
and that information on its safety, efficacy, and cost would be available
for subsequent appraisal. The six-figure price tag for each procedure
made it clear to everyone that letting the system treat liver transplants
as it treats virtually everything else had significant fiscal impUcations.
It of course occurred to no one to question publicly whether letting the
system freely prescribe high volumes of other treatments with five-, four-,
three-, and even two-figure price tags might also be socially inappropriate
or wasteful. Thus, the basic belief that doctors and hopsital employ
"Commander interview, supra note 58.
970 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
their limited resources rationally and in accordance with public objectives,
a faith on which the entire regulatory system was built, was not chal-
lenged.^ Instead, it was concluded only that the transplant issue, because
it had met the public eye and could not politically be ignored, had to
be addressed with greater particularity. Why the system could not be
trusted here, when it was trusted to make virtually all other choices,
was never made clear.
The need to control transplants specially loomed so large that another
commission, the Task Force on Organ Transplantation (OTTF), was
appointed. This new task force had a broader scope than the earlier
one. It was charged with making policy for heart and heart-lung trans-
plants as well as hvers.^^ It was also asked to provide a social evaluation,
not just a technical report. As the next act of our morality play will
show, the OTTF was equal to the challenge to pronounce on the largest
questions of public policy in health care.
II. Act Two
The OTTF was convened in October 1983, by the Commissioner of
Public Health under the chairmanship of George Annas of the Boston
University School of Public Health. It was charged "with the development
of standards and processes for evaluating the use of organ transplan-
tation."^^ The question expressly left unanswered by the Fineberg Report
— whether transplantation should "be encouraged or [even] permitted" —
was not even raised: "The work of the Task Force can be categorized
in terms of the when, who, what and how of organ transplants."^^
Although the OTTF did hear testimony on the issue during its meetings, ^^
the objections raised concerning whether to proceed with transplantation
at all did not detain OTTF members long.^^ The political climate obviously
precluded a firm stance against the new technology.
^See supra notes 35 & 36.
^The OTTF's report was unclear why transplantation of bone marrow, kidneys, and
other organs was not treated as well, but in stating that liver and heart transplants were
"the [only] ones currently clamoring for wider introduction," the OTTF confirmed that
its inquiry was shaped by politics, not by a desire to rationalize the provision of all
expensive medical care. Report of the Massachusetts Task Force on Organ Trans-
plantation (1984) [hereinafter OTTF Report].
''Id. at 3, 119 (app. A).
'''Id. at 119 (app. A).
™Dr. Alan Sager of the Boston University School of Public Health argued before
the OTTF that "all citizens of the CommonweaUh should have equal access to all effective
care now routinely available before the range of therapies is expanded." Testimony of
Alan Sager (Oct. 31, 1983).
^'Interview with George Annas, OTTF chairman (July 1985). The recent report of
the National Task Force on Organ Transplantation, created by the National Organ Transplan-
tation Act, Pub. L. No. 98-507, 98 Stat. 2339 (Oct. 19, 1984), does not address this issue,
simply assuming that transplantation of all kinds should be covered by public and private
The OTTF's report, the recommendations of which were unanimous,
was released in October 1984, although preliminary recommendations
were released in January.
A. The OTTF's Recommendations
The OTTF's first recommendation advocates the introduction of liver
and heart transplantation "in a controlled, phased manner that provides
the opportunity for effective evaluation and review of its clinical, social,
and economic aspects by a publicly-accountable body after an initial
phase of 2-3 years of limited transplantation. "^^ This position, which
sounds and may well have been, under the circumstances, eminently
reasonable, was almost certainly inevitable, given the political impossi-
bility of saying "no" to transplants. The OTTF, hke the LTTF before
it,^^ was clearly seeking a middle ground that would accommodate the
pressure to allow transplants but not open the door to unlimited spending
on the new technology. The recommendation of a later evaluation was
necessary to preserve the appearance that the procedure was still in an
investigatory or probationary stage. As the Fineberg Report had noted,
however, it is hard to stop a program once it has begun. ^"^
The OTTF conveyed the impression that its unanimous conclusions
were reached by rational planning, deep thinking by academic experts,
and a collective social conscience. There is also the possibility, however,
that it was simply compromising conflicting views, accommodating po-
litical pressures, and rationalizing the result. Although the charge that
the OTTF's actions were in fact "political" might be taken as a criticism,
many in Massachusetts would no doubt say that because the conclusions
flowed from an open process and a representative body, the legitimacy
and soundness of the result and of the values promoted are unchal-
lengeable. Whether such faith in the politics of interest-group liberalism
is warranted should be regarded as an open question, however, ^^ and
indeed it is one of the central questions inspiring this appraisal.
The OTTF's second recommendation elaborates on the first by em-
phasizing that transplantation should not be made "generally available"
until after the recommended review by a "publicly-accountable body,"
financing programs. U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services, Public Health Service,
Health Resources & Services Admin., Organ Transplantation: Issues and Recommen-
dations (April 1986). The Minnesota Coalition Report, noting the trend to coverage, recom-
mended that it "should remain optional for group accounts;" no opinion was expressed
on public plans' policies. Minnesota Coalition Report, supra note 8, at 47-48.
720TXF Report, supra note 67, at 10.
^^See supra text accompanying notes 14 & 21.
^'*Fineberg Report supra note 12, at 36.
^'C/. Havighurst, More on Regulation: A Reply to Stephen Weiner, 4 Am. J.L. &
Med. 243, 247-49 (1980) (disputing claims by a Massachusetts advocate of regulation that
politicized regulation is legitimized by the democratic process and should be immune to
general criticism).
972 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
which should not be limited to assessing the technology's status as
"experimental" or otherwise 7^ The Report also makes clear that in the
task force's view, availability is synonymous with general reimbursea-
bility.^^ It opines, too, that general availability should not result only
through the state Medicaid program's becoming "the de facto insurer
for all such procedures,"''^ by virtue of inadequate private financing and
the impoverishment of transplant candidates. To prevent this result and
to "ensure fairness in the distribution of burdens regarding reimburse-
ment," the Report suggests that coverage be prescribed by a "joint
committee" of government representatives and private insurers.''^ Such
a body might violate the federal antitrust laws, however, unless its
decisions were embodied in official government action. ^°
Recommendations (3) and (4) by the OTTF introduce the issue of
costs. During the evaluation period, authority to do transplants would
be granted only to those hospitals that agree to perform them within
the MAC, with an exception for each procedure that amounts to the
costs of organ procurement and cyclosporin.^' This attempt to force
hospitals to finance a portion of the cost of transplant programs by
economizing was apparently the only way, even in this heavily regulated
state, in which the volume and hence the overall cost of transplants
could be kept down. To protect against the concomitant risk that trans-
plantation would displace other vital services, recommendation (3) sug-
gests that need determinations in the DON program be made only upon
a showing that the cost of adding transplantation can be borne without
sacrificing more desirable services. "As a principle, the Task Force
believes that if it turns out that liver and heart transplantations take
resources away from higher priority health care services, and decrease
their accessibility to the public, then transplantation procedures should
not be performed. "^^
In a section antecedent to its specific recommendations, the OTTF
gives its final word on how to prevent a modest amount of costly
transplantation from diverting resources from essential services:
760TTF Report, supra note 67, at 11.
''Id. at 11-12.
«°In general, the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1 (1983), prohibits collective actions of
the kind that are taken for granted in centrally governed health care systems as a useful
adjunct or alternative to direct government control. Although the McCarran-Ferguson Act,
15 U.S.C. § 1001 (1983), provides a partial exemption from the Sherman Act for "the
business of insurance," an agreement not to sell a certain type of coverage has been held
to fall within an exception to this exemption. St. Paul Fire & Marine Ins. Co. v. Barry,
438 U.S. 531 (1978).
siQTTF Report, supra note 67, at 14. Such costs would amount to about $9000
per heart transplant and $44,000 per liver. Id.
'Ud. at 13.
[T]he Task Force believes that these procedures should be per-
formed on [all] those who are likely to benefit from them, so
long as the total cost is controlled, and resources are not diverted
from higher priority medical procedures to liver and heart trans-
plantation. The question of what a "higher priority" procedure
is will be based on the total number of individuals affected,
and the importance to their lives of the intervention. For example,
it may be appropriate to shut down an underutilized maternity
program to do organ transplants. The burden of demonstrating
that such a tradeoff is appropriate, however, should be on the
hospital proposing it. Accordingly, in the [DON] process, all
currently available health care services should be presumed to
be higher priority than transplantation. The applicant should
have the burden of demonstrating that transplantation has a
higher priority than any other currently available health care
service from which organ transplantation diverts funds and/or
support systems. ^^
Such an allocation of the burden of proof would apparently require a
hospital to prove its own past inefficiency and waste of public resources
in order to quahfy for the establishment of a transplant program; a
well-run hospital doing only things highly beneficial to patients need not
apply. Such paradoxes are common under regulation. Perhaps the crown-
ing irony, which the task force itself notes in its chapter on costs, ^'^ is
that transplantation can be contemplated in Massachusetts only because
much of its high cost can be paid out of waste in the system — the very
thing that regulation was supposed to prevent. The presumption that the
OTTF created against the displacement of existing services by transplants
can hardly be taken, in context, as an expression of faith that regulation
has in fact achieved true efficiency.
Recommendation (5) addresses patient selection criteria and would
require them to be "public, fair, and equitable" and based initially on
medical suitability criteria and secondarily on the principle of first-come,
first-served, in the event demand exceeds the supply of organs. ^^ For
Massachusetts residents, the ability to pay should not be a factor, nor
should social class or family support. ^^ The report suggests an "appeal
mechanism" to ensure fairness, thereby conjuring up a vision of two law-
yers advocating their dying cUents' competing claims to a single liver before
a neutral decisionmaker. This is a particularly striking example of how
far the OTTF would go to ensure that the state appear legalistically fair
"M at 9, 10.
^'Id. at 60.
^'Id. at 16-17.
974 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
in dispensing life and death. ^^ With almost equal plausibility, the report
could have required that patient selection reflect *' affirmative action"
aimed at redressing past societal injustices toward certain groups.
Finally, recommendation (6) introduces the idea that heart and liver
transplants in the Commonwealth should be undertaken by hospitals
belonging to a consortium organized to share data, experience, and
resources. ^^ This idea apparently did not originate with the OTTF because
it stated that there is no economic justification for beginning organ
transplantation at more than one hospital, but that if more than one
hospital is to do the procedure, there must be a truly integrated and
cooperative effort — a "worthwhile consortium."*^ The consortium con-
cept had appeared earlier in a staff recommendation by the Depart-
ment of Public Health in connection with the pending DON apph-
cation.^ In addition, the consortium idea was dictated in part by the
state's refusal to grant a MAC exception, thereby drastically limiting
the number of procedures that any one institution could afford to
Use of several institutions put the regulators on very shaky ground,
however, in light of another prime goal of regulation — ensuring the quality
of care. Because it is widely accepted that experience improves out-
comes, the Department of PubHc Health could have been criticized
if it authorized several hospitals each to perform less than the optimal
number of procedures per year. The consortium concept, if it allows
experience truly to be shared, overcomes this objection.'' Its adoption
in Massachusetts, however, appears to have been only a face-saving com-
promise, necessitated by the pohtical unpopularity of giving all the business
to one institution.'^
«Tor warnings of the consequences of excessive "due process" in dealing with
sensitive issues of this kind, see Blumstein, Constitutional Perspectives on Governmental
Decisions Affecting Human Life and Health, Law & Contemp. Probs., Autumn 1976,
at 231; Havighurst, Blumstein & Bovbjerg, supra note 4, at 155-57. For scholarship
approving the legalistic approach, see J. Katz & A. Capron, Catastrophic Diseases:
Who Decides What? 239-40, 246-48 (1975); Note, Due Process in the Allocation of Scarce
Life Saving Medical Resources, 84 Yale L.J. 1734 (1975).
880TTF Report, supra note 67, at 18-20.
^Id. at app. B.
^'A factitious consortium, however, could result in significantly poorer patient out-
comes. This reasoning was the substance of an ultimately unsuccessful challenge mounted
by the OTTF's chairman to the later-proposed Boston heart consortium. See Brief for
Appellant at 10-13, George J. Annas Ten Taxpayer Group v. Department of Public Health
(Health Facilities Appeals Board argued July 9, 1985) (Project No. 4-3306).
^^George Annas has described the consortium concept as "primarily a political issue
. . . grafted onto the original draft of the Report at the request of the Commissioner of
Public Health." Annas, Regulating Heart and Liver Transplants in Massachusetts: An
Overview of the Report of the Task Force on Organ Transplantation, 13 Law, Med. &
Health Care 4, 5 (1985).
The consortium approach solved problems for a number of the par-
ticipants in the drama. The consortium idea was initially attractive to the
Department of Public Health because it would reheve it of the politically
difficult task of choosing among powerful institutions. MBCBS, which
took credit for planting the seed of the consortium concept, were pro-
bably hoping to avoid having to select among or oversee competing
hospitals or to adopt their own patient selection criteria.'^ The four
hospitals seeking authority for liver transplants had figured out for
themselves the advantages of a united front both in seeking a DON^"* and
in avoiding possible future competition.
B. The Egalitarian Motif
Perhaps the most notable feature of the OTTF report is its strong
emphasis on equahty in the distribution of transplanted organs. Perceiving
this as the central question in the morality play, the task force declaimed:
On the issues of equity and fairness, we concur with the
conclusions of the President's Commission for the Study of
Ethical Problems in Medicine: society has an ethical obligation
to ensure equitable access to health care for all; and the cost
of achieving equitable access to health care ought to be shared
fairly. Transplantation of livers and hearts should therefore only
be permitted if access to this technology can be made independent
of the individual's ability to pay for it, and if transplantation
itself does not adversely affect the provision of other higher
priority health care services to the public. ^^
A literal reading of the italicized lines indicates that the OTTF not
only endorsed the provision of transplants to those who cannot afford
them, but also took the startling position that paying patients should
be denied transplants in Massachusetts until such time as every equally
needful patient could get one. As noted earlier, it is easily within the
power of Massachusetts regulators — without actually making the perfor-
mance of this therapeutic procedure a criminal act^^ — to prevent a dying
patient from purchasing a transplant with his own money from will-
^^ Young interview, supra note 47.
^"Some members of the OTTF viewed the consortium concept with suspicion, con-
sidering it an end run around the DON process that permits four programs rather than
just one to perform transplants and makes it easier for the hospitals to demonstrate that
other services are not being displaced. Cf. Brief for Appellant, supra note 91, at 9-10
(makes this argument with regard to the proposed heart transplantation consortium).
^'OTTF Report, supra note 67, at 9-10 (emphasis added).
^^Outright state prohibitions of therapeutic procedures can raise a constitutional issue.
E.g., Roe V. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973) (abortion); Rogers v. State Board of Medical
Examiners, 371 So. 2d 1037 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1979) (chelation therapy). Regulatory
programs having comparable effects are more difficult to challenge legally but should
raise similar concerns.
976 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
ing providers. The OTTF apparently approved the use of the state's
prohibitory powers in this way in order to coerce a pubhc desirous of
transplants for themselves into providing them for everyone. Probably,
however, the task force never expected that such extortionate use of the
state's regulatory power would actually be necessary to effectuate its poHcy
objective of equity in transplantation.^''
Although the OTTF may not have meant what it said about with-
holding transplants from paying patients as an inducement to the pro-
cedure's equitable provision, the OTTF was clearly unresponsive to the
interests of those citizens who would not require the state's assistance
to finance a transplant. Under the report's recommendations, transplants
will occur only on the state's own terms, and only a limited number
of transplants will be performed, regardless of the availability of organs.
Because recipients of these few procedures must be selected, some patients
who could and would pay their own way will not get treated.^* Yet, if
they were allowed to purchase their own treatment outside the MAC
system, there would be no diversion of resources from * 'higher priority"
health care. The OTTF appears content with a state policy that could
deny a transplant to a dying person who had made expHcit financial
provision for it. The best explanation for this complacency in the face
of a denial of lifesaving medical care may be simply that the OTTF
members had lost the capacity to conceive of the purchase of health
services as a private matter. If so, their attitude reveals a great deal
about the political culture of Massachusetts and its approach to health
^^The DON for the liver transplantation consortium had already been granted in
January, and a heart transplantation DON was issued in May. Letter from Department
of Public Health to Dr. Richard Nesson, Brigham and Women's Hospital, May 16, 1984,
reprinted in OTTF Report, supra note 67, at 129.
^^The OTTF may have viewed this as only a theoretical danger. It may have expected,
for example, that all medically defensible transplants would in fact be provided. Disa-
greement is likely, however, over whether a particular procedure is desirable or "indicated,"
and it is well-documented that as a technology improves, the medical indications for its
use broaden. See Caplan, Organ Transplants: The Costs of Success, Hastings Center
Rep., Dec. 1983, at 23, 31. The OTTF also might have thought that anyone who could
afford the procedure could also afford to travel out of state to get it. This proposition
holds true, however, only if other states reject a Massachusetts-type hostility to trans-
plantation and also permit outsiders to obtain organs and if the patient's ability to pay
does not stem from the purchase of health insurance, which typically does not cover the
many additional expenses associated with out-of-state treatments. Although the OTTF may
have had reason to discount the risk that some self-supporting patients would be denied
desired transplants, its report expressly recognizes that the number of people waiting for
transplants might exceed the number of procedures that could be done. It is possible that
it is simply not fashionable in Massachusetts publicly to express concern about the "right
to health care" of anyone except the poor.
C. Denouement
The OTTF Report was received by the Pubhc Health Council of
the Department of Public Health and was the subject of a public hearing
on November 5, 1984. The council unanimously adopted the report's
recommendations as official policy and instructed the Department to use
the text of the report for guidance in DON proceedings. The current
state of organ transplantation in Massachusetts appears to have followed
the outlines of the OTTF's script. There are questions, however, whether
the spirit of its recommendations has been observed in practice. For
example, it is doubtful that hospitals seeking DONs for transplantation
have given any real guarantee that "higher priority" services will not
be affected. Also, it has been questioned whether the consortium is
really functioning as an integrated research program dedicated to col-
lecting useful data for later evaluation by a "publicly-accountable body."^^
It would appear that the drama is not yet over.*^°
"^See infra note 117. Both the OTTF and the Department of Public Health con-
templated a later evaluation of the liver transplantation program to see whether higher
priority services were being displaced and expected that the data collected would shed
light on this issue, on which the consortium would have the burden of proof. The first
annual report of the consortium, covering January 26, 1984, to January 26, 1985, was
brief, even cursory, and seems not to contain the data required by the DON, let alone
data that could prove anything about displacement. Boston Center for Liver Trans-
plantation, 1984 Annual Report (1985). Even the actual costs of transplantation per
survival year are impossible to calculate from the report. Patients' rehabilitation status is
only sketchily assessed, and no data are supplied as to the basis for rejection of candidates
or the current health status of those rejected. Id. Without comparative outcomes, it is
impossible to judge the procedure's value or the predictive effectiveness of the patient
selection criteria used. There is also no evidence that transplants have not displaced
desirable services.
Some OTTF members, including Chairman George Annas, argue that the coalition
is violating at least the spirit of its DON. Annas interview, supra note 71. The Department
of Public Health seems to feel, however, that because the data collection requirements
for livers were never very well defined, the coahtion's first report is satisfactory, Gorga
interview, supra note 44. At a recent conference, panelists discussing the Massachusetts
system — including Pubhc Health Commissioner Walker, transplant surgeon Roger Jenkins,
OTTF chairman Annas, and economist Marc Roberts — disagreed in almost every particular
regarding whether the Department and the consortium were doing what they were expected
to do. Conference on Transplantation and Artificla.l Organs: Issues Along the
Experiment-to-Therapy Spectrum (Nov. 1985). The lack of agreement on a variety of
issues suggests that the apparent consensus surrounding the OTTF Report resulted from
a failure to address practical issues and a papering over of potential problems. Indeed,
at the conference just cited, OTTF chairman Annas labeled the OTTF "a quasi-Quixotic
noble failure." Id.
'°^At present, however, the even more complicated debate over heart transplantation
in Massachusetts is apparently diverting much attention from the liver issue. Gorga interview,
supra note 44; see supra note 91. The parties to this debate are more experienced and
sophisticated than they were at the time of the liver debate. In particular, Massachusetts
expects to employ many of the recommendations developed by the Battelle Human Affairs
978 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
III. Reviewing the Performance
Viewers of the morality play "Liver Transplantation in Massachu-
setts" must come away unsatisfied but instructed in the difficulties of
putting life-and-death choices on the poHtical stage. Perhaps more than
any other state, Massachusetts, aided and abetted by a powerful intel-
lectual community, has assumed the role of dominant decisionmaker in
health care matters. The case of liver transplantation provides a unique
test of the abihty of at least one model of a monolithic, highly regulated,
and politicized health care system to address difficult choices involving
expensive medical technology. *°^
In the Massachusetts system, it was necessary for the state to decide
publicly whether to allow liver transplantation at all, and the action of
the drama was ostensibly about the making of this choice. Politically,
however, the state probably never really had the option of rejecting
transplants once major research institutions resolved to perform them
and the media concluded that access to them was the right of every
Commonwealth citizen. As in a Greek tragedy, the outcome was fore-
ordained, and the characters were never truly free to alter the inevitable
result. It is in the nature of "tragic choices" that once they become
political, they are driven mainly by forces beyond the power of individuals
to control or escape.'^ To accept the decisions emerging from the black
box of Massachusetts state government as appropriate societal choices
is to ignore not only the previously-noted questionable features of the
political process, but also the shortcomings of regulation, some trou-
blesome ethical issues, and the possible availability of alternative deci-
sionmaking mechanisms.
A. Regulatory Inadequacies
Having approved transplants in principle, the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts and its respective task forces then had the problem of
Research Center. See R. Evans* National Heart Transplantation Study; Final Report
(1984) (prepared by the Battelle Human Affairs Research Center for Health Care Financing
Administration, DHHS, Washington, D.C.)
^°^See supra note 8. A particularly interesting point of comparison is provided by
the Minnesota Coalition Report which, as the product of a private organization, is much
less a political document than the OTTF report. Minnesota Coalition Report, supra
note 8.
'"^Keeping such issues out of the political arena is itself difficult. As a societal attempt
to resolve the tragic choice by finessing it, this strategy, like others, is apt to be unstable
precisely because it sacrifices important values, such as openness and explicitness. Professor
Calabresi predicts an inevitable and continuing oscillation among imperfect solutions as
society continually reasserts those values (equity, efficiency, freedom, etc.) that are being
neglected by whatever system of choosing is currently in place. See G. Calabresi & P.
Bobbitt, supra note 5, at 195-99. However, whether a stable system can be designed or
happened upon without explicit policy choice is an empirical question. In any case,
depoliticization would appear to be a vital first step toward possible stability.
rationing the costly procedure. However, the Massachusetts regulatory
scheme, despite its comprehensiveness and complexity, provided no public
mechanism for deciding explicitly how often and under what circum-
stances the procedure would be done. As one protection against high
costs, the task forces recommended against a complete pass-through of
expenditures for transplants, thus forcing hospitals to look elsewhere for
at least some of the necessary funds. Under the state's regulatory control
of hospital revenues, virtually the only way for a hospital to generate
such funds would be to cut back its other activities. The OTTF's response
to the danger that transplants would displace more valuable hospital
services was to instruct the DON agency to withhold approval of a
transplantation program that could not prove that only relatively wasteful
activities would be eliminated in order to accommodate it. As a regulatory
standard, this requirement was highly impractical and unrealistic, ^^^ but
it protected the task force against the criticism that it had authorized
a diversion of resources to lower-priority uses.
With all their regulatory paraphernalia, Massachusetts officials lack
the statutory powers they need to control directly the volume and cost
of transplants. As to these and all other medical procedures, the state
can only identify institutional providers of needed services and control,
in a rough way, the total resources at each institution's disposal. Because
these powers do not add up to effective control of medical technology,
the level of transplantation activity in Massachusetts remains ultimately
in the hands of prestigious doctors and hospitals, subject to certain
resource constraints. Although limiting the resources available to prov-
iders can control aggregate costs, the Massachusetts MAC controls relate
in no recognizable or rational way to the potential benefits or costs of
any particular procedure. Allocational decisions are thus left in providers'
hands. ^^"^ Once Massachusetts is satisfied that the resources used in organ
transplantation are not obtained by eliminating "higher priority" health
services currently being provided, it permits transplants to proceed without
regard to the additional possibility that those resources might have still
other, more valuable uses.
Thus, although Massachusetts has made it appear that it has exercised
statesmanlike control in this highly publicized area, it may have done
nothing more than give certain Boston hospitals the green light to
rearrange institutional priorities to facilitate new adventures on the fron-
tiers of medicine. The main constraint on these institutions is the risk
'"See supra note 99. Two critics of the OTTF's burden-of-proof recommendation
for DON proceedings have said, "[I]t is difficult to imagine a process that is more
conceptually confining, less amenable to empirical analysis, and more open to subjective
interpretation." Overcast & Evans, Technology Assessment, Public Policy and Trans-
plantation: A Restrained Appraisal of the Massachusetts Task Force Approach, 12 Law^,
Med. & Health Care 106 (1985).
^^See supra note 36.
980 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
that their actions will offend future state officials or the '*publicly-
accountable body" that the OTTF recommended to evaluate transplan-
tation later on. The implicit threat that the state might take unspecified
action in the future puts the participating institutions on notice that
they had better be able to defend their use of resources or face unpleasant
consequences. Such is life in a centrally managed health care system,
where things fortuitously attracting public notice receive minute attention
while well enough is left alone. Politicization of transplantation achieves
control for its own sake but provides little assurance that resources will
be put to their best use. A regulatory system that purported to make
all the necessary allocational choices would be a more stifling form of
regulation than even Massachusetts would be Ukely to tolerate.
B. Questions of Values
Above all, Massachusetts strove for ethical high ground in establishing
its position on liver and heart transplants. Yet a careful reading of state
policy as reflected in the OTTF report reveals a willingness to countenance
the denial of transplants to paying patients — not out of any paternalistic
concern, but simply because some other person in comparable condition
could not afford the same treatment. Perhaps it was the prospect of
organ shortages and bidding wars that only the well-to-do could hope
to win that induced the OTTF to approve the denial of transplants to
paying patients. After all, the question of how to ration scarce medical
resources has long inspired ethicists to philosophical debate, ^"^^ and the
OTTF, chaired by a leading participant in that debate, ^^^ may have
assumed that it had been convened primarily for the purpose of pre-
scribing an ethically satisfying system for rationing scarce organs. ^^^ The
'°The relevant literature is voluminous. For general sources, each of which itself
draws on many others, see N. Daniels, Just Health Care (1985); In Search of Equity:
Health Needs and the Health Care System (R. Bayer, A. Caplan & N. Daniels eds.
1983); H. Smith & L. Churchill, Professional Ethics and Primary Care Medicine
(1986); Childress, Rationing of Medical Treatment, in 4 Encyc. of Bioethics 1414 (W.
Reich ed. 1978).
^'^See, e.g., Annas, No Cheers for Temporary Artificial Hearts, 15 Hastings Center
Rep. 27 (Oct. 1985); The Phoenix Heart: What We Have To Lose, 15 Hastings Center
Rep. 15 (June 1985); Allocation of Artificial Hearts in the Year 2002: Minerva v. National
Health Agency, 3 Am. J. Law & Med. 59 (1979).
'°'The OTTF's apparent eagerness to respond to that charge may be seen in its failure
to consider seriously the possibility of encouraging the sale of organs by families of
deceased potential donors to those awaiting transplants. OTTF Report, supra note 67,
at 37. A market for organs would ehminate shortages and the need for rationing systems
to allocate a limited supply. However, instead of seeking to break down the current
cultural taboo against the buying and selling of body parts, see the National Organ
Transplantation Act, supra note 71 (prohibiting the sale of organs in interstate commerce),
the OTTF took the easier political path. Indeed, it may have welcomed organ shortages
OTTF did not, however, expressly restrict its recommendations to sit-
uations where there were not enough organs to go around. As it appears,
the OTTF was entirely comfortable with a policy that would force self-
supporting transplant candidates to join (and perhaps die in) the state-
mandated queue even if an adequate number of organs was available.
In support of its willingness to deny transplants to paying patients,
the OTTF invoked a well-known 1983 report by the President's Com-
mission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical
and Behavioral Research. ^°^ Although the President's Commission did
declare that society has an ethical obligation to guarantee a decent level
of health care to its neediest citizens, '^^ nowhere did it indicate that it
would be ethical to hold the wealthy and well-insured sick hostage without
treatment until society honored this obligation. Moreover, the President's
Commission clearly stated that it was not ethically necessary for all
citizens to receive the same health care.^'° Thus, it certainly laid no
foundation for the Massachusetts policy of forcing all transplant can-
didates to take their chances in a state-sponsored life-and-death lottery.
The OTTF again misrepresented the President's Commission in citing
its report as authority for guaranteeing procedures as costly as liver and
heart transplants to persons who cannot afford the insurance necessary
to purchase them.^'^ Although recognizing a public obligation to provide
a decent minimum level of health services to all, the Commission did
not fully define that level or specify what services should be included
in the guaranteed package. Moreover, there are numerous reasons why
one might conclude that procedures as costly as liver transplants ought
not to fall under society's guarantee until the nation becomes a great
deal wealthier and has met a great number of other needs, including
non-health needs, of its less advantaged citizens.''^ The OTTF seemed
as a constraint on the number of costly procedures and as an excuse for implementing
their rationing theories. See, e.g., OTTF Report, supra note 67, at 80, 83.
The shortage of organs is currently being addressed by donor education efforts,
ranging from promoting the slogan "Organ Donors Recycle Themselves" to legislation
requiring hospitals to request donations from families of potential donors.
'°^5ee supra text accompanying note 95 (citing President's Commission Report, supra
note 41).
'°^The President's Commission Report states as its first premise that "society has an
ethical obhgation to ensure equitable access to health care for all," and continues:
"Equitable access to health care requires that all citizens be able to secure an adequate
level of care without excessive burdens." President's Commission Report, supra note 41,
at 4 (emphasis added).
•"OTTF Report, supra note 67, at 74.
"^As the President's Commission explains:
[T]he standard of adequacy for a condition must reflect the fact that resources
used for it will not be available to respond to other conditions. Consequently,
the level of care should reflect a reasoned judgment not only about the impact
982 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
to conclude that the mere fact that transplants may save lives is enough
to obligate society to pay'^^ — despite the explicit finding that at $230,000 to
$340,000 per patient surviving one year, liver transplants were several
times more costly than the most costly of other generally accepted medical
treatments. ''"^ The OTTF thus backed itself into an ethically debatable
position. While arbitrarily treating transplantation as being so valuable
that it should be available to all, it also declared that because of the
expense, only those transplants that could be financed primarily out of
system waste should be provided. Thus, the OTTF's desire to demonstrate
its and Massachusetts' commitment to providing lifesaving treatment for
all led it to restrict transplants' availability to all patients, including
those who would not require public financing. Such a policy had spe-
cifically been denounced by the President's Commission as "an unac-
ceptable restriction on individual liberty. "^^^
Under the circumstances, it seems probable that the OTTF and the
Commonwealth were more concerned with performing a symboHc act
than with giving the poor the essentials of a good Ufe. Indeed, although
the OTTF expUcitly endorsed the equitable distribution of transplantation
as an available means of "prevent[ing] the gulf between the haves and
have nots from widening,'"*^ the primary beneficiaries of the transplant
of the condition on the welfare and opportunity of the individual but also about
the efficacy and the cost of the care itself in relation to other conditions and
the efficacy and cost of the care that is available for them.
President's Commission Report, supra note 41, at 36; see supra notes 41 & 70.
"^The OTTF's conclusion that organ transplantation should be part of that adequate
level of care is apparently justified by the stated pubhc perception that transplantation
is "life-saving." OTTF Report, supra note 67, at 5. The President's Commission Report,
however, does not contemplate and indeed does not seem geared toward addressing the
inclusion of extreme and expensive technologies in the guaranteed minimum level of care.
For example, it states:
Society will reasonably devote some resources to health care but reserve most
resources for other goals. This, in turn, will mean that some health services
(even of a lifesaving sort) will not be developed or employed because they would
produce too few benefits in relation to their costs and to the other ways the
resources for them might be used.
President's Commission Report, supra note 41, at 19.
"^On cost figures, see OTTF Report, supra note 67, at 43-69. These figures have
been criticized as excessive. E.g., Overcast & Evans, supra note 102, at 107. See supra
text accompanying notes 17 & 20.
"^President's Commission Report, supra note 41, at 20; see also id. at 4, 18; Pauly,
Equity and Costs, 13 Law, Med. & Health Care 28 (1985). A better reading of the
President's Commission Report surely would conclude that the state ought to ensure
equitable access to lower-cost, higher-priority services, leaving expensive technologies outside
the "decent minimum" but available for purchase by those who choose to devote personal
resources to that end.
"^OTTF Report, supra note 67, at 75; see Pauly, supra note 115, at 29. The OTTF
surely places disproportionate emphasis on catastrophic health care as a way to rectify
perceived injustices in the social order. It is open to challenge not only by those who
policies adopted were not the less well-off populations, from which a
few transplant candidates might come, but those who could take public
credit for making the humanitarian choice. The OTTF members, the
pubUc officials involved, and the citizens of Massachusetts as a whole
avoided appearing cold-hearted and uncaring in the face of imminent
death by symbolically extending lifesaving assistance to a handful of
afflicted patients. The troubling question remains, however, whether the
Commonwealth has so far discharged its other, perhaps greater respon-
sibilities to its disadvantaged citizens that those basking in the glow of
this good work are truly entitled to feel good about themselves.
C. The Alternative of Off -Stage Choices
Whenever tragic choices are made upon a public stage, it is probably
inevitable that the actors will play to the audience, sacrificing some
values, particularly allocative efficiency, in order to be seen as acting
vigorously in the defense of human life. Before one can criticize the
performance in Massachusetts, therefore, it is necessary to ask whether
there is any way in which these difficult issues could have been resolved
without public posturing and with a greater expectation that resources
would not be used in pursuit of health benefits too modest to justify
the outlays. Can the role of politics in these difficult matters be limited?
One discussion of this question frames the challenge as follows:
would be prevented from purchasing transplants but also by the have-nots in question,
who might reasonably choose to have the resources applied where they have greater need
and can expect greater benefit. It appears, however, that the OTTF had a larger political
agenda. Chairman Annas has acknowledged as much in responding to criticisms such as
those suggested here:
The Task Force . . . saw its charge as an opportunity to express our views on
how the system ought to work. The Task Force believed that fairness and equity
are critical values that are more important than perpetuating a system where
only the rich and those with the right insurance or publicity acumen can obtain
transplants. The fact that we have not tried for equity and fairness elsewhere
in the system does not make it somehow wrong to take the opportunity we
have in heart and liver transplantation to try to introduce equity and fairness
in the real world. We must begin somewhere. Anywhere will entail some ar-
bitrariness. But the symbolic nature of transplantation, and its ability to capture
the public's attention and support, commend it as a reasonable place to begin.
Far from presuming "the vahdity of the status quo," the Task Force believed
that transplantation provides a unique opportunity to modify some of the the
health care system's fundamental operating assumptions.
Annas, The Dog and His Shadow: A Reply to Overcast and Evans, 13 Law, Med. &
Health Care 112, 113 (1985). Annas's visionary goal is, however, as remote as ever.
The OTTF Report's passionate concern for equity ironically succeeds only in raising to
the level of principle the political preference for identified over statistical lives, while
doing little to clarify the debate over the extent to which government should guarantee
the provision of health care services.
984 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
[A]lthough there are good reasons for our society to seek to
spare its individual members catastrophic health care costs, in
doing so it will almost inevitably commit more resources than
it really wants to commit, or should commit, to such a purpose.
This result is probable because government will find it difficult
to impose, or even tolerate, needed limits on very expensive
medical efforts to save lives and preserve health without seeming
to deny the sanctity of human life. The challenge is thus to
design social institutions which neither unduly sacrifice society's
humanitarian ideals nor overspend on medical services not war-
ranted by the benefits they yield. . . . [G]overnment cannot
safely assume too central a role in decisionmaking on life-and-
death and similar issues and . . . society will be better off if
institutional arrangements are such that death and suffering from
catastrophic disease continue to be perceived as "more an act
of God than of the legislature." Careful attention to program
details and to the allocation of decisionmaking responsibility is
necessary if society is to succeed, in the context of expanded
protection against catastrophic medical expenses, in preserving
both humanitarian values and democratic government's benign
— if not its beneficent — image.
1 17
The quoted study "identifies a critical need to keep government's profile
low in order to facilitate saying 'no' when it is appropriate to do so"
and "seeks to help government limit its moral as well as its financial
exposure while honoring a substantial commitment to assist victims of
catastrophic disease. "'^^
The Massachusetts performance reviewed here casts only a little light
on the possibility that government can be removed from center stage
in these dramas and that there can be introduced instead the deus ex
machina of an unregulated, demand-driven market for health services.
The foundation of the Massachusetts system is, after all, the assumption
that regulation is essential to prevent inefficient growth and wasteful
spending on health services of all kinds. Although there was a time
when this assumption seemed unchallengeable, actual reforms in some
health care financing mechanisms have recently begun to reveal the
potential of private purchasing decisions in a competitive marketplace
to curb the excessive flow of resources into the health care sector and
to confine spending to activities that are relatively cost-effective. ^^^
"^Havighurst, Blumstein & Bovbjerg, supra note 4, at XIZ-IA (quoting Artificial
Heart Assessment Panel, Nat'l Heart & Lung Inst., The Totally Implantable
Artificial Heart 247 (1973) (separate views of C. Havighurst)).
"»M at 124.
"'See, e.g., Arnett, Health Spending Trends in the 1980's: Adjusting to Financial
Incentives, Health Care Fin. Rev., Spring 1985, at 1; Davis, Is Cost Containment
Working?, Health Aff., Fall 1985, at 81.
Certainly what is known about the efficacy and costs of Uver trans-
plantation does not suggest that only irrational or impoverished persons
would ever choose to forgo this treatment even in the face of certain
death. ^^ It thus may be socially desirable and practically feasible to
leave decisions about whether or to what extent to cover liver trans-
plantation to private choices of employers, health insurers, and organized
health plans, all of which are accountable to consumers in a competitive
market.'^' Even where public financing is necessary, government may
recede from its current role as dominant decisionmaker by cashing out
current in-kind benefits and letting beneficiaries shop for private coverage
with financial help in the form of a government-supplied voucher. '^^ In
this fashion, government can fulfill its responsibility for providing a
decent minimum level of health services without having to rule definitively
on what services beneficiaries must select.
Whether the performance of a competitive, demand-sensitive market
for health care will satisfy the full range of public expectations is still
an open question, but there is at least some evidence that health care
consumers and providers are now economizing in ways previously resisted.
Thus, it may be possible
to eschew trying to solve the [catastrophic disease] problem in
any definitive fashion and instead to take steps to enhance each
'2°Available data suggest not only that liver transplantation is uniquely expensive but
that it can plausibly be viewed as of questionable benefit. Although the OTTF Report's
survey of liver transplantation morbidity and mortality is brief, OTTF Report, supra note
67, at 29-32, other sources raise some important questions concerning the toxicity of
cyclosporin, the effect of long-term administration of immunosuppressive drugs on the
growth and development of children, and the near-total lack of measures of the quality
of survivors' lives. See Nat'l Center for Health Services Research, DHHS, Liver
Transplantation (1983); Starzl, 1 Transplantation Proceedings (1985). The OTTF
addressed these major concerns only in connection with the prospect that too many
transplant seekers might die in the state-mandated queue; if this happens, the OTTF
Report advocates that individuals meeting the medical criteria for inclusion "be persuaded
not to attempt to join the queue" by telling them the truth about transplantation. OTTF
Report, supra note 67, at 83. The implication is that if people understood all of the
risks, consequences, and side effects of transplantation and their implications for the
duration and quality of life of survivors, a significant number of candidates would
voluntarily forgo the procedure. One would suppose that potential candidates deserve the
opportunity to achieve that full understanding regardless of the size of the organ supply.
The OTTF was even farther, of course, from seeing any connection between doubts about
the value of the procedure and the procedure's extraordinary costs; it was also opposed
to letting individuals compare likely benefits and costs before deciding whether to invest
in the necessary insurance. Id. The Minnesota Coalition Report specifically contemplates
such choices. Minnesota Coalition Report, supra note 8, at 47-48.
'^'Allowing individual consumers to exercise free choice creates problems of adverse
selection and may be questionable policy for other reasons. See infra note 124.
^^^See Minnesota Coalition Report, supra note 8, at 38-41. This report discusses
two alternative strategies for "implementing the 'basic level of health care' principle."
Id. One of these is a voucher-type strategy that would leave the private sector substantial
decisionmaking freedom.
986 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:955
individual's ability to solve his own personal problem by choosing
among a variety of available options, with public financial as-
sistance where necessary. Such a strategy lacks the tidiness and
specificity which policymakers often desire and would doubtless
leave many residual problems. . . . But the fundamental values of
pluralism and freedom . . . suggest an obHgation not only
to tolerate but also to foster diversity on matters as intensely
personal and private as the means of coping with life-threatening
disease and the attendant tragic choices. '^^
Such an approach provides a major challenge to society's ability to
educate consumers and foster rational decisionmaking about low-prob-
ability events. ^^"^
The Massachusetts experience with liver transplantation yielded one
interesting datum helpful in appraising the market alternative when
MBCBS offered TIP at an actuarially fair price to their group accounts
and fewer than one third of them accepted the offer. Unanswered, of
course, are many questions, including the ultimate one — whether a
situation in which some citizens are protected against a highly visible
health care need and others are not is a stable and tenable one or one
that would disintegrate upon the appearance of a transplant candidate who
^^^See Havighurst, Blumstein, & Bovbjerg, supra note 5, at 189.
'^The simple view is that "organ transplantation is the epitome of an insurable event;
transplants are random, rare, their risk probabilities are measurable, and transplants are
prohibitively expensive for most individuals." Minnesota Coalition Report, supra note
8, at vi. But letting individuals choose is not necessarily the optimal policy. For example,
Calabresi observes:
I'd Uke to know, for instance, if any individual does value his own hfe in a
way that can meaningfully be used in choosing between life and death risks. If
each of us were paid to take a one in a million chance to lose our life,
reaUstically, how much would we ask? How much more would we ask if the
chance of death were one in one thousand? Or one in two? I would suggest
that the value that most of us would give to our lives would not be the same
value in the three cases, after discounting by mathematical risk. In other words,
the value we as individuals put on our life is not independent of the gamble
we are taking. This fact makes it very, very difficult as a practical matter to
define any value as the appropriate one in creating incentives for safety.
Calabresi, Commentary, in Ethics in Health Care 48, 52 (1974). For findings from
psychological research suggesting inconsistencies and incoherence in consumer decisions
that require the weighing of risks and valuation of alternative outcomes, see Kahneman
& Tversky, The Psychology of Preferences, 246 Sci. Am. 12 (1982); Tversky & Kahneman,
The Framing of Decisions and the Psychology of Choice, 211 Sci. 453 (1981). Although
these difficulties suggest the shortcomings of individual choice, most market choices of
insurance coverage are not made by uninstructed consumers. Instead, they are most likely
to emerge from collective processes in employment groups and to reflect the sophistication
of employers, insurers, and medical care providers. Such collective choices are likely alone
to reflect both shared values and the existence of alternative uses of the resources at
turned down the available protection. This empirical question deserves
more thoughtful attention than it has yet received. For example, it would
not be conclusive evidence against relying upon market choices to ration
transplantation if an occasional patient should receive, at an employer's
or insurer's expense, a treatment that was not included in purchased
coverage. Informal provision of such charity for occasional exceptionally
appealing cases is not an unthinkable alternative to the Massachusetts
rationing system. Indeed, it could supply just the buffer against highly
publicized denials of care that is needed to maintain an effective barrier
to spending vast resources on marginally beneficial treatments.
Attention must also be given to the design of coverage that can
survive the inevitable questioning and legal challenges. One can imagine,
for example, insurance policies that provide liver transplants for the
most appealing patients, such as children, but deny them to victims of
less attractive diseases, such as alcohoHsm. Other mechanisms for con-
trolling costs and ensuring quality include limiting coverage to transplants
obtained in centers that have been identified by the insurer as efficient
and low-cost. Although much remains to be learned about whether and
how to purchase this costly and still questionable service, privatization
of catastrophic insurance, perhaps with tax and other incentives to
encourage coverage broad enough to minimize the demoralizing effects
of tragic choices, would seem to make possible sensible rationing tech-
niques that the public sector could not itself sustain. ^^^
Perhaps the best way to conclude this reflection on how society
handles these difficult matters is to ask how these problems will be
addressed a hundred years from now. Is there any doubt that society
will somehow reassess its commitment to saving lives without regard to
cost and will come to accept as a matter of course some deaths that
could be prevented by the application of high technology? There are
many different ways in which patients can be selected for treatment,
not all of which require reliance on government to act directly or indirectly
as the giver or denier of life itself. Without question, our attitudes
toward such matters are changing. Ultimately we must give up some
cherished but so far unexamined collective beliefs. The frightening but
certain truth is that we are acting out our own morality play — one in
which some simpUstic values, of the kind that flourish most in a political
environment, must eventually give way to some hard realities of the human
condition. As in any great drama, the central question is whether other,
more vital values will be preserved.
'"Current proposals to provide catastrophic health insurance protection, see, e.g..
Perspectives, Catastrophic Insurance, Washington Rep. on Med. «& Health, Apr. 21, 1986,
would benefit from being examined in light of the concerns expressed herein about placing
government in a central decisionmaking role.
The Lithotripsy Game in North Carolina:
A New Technology Under Regulation and Deregulation*
Clark C. Havighurst**
Robert S. McDonough***
I. The Stakes in the Game — Rewards of a New Technology
Every few years, it seems, an expensive new medical technology tests
the ability of the health care system to assess its efficacy, safety, and
cost-effectiveness and to allocate resources so that patients receive optimal
treatment at reasonable cost. Resembling in this respect earlier diagnostic
imaging technologies, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) is
a recent technological breakthrough that has captured the attention of
health planners and policymakers. • This noninvasive procedure, which
employs equipment costing up to $2.7 million per installed unit, is
revolutionizing the treatment of urinary stones.^
ESWL appears to be a highly desirable technology from every stand-
point. Not only does it achieve excellent results with lower complication
*Support for the research reflected in this Article was provided under Grant No.
HS05326 from the National Center for Health Services Research and Health Care Tech-
nology Assessment, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The authors are
indebted to the numerous individuals, most of whom are cited herein, who greatly assisted
the authors in forming their impressions of lithotripsy in North Carolina. The interpretations
offered here are of course not necessarily shared by those who assisted the authors or
participated so conscientiously in the policymaking effort.
**WilUam Neal Reynolds Professor of Law, Duke University. A.B., Princeton Univer-
sity, 1955; J.D., Northwestern University, 1958.
***B.A., 1982, B.S., 1982, University of Texas at Austin; J.D. Candidate, Duke
University School of Law, 1987; M.A.P.P.S. Candidate, Duke Institute of Policy Sciences
and Public Affairs, 1988; M.D. Candidate, Duke University School of Medicine, 1988.
'For formal technology assessments of ESWL, see National Center for Health
Services Research & Health Care Technology Assessment, U.S. Dep't of Health &
Human Services, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) Procedures for
the Treatment of Kidney Stones (1985); Office of Technology Assessment, United
States Congress, Effects of Federal Policies on Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lith-
otripsy (1986); Farrell, Percutaneous Ultrasound Procedures for the Treatment of Kidney
Stones, 1986 Int'l J. Tech. Assessment Health Care 152; Health and Public Policy
Committee, American College of Physicians, Lithotripsy, 103 Annals Internal Med. 626
(1985). For other recent descriptions and evaluations, see Mueller, Extracorporeal Shock
Wave Lithotripsy of Ureteral Stones: Clinical Experience and Experimental Findings, 135
J. Urology 831 (1986); Riehle, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy for Upper Urinary
Tract Calculi: One Year's Experience at a Single Center, 255 J. A.M.A. 2043 (1986);
Webb, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy and Percutaneous Renal Surgery, 58 Brit.
J. Urology 1 (1986).
^In ESWL, electrohydraulic shock waves shatter kidney stones into small fragments
so that they can be passed naturally by the patient. Chaussy & Schmiedt, Shock Wave
990 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
rates than invasive therapies,^ but even given the high cost of "Hthotrip-
ters," it may cost less per treatment than the surgical procedures it
replaces/ Margaret Heckler, Secretary of Health and Human Services,
called attention to both the medical benefits and the cost savings of ESWL
when she announced the approval of the first lithotripter by the Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1984.^
Although there is virtually no question that ESWL is highly effi-
cacious and extremely safe, it has created significant problems for the
health care system. In particular, early and widespread recognition of the
potential benefits of ESWL put intense and sudden pressure on those pro-
cesses that society has installed to evaluate medical technology and to guide
the health care system's development. State certificate-of-need (CON)^
regulators were put in the position of being able to award very big
prizes to a very few. Entrepreneurial urologists and hospitals, playing
for large stakes, pushed the regulatory system very hard. In cases where
the regulators stood firm, they were in the potentially awkward position
Treatment for Stones in the Upper Urinary Tract, 10 Urologic Clinics N. Am. 743
(1983). Prior to the procedure, the patient is anesthetized to keep him pain-free and
immobilized while shocks are administered. Finlayson & Thomas, Extracorporeal Shock-
Wave Lithotripsy, 101 Annals Internal Med. 387, 388 (1984). The patient is then placed
into a tub of water over a shock- wave generator. A two-axis x-ray system is used to
locate the stone and the shock-wave generator is adjusted so that the shock-waves are
focused on the stone. Approximately 1300 shocks are administered during the average
one-hour procedure.
A lithotripter currently costs approximately $1.7 miUion, not including the costs of
installation, which can add an additional $1 million to the price. American Hosp. Ass'n,
Lithotripters: Noninvasive Devices for the Treatment of Kidney Stones, 6 Hosp. Tech-
nology Series: Guideline Report 15, 19 (1985). But see infra note 15 (stating that several
U.S. companies are exploring the manufacture of lower cost lithotripters).
^Surgical lithotomy has an associated mortahty rate of 0.8 percent, R. Smith & D.
Skinner, Complications of Urologic Surgery and Management 102 (1976), whereas
ESWL has a complication rate of less than one percent with virtually no associated
mortahty, Finlayson & Thomas, supra note 2, at 388.
"•The primary cost saving of ESWL comes from a reduction in the length of hospital
stay. FDA Approves Lithotripter for Kidney Stone Shattering, 253 J. A.M. A. 620 (1985)
[hereinafter FDA Approves Lithotripter]. An uncomplicated surgical lithotomy requires an
average stay of one to three weeks. Castaneda-Zuniga, Nephrostolithotomy: Percutaneous
Techniques for Urinary Calculus Removal, 134 Am. J. Radiology 721, 724 (1982). The
newer technique of percutaneous nephrolithotomy requires four to eight days of hospi-
talization. Id. ESWL patients currently remain in the hospital only three days on average,
and it is anticipated that ESWL will eventually be performed on an outpatient basis. FDA
Approves Lithotripter, supra, at 620-21.
^U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services, HHS News 2 (Dec. 19, 1984) (statement
by Margaret M. Heckler, Secretary of Health & Human Services).
^Certification of need is a legislatively mandated process whereby health care providers
and institutions must obtain approval from a state agency before making large capital
expenditures or instituting costly new services. See infra notes 12-15 and accompanying
of giving the winners valuable monopolistic franchises and depriving the
losers of patients and significant income.^ Where the regulatory system
gave way, the possibility of overinvestment in duplicative facilities raised
the specter of excessive costs, overuse of ESWL, and neglect of alternative
therapies when they might be medically indicated.^ Although ESWL is
a striking development in itself, much of its interest for policymakers
lies in the lessons it teaches about the overall health care system and
its ability to allocate resources and accommodate technological change.
ESWL has had a particularly significant impact on urologic practice
in North Carolina. That state lies in the center of the so-called '*stone
belt," an area of the country where urinary stones are particularly
common.^ North Carolina urologists are thus heavily committed to the
treatment of urinary stones, devoting an estimated fifteen to twenty
percent of their professional work to this condition. ^^ Hospitals, too,
obtain significant income from urinary stone patients, and this business
has been widely shared by all hospitals. ESWL thus posed an economic
threat to both urologists and hospitals in North Carolina. If treatment
of stones in the kidney and upper urinary tract were suddenly concentrated
in a small number of lithotripsy centers, the impact on the providers
losing that business would be substantial. The appearance of this new
technology in North Carolina also threatened to accentuate a flow of
patients away from community hospitals into the state's few, but stra-
tegically located, academic medical centers. A major "town/gown" con-
flict thus quickly developed as community urologists sought to keep their
patients out of the academic institutions, which allegedly did not always
return patients to the care of their original doctors.
^See, e.g., Michigan News Briefs, United Press International, Feb. 11, 1986 (reporting
that Michigan Department of Public Health had ordered Michigan's two largest hospitals
not to bill patients for ESWL until they received CON approval); New Kidney Stone
Crushing Technique Studied, United Press International, April 26, 1985 (stating that Virginia
Health Commissioner announced his intent to "guard against unnecessary proliferation"
of lithotripers despite the increasing number of applications for certificates of need for
^See, e.g., Freifeld, The Rush to Crush, Forbes, March 11, 1985, at 170, 171
(stating that in Chicago, health planners had succumbed to provider pressures in approving
more lithotripters than were necessary).
^See Brown, Living in the Stone Belt Can Be Dangerous to Your Kidneys, Durham
Morning Herald, Jan. 13, 1987, at A9, col. 1. Apparently because of dietary factors,
residents of southeastern states have a higher incidence of calculi of the kidney and ureter
than other U.S. citizens. Id. In 1984, the incidence of kidney stones in North Carolina
was 29.9 per 10,000 population contrasted with the mean incidence among states of 16.4
cases per 10,000 population. Sierakowski, The Frequency of Urolithiasis in Hospital
Discharge Diagnoses in the United States, 15 Investigative Urology 438, 440 (1978).
'"Personal communication with John L. Weinerth, M.D., Associate Professor, Division
of Urology, Duke University (July 1986).
992 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
Although the struggle to capture the North Carolina ESWL market
is interesting in itself as a spectator sport, there are more important
reasons to focus on the North Carolina experience. First, the operation
of the CON system was tested in significant ways, yielding lessons for
students of this form of regulation. Second, the method of paying
urologists for lithotripsy received an unusual degree of attention, high-
lighted by a clash between practicing urologists and Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of North Carolina (NCBCBS) over the proper professional fee.
This controversy yields some lessons about how business is done in a
state that has yet to see many of the vaunted benefits of competition
in health care^' and suggests some serious questions about the role of
Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans in forestalling such competition not
only in North Carolina but in the nation as a whole. Finally, the North
Carolina story has recently culminated, for reasons that will appear, in
the repeal of CON requirements for lithotripters, thus presenting every-
one— but especially NCBCBS — with a future challenge. This Article thus
includes a discussion of what must happen now in the deregulated North
Carolina market (and wherever else deregulation is tried) if the right
number of lithotripters are to be appropriately located and properly
used. Although it is far from clear that North Carolina is ready for
deregulation of a single technology of this kind, the lessons drawn from
the North Carolina experience may suggest to other states the merits of
general deregulation and the urgency of encouraging the competitive
developments that would permit it.
II. The con Game—Winner Take All
State CON laws were intended to contain costs and make the de-
velopment of the health care system more rational by requiring prior
state approval before major capital expenditures could be made and new
health services could be introduced.'^ Because prevention of duplication
^^See infra notes 45-63 and accompanying text.
^^See, e.g., P. Joskow, Controlling Hospital Costs: The Role of Government
Regulation (1981); D. Salkever & T. Bice, Hospital Certificate-of-Need Controls:
Impacts on Investment, Costs, and Use 11-24 (1979); Bovbjerg, Problems and Prospects
for Health Planning: The Importance of Incentives, Standards and Procedures in Certificate
of Need, 1978 Utah L. Rev. 83, 84-90; Havighurst, Regulating Health Facilities and
Services by "Certificate of Need;' 59 Va. L. Rev. 1143, 1155-69 (1973). Like other states.
North Carolina has enacted a CON law, N.C. Gen. Stat. § 131E-175 to 191 (Supp.
1985), pursuant to the National Health Planning Resource and Development Act of 1974,
Pub. L. No. 93-641, 88 Stat. 2225, 2584-645 (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. § 300k-
n (1982)). An earlier North Carolina CON law was held invalid under the state constitution.
In re Certificate of Need for Aston Park Hosp., Inc., 282 N.C. 542, 193 S.E.2d 729
(1973). Before creating the present statute, the state resisted, unsuccessfully, the subsequent
federal compulsion to enact a CON statute meeting federal specifications. See North
Carohna ex rel. Morrow v. Cahfano, 445 F. Supp. 582 (E.D.N.C. 1977), aff'd mem., 435
U.S. 962 (1978).
is a key regulatory goal, these laws create a powerful incentive for
providers to put any promising new technology, tried or untried, in place
as quickly as possible; once CON approval is obtained, there is a strong
regulatory barrier to entry by competitors until the market expands
enough to support a second facility without appreciable harm to the
first. Even if the first mover purchases costly first-generation equipment,
it will be protected against competition from a later applicant offering
to provide the same service for less.'^ The convoluted rationale for
protecting inefficient providers from price competition in this way is not
addressed here,^"* but it is notable that one effect of this form of regulation
is to encourage early investment by relieving the proponent of the concern
that his investment will be devalued when more efficient technology
becomes available. This point is of present interest because other lith-
otripsy devices that are now under development are expected to cost
substantially less than the devices currently being installed. ^^
North Carolina providers began jockeying for CON's soon after the
announcement of plans for introducing the lithotripter into the United
States from Europe, where it was first developed. Indeed, an application
to offer ESWL in North Carolina was filed one month before Dornier-
'^C/. C. Havighurst, Deregulating the Health Care Industry 195-202, 214-22,
345-53 (1982) (noting the protectionist tendencies of CON regulation with respect to such
desirable cost-saving innovations as home health care, HMO's, and ambulatory surgical
'Vf/. at 277-85 (explaining and criticizing the thinking behind protectionist regulation).
'^In addition to Dornier-System, the manufacturer of the first device approved in
the United States, at least four U.S. companies are exploring the manufacture of litho-
tripters. The first of these to begin clinical testing was Medstone International, Spartanburg,
South Carolina. As of May 1985, Medstone had obtained FDA investigational device
exemptions for five sites. American Urologic Ass'n, Report to the Executive Committee
of the AUA: Ad Hoc Committee to Study the Safety and Clinical Efficacy of the Current
Technology of Percutaneous Lithotripsy and Noninvasive Lithotripsy 20 (May 16, 1985)
[hereinafter Report to the Executive Committee]. The Medstone lithotripter uses a fluid-
filled bag for the acoustic interface; with the Dornier device, the patient is placed in a
tub. The estimated cost of the Medstone lithotripter is about $800,000, about half the
cost of the Dornier device.
Two other firms have conducted in vivo studies in animals. International Biomedics,
Inc., of Issaqua, Washington, uses a laser-driven shock wave generator and water-filled
chest waders for the acoustic interface. Id. Another lithotripter, being developed by Dr.
Fray Marshall and colleagues at the Johns Hopkins Medical Center, also uses a fluid-
filled bag but differs from others in using ultrasound rather than x-rays for imaging. Id.
at 21. The anticipated cost of the Hopkins device is between $250,000 and $500,000. The
SD-3 lithotripter, being developed by Northgate Research, Inc., of Plattsburg, New York,
was only in the in vitro investigational stage in 1985. Id. at 20. The cost of this device,
if perfected, is estimated to be only $250,000.
Because lower cost second-generation devices may become available, hospitals may
be hesitant about purchasing costly first-generation equipment. See The Race for Competing
Lithotripters Heats Up, Hospitals, July 20, 1986, at 30; Lithotripsy: Hospitals Take a
Wait and See Attitude, Hospitals, May 20, 1986, at 75.
994 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
System GmbH, the German manufacturer of the original lithotripter,
filed its initial application for FDA approval of the device on February
22, 1984. This apphcation — by North CaroUna Baptist Hospital in Win-
ston-Salem, which is associated with The Bowman Gray School of
Medicine of Wake Forest University — was approved in June 1984, six
months before the FDA approved the Dornier device.'^ A second ap-
plication— by Carolina Lithotripsy, Ltd., a limited partnership of forty-
two North Carolina urologists — was also filed before the FDA acted.
This Fayetteville-based partnership was organized by Dr. William Jor-
dan, ^^ who had gone to Germany at an early date to learn the procedure
and get a jump on the market when lithotripters finally became mar-
ketable in the United States.'^
The forehandedness of these CON applications was impressive
because FDA approval of a new technology normally takes several years. ^'
However, in this case, the FDA, recognizing the potential benefits
of the lithotripter and its extensive testing and use in West Germany,
acted with extraordinary rapidity,^" approving the device on December 19,
^^See Letter from William Vaughn, Chief, Certificate of Need Section, Division of
Facility Services, N.C. Dep't of Human Resources, to John Lynch, President, North
Carolina Baptist Hospitals (June 29, 1984), Dr. David McCullough, Chairman of the
Division of Urology at Bowman Gray School of Medicine of Wake Forest University,
explained that Bowman Gray urologists decided to pursue CON approval early because
they were aware of the results of ESWL testing in Europe and believed that ESWL's
potential benefits made it the "wave of the future." Personal communication with David
McCullough, M.D. (Jan. 1987).
^^See Carolina Lithotripsy, Ltd., Certificate of Need Application 1-5 (July 12, 1984);
see also Big Lithotripter Venture Helps Out Small NC Hospital, Hospitals, May 20, 1986,
at 76 (discussing the Fayetteville, N.C, partnership of urologists that purchased a lithotripter
to be installed at Highsmith-Rainey Memorial Hospital).
'^Personal communication with William Jordan, M.D. (July 1985).
"Currently, the FDA estimates that the median approval time for devices since 1976
has been approximately 8-1/2 months. Kahan, Premarket Approval Versus Premarket
Notification: Different Routes to the Same Market, 39 Food Drug Cosmetic L.J. 510,
518 (1984). This median is misleading, however, as an indication of the review time for
truly new devices. Approximately 60<7o of the premarket applications (PMAA's) received
by the FDA are not for new devices but for devices regulated under transitional provisions
applicable to devices formerly regulated as new drugs. Id. at 518 n.44 (citing 21 U.S.C.
§ 360j(l)(l) (1982)). The review time for these transitional devices, e.g., sutures and contact
lenses, is generally very short. Id. In addition, many PMAA's are returned to the sponsor
for additional data, and this time is not counted in the FDA's statistics. Id. at 518.
Economist Henry Grabowski, a student of drug and device regulation, believes that truly
new medical devices will be subject to an average approval time approximately equal to
that for new drugs. Personal communication with Henry Grabowski, Professor of Economics,
Duke University (July 1985). The FDA has taken an average of 35 months following the
filing of a new drug application (analogous to a PMAA) to approve new drugs. H.
Grabowski & J. Vernon, The Regulation of Pharmaceuticals: Balancing the Benefits
AND Risks 23 (1983).
^°The FDA approved extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for general use less than
one year after the commencement of clinical trials in the United States. This was unusually
1984.^' Carolina Lithotripsy's CON for a lithotripter, scheduled to be
located in a Fayetteville hospital, was issued one day later. ^^
Applications by other North Carolina providers followed quickly
upon the first CON awards and the FDA action. Stone Institute of the
Carolinas, a Charlotte-based partnership of urologists, applied for a
CON in August 1984, and got its approval in January 1985.^^ North
Carolina Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill, an adjunct of the medical
school of the University of North Carolina, received CON approval in
May 1985.^"* Unsuccessful appHcants included St. Joseph's Hospital of
rapid action. See supra note 19. One commentator argued, however, that the FDA's
approval of lithotripsy was not fast enough, and that the FDA's delay in approving
lithotripsy caused many kidney stone patients, especially those who were high-risk surgical
candidates, to suffer. Gieringer, The FDA's Bad Medicine, 33 Pol'y Rev. 71, 71 (1985).
One reason for the FDA's relatively speedy approval of ESWL was the extensive
testing of the procedure in Europe before it was introduced in the United States. The
FDA had agreed to base its approval largely on the European data. The FDA's National
Center of Devices and Radiological Health will generally consider foreign data in support
of premarket approval if the studies appear valid and if the rights, safety, and welfare
of the research subjects were not violated. Shapiro, Legal Aspects of Premarket Approval
of Medical Devices, 38 Food Drug Cosmetic L.J. 205, 211 (1983). Although the Center
has not relied solely on foreign data in the past, the FDA has recently proposed to allow
approval of new drugs based solely on foreign chnical data. See 47 Fed. Reg. 46,643
(1982). In an interview, attorney Joseph Onek, who represented Domier-System in the
FDA application process, said that testing centers in the United States were able rapidly
to confirm the results of the extensive testing completed in Europe. Personal communication
with Joseph Onek (July 1985). At the time that FDA began to evaluate the lithotripter,
it had been used in Germany for five years. Gieringer, supra at 71. U.S. testing began
less than one year prior to FDA approval. Nearly 2,000 of the 10,000 or so treatments
worldwide had been performed in the United States. U.S. Dep't of Health & Human
Services, News Release, HHS News 2 (Dec. 19, 1984).
Onek also explained that Dornier was slow in introducing the lithotripter to the U.S.
market. By the time it was introduced, urologists, nephrologists, and others knew about
the lithotripter and its advantages and were anxious to obtain the device. Another factor
that may have led to more rapid approval of lithotripsy was the lower per-patient cost
of the procedure. Onek was of the opinion that although relative cost-effectiveness is not
an explicit criterion for approval, FDA officials were aware of and motivated by the
lower costs associated with lithotripsy.
2'FooD & Drug Admin., U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services, Summary of
Safety and Effectiveness Data: Dornier Lithotripter, Model HM3 20 (1985).
^^See Letter from Susanne Moulton, Chief, Certificate of Need Section, Division of
Facility Services, N.C. Dep't of Human Resources, to William Jordan, M.D., Partner,
Carohna Lithotripsy, Ltd. (Dec. 20, 1984).
^^See Letter from Jack Brinson, Project Analyst, and Susanne Moulton, Chief,
Certificate of Need Section, Division of FaciUty Services, N.C. Dep't of Human Resources
to Orion Finklea, President, The Stone Institute of the CaroHnas, Inc. (Jan. 28, 1985).
^Letter from Nancy Bres Martin, Project Analyst, and Susanne Moulton, Chief,
Certificate of Need Section, Division of Facility Services, N.C. Dep't of Human Resources
to Jane Rhoe- Jones, Acting Director of Planning, North Carolina Memorial Hospital (May
30, 1985).
996 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
Asheville^^ and Duke University Medical Center in Durham;^^ the CON
applications for both facilities were denied because other facilities were
deemed sufficient to serve patients in their respective service areas. ^"^
A fifth lithotripter slipped into the state through a crack in the
regulatory defenses. A CON application by physician-owned Piedmont
Urinary Stone Center, Inc. (Piedmont), which proposed the installation
of a lithotripter in a Winston-Salem hospital, was reviewed together with
the apphcation of Bowman Gray's North CaroHna Baptist Hospital.
Piedmont's application was denied because only one service was deemed
necessary in the Winston-Salem/Greensboro area and the CON agency
preferred that such a service be associated with an academic institution.^^
Piedmont then proposed, however, to install a lithotripter in an outpatient
facility unconnected with a hospital and successfully applied to the CON
agency for a ruling that the CON statute did not apply to capital
investments in major medical equipment to be installed in physicians'
off ices. ^^ Although the legislature quickly moved to close this loophole
by extending CON regulation to lithotripters "regardless of ownership
or location, "^° Piedmont's plans were unaffected, and its lithotripter is
currently operating in Winston-Salem.
As in the comparative hearing pitting the Piedmont physician group
against Bowman Gray's Baptist Hospital, the town/gown conflict was
evident throughout the struggles over the provision of ESWL in North
Carolina. The next two CON's went to physician groups that had filed
their applications well before the other academic institutions. Subse-
^^Letter from Dudley Stallings, Project Analyst, and Susanne Moulton, Chief, Cer-
tificate of Need Section, Division of Facility Services, N.C. Dep't of Human Resources,
to Les Brown, Director of Planning and Development, St. Joseph's Hospital (Aug. 27,
^^Certificate of Need Section, Division of Facility Services, N.C. Dep't of Human
Resources, Required State Agency Findings, Disapproval of CON for Extracorporeal Shock
Wave Lithotripter, St. Joseph's Hospital 2-3 (Aug. 27, 1985).
"Letter from Nancy Bres Martin, Project Analyst, and Robert Fitzgerald, Assistant
Director, Certificate of Need Section, Division of Facility Services, N.C. Dep't of Human
Resources, to WiUiam Anlyan, M.D., Chancellor of Health Affairs, Duke University
Medical Center (May 30, 1986).
^^See Letter from Everette Jenkins, Assistant Chief, Certificate of Need Section,
Division of Facility Services, N.C. Dep't of Human Resources, to Keith Christian, President,
CV, Inc. (July 17, 1984).
^^See Declaratory Ruling, In re Request for Declaratory Ruling by Piedmont Stone
Center, P.A., Piedmont Stone Joint Venture, and Carolina Medicorp., Inc. (Mar. 28,
1985); Letter from Jack Brinson, Project Analyst, Certificate of Need Section, Division
of Facility Services, N.C. Dep't of Human Resources, to Charles Hauser, Agent, Piedmont
Stone Center (Apr. 9, 1985).
^°The amended statute required that all persons obtain a certificate of need prior
to the acquisition of a lithotripter "regardless of ownership or location." N.C. Gen Stat.
§§ 131E-176(l6)g, 178(a) (Supp. 1985). On the policy implications of regulating capital
equipment in physician offices, see C. Havighurst, supra note 13, at 205-10.
quently, Memorial Hospital in Chapel Hill succeeded despite its presence
in the same service area as the Fayetteville group, in part because it
asserted educational and research needs. ^' (Duke, ironically, was unable
to make this argument because it already possessed a lithotripter for
research use, which was exempt from the CON requirement, and therefore
sought only authority to offer a clinical service for compensation).^^
Perhaps in an effort to defuse opposition from community urologists,
Memorial and Baptist hospitals made special arrangements whereby the
former could obtain privileges to admit and treat ESWL patients. The
claims of community urologists, asserted in a number of applications
and challenges against the academic centers, included concern for the
convenience of patients, the financial security of community hospitals,
and the increasing dominance of the academic institutions.^^
Although the CON regulators stood firm against exceeding a total
of five lithotripters in the state, certain powerful interests were unhappy
with the outcome of the CON process, which resulted in inconvenience
for citizens in the western part of the state and left one prestigious
institution (Duke) barred from charging for the use of a lithotripter
already in place. Several legislators took up the cause of Duke and St.
Joseph's Hospital in Asheville and explored the possibility of legislation
that would bypass the CON agency. Because North Carolina, unlike
some states, does not allow "special legislation" favoring named private
interests, ^^ it was necessary to write the exception in generic terms that
bespoke a plausible legislative objective. In about two days' time, a bill
was written and passed by the House of Representatives defining con-
ditions for exemption that only Duke and St. Joseph's could meet.^^
Shortly thereafter, however, the Senate took a different view, and both
^^See North Carolina Memorial Hospital, Certificate of Need Application, Attachment
3, 5 (Dec. 11, 1985).
^^See Certificate of Need Section, Division of Facility Services, N.C. Dep't of Human
Resources, Required State Agency Findings, Disapproval of Conversion of Research
Lithotripter to Clinical Use, Duke University, 6 (May 30, 1986).
"See, e.g., Letter from Raymond Joyner, Chairman, Dep't of Urology, Durham
County General Hosp., to Susanne G. Moulton, Chief, Certificate of Need Section, Division
of Facility Services, N.C. Dep't of Human Resources (Jan. 31, 1985).
'^5ee N.C. Const, art. II, § 24; cf. Commissioner of Public Health v. Bessick M.
Burke Memorial Hosp., 366 Mass. 734, 323 N.E.2d 309 (1975) (upholding constitutionality
of exemptive legislation applied to CON); D. Altman, R. Greene & H. Sapolsky, Health
Planning and Regulation 28, 53, 186-87, 200-01 (1981) (discussing special legislation
exempting named private interests from CON in Massachusetts).
^^Oliver & Andrews, House OKs Bill to Let Duke Use Kidney-Stone Machine, Durham
Morning Herald, July 2, 1986, at IB, col. 2. Many other states have discovered that
technocratic regulation of the health care industry frequently gives way whenever it becomes
necessary to offend powerful interests that can effectively appeal to political leaders for
assistance. See D. Altman, R. Greene, & H. Sapolsky, supra note 34, at 26-31, 153,
177-87, 202-10, 233-36 (noting ways providers circumvent the certificate of need process).
998 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
houses, in a surprising move, finally decided to repeal altogether the
CON requirement for lithotripters and ESWL services. ^^
This sudden deregulatory move by North Carolina has somewhat
startling implications. Many states, no longer bound by federally imposed
requirements to maintain CON laws, have cut back on such regulation. ^^
Although a few states have repealed their CON laws altogether, ^^ most
have maintained controls over large capital investments in hospital-based
facilities, ostensibly on the theory that capital-intensive institutional serv-
ices are least amenable to allocation by market forces. ^^ North Carolina's
deregulation of ESWL, which obviously was not the product of a well-
considered policy judgment, is peculiar in that it preserves the basic
scheme of comprehensive regulation but makes an exception for a tech-
nological development of the kind that most observers would agree is
a prime candidate for regulatory allocation.
The North Carolina experience reveals once again the political di-
mensions and debatable premises of CON regulation. Despite numerous
objective studies of the question, CON regulation has never been shown
to control health care costs. "^ Indeed, substantial evidence suggests that
CON laws were put in place not primarily to control costs but to protect
the most powerful existing institutions against competitors skimming
profitable business^^ and to legitimize rapidly rising costs in the eyes of
^^See Lineberry, Duke Lithotripter Use Gets Senate Approval, Durham Morning
Herald, July 12, 1986, at IC, col. 5. Because North Carolina had not contracted with
the federal government under section 1122 of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-
1 (1982), to perform planning services, leading to possible denial of Medicare reimbursement
of capital costs, this legislative action removed all governmental constraints on the in-
stallation of lithotripters.
"Simpson, Full Circle: The Return of Certificate of Need Regulation of Health
Facilities to State Control, 19 Ind. L. Rev. 1025 (1987).
''Id. at 1061, 1079-81.
^'^See C. Havighurst, supra note 13, at 4-5. In the National Health Planning and
Resources Development Amendments of 1979, Congress identified the provision of "inpatient
health services and other institutional health services" as being particularly subject to the
market failure that it viewed as necessitating CON regulation for new health facilities and
services. Legislative findings accompanying the 1979 amendments stated that "the prevail-
ing methods of paying for health services by public and private health insurers" make com-
petition an unreliable allocative mechanism and singled out institutional services as most
likely to be among those "for which competition does not or will not appropriately allocate
supply." 42 U.S.C. § 300k-2(b)(i)-(2) (1982); see also H.R. Rep. No. 190, 96th Cong., 1st
Sess. 51-54 (1979).
*°See generally C. Havighurst, supra note 13, at 63-74 (summarizing analytical and
descriptive studies of CON's effect on costs); P. Joskow^, supra note 12, at 138-68; Sloan,
The Track Record of Certificate-of-Need Programs (paper presented at the third annual
Health Policy Symposium, "The Role of Health Planning in a Competitive Environment,"
Vanderbilt University, May 15-16, 1986).
"'"In North CaroUna, improvement of the borrowing capacity of the hospitals — by
protecting them from competition — was an explicit purpose" behind the enactment of the
state's first CON law. Havighurst, supra note 12, at 1164 n.77 (citing Durham Morning
an increasingly concerned public/^ Moreover, some have argued that the
main effect of entry regulation has been to protect payers and providers
from having to alter their traditionally nonadversarial relationships by
embarking, respectively, on prudent buying and competitive selling of
health services/^ North Carolina's deregulation of lithotripsy suggests
that legislative support for CON regulation is weakening and that the
public is running out of patience with a regulatory scheme that protects
estabhshed institutions.
The natural question that arises is what happens next in North
Carohna. Unless the market conditions that were deemed to warrant
CON regulation have changed or can now change readily, there may
be a proliferation of unneeded, overutilized lithotripters. According to
the scenario visualized by advocates of health planning and CON reg-
ulation, the public can expect to pay a high price and receive inappro-
priate, even unnecessary, medical care. Whether this vision will be fulfilled,
however, depends upon those who pay for medical care and their will-
ingness and ability to defend themselves against the predictable higher
costs. Later discussion, following examination of payment issues that
have already arisen in North Carolina, will consider what actions payers
might take in this regard and the actual prospects for their taking them."^
That discussion will also consider whether the scenario may instead fulfill
the predictions of deregulation advocates, who argue that unlimited entry
will trigger prudent purchasing and effective price competition among
providers, creating a market deterrent to replace the barrier that CON
regulation supposedly erected to the creation of technological overca-
III. Playing for Money
The active pursuit of CON's for ESWL facilities in North Carolina
indicated that providers, particularly physicians, anticipated that the
Herald, June 25, 1971, at IC, col. 1). See also Payton & Powsner, Regulation through
the Looking Glass: Hospitals, Blue Cross, and Certificate-of-Need, 79 Mich L. Rev. 203,
255-56 (1980).
. ''^Payton & Powsner, supra note 41, at 247-48. This source shows that the main
proponents of CON regulation were not themselves interested in cost containment but
stood to gain if the public could be satisfied that continued cost escalation was justified.
They may even have anticipated the great political difficulty encountered by public regulators
in saying "no" to "needs" asserted by reputable providers. See supra note 35; C. Havighurst,
supra note 13, at 25-52.
''The crucial observation of Payton & Powsner, supra note 41, is that CON laws
perpetuated a financing system that served the interests of the dominant payers and
providers. See also Havighurst, supra note 12, at 1156 ("Viewed in the light of possibilities
for more fundamental changes in the market for insurance and health services, certificate-
of-need laws may appear as conservative measures, designed to preserve the very institutions
which create the problems to which they are addressed.").
*^See infra notes 76-127 and accompanying text.
1000 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
ESWL game would be highly profitable. However, what profits would
be earned and to whom they would accrue would depend upon numerous
factors, beginning with the policies and practices of the various payers
and their ability to bargain for favorable rates of payment. The North
Carolina experience featured a heated controversy over physician fees
for lithotripsy as NCBCBS attempted to take a stand against the urol-
ogists' proposal that they receive an allowance for their services roughly
equal to what they previously received when kidney stones were managed
surgically. As explored further below, both the unusual effort made by
NCBCBS and its failure to affect fees significantly are instructive.
The North Carolina experience with lithotripsy also focused attention
on the economics of patient referrals from community physicians to
ESWL centers. Although questions were raised about the ethical propriety
of fees paid — ostensibly for follow-up services — by some centers to re-
ferring physicians, the discussion below shows that such payments may
not be incompatible with fair play and appropriate outcomes in the
lithotripsy game.
A. The UCR Game — with the Blues' Chips
When ESWL was first undertaken in North CaroUna in 1985, NCBCBS
had to set some limit on the urologists' professional allowance for the
procedure. "^^ Hospitals would be reimbursed their costs under the cus-
tomary arrangement, but a limit on reimbursable physician fees had to
be initially established by fiat because there was no "going rate" from
which NCBCBS could derive a "usual, customary, and reasonable"
(UCR) rate. Because no fee was yet either "usual" or "customary,"
NCBCBS turned to its Physician Advisory Committee for guidance on
what would be "reasonable."
Largely on the strength of testimony by David F. Paulson, M.D.,
chief of the Division of Urology at Duke, NCBCBS's advisory committee
determined that a fee in the range of $350 to $450 would be proper. ^^
"Personal communication with William DeMaria, M.D., Medical Director, NCBCBS
(Jan, 1987). See also Medical Advisory Panel of the Health Benefits Management
Division, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Financl^l Analysis of Extracorporeal Litho-
TRiPTER Services, at .05 - .07 (discussing appropriate professional fee for ESWL). Under
the typical NCBCBS contract, the patient patronizing a "participating" physician is assured
that the physician will accept the plan's payment to him as payment in full (subject to
any deductible or co-payment provided for); the plan's contract with the physician so
provides and also sets a "UCR" limit on what the plan will pay. If the patient patronizes
a "non-participating" doctor, the plan typically does not pay the physician directly but
instead reimburses the patient for bills incurred up to a contractually specified limit (usually
based on the UCR formula). See generally Blue Cross & Blue Shleld Ass'n, Usual,
Customary and Reasonable: An Explanation for Doctors 1-3; Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of North Carolina, Cost Care: A Participating Doctor Payment Plan (1985).
"^Personal communication with William DeMaria, M.D,, Medical Director, NCBCBS
(Jan. 1987).
1986] LITHOTRIPSY 1001
This amount was considerably less than the customary surgical fee of
$1,500 to $2,000 for an uncomplicated nephrolithotomy, which Carolina
Lithotripsy proposed to charge/^ The higher fee would accord with the
general position taken by the ad hoc committee on lithotripsy of the
American Urological Association (AUA)/^ This committee was then
chaired, coincidentally, by another North CaroHnian, William H. Boyce,
M.D., former chairman of the Division of Urology at Wake Forest's
Bowman Gray School of Medicine/^ Obviously, Dr. Paulson had taken
a position very much at odds with the interests of his professional
colleagues in the state. ^^
On the merits of the fee issue, the AUA's view was that the urologist
is required to possess special knowledge and to exercise special skills in
ESWL and that the pre- and post-procedure responsibilities associated
with ESWL are the same as with surgery.^' In the contrary view of Dr.
Paulson, the urologist's role in ESWL is merely to supervise the tech-
nician, a much less demanding and extensive service than a surgical
procedure. ^^ Adopting the latter view and recognizing that some additional
charges for services before and after the procedure might also have to
be paid, NCBCBS initially recognized $450 as the limit of its payment
responsibility for the procedure itself. In response, Carolina Lithotripsy
""Tersonal communication with William Jordan, M.D. (July 1985). One urologist noted,
however, that the professional fee for ESWL is only one element of the total charge and
that the relative size of the professional fees among providers may not correspond to the
relative total price for the procedure. Personal communication with David McCullough,
M.D., Chairman of the Division of Urology at Bowman Gray School of Medicine of
Wake Forest University.
"^David McCullough, Chairman of the American Urologic Association Ad Hoc
Committee on ESWL and Chairman of the Division of Urology at Bowman Gray School
of Medicine, explained that the larger fee was also justified by the high cost of training
urologists to perform lithotripsy. Personal communication with David McCullough, M.D.
(Jan. 1987). For example, he estimated that the cost of training five Bowman Gray
urologists to perform lithotripsy, including forgone earnings, was $100,000.
^^ American Urologic Association, Summary and Recommendations of the Meet-
ing OF THE Ad Hoc Committee to Study the Safety and Clinical Effectiveness of
THE Current Technology of 1) Percutaneous Lithotripsy, and 2) Non-Invasive Lith-
otripsy 5 (May 9, 1984) [hereinafter AUA Summary and Recommendations]. The Ad
Hoc Committee is currently chaired by North Carolinian David McCullough, M.D., who
is also Chairman of the Division of Urology at Bowman Gray.
'"Paulson stated that colleagues told him of the anger many urologists, particularly
those in North CaroUna, had toward Paulson for his stand on this issue. Personal
communication with David Paulson (Nov, 1986). Paulson beleives that some urologists
may have retaliated, but beUeves they were too "shrewd" to make such retaliatory actions
obvious. Id.
^'See AUA Summary and Recommendations supra note 49 at 5; American Urologic
Ass'n, Ad Hoc Committee to Study the Safety and Clinical Efficacy of the Current
Technology of Percutaneous Lithotripsy and Noninvasive Lithotripsy 14, 16-17 (May
16, 1985).
"Personal communication with WiUiam De Maria, M.D., Medical Director, NCBCBS
(Jan. 1987).
1002 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
declared its intention to bill NCBCBS-insured patients for the balance
of the full fee."
Sadly, NCBCBS could not hope to carry the day for several reasons.
First, like most other Blue Shield plans, NCBCBS was committed in its
contracts with subscribers to pay up to the UCR limit. To NCBCBS,
this meant that, once the procedure had been billed for in a sufficient
number of cases, it would have to step up its allowance to whatever
had become "usual" for the particular provider and "customary" in
the community. Although the plan might still challenge a fee as being
unreasonable, a plan official at one point gave the impression that the
plan did not regard "reasonableness" as an independent check on usual
and customary charges.^"* At another point, this official expressed doubt
that the unreasonableness of the allowance demanded by the urologists
could be established, because other insurers around the nation were
paying it.^^ In making this excuse, however, plan officials still seemed
to assume that reasonableness is to be judged by what others do, not
by objective economic criteria.
A second reason why the NCBCBS effort was unlikely to succeed
was the unhkelihood that price competition by providers during the short
period when the low Hmit on NCBCBS coverage was in effect would
yield price reductions or reliable yardsticks for future payments. Even
if patients, faced with paying the excess over NCBCBS's allowance, had
known enough to seek out a lower-cost provider, no service area had
more than one provider during the crucial period. In addition, providers
would have known that the UCR level would jump dramatically if they
could resist for only a short time the temptation to compete.
Finally, NCBCBS officials were unwilling to force a showdown over
ESWL fees because they feared that such a challenge would induce
urologists across the state to refuse to join NCBCBS 's participating-
physician program. ^^ Ironically, NCBCBS 's concern over attracting phy-
sicians to this program undercut the program's ostensible cost-contain-
ment objective, which was to be achieved by inducing physicians not
to balance-bill subscribers. In this instance, plan officials' desire to make
the program a success in terms of participation effectively prevented
them from vigorously negotiating with physicians over an important cost
item. Of course, the plan may have sensed accurately that no urologists
(other than perhaps those at Duke, which may have higher costs in
"Personal communication with William Jordan, M.D. (July 1985). This meant that the
physicians associated with Carohna Lithotripsy would not "participate" in NCBCBS and
that their patients would therefore not be protected from "balance billing." See supra
note 45.
^^Personal communication with Clifford Balin, Director of Professional Benefits,
NCBCBS (Nov. 1986).
^'Personal communication with CUfford Balin, Director of Professional Benefits,
NCBCBS (Jan. 1987).
1986] LITHOTRIPSY 1003
Other respects) would agree to participate at the lower rate and that
balance billing would not trigger price shopping and effective price
competition in the highly concentrated ESWL market.
Because the NCBCBS effort was doomed from the outset, the gesture
that it made — difficult as it was for the plan officials concerned^^ — must
strike an outsider as a pathetic demonstration of how ineffectual Blue
Cross and Blue Shield plans generally are in challenging providers on
economic issues.
The NCBCBS experience with lithotripsy fees also reveals the basic
fallacies of the UCR method of setting reimbursement limits. ^^ Essentially,
the idea behind UCR is not, despite appearances, that market-determined
prices can serve as a yardstick of what a proper allowance might be;
there is in fact no pretense that only market-determined (as opposed to
insurer-reimbursed) fees are considered in setting UCR limits. Instead,
the premise underlying a UCR fee ceiling is simply that the great majority
of physicians, as ethical practitioners exercising professional discretion,
do not charge unreasonable or unconscionable prices and that it is
therefore necessary only to compare a physician's fee with those of his
peers to discover its reasonableness. Only a minute's reflection reveals
how completely this conception of how professional services should be
priced embodies the ideology of organized medicine, with its strong
opposition to any arrangement inviting price competition among phy-
sicians. It is apparent then how NCBCBS, like other Blue Cross and
Blue Shield plans that have followed similar policies, serves the interests
of a medical cartel. ^^ Only an insurer that had been bred specifically —
as Blue Shield plans were^° — for the purpose of advancing physicians'
"Plan personnel viewed themselves — with some justification— as being courageous in
taking on the urologists and indicated that they would probably not have been able to do as
much as they did had Dr. Paulson, a respected physician, not come forward as an ally. Per-
sonal communication with William DeMaria, M.D., Medical Director, NCBCBS (July 1985).
One plan official stated that the allowance for ESWL was finally set at an amount equal to
NCBCBS's average for an open surgical procedure. Personal communication with Clifford
Balin, Director of Professional Benefits, NCBCBS (Jan. 1987). This allowance was viewed
as an accomplishment because it is 10% to 25% less than urologists' actual stated charges
for lithotripsy. Id. However, this allowance is obviously far in excess of that which NCBCBS
'^See Crump & Maxwell, Health Care, Cost Containment, and the Antitrust Laws:
A Legal and Economic Analysis of the Pireno Case 56 S. Cal. L. Rev. 913, 915-18
(1983) (description and defense of the UCR method of payment); Roe, The UCR Boon-
doggle: A Death Knell for Private Practice!, 303 New Eng. J. Med. 41 (1981) (stating
that the UCR concept has failed to control escalation of medical costs because it contains
none of the limits appUed to other services covered by insurance).
^^See infra text accompanying notes 100-21.
^See, e.g., Anderson, Health Services in the United States 121-32 (1985) (ex-
plaining that Blue Shield plans were sponsored by state and county medical societies);
Bureau of Competition, FTC, Medical Participation in Control of Blue Shield and
Certain Other Open-Panel Medical Prepayment Plans (Staff Report and Proposed
1004 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
economic interests could maintain that the UCR system is a responsible
way to disburse the public's money to physicians.
The long survival of the UCR method for "controlHng" physician
fees might suggest that consumers approved the ideology supporting the
practice of using nonmarket rather than market mechanisms for procuring
medical services. A closer look, however, reveals that because of ethical
and legal restraints imposed on contract and corporate practice^^ and
the resistance of provider cartels to those payers who sought to buy
provider services on competitive terms, ^^ consumers were rarely offered
any alternative. Although recent years have seen the growth of such
alternatives as health maintenance organizations (HMO's) and so-called
preferred-provider organizations (PPO's), traditional payment mecha-
nisms remain dominant in North Carolina." The recent experience with
lithotripsy fees provides an example of the high cost that consumers
bear as a consequence. As discussed below, this experience, which is
far from an isolated instance, demonstrates the burdens that providers
and Blue Cross or Blue Shield plans, acting together, impose on con-
B. The Doctors Split Their Winnings
In another expression of its concern about cost containment, NCBCBS
at one point declared its opposition to payments by lithotripsy centers
to physicians merely for referring patients for treatment. ^^ Although these
payments were represented as being fees for follow-up services, NCBCBS
personnel feared that the fees paid to the referring physicians were in
fact unethical fee splitting — that is, rebates or kickbacks paid for procur-
Trade Regulation Rule, April 1979) (describing historical origins of Blue Shield plans as
creatures of state and local medical societies).
^•In American Medical Ass'n v. FTC, 638 F.2d 443 (2d Cir. 1980), affd by an
equally divided Court, 455 U.S. 676 (1982), the court enforced an FTC decision condemning
professional societies' ethical prohibitions on "contract practice" — that is, physicians con-
tracting with lay-controlled intermediaries that might be viewed as retaiUng professional
services to the public. Common-law and statutory restrictions on corporate intermediation
in the doctor/patient relationship have also interfered with the ability of consumers to
employ a sophisticated agent to select health care providers and bargain with them on
consumers' behalf. See, e.g., Att'y Gen. Op. No. 81-1004 (Calif., April 7, 1982); Rosoff,
The "Corporate Practice of Medicine" Doctrine: Has Its Time Passed?, Health Law
Digest, Dec. 1984, at 1 (Supp.).
^^See, e.g., Havighurst, Professional Restraints on Innovation in Health Care Fi-
nancing, 1978 Duke L.J. 303, 306-19.
"5ee infra notes 119-20; see also Conn, Health Maintenance Organizations Arrive
in North Carolina, N. C. Insight, Feb. 1985, at 58, 62 (noting that there were 36,600
enrollees in North Carolina HMO's in January 1985).
^Personal communication with William DeMaria, M.D., Medical Director, NCBCBS
(July 1986).
1986] LITHOTRIPSY 1005
ing the patient's business for the center/^ NCBCBS later accepted
urologists' assurances that appreciable services were indeed being provided
following treatment with ESWL/^ At least one physician receiving such
a fee viewed it as a payment for the referral, however/^ In any event,
the practice has not been discontinued/^
The medical profession has long regarded fee splitting as an unethical
practice, and it has been the object of attention by licensing authorities
and professional associations concerned with professional conduct. ^^ A
primary concern has been that rebates will distort a physician's profes-
sional judgment in referring a patient to a specialist, causing either
referrals for unnecessary care or the selection of a specialist on a basis
other than exclusive concern for the patient's welfare. The issue is more
complex, however, than it first appears, and indeed it is possible that
a referral fee may actually improve the chances that a patient will get
optimal treatment. Without such an inducement to refer the patient, a
primary physician may be tempted to provide a service himself rather
than allow another more qualified or better equipped physician to earn
the fee.^^ In the case of a patient with a kidney stone, for example, a
physician might be induced to exaggerate his doubt about how the case
should be managed and then to resolve such doubt in favor of medical
management or surgery rather than referral for ESWL. As economist
Mark Pauly has observed, prohibitions on fee splitting may leave the
^Tlan personnel had two concerns about payments for follow-up services to a referring
physician for "post-procedure" care. First, they sought assurance that this payment was
not merely a referral fee but was for care actually provided. Second, they wanted to
ensure that patients had full knowledge of these fee arrangements. Personal communication
with CHfford BaUn, Director of Professional Benefits, NCBCBS (Jan. 1987).
^Tersonal communication with John Weinerth, M.D., Associate Professor of Surgery,
Duke University Medical Center (July 1986).
^*NCBCBS, in paying the physician's charge or reimbursing a patient for a cost
incurred, had no easy way of knowing whether the physician was sphtting the fee with
another physician. NCBCBS did, however, refuse to reimburse the portion of the lithotripsy
professional fee designated for "after care" by the primary urologist unless such care was
actually provided. Personal communication with WiUiam DeMaria, M.D., Medical Direc-
tor, NCBCBS (Aug. 1986).
"See, e.g., American Medical Ass'n, Principles of Medical Ethics § 6.03 (1982);
53 Ops. Cal. Att'y Gen. 117, 118 (1970) (interpreting the California prohibition). The
American College of Surgeons has adopted an interpreting statement explaining that it
considers a form of fee splitting the practice of billing a patient a single fee for lithotripsy
and then distributing a portion of the fee to the referring physician. Regents Issue Statement
on Fees for Lithotripsy, Am. College Surgeons Bull., April 1986, at 21. The College
stated that the charge for services and identity of the provider should be disclosed to the
patient. Id.
^"As the supply of physicians grows and primary physicians become less busy, they
may feel greater pressure to keep patients rather than refer them to specialists. Pauly,
The Ethics and Economics of Kickbacks and Fee Splitting, 10 Bell J. Econ. 344, 348
1006 INDIANA LA W REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
patient no less dependent upon the primary physician's ethical ability
to subordinate self-interest in making professional judgments. ^^ In ad-
dition, Pauly notes that other forms of reciprocity — cross-referrals and
conferral of other benefits — are practiced and are condoned or at least
ignored by Ucensing and professional authorities. It is not clear that
patients' interests would be adversely affected if fee splitting were per-
mitted and openly practiced. ^^
From the perspective of NCBCBS and other, particularly govern-
mental, third-party payers, fee splitting naturally appears as an instance
of "fraud and abuse. "^^ Assuming, however, that the treatment itself
was needed and of acceptable quality, it is not clear why a payer should
be concerned how the fee that it has agreed to pay is divided among
providers. Although the willingness of the referral specialist to rebate
a portion of his fee is a clear sign that the fee is excessive, there is no
reason to expect that the fee would be reduced if fee splitting were
prohibited. The irony here is that such rebates are a manifestation of
price competition among specialists and proof that competition can yield
substantial benefits to anyone who controls the selection of the specialist —
something that traditional third-party payers have been reluctant to do.
It is of course understandable why NCBCBS would be embarrassed by
unjustified payments to referring urologists; such payments obviously
come out of the excessive fees that NCBCBS has been unable to resist
paying for the procedure. Nevertheless, efforts by NCBCBS and profes-
sional interests to suppress fee splitting would not serve to lower that
fee or benefit consumers.
Indeed, it appears once again that the consumer's interest may lie
in fostering, not suppressing, fee splitting. Although at first glance it
may not seem to matter to consumers how physicians divide their excessive
^^Id. at 349; see also Schaffer & Holloman, Consultation and Referral Between
Physicians in New Medical Practice Environments, 103 Annals Internal Med. 600, 601
^^Tort law and possibly other legal remedies would presumably discourage the worst
abuses. Also, if fee splitting were a known practice, patients would be on their guard,
and some physicians might disclose their practice and share the savings with patients.
Pauly, supra note 70, at 349.
"Indeed, section 1877(b)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act, added by the Medicare-
Medicaid Anti-fraud and Abuse Amendments of 1977, expressly prohibits the receipt of
"kickbacks," "bribes," and "rebates" made "directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly,
in cash or in kind ... in return for referring an individual to a person for the furnishing
or arranging for the furnishing of any item or service for which payment may be made
in whole or in part under this title." 42 U.S.C. § 1395nn (1985) (Medicare). See also id.
§ 1396h(b) (Medicaid). In United States v. Greber, 760 F.2d 68 (3d Cir. 1985), the court
held that this statute was violated if the fee was to induce the physician to use the service,
even if the fee was also intended to compensate the physician for professional services.
See generally Gebhard, Lithotripsy Referral Fees: Medicare Fraud and Abuse?, Am. College
Surgeons Bull., April 1986, at 16.
1986] LITHOTRIPSY 1007
profits, the matter is not so simple. If a primary physician expects a
rebate for referring stone patients for ESWL, he is Hkely to increase
his competitive efforts to attract such patients, offering price and other
inducements that will lower his net return and confer benefits on con-
sumers. Again as Pauly has observed, the medical profession's historic
opposition to fee splitting represents, in some measure, a desire to
suppress price competition among specialists and to remove the desta-
bilizing effects of rebates in markets for primary care.^'' By the same
token, consumers would probably be better off if fee splitting were
acknowledged as a legitimate competitive practice. Indeed, competition
in fee splitting could compensate in some measure for the failure of
NCBCBS and other payers to force ESWL centers to compete for the
opportunity to serve their insureds.
It would be claiming too much to suggest that the problem of
obtaining optimal treatment for stone patients at a competitive price
would disappear if fee splitting were tolerated. Questions would still
exist concerning the incentives and professional integrity of referring
physicians and the ability of patients or insurers to detect and thus deter
physician abuse. Moreover, the high level of concentration in ESWL
markets suggests that competition may not be effective in forcing ESWL
fees down to truly competitive levels. ^^ Finally, some of the competitive
strategies employed by primary physicians to attract stone patients would
undoubtedly involve wasteful nonprice inducements, adopted precisely
because price competition is unavailing when patients are heavily insured.
Despite these reservations, however, the problems uncovered in the ex-
isting system make it highly probable that efficient allocation of resources
is more likely to be approached under open competition than under the
conventional arrangements sponsored by NCBCBS and favored and fos-
tered by organized medicine.
IV. The Coming Show-down — Buying and Selling ESWL
Under the Nevs^ Rules
North Carolina's deregulation of lithotripters prompts speculation
about the outcome of the new hthotripsy game. Many bettors predict
^"Pauly, supra note 70, at 348. For other instances in which prohibitions of rebating
served anticompetitive purposes, see Department of Ins. v. Dade County Consumer Ad-
vocate's Office, 492 So. 2d 1032 (Fla. 1986) (statute prohibiting rebates to consumers by
insurance agents held unconstitutional); Owen, Kickbacks, Specialization, Price Fixing,
and Efficiency in Residential Real Estate Markets, 29 Stan. L. Rev. 931, 949-55 (1977)
(title insurer's rebates to brokers).
^^Given the oligopohstic character of the ESWL market, the amount of the rebate
is likely to become standardized through tacit collusion. See infra text accompanying note
1008 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
that North Carolina citizens will lose, incurring substantially higher costs
without enjoying commensurate benefits. Although a consumer victory
can be imagined, it remains to be seen whether the players fielded by
consumer interests, particularly NCBCBS, will change their strategy and
improve their performance enough to produce an outcome different from
that envisioned by the oddsmakers.
A. Prospects for a Consumer Defeat
If payment systems retain the forms favored by NCBCBS and pro-
viders. North Carolinians face the prospect that they will have to pay
in full the costs of purchasing and maintaining an excessive number of
costly lithotripters. In a normal competitive market, consumers are ben-
efitted, not harmed, by excess producer capacity. As sellers ignore their
"sunk" costs — that is, those investments that cannot be recovered by
withdrawing from the market — competition causes unit prices to fall
below average total cost, giving consumers a bargain until equilibrium
is restored by the withdrawal of some capacity. ^^ Competitive conditions
also deter the creation of inefficient overcapacity because a would-be
investor could not expect to recover his investment in new facilities
unless existing facilities were either inadequate or relatively inefficient.
In health care, unfortunately, because traditional reimbursement mech-
anisms give patients little reason to shop for low prices, it has not been
possible to count on competition to drive prices below average total
cost and to discourage overinvestment. If would-be investors in North
Carolina lithotripters currently believe that existing financing arrange-
ments are not likely to change before they have recovered their capital
outlays,''^ North Carolina consumers do indeed face unjustified higher
costs as a consequence of deregulation.
Higher prices to North Carolinians may also result from other causes.
If payment systems do not threaten now or in the near future to put
competitive or other pressure on high-cost providers, a would-be investor
^^Under competition, prices tend to equal marginal cost, the cost of the last unit
produced. With overcapacity, marginal cost includes no capital costs. On the other hand,
if production is at full capacity, marginal cost includes the cost of the capacity that must
be added to increase production. See generally P. Areeda, Antitrust Analysis t 114-
16 (3d ed. 1981).
^^An issue arises concerning the period over which an investor can recover his
investment. In North CaroUna, ESWL providers have pressed to have NCBCBS reimburse
hospitals for lithotripter depreciation on the basis of a two-year useful life; NCBCBS has
argued for amortization over five years. Personal communication with Clifford Balin,
Director of Professional Benefits, NCBCBS (Aug. 1986). NCBCBS has resolved the
dispute. Id. Obviously, a longer period of payback increases the risk that market conditions,
including insurer practices, will change in ways detrimental to providers and will thus
discourage overinvestment in lithotripters.
1986] LITHOTRIPSY 1009
has no reason to await the availabihty of a lithotripter less costly than
the Dornier device. In addition, consumers cannot expect to enjoy across-
the-board cost savings when lower-cost devices do appear; they would
instead, under prevalent cost-reimbursement formulas, continue to pay
the full depreciation costs of obsolete equipment. ^^ Finally, the absence
of effective price competition would also allow providers who are not
reimbursed strictly on the basis of costs actually incurred — physicians,
in particular — to charge prices well in excess of their costs. It has already
been shown how UCR allowances in North Carolina represent excessive
payments for professional services. The ability of physicians to overcharge
for their role in ESWL reflects the noncompetitive conditions prevalent
in that market. Unfortunately, unless changes occur in payment systems,
ehminating CON-protected monopolies of ESWL may not bring prices
A proliferation of lithotripters might also trigger higher health care
costs in the form of overuse of the devices to treat stone patients who
could be managed satisfactorily at much less expense without resorting
either to the device or to surgery. ^^ Traditional payment systems offer
only weak defenses against such overutilization. One theory supporting
CON regulation was that supply could be curtailed to an extent that
^^The Medicare program's position regarding capital costs is very much in limbo at
the moment, contributing substantially to the uncertainty facing would-be investors in
North Carohna lithotripters. Currently, under Medicare's prospective payment system,
capital costs (depreciation, interest, and return-on-equity for for-profit institutions) are
not included as part of per-case payment rates, but are reimbursed at actual cost. See
E. Power, Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy and the Medicare Prospective
Payment System 8, 14 (1985). Because hospitals are assured coverage of the acquisition
costs, hospitals are encouraged to acquire new technologies. Id. at 19.
However, the Reagan Administration has proposed a plan to phase Medicare capital
payments into DRG's over a four-year transition period, beginning with fiscal year 1987
cost reports. Firshein, HHS Capital Plan Arouses Provider Anxieties, Hospitals, June
20, 1986, at 24 [hereinafter HHS Capital Plan]. Payments would be based on hospital-
specific and national rates, with fiscal year 1983 cost reports trended forward. Firshein,
Providers Call '87 PPS Increase 'Unacceptable', Hospitals, July 5, 1986, at 31.
Meanwhile, hospitals and other providers are urging Congress to intervene. Id. Senator
David Durenberger (Rep. -Minn.) has proposed a plan to fold Medicare capital payments
into DRG's over a seven year period. HHS Capital Plan, supra, at 24. In addition, both
the House and Senate have approved a supplemental appropriations bill that includes a
one-year moratorium on inclusion of capital costs. Hospital Shouldn't Wait to Evaluate
Medicare Changes for Fiscal Year 1987, 4 Prospective Payment Survival 108 (1986).
''Even though efficiency considerations may dictate using ESWL in many cases if
overcapacity already exists, new capital investments enabling the provision of ESWL in
identical cases would not necessarily be indicated. This anomaly results because, if the
capacity is not already in place, the marginal cost of additional treatments, which must
be compared to the advantages of ESWL over alternative therapy, includes the cost of
new capacity and is therefore significantly higher than it would be if a lithotripter were
standing idle. See supra note 76.
1010 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
would force health care providers to ration limited resources to their
best uses. Political conditions, however, have usually made it impossible
for CON regulators to challenge medical opinion on appropriate utiU-
zation or to do more than try to prevent the creation of unused capacity. ^^
Although CON regulation has therefore probably done little to contain
the excess demand for services induced by passive insurance plans, ^^ the
lifting of CON restrictions, by removing the occasion for regulatory
determinations of need, may have created some additional risk that
physicians will extend their use of ESWL technology well beyond the
point at which its benefits are at least equal to its cost of roughly $6,000
per procedure. ^^ Lacking the ability to resist paying for all services that
^'^See C. Havighurst, supra note 13, at 36 (reporting an informal survey indicating
that CON regulators see their role only as preventing duplication, not as forcing rationing).
^^See references cited note 40 supra. See also C. Havighurst, supra note 13, at 58-
63 (demonstrating graphically how "inflationary pressures [attributable to passive insurance
plans] may, like a balloon, bulge out at another place even if growth in one direction
is effectively prevented").
^^Indeed, North Carolina urologists have already begun to suggest that the device
is appropriately employed to treat stones that are small enough to pass (with some
discomfort, to be sure) through the urinary tract. E.g., Personal communication with
John Weinerth, M.D., Chief of Urolithiasis Service and Associate Professor of Surgery,
Duke University School of Medicine (July 1986). Elsewhere urologists are finding other
possible uses for lithotripsy, including its use against gallstones. See Sauerbruch, Erag-
mentation of Gallstones by Extracorporeal Shock Waves, 314 Nev^ Eng. J. Med. 818
(1986). The procedure may also be useful against bladder and kidney tumors. See Russo,
High Energy Shock Waves Suppress Tumor Growth in Vitro and in Vivo, 135 J. Urology
626 (1986); Shock Waves Being Used to Bombard Cancer, Durham Morning Herald, Nov.
17, 1986, at IB, col. 1.
The "need" for lithotripsy and indeed for most medical services is difficult to determine
for several reasons. Most observers are much more comfortable in asking simply whether
the service is at all beneficial than in judging whether beneficial treatment is appropriate
by comparing benefits with marginal cost. Moreover, the variability of marginal cost noted
supra notes 76 and 79 reveals that appropriateness may depend on the availability of
unused equipment and not exclusively on medical circumstances. The resolution of the
need question is also complicated by partisanship. In utilization review, providers tend to
be liberal in defining the need for their own services. See generally Havighurst & Blumstein,
Coping with Quality/Cost Tradeoffs in Medical Care: The Role of PSROs, 70 Nw. U.L.
Rev. 6 (1975). In CON review, the "haves" tend to minimize need and the "have-nots"
to exaggerate it.
One Duke physician has stated that the studies used by the North Carolina CON
agency greatly underestimated the need for lithotripsy. Personal communication with John
Weinerth, M.D., Chief of Urolithiasis Service and Associate Professor of Surgery, Duke
University School of Medicine (Aug. 1986). The North Carolina Work Group Report,
prepared by physicians and administrators, estimated that approximately 20% of renal
stone patients would be lithotripsy candidates. See North Carolina Lithotripter Work Group
Report (June 14, 1985). Weinerth argued, however, that recent unpublished reports from
lithotripsy centers throughout the United States indicate that 85% of all renal stone patients
would benefit from lithotripsy. Weinerth explained that certain types of patients that were
previously thought ineligible for lithotripsy, such as pediatric patients, patients with bilateral
stones, and patients with staghorn calculi, may be hthotripsy candidates. However, a study
1986] LITHOTRIPSY 1011
physicians prescribe in good faith, traditional health insurers expose
North Carolina consumers to yet another source of unjustified higher
B. Available Defenses
If unjustified cost increases of the foregoing kinds are to be averted
in North Carolina, insurers of ESWL must find ways of limiting the
fees and charges they will pay and of ensuring that only justified services
are provided. The defensive strategies available include writing insurance
policies that restrict coverage of the procedure, limit the amount payable
for it, or deny or limit coverage of the ESWL services of particular
providers. ^^ Vigorous implementation of these approaches would be incon-
sistent with the practices of traditional insurers, however, being more like
the choice-Hmiting methods of HMO's, PPO's, and other alternative
financing and delivery mechanisms. Because financing plans of the latter
types enroll only a small fraction of insured North Carolinians,^^ cost
escalation is highly Hkely unless fundamental changes occur in the coverage
enjoyed by the great majority of citizens. The small increases in the overall
cost of traditional health insurance that are attributable to the deregula-
tion of lithotripters are unlikely in themselves to induce a significant shift
to alternative health plans.
Perhaps the easiest cost-containment strategy for controlling over-
utilization of ESWL is a contractual Hmitation of the plan's obligation
to pay for the service in the absence of specified medical indications.
As a practical matter, however, such a contractual condition of coverage
is difficult to administer. For example, enforcement of a provision
denying coverage for the shattering of small stones below two miUimeters^^
at Shands Hospital of the University of Florida estimated that even fewer renal stone
patients would be lithotripsy candidates. See Memorandum from Shands Hospital to All
State Health Planning Agencies (April 17, 1985). Shands Hospital was involved in the
cHnical testing of the lithotripter and thus was among the first to receive the machine.
Weinerth explained that the Shands group may have been overly conservative in their
estimate of the need for lithotripsy because they had no interest in having a large number
of lithotripsy centers enter the market.
"For a general discussion of cost-control strategies available to private financing
programs, see Havighurst & Hackbarth, Private Cost Containment, 300 N. Eng. J. Med.
1298 (1979).
""^See infra note 120.
^^See Drach, Urinary Lithiasis, in Campbell's Urology 1123 (5th ed. 1986) (stating
most urinary stones less than 5 mm will pass spontaneously and patients with small stones
may be treated with pain relief and instructions about recovery of stone). See also Preminger,
The Current Role of Medical Treatment of Nephrolithiasis: The Impact of Improved
Techniques of Stone Removal, 134 J. Urology 6, 6, 9 (1985) (stating that in a study of
103 consecutive stone clinic patients, only 2% of the patients on medical therapy required
an operation for newly formed stones, whereas 58% to 69% required an operation for
new stones before beginning medical treatment; noting that the cost of management is
less than $1,000 per year).
1012 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
would require either that the plan accept the physician's representation
of the stone's size or that x-ray evidence be obtained before the procedure.
Enforcement of an evidentiary requirement by denial of coverage would
be unreasonable, however, unless the patient or the physician knew of
it in advance. Not only are patients unlikely to be aware of such
administrative details, but physicians may also be unaware or may refuse
to cooperate, insisting that the insurer should accept either their rep-
resentations of the facts or their clinical judgments concerning patients'
needs. In a similar situation, Indiana dentists organized a concerted
refusal to provide x-rays to dental insurers for cost-containment purposes.
Although that conspiracy was held to be an antitrust violation,^^ individual
refusals to cooperate with insurers are to be anticipated.^^ Urologists
might well claim that individual cases differ so that medical necessity
cannot be determined without a fuller medical inquiry. Consequently,
given the burdens associated with coverage restrictions and their un-
popularity with patients and providers alike, it appears improbable that
the possibility of saving a few dollars on claims for ESWL will alone
trigger adoption of these strategies by North Carolina insurers.
North Carolina insurers might bring unit prices and utilization under
some control by increasing cost sharing by patients, by tightening limits
on reimbursable fees, or by shifting to fixed-indemnity coverage. Each
of these approaches would be aimed at reducing the insurer's exposure
and increasing the consumer's financial stake in each transaction in the
expectation that he will shop for care with cost considerations more
prominently in mind. Consumers may not be happy, however, to accept
these new responsibilities and increased financial burdens. Moreover,
there is little reason to believe that consumers would be especially effective
shoppers or that conditions conducive to price competition prevail in
the market for ESWL. Although a fixed indemnity payment for ESWL
would seem to be a sensible policy and one that a particular insurer
could rather easily adopt, strategies of this kind have been freely available
to all insurers for a long time but have rarely been employed. It is
«^FTC V. Indiana Fed'n of Dentists, 106 S. Ct. 2009 (1986).
*^A legal issue would arise if a physician billed for a service he had rendered
knowingly without complying with the preconditions of the patient's insurance. Although
precedent is scanty, cf. Eisenberg & Rosoff, Physician Responsibility for the Cost of
Unnecessary Medical Services, 299 N. Eng. J. Med. 76 (1978), such a negligent failure
to meet the patient's needs would seem to open the physician to professional liabiUty for
damages equal to the amount of insurance reimbursement lost. However, even though a
patient might thus successfully resist a suit to collect the physician's bill, an insurer would
undoubtedly find it both awkward to deny the patient's claim and difficult to ensure that
physicians were aware of its requirements and their applicability to particular patients.
Nevertheless, some insurers have required patients to obtain either second opinions on
the need for treatment or the insurer's prior authorization of coverage for such elective
1986] LITHOTRIPSY 1013
unlikely that the deregulation of ESWL poses enough of a threat of
cost escalation to prompt significant redesign of coverage along these
The most practical and effective approach to cost containment in
private health insurance would concentrate not on writing selective cov-
erage of ESWL or shifting costs from the insurer to its insureds, but
on excluding certain providers altogether from eligibility to provide
covered services. This approach, however, would violate the principle
of free choice of provider that is embedded in the standard coverage
offered by NCBCBS and strongly favored by health care providers. Such
exclusion would also violate North Carolina law, which permits insurers
to cover the services of designated "preferred providers" on more fa-
vorable terms but prohibits an insurer from excluding providers com-
pletely from treating insured patients at the insurer's expense. ^^ Thus,
although the abihty to exclude a high-cost or uncooperative provider
altogether from plan coverage might allow an insurer to obtain even
more favorable results. North Carolina insurers wishing to procure ESWL
services for their insureds on favorable terms must employ the PPO
mechanism. ^^
The potential value to consumers of letting the insurer act as a
middleman in procuring hospital and physician services is powerfully
demonstrated by the ESWL situation in North Carolina. If an insurer
could deliver paying patients to a provider by designating it as either
the exclusive or a preferred provider of insured services, the insurer
could bargain for a fair price both from the hospital for use of the
lithotripter and from the physician presiding over the procedure.'" In
addition, the insurer could seek providers' cooperation with its efforts
to control overutilization. Conversely, an insurer, such as NCBCBS, that
feels constrained to cover care at all centers on equal terms lacks the
ability to steer patients away from a high-cost provider and therefore
has no bargaining power.
«8N.C. Gen Stat. §§ 57-16.1, 58-260.5 -.6 (1985).
^^On the PPO concept, see generally P. Lindsey, State Laws and Regulations
Governing Preferred Provider Organizations: Annotated Bibliography on Preferred
Provider Organizations (1986); E. Rolph, State Laws and Regulations Governing
Preferred Provider Organizations (1986); E. Rolph, State Laws and Regulations
Governing Preferred Provider Organizations: Executive Summary (1986).
'"The practice of fee splitting, see supra text accompanying notes 73-75 suggests
that price competition is indeed feasible if a payer is willing to influence insured patients
to select the low-cost provider. NCBCBS claims that it has been able to negotiate with
providers on the machine use fee. Under the plan's provider contracts, the professional
fee is reimbursed at a UCR rate, but the facility fee is negotiated, taking into account
the provider's costs. Personal communication with WilUam DeMaria, M.D., Medical
Director, NCBCBS (Aug. 1986). See supra note 77. Because NCBCBS does nothing to steer
its insureds to lower-priced centers, however, its bargaining power is minimal.
1014 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
Despite the theoretical potential for obtaining competitive terms from
providers through hard bargaining, the small number of providers of
ESWL makes the real-world prospects for effective bargaining proble-
matic. In any oligopolistic industry, the danger exists that each of the
few competitors will realize that any aggressive competitive move that
it might make in search of a short-run advantage would simply cause
its competitors quickly to follow suit, making all of them worse off in
the long run. With this perception of their "interdependence," the
oligopolists are each likely to refrain from competitive moves, producing
essentially the same result as if they had agreed explicitly not to compete. ^^
In addition to creating conditions conducive to tacit collusion, the small
number of competitors in the market also facilitates explicit agreements
in restraint of trade. Even if ESWL providers did not actually fix prices,
they might well agree, tacitly or overtly, to eschew competitive contracting
with insurers. It is highly probable that an insurer seeking a beneficial
contract for ESWL services in a market with few sellers would encounter
substantial resistance to its proposals.
In keeping with the prediction that a concentrated provider market
is unlikely to be competitive. North Carolina HMO's reported before
deregulation that they anticipated no success in obtaining lithotripsy on
special terms for their patients. Deregulation of lithotripsy may have
significantly improved the prospects for competitive bidding, however. ^^
With deregulation, a payer may now shop not only among the five
providers originally in the market, but also among providers who were
previously barred from entry. Indeed, Duke, which already has a lith-
otripter and has signified a willingness to accept a small professional
fee, may be a lower-priced source of treatment. Even if Duke turns out
to be no cheaper overall or inadequately cooperative with insurers'
utilization-control efforts, the possibility remains that an insurer, acting
"On oligopolists' interdependence, see generally 6 P. Areeda, Antitrust Law
1 1428-36 (1986).
^^The CON program previously hindered the efforts of payers to obtain lithotripsy
at competitive prices. Dr. Lawrence Oakes, Medical Director for the Kaiser-Permanente
plan in North Carolina, explained that if there are a number of providers of a medical
service in a given area. Kaiser can award an exclusive contract to the lowest-cost provider.
Personal communication with Lawrence Oakes, M.D. (June 1985). This type of bargaining,
however, is impossible in a monopolistic situation. Dr. Samuel Warburton, Vice President
of the Health America plan in North Carolina, reported that prior to deregulation, he
was unable to negotiate a urologist's fee for lithotripsy that was close to what he believed
to be a competitive price. Personal communication with Samuel Warburton, M.D. (June
1985). Since deregulation, the plan has obtained a more satisfactory price. Warburton
explained that, with prices for ESWL as high as $12,000 per procedure. Health America
has been able to obtain a $4,300 total fee for an uncomplicated renal stone procedure.
Personal communication with Samuel Warburton, M.D. (Oct. 1986). Warburton said he
anticipates that he may be able to bargain for a total fee of $2,500 in 1987. Id.
1986] LITHOTRIPSY 1015
independently or in concert with others, could stimulate the entry of
yet another, lower-cost provider by offering it a long-term contract as
the exclusive or preferred provider of ESWL services to its subscribers.
Armed with the threat to pursue this newly available strategy, an insurer
should find existing providers more willing to bargain for its business.
It is paradoxical but crucial that repeal of CON requirements can generate
pressure for lower prices even if no new entrant actually materializes.^^
Potential competition is frequently more effective than actual competition
in keeping prices down in concentrated markets.
Despite the foregoing theoretical possibilities for effective cost con-
tainment, NCBCBS has so far made no move to change its methods
of purchasing ESWL,^"^ and other insurers, with a smaller overall stake,
are even less likely to take specific steps to control the costs of ESWL
in a deregulated environment. The financing system thus remains, as it
was before deregulation, an invitation to overinvestment in lithotripters.
Because North Carolina payers lack the ability or the will to control
overutilization of ESWL and to buy cheaply in an overstocked market,
North Carolina consumers face the prospect of a costly defeat in the
new phase of the lithotripsy game.
V. Making the Game Competitive
An informal survey following the 1986 deregulation of ESWL by
the North Carolina legislature revealed no provider with plans to install
a Hthotripter in the state other than the seven original aspirants, each
of which was finally successful in negotiating the regulatory/poUtical
path to market entry — four by obtaining CON's, one (Piedmont) by
exploiting a statutory loophole for nonhospital-based equipment, and
two (Duke and St. Joseph's) by getting legislative assistance. ^^ It is a
mistake to conclude, however, because deregulation failed to trigger a burst
of new investment, that market forces are satisfactorily controlling ESWL
costs in North Carolina. Instead, because seven lithotripters appear
themselves to be too many to service the state efficiently, it can be
observed that regulation itself failed to prevent the creation of excess
capacity. "^^ More generally, it can be suggested that CON regulation,
"C/". C. Havighurst, supra note 13, at 234-36 (discussing how allowing HMO's to
build new hospital facilities without a CON stimulates not new hospitals, but greater
willingness of existing institutions to bargain with HMO's).
^''Personal communication with WiUiam DeMaria, M.D., Medical Director, NCBCBS
(Nov. 1986) (stating that NCBCBS was contractually bound in its subscriber contracts to
pay the UCR reimbursement to providers).
^^See supra notes 16-36 and accompanying text.
^^It seems appropriate to count the Duke and St. Joseph's lithotripters as entering
the market under regulation, not deregulation. See supra notes 25-36 and accompanying
1016 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
almost inevitably politicized, provides unreliable protection for consumer
interests whenever the financing system creates a lucrative market op-
portunity for providers. But whatever the final conclusion concerning
regulation's value, ^^ North Carolina's ESWL experience underscores that
the fundamental source of the problem of overspending on health care
is the dominant system of financing services. Under regulation, that
system created powerful incentives for North Carolina providers to ov-
erexpand ESWL and gave rise to pressures that were impossible for the
regulators and the political system to contain or to resist. Following
deregulation, the financing system's chronic inability to take advantage
of what should be a buyer's market for ESWL leaves North CaroUna
providers free to create unneeded, inefficient capacity and to operate it
profitably at the pubhc's expense.
Health care financing in North Carolina is typical of that found in
most other markets for health services. Although there are increasing
reports of major outbreaks of competitive buying and selling of provider
services in many places throughout the nation, traditional financing as
found in North Carolina remains the norm, and truly independent and
competitive systems remain exceptional.^^ Despite the hopeful signs of
effective competition in some markets, the ineffectiveness of the dominant
health insurance mechanisms in controlling the price and cost of all
health services, not just ESWL, has been notable for so long that one
must wonder whether the game being played was or is a fair one^^ and
whether a fundamental change in its rules may be necessary.
A. Is the Game Rigged?— ''Say It Ain't So, Joe!'*
The historical failure of conventional health care financing systems
to defend consumer interests invites attention to the possibility that some
of the players whom the fans have been supporting against providers
^^Deregulation might be safer if prepared for in advance. Recent deregulation in
Arizona and Utah is alleged to have triggered a burst of capital spending. See Arizona
Deregulation Spurs Growth in Medical Facilities, Am. Med. News, September 19, 1986,
at 7 (Arizona is experiencing an "unprecedented growth" in health care facilities as a
result of repeal of CON regulations for hospitals and nursing homes). Although no objective
evaluations of these experiences (by persons other than the displaced planners and regulators
themselves) have been done, there may be some reason for concern. For a full statement
of the case for deregulation and strategies for achieving it, see generally C. Havighurst,
supra note 13.
''See infra notes 119-20.
^A major source of unfairness to consumers has been providers' success in establishing
the rules of competition in the health care sector. See, e.g., Havighurst, supra note 62
(discussing restrictions imposed by providers on insurers' freedom to control costs and
the potential value of antitrust law in eliminating such restrictions). Blue Cross and Blue
Shield plans are also implicated in providers' efforts to make and enforce the rules of
the game. See infra text accompanying notes 104-09.
1986] LITHOTRIPSY 1017
may not have been playing to win. Unthinkable as this hypothesis may
seem, the failure of NCBCBS to defend effectively against providers of
ESWL is not just an isolated collapse attributable to one plan's poor
management and lack of skilled players. Other teams in Blue uniforms
have also consistently failed to strive for a consumer victory, appearing
instead to have joined with providers to rig the outcome. Not only did
the Blues themselves perform badly in the cost-containment field, but,
as the following discussion briefly explains, their policies were instru-
mental in handicapping HMO's and commercial health insurers — other
teams on which consumers might have placed their bets.^^°
The reason why many Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans did not
battle providers successfully for lower costs and prices is, quite simply,
that favoring consumers over providers was usually not in their corporate
interest. Even after Blue plans were no longer controlled by the dominant
hospital and physician organizations that created them, they generally
adhered to a business policy of respecting and even furthering the
economic interests of their original sponsors. '°' Indeed, many Blue plans
appeared to prosper in the ensuing years, not because they offered
consumers good value in insurance products, but because of the close
relationships they maintained with organized providers. '^^ Together with
^°^See generally Havighurst, Explaining the Questionable Cost-Containment Record of
Commercial Health Insurers, in The Political Economy of Health Care (H.E. Freeh
ed., to be published). The machinations of providers and Blue Cross and Blue Shield
plans somewhat excuse the poor cost-containment record of commercial health insurers.
Although numerous factors affect the supply of and demand for insurers' cost-containment
services and although the issue is complex, Blue/provider alliances, many of them informal,
explain why consumer cost concerns have not been effectively transmitted to providers in
the marketplace. Id. For a recent and more positive (and conventional) view of the Blues,
see Greenberg, The Evaluation of Blue Cross in a Competitive Marketplace, Business &
Health, Nov. 1986, at 44.
'°' Although the FTC's efforts largely ended direct physician control over Blue Shield
plans, see Bureau of Competition, supra note 60; FTC, Statement of Enforcement Policy,
46 Fed. Reg. 48,982 (1981), that control was already attenuated by the time the FTC
acted. Blue Cross plans had gradually withdrawn from direct affiliation with state hospital
associations somewhat earlier. It is most unlikely that providers would have released the
Blue plans from their direct control without more compulsion if they had not anticipated
that once independent, the plans, as nonprofit corporations, would continue to pursue
pro-provider policies in their own self-interest. See infra note 102.
'"^Because the Blues, as nonprofit corporations, were more interested in maximizing
their gross revenues and market shares than in maximizing short-run corporate profits,
there was a solid basis for an enduring and mutually advantageous relationship with
providers. Nonprofit firms have somewhat different incentives than for-profit firms. Man-
agers are more interested in increasing their market shares than increasing profits because
the manager's salary and prestige is more closely associated with firm size than with
profitability. Freeh & Ginsburg, Competition Among Health Insurers, in Competition in
The Health Care Sector: Past, Present and Future 175 (W. Greenberg ed. 1974).
In non-profit firms, such as Blue Cross and Blue Shield, the desire for growth is even
stronger because there are no profits to distribute or shareholders to object. Id. at 175,
1018 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
government-conferred tax and other benefits, ^^^ these relationships gave
the Blues a substantial competitive advantage over actual and potential
The pattern of Blue/provider relationships over many years and in
many markets was one in which the Blue plan and the dominant or-
ganization of hospitals or physicians each used its own market position
in such a way as to preserve and strengthen the market position of the
other. Mutual accommodation was assured through liaison and committee
structures. Most importantly, the most successful Blue Cross plans gen-
erally enjoyed large discounts from the hospitals, ^°^ and Blue Shield
plans almost universally received comparable concessions from "partic-
ipating" physicians. '°^ Because these concessions were granted by prov-
iders acting in concert rather than extracted by the Blues in competitive
bidding, ^^^ they left providers in a position to function as a cartel vis-
'°^For tax purposes, the IRS long exempted Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans as
social welfare organizations. See I.R.C. § 501(c)(4) (1982). In the Tax Reform Act of
1986, however. Congress eliminated the tax exemption granted to Blue Cross and Blue
Shield plans. See H.R. 3838, 99th Cong., 1st Sess. §1012 (1985). Commercial health
insurers and other proponents of this reform contended that special tax treatment of Blue
Cross and Blue Shield plans is inappropriate because the plans employ business practices
of commercial insurers and are engaged in an inherently commercial activity. General
Accounting Office, Health Insurance: Comparing Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans
w^iTH Commercial Insurers 8-10 (1986). The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
contended that the exemption is warranted because the exemption permits Blue Cross and
Blue Shield plans to cross-subsidize coverage to high-risk individuals and small groups.
Id. at 9.
State law also often confers valuable advantages on Blue plans in the form of
exemptions from premium taxes and special privileges with regard to direct contracting
with providers.
'""Adamache & Sloan, Competition Between Non-Prof it and For-Profit Health In-
surers, 2 J. Health Economics 225, 227-29, 240-41 (1983). The mean relative Blue Cross
discount is four percent and ranges as high as 27 percent. Id. at 229. Large discounts
frequently correspond to large market shares.
A commercial insurer unsuccessfully challenged a typical Blue Cross discount in
Travelers Ins. Co. v. Blue Cross, 481 F.2d 80 (3d Cir. 1973). For an analysis of this
case pointing out its relevance to this discussion, see Havighurst, supra note 100.
'°The concessions usually take the form of acceptance of payments under the UCR
formula as payment in full. See supra note 45. See generally Bureau of Competition,
supra note 60 (describing Blue Shield payment arrangements and characterizing them as
price fixing when the plan is under physician control). For a case in which physician
organizations offered similar collective concessions to any payer that obtained the orga-
nizations' approval (presumably by refraining from unfriendly acts), see Arizona v. Mar-
icopa County Medical Soc'y, 457 U.S. 332, 356-57 (1982) (doctors' agreement on maximum
fees held unlawful price fixing under the antitrust laws).
'°*See, e.g.. Travelers Ins. Co. v. Blue Cross, 481 F.2d 80, 84 (3d Cir. 1973) (discounts
"negotiated jointly" by hospital association). Restrictions placed by physician organizations
on individual physicians directly contracting with unapproved insurers were condemned in
American Medical Ass'n v. FTC, 638 F.2d 443 (2d Cir. 1980), affd by equally divided
Court, 455 U.S. 676 (1982); see also Havighurst, supra note 62, at 336-42.
1986] LITHOTRIPSY 1019
a- vis the Blues' competitors. Although most Blue plans could have
obtained larger price concessions by using their buying power to destroy
the provider cartel, doing business with it usually proved more advan-
tageous, yielding the Blues a net cost advantage over their competitors
that was both larger and more permanent than they could have enjoyed
under competition; as long as the cartel was effective, HMO's and
commercial insurers could get no concessions from providers at all.^°^
Consumers were thus unable to obtain coverage from plans that purchased
provider services on truly competitive terms. ^°^ The Blues' greatest com-
mercial successes were therefore gained, not by efficient operation in a
competitive market, but by cultivating provider cartels that inflated the
costs of their competitors.'^^
Organized providers, for their part, were generally glad to cooperate
with and even to subsidize their biggest customer as long as it adhered
to cartel-protective policies and provided insurance coverage in forms
that obviated provider price competition' '° and kept demand for hospital
and physician services artificially high.''' Although providers complained
'"^Until very recently, non-Blue payers were unable to bargain with providers for
price discounts or concessions of any kind. For a full discussion of provider-imposed
restraints, including boycotts of plans that offended providers, see Havighurst, supra note
62, at 336-42. Many commentators are noting the changing character of today's health
care market. See, e.g.. Managed Care: Will It Push Providers Against the Wall?, Hospitals,
Oct. 5, 1986, at 66. The new pressures on providers to grant competitive discounts and
to accept undesired cost controls result from a combination of circumstances, including
antitrust enforcement against provider cartel behavior; state PPO legislation and PPO
development; the increased cost-consciousness and aggressiveness of larger purchasers;
increased competitiveness on the supply side of the market because of surpluses of both
physicians and hospital facilities; government's example as a prudent purchaser of services;
and realization in the private sector that government is not likely, as it threatened to do
throughout the 1970's, to regulate private health care costs. Despite widespread observations
of intensified competition, however, competition's potential has not yet been reahzed in
every market, and indeed has probably not been fully realized anywhere.
'°^The perception that consumers freely chose Blue-style coverage, with free choice
of provider, etc., in preference to other kinds of coverage is mistaken because alternative
types of coverage were seldom offered with price tags reflecting the full cost advantage
obtainable though limitations on choice and competitive purchasing. See infra note 111.
'"Tor recent scholarship focusing specifically on exclusion of rivals by raising their
costs, see Krattenmaker & Salop, Anticompetitive Exclusion: Raising Rivals' Costs to Achieve
Power over Price, 96 Yale L.J. 209 (1986).
""Hospital cost reimbursement, payment of physicians under UCR and similar for-
mulas, limited use of cost sharing, and guaranteed free choice of providers make consumers
largely indifferent to price considerations, thus freeing providers to compete in other, cost-
increasing ways.
'"The Blues have systematically offered broader coverage than other insurers. This
coverage benefits providers by giving broad scope to "moral hazard" — that is, insurance-
induced demand and insensitivity to price. It has been hypothesized that the Blues squander
much of their cost advantage over other carriers by writing coverage in forms most
advantageous to providers. Freeh & Ginsburg, Competition Among Health Insurers, in
1020 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
from time to time about a Blue plan's practices, such complaints were
usually not inconsistent with the existence of powerful Blue/provider
alhances.^^^ Even when a major confrontation occurred between a dom-
inant provider organization and a Blue plan, the triggering event was
usually a minor matter, hardly a sign that the plan had gone over entirely
to the consumer's side.^^^ Indeed, the Blue plan's disputed policy was
usually inspired, not by the plan's own corporate initiative, but by the
irresistible demand of a state insurance commissioner""* or major cus-
tomer."^ For many years, virtually all cost-containment initiatives by
Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans that were not exogenously compelled
were carefully negotiated with the affected provider interests before being
announced as a Blue victory on the consumer's behalf.
The action of NCBCBS in tying its own hands in the fight to get
ESWL services for North Carolina consumers at competitive prices was
therefore not atypical. Most Blue Cross or Blue Shield plans have similarly
maintained payment systems that weaken consumers' incentive to econ-
omize while simultaneously eschewing the role of an aggressive purchasing
agent procuring providers' services for consumers at competitive prices.
Competition in the Health Care Sector: Past, Present, and Future 210, 216-19
(1978). This insurance is overbroad (inefficient) in the sense that few consumers would
buy it if its added costs, instead of being subsidized by providers, were reflected in its
price relative to alternative coverage. The result of inefficient insurance is an overallocation
of societal resources to health care.
"^One should not attach undue significance to complaints about NCBCBS practices
that emanate from provider camps; within any conspiracy in restraint of trade, there are
always differences of opinion, sometimes serious ones, over the best collective strategy.
Thus, complaints and even lawsuits challenging plan practices by individual providers are
to be expected even if the Blue plan is faithfully serving cartel interests. Conceivably,
even such striking cases as Kartell v. Blue Shield, 749 F.2d 922 (1st Cir. 1984) (unsuccessful
challenge to a plan's alleged monopsonistic exploitation of physicians), cert, denied, 105
S. Ct. 2040 (1985), and Ball Memorial Hosp. v. Mutual Hosp. Ins., Inc., 784 F.2d 1325
(7th Cir. 1986) (unsuccessful challenge to a Blue Cross-sponsored PPO as an exercise of
monopsony power against hospitals), may involve only a difference of opinion concerning
the best strategy for pricing provider services under emerging market conditions rather
than the Blue plan's permanent defection from the old alliance. But see sources cited in
note 117 infra.
"'In In re Michigan State Medical Soc'y, 101 F.T.C. 191 (1983), a state medical
society threatened a Blue plan with a statewide physician boycott because the plan attempted
to control the cost of vision and hearing care. The medical society's vigorous and seemingly
disproportionate reaction was prompted, not by the particular initiative itself, but by the
Blue plan's unprecedented departure from the principle of free choice of physician. Id.
at 216-21.
"^In Kartell v. Blue Shield, 749 F.2d 922 (1st Cir. 1984), cert, denied, 105 S. Ct.
2040 (1985), the plan's refusal to allow balance bilhng was in part a function of state
legislation and regulation.
"^In Michigan State Medical Society, the initiative of Michigan Blue Cross and Blue
Shield that was so offensive to physicians was dictated by the auto companies and the
United Auto Workers. 101 F.T.C. at 216-21.
1986] LITHOTRIPSY 1021
Although there have recently been some impressive departures by Blue
plans from such pro-provider practices, ^^^ these defections have almost
always occurred only because other prepayment mechanisms, primarily
HMO's and PPO's, had already breached the defenses of the hospital
and doctor cartels in the particular market. Facing price competition
from efficient purchasers for the first time, the Blues had little choice
but to abandon their old strategy and turn on their old allies. '^^ Despite
these notable breakdowns of Blue/provider collaboration, it is far from
clear that competition is yet so intense and uninhibited in many health
care markets that Blue/provider alliances are no longer effective or worth
worrying about. Although the coming of competition has generated a
great deal of discussion and consternation, its effects are still hard to
detect in anything but anecdotes.''^ Most Blue Cross and Blue Shield
plans have not yet definitively changed sides in the contest between
consumers and providers.
There are few signs that competition has yet made enough headway
in North Carolina markets to force NCBCBS to enter the fray on the
consumer's side. Most NCBCBS contracts still embody free choice of
provider, cost reimbursement for hospitals, UCR fee limits for physician
services, and limited cost sharing, indicating that the plan has yet to
break significantly with its tradition of catering to providers' essential
interests. Although NCBCBS has introduced such innovations as HMO
and PPO arrangements of its own,''^ these mechanisms do not yet face
enough competition from independent health plans to induce them to
bargain with providers as adversaries rather than as allies. '^^ Indeed,
"^See, e.g., Greenberg, supra note 100.
"'5ee supra note 111; infra note 126. The precise inspiration for the Blue initiatives
challenged in Kartell, 749 F.2d 922, and Ball Memorial, 784 F.2d 1325, is difficult to
determine, but it is probable that these were competition-inspired departures from the
Blues' historic policy of cooperating with provider interests. But see supra notes 112 &
114. If so, they should be regarded as exceptions that prove the rule. Why, for example,
did such cases not appear much earlier?
"^See supra note 107.
'"Blue Cross's Personal Care Plan of North Carolina, Inc. (PCP) is an HMO of
the individual practice association variety. In addition, Blue Cross has transferred some
standard HMO contracts to PCP. As of April 1986, PCP had 21,000 enrollees, and it
subsequently added 73,784 state employees. N.C. Dep't of Insurance, Health Main-
tenance Organizations: Status in North Carolina (April 1986 & Supp. July 3, 1986).
Although NCBCBS officials claim that such recent innovations as a preadmission certification
program, PPO and HMO arrangements, the participating physician program, and a program
to encourage ambulatory surgery are evidence of their willingness to challenge providers,
the text gives reasons for disputing this claim.
'^"Enrollment in active alternative health plans in North Carolina totalled 134,791 in
April 1986, with 78,913 state employees added subsequently, for a total of 213,704. Id.
Of these subscribers. Blue Cross's PCP enrolled 94,784. Several of the remaining plans
were sponsored by dominant physician interests. Thus, the only truly independent plans
able and philosophically willing to purchase physician services on a competitive basis were
Health America, Kaiser, and PruCare, which enrolled 43,116, 23,366, and 11,877 sub-
scribers, respectively (out of a state population of 5.9 million). Id.
1022 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
these mechanisms may serve primarily as '* fighting ships," weapons that
allow NCBCBS and their provider alHes to repel or discipline independent
plans that seek to enter the market and to force providers into unwanted
competition.*^' If so, the alliance's newly forged strategic capacity to
slash prices to meet a competitive threat is more an impediment to than
a manifestation of the emergence of effective competition in the state.
Certainly NCBCBS' s inability to control the price and cost of lithotripsy
in North Carolina suggests that the old alliance is still very much intact.
B. Revising the Rules— "On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!*'
If ESWL costs in North Carohna should rise in the aftermath of
the repeal of CON requirements for lithotripters, the natural impulse
will be to blame the legislature for deregulating this new technology.
Nevertheless, because the true source of the problem lies in antiquated,
pro-provider payment mechanisms, it can be argued that the legislature's
greater failure was in deciding to deregulate only lithotripsy. Because
payments for lithotripsy are only a very small percentage of insurers'
overall payments for health care services, the threat of higher costs for
this one service is unlikely to trigger the fundamental changes in financing
arrangements that are needed if costs are to be brought under effective
control by market forces. Across-the-board deregulation, however, would
be such a dramatic change in the rules that all players on the demand
side of the market, particularly NCBCBS and its customers, would have
little choice but to reexamine their game plans. The sudden need of
consumers and major purchasers of health insurance to find better allies
in the cost-containment effort would bring about a competitive rush to
find new defenses against provider overcharging, overspending, and ov-
The main policy reason why most states are continuing CON reg-
ulation today, after the theoretical argument for it has been largely
disproved, '^^ is their belief that their local health care markets are not
'^'A prepayment plan controlled by dominant provider interests presents the same
hazard to competition that is presented by an informal Blue/provider alUance. On the
antitrust and policy implications of prepayment plans controlled by dominant provider
organizations, see FTC, supra note 101; Havighurst & Hackbarth, Enforcing the Rules
of Free Enterprise in an Imperfect Market: The Case of Individual Practice Associations,
in A New Approach to the Economics of Health Care 377 (M. Olson ed. 198 ). For
evidence of how a financing plan and a provider cartel, operating together, can exclude
or discipline other payers, see Goldberg & Greenberg, The Effect of Physician-Controlled
Health Insurance: United States v. Oregon State Medical Society, 2 J. Health Pol. Pol'y
& L. 48 (1977). Because the same problems could also arise where the Blue/provider
alliance was of the informal variety, Blue Cross's PCP may be more anticompetitive than
'^^The theory of CON regulation was that payment systems inevitably and inefficiently
distort spending. See references cited supra note 12. Changes in purchasing practices can
1986] LITHOTRIPSY 1023
yet sufficiently competitive to entrust them with the task of allocating
resources and discouraging overinvestment. ^^^ Many states, however, are
moving toward deregulation in small increments by raising the capital
investment thresholds of CON requirements and exempting additional
categories of providers and investments. ^^"^ Although these steps may
seem desirable in the general sense that they get government off providers'
backs, deregulation is more likely to represent a pro-consumer change
in the rules of the game if it is done on a wholesale rather than a
piecemeal basis. '^^ Only then would the legislature's move constitute a
clear message to players who purchase and players who sell obsolete
forms of health insurance that they can expect to be losers in future
competition unless they change their strategies in fundamental ways.
Only if that message is sent, received, and acted upon will consumers
be in a position to hold their own in struggles over the uses of medical
technology, old and new. A totally deregulated market is most likely
to generate the radical rethinking and restructuring that is needed to
force NCBCBS and other Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans finally to
break with their provider allies and to use their bargaining power on
the consumer's behalf. '^^
Because introducing meaningful change in health care financing mech-
anisms seems to be a slow and difficult process requiring the reeducation
of many players and the devising of intricate new strategies, the best
policy option available to North Carolina and other states is probably
to announce the expiration of their CON laws as of some fixed future
offset many of these distortions, however, and those that remain should be regarded as
a cost of having insurance, not as inefficiency. See supra text accompanying notes 83-
94; P. JosKOW, supra note 12, at 21-31.
'^^An alternative justification for CON regulation of hospitals and their competitors
is the alleged necessity to preserve cross-subsidization of indigent care, education, and
research. Curbing competition enables hospitals to overcharge some patients and thereby
to generate revenues to fund these worthy purposes. For arguments against using regulation
for this purpose, see e.g., Havighurst, The Debate Over Health Care Cost-Containment
Regulation: The Issues and the Interests, in Incentives Versus Controls in Health Policy
9 (J. Meyer ed. 1985). The case for controlling nursing home investments is unique to
that industry, because of its heavy involvement with the Medicaid program, and is not
considered here. See C. Havighurst, supra note 13, at 353-63.
^^See Simpson, supra note 37.
^^^See discussion of a "market-forcing" regulatory strategy in C. Havighurst, supra
note 13, at 321-44.
i26Xhere is a degree of irony in unleashing the market power of the Blue plans, which
were created to serve providers and which served their interests so well for so long, against
their original sponsors. See Ball Memorial, 784 F.2d 1325; Kartell, 749 F.2d 922, discussed
supra notes 112 and 117. But there is a potential paradox as well. Where a Blue plan
possesses market power, it might be vulnerable to attack under section 2 of the Sherman
Act because of exclusionary practices of the type noted supra text accompanying notes
100-09. But to raise such a challenge, providers would have to claim that a Blue plan
unlawfully monopoUzed the market by fostering the providers' own cartel.
1024 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:989
date. The setting of such a sunset date should be done in a way that
clearly warns purchasers and providers of health insurance of the need
to find alternative means of cost containment, while providing them
time to change their allegiances and to consider and install the defenses
they prefer. '^^ Such a legislative move, if accompanied by efforts to free
the local market of legal and other restrictions on innovation, would
materially improve the chances for a consumer victory not only in the
lithotripsy game but also in the larger battle against wasteful health care
'^^The object would be to avoid problems similar to those allegedly encountered in
Arizona and Utah when CON was repealed. See supra note 97. In particular, the federal
government itself needs more time to change its current approach to reimbursing capital
costs, which still invites excessive investment. See supra note 78.
Full Circle: The Return of Certificate of Need Regulation
of Health Facilities to State Control*
James B. Simpson**
''Each certificate of need proceeding is an exercise in the inherently
inexact science of determining how society's scarce health care resources
might best be allocated.''^
I. Introduction
Certificate of need (CON) programs are federally-funded, state-ad-
ministered regulatory mechanisms providing for review and approval by
health planning agencies of capital expenditures and service capacity
expansion by hospitals and other health care facilities. Their primary
purpose is to discourage unnecessary investment in health care facilities
and to channel investment into socially desirable uses. At the beginning
of 1986, forty-two states and the District of Columbia had statutes
authorizing such programs, and four of the eight states without certificate
of need statutes operated similar programs authorized under the Social
Security Act.^ A majority of states have administered such programs
for over a decade.
State certificate of need programs generally operate in the following
manner. A health care facility covered by the program must submit a
permit application to an official state health planning agency before
undertaking those capital expenditures and other projects subject to
review. The average proposed expenditure is $1.7 million, and states
review an average of 127 applications each year.^ The state agency
transfers the application for initial review to a local health planning
organization, comprised of consumers and medical care providers in the
*This article has been funded by the Health Resources Administration, Department
of Health and Human Services, under contract HRA 232-79-0037. The contents of the
article do not necessarily reflect the view or policies of the Department of Health and
Human Services, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations
imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.
**Director, Legal Resources Program, Western Consortium for Public Health, San
Francisco, Cal. B.A., Lawrence University, 1972; M.P.H., University of California, Los
Angeles, 1974; J.D., University of California, Berkeley (Boalt Hall), 1978.
'Kansas Dep't of Health & Env't v. Banks, 230 Kan. 169, 170-71, 630 P.2d 1131,
1133 (1981).
'State laws relating to health planning and certificate of need are frequently amended.
Except as otherwise indicated, the information on state certificate of need programs
presented in this article is current as of January 1, 1986.
^Office of Health Planning, U.S. Dep't of Health «& Human Services, Status
Report on State Certificate of Need Programs 9-10 (1985).
1026 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
community to be served by the proposed project. Review criteria include
consideration of community need, financial feasibility, expected quality
of care, less costly alternatives, and accessibility of the project to un-
derserved and indigent populations. The local organization conducts a
public meeting at which interested persons may comment on the proposal.
It then conveys its recommendation to approve or deny the project to
the state health planning agency. The state agency conducts an admin-
istrative adjudicatory hearing on the application and renders a formal
decision as to the need for the project. Administrative and judicial
appeals may follow, and often do when multiple applicants compete to
serve an identified community need. The ultimately successful applicant
is awarded a "certificate of need" entitling it to proceed with its project.
A. Federal Involvement
Over the years, federal control over state health planning and cer-
tificates of need has waxed and waned. In the late 1960's, the federal
government financed voluntary, non-regulatory health service planning
programs at the local community and state levels. In 1972, Congress
adopted section 1122 of the Social Security Act, providing for review,
by states choosing to participate, of proposed capital expenditures by
health care facilities reimbursed under Medicare and Medicaid. "• Most
states have participated in section 1122 at some time.^ In 1975, Congress
passed the National Health Planning and Resources Development Act
of 1974' (NHPRDA or Act). The Act provided substantial funding for
state and local health planning activities and effectively required states
to adopt certificate of need laws conforming to federal standards.
After the passage of NHPRDA, states without certificate of need
began to adopt statutes complying with the Act. States with pre-existing
statutes took steps to comply with the federal requirements, which
mandated a certificate of need program of extremely broad regulatory
scope, subjecting a wide range of health care facilities and projects to
a complex review and approval process. In a few years most states had
programs resembling the federal model. ^
With the advent of the Reagan administration in 1980, federal support
for certificate of need fell on hard times. The administration entered
office with an anti-regulatory platform and a strong interest in using
"Social Security Amendments of 1972, § 221(a), 86 Stat. 1386 (codified as amended
at 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-l (1982 & Supp. I 1983)).
^See infra note 73 and accompanying text.
*Pub. L. No. 93-641, 88 Stat. 2225 (1975) (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C.
§§ 300k-300n-6 (1982)).
^See Cohodes, The State Experience with Capital Management and Capital Ex-
penditure Review Programs, in Bureau of Health Facilities, U.S. Dep't of Health &
Human Services, Health Capital Issues 87-88 (DHHS Pub. No. (HRA) 81-14531 (1980)).
market incentives rather than regulatory controls to restrain the rising
costs of health programs. It proposed to delete funding under NHPRDA,
and although Congress did not fully concur, funding for health planning
dropped sharply.* At the same time, however, the prescriptive terms
under which the federal government awarded monies to states for cer-
tificate of need programs were greatly relaxed.^
Consequently, state certificate of need programs have begun to
diverge from the federal model and from each other. Some states have
entirely repealed their certificate of need laws.'^ Others have increased
the scope and forcefulness of their regulatory controls." The vast majority
of states have modified their programs in recent years by streamlining
the review process and narrowing the range of health care facilities and
projects subject to review. In doing so, they appear to have shifted the
goals of their certificate of need programs from systematic management
of all institutional health care delivery to several more narrowly conceived
This Article describes changes in state certificate of need programs
from their origins to the present. It concentrates on the types of health
care facilities and categories of projects that have been subject to cer-
tificate of need review, because scope of coverage is the aspect of
certificate of need that has changed the most over the years in response
to changing state and federal regulatory policies.
A number of recent studies have considered procedural aspects of
state certificate of need programs.'' Several have attempted to evaluate
the impact of such programs on health care expenditures.'-* Evaluations
'In fiscal year 1982, annual NHPRDA funding was reduced by one half to $64.4
million. H.R. Rep. No. 218, 98th Cong., 1st Sess. 10 (1983). It has remained at that
level ever since.
^See infra note 166 and accompanying text.
^°See infra Table 1 and text accompanying note 192.
"See infra Table 2; noets 194-245 and accompanying text.
'^Brown, Common Sense Meets Implementation: Certificate of Need Regulation in
the States, 8 J. Health Pol. Pol'y & L. 480 (1983); Cohodes, supra note 7, at 68;
Consedine, Jekel, & Dunaye, Certificate of Need and the Pitfalls of Due Process, 17
Inquiry 348 (1980); Nutt & Hurley, Factors That Influence Capital Expenditure Review
Decisions, 18 Inquiry 151 (19S\), see. e.g., Colby & Begley, The Effects of Implementation
Problems on Certificate of Need Decisions in Illinois, 3 Health Pol'y Educ. 303 (1983).
'■E.g., Ash by. The Impact of Hospital Regulatory Programs on Per Capita Costs,
Utilization, and Capital Investment, 21 Inquiry 45 (1984); Howell, Evaluating the Impact
of Certificate of Need Regulation Using Measures of Ultimate Outcome: Some Cautions
from Experience in Massachusetts, 19 Health Services Reg. 587 (1984); Joskow, The
Effects of Competition and Regulation on Hospital Bed Supply and the Reservation Quality
of the Hospital, 11 Bell J. Econ. 421 (1980); Sloan, Rate Regulation as a Strategy for
Hospital Cost Control: Evidence for the Last Decade, 61 Milbank Mem. Fund Q. 195
(1983); Sloan & Steinwald, Effects of Regulation on Hospital Costs and Input Use, 23
J. Law & EcoN. 81 (1980). A survey and critique of other, unpublished studies may be
found in Congressional Budget Office, Health Planning: Issues for Reauthorization
19-30, 57-64 (1982).
1028 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
of the regulatory "toughness" of state certificate of need programs and
variations in performance have also been undertaken."* However, there
have been no recent reports examining in detail project coverage under
certificate of need programs.'^
II. Purposes of Certificate of Need
States undertake certificate of need programs to achieve various
goals, which may differ from state to state and from one type of covered
project to another. The major premise underlying certificate of need is
that the market for institutional health services contains incentives to
excess capital investment for which certificate of need programs are
intended to compensate by limiting entry to facilities and services found
to be medically necessary and affordable.'^ Every state certificate of need
^*E.g., Policy Analysis, Inc. and Urban Systems Research & Engineering, Inc.,
Evaluation of the Effects of Certificate of Need Programs - A Report on Twelve
State C/N Programs (1981) (Report prepared for Health Resources Administration, U.S.
Dep't of Health & Human Services under Contract No. 231-77-0114); Begley, Schoeman
& Traxler, Factors That May Explain Interstate Differences in Certificate-of-Need Decisions,
1982 Health Care Fin. Rev. 87.
'■Surveys comparing certificate of need expenditure thresholds are distributed from
time to time. E.g., Division of Regulatory Activities, Office of Health Planning,
U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services, Status Report on State Certificate of
Need Programs (1985), distributed in Office of Health Planning, U.S. Dep't of Health
& Human Services, Program Information Letter 85-34 (1985) (expenditure thresholds
as of July, 1984); Congressional Budget Office, Health Planning: Issues for Reau-
thorization (1982) (expenditure thresholds as of March, 1982). However, published reports
identifying health care facilities and types of projects subject to certificate of need review
date back several years. See Chayet & Sonnenreich, P.C, Certificate of Need: An
Expanding Regulatory Concept 5 (1978) (survey of certificate of need and section 1122
coverage through approximately January, 1978); Cohodes, supra note 7 (survey of certificate
of need coverage as of October, 1978); Curran, A National Survey and Analysis of State
Certificate-of-Need Laws for Health Facilities, in Regulating Health Facilities Con-
struction 88-89 (1974) (CON coverage as of the end of 1972 state legislative sessions);
Havighurst, Regulation of Health Facilities and Services by "Certificate of Need, " 59
Va. L. Rev. 1143 (1973) (CON coverage as of 1973).
""Proponents of certificate of need programs cite several reasons for market failure
in institutional health care. See, e.g., 42 U.S.C. § 300k-2 (1982) (market failure rationale
for implementation of NHPRDA certificate of need function). First, such care is covered
by private insurance or governmental benefit programs for most consumers, making them
indifferent to the choice between treatments of differing costs and equal benefit, and in
favor of all treatments with any marginal benefit, regardless of cost. Second, federal and
state tax subsidies encourage individual consumers and employees, when bargaining col-
lectively, to purchase more health insurance than they otherwise would, exacerbating the
"moral hazard" of insurance coverage. Third, the prevailing methods by which insurers
and government benefit programs pay for institutional health services discourage attention
to costs and price competition by providers. Fourth, medical care delivery is organized
in a manner that tends to allocate and expend resources without regard to cost. Hospitals,
in particular, are organized so that a physician, acting as an insured patient's agent and
program implicitly incorporates this idea by providing for issuance of
certificates on the basis of community '*need." Some also contain express
findings of market failure or of excess capacity in the health sector.'^
The second major rationale for certificate of need is to protect public
health by preserving and improving the quality of institutional health
care. Many state certificate of need statutes include the preservation of
quality of care as an express justification for their adoption.'*^ In addition,
quality of care considerations appear in many states' certificate of need
review criteria as factors to be taken into account in approving or
denying applications. For example, eight state certificate of need statutes
expressly identify quality of care in existing facilities (either those of
the applicant or other health care providers) as a review criterion.'*^ Six
certificate of need statutes explicitly require consideration of the expected
lacking an independent incentive to limit volume or costliness of care, decides what services
the patient receives. Fifth, there has traditionally been little competition among health
insurance companies of the sort that would lead them to bargain with institutional health
care providers over price and volume controls.
The foregoing characteristics cause institutional health care to exhibit excess demand
for and consumption of medical technologies, high rates of introduction of new technologies
and low rates of introduction of cost-reducing innovations, duplication of facilities and ser-
vices with consequent unused capacity and failure to exploit economies of scale, and general
organizational slack and inefficiency. Certificate of need programs are intended to prevent
facility duplication and excessive rates of introduction of new technologies and services.
They are not targeted at the underlying causes of market failure, nor are they designed
to affect directly the demand for existing services or to improve efficiency and reduce operating
costs in health care facilities. See generally P. Joskow, Controlling Hospital Costs: The
Role of Government Regulation 56-88 (1981).
''E.g., Colo. Rev. Stat. § 25-3-502 (1982); Fla. Stat. Ann. § 381.493(2) (Supp.
1985); III. Ann. Stat. ch. 111-1/2 1 1152 (Smith-Hurd Supp. 1985); Ky. Rev. Stat.
§ 216B.010 (Supp. 1982); Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-5802 (Supp. 1984); N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann.
§ 151-c:l (Supp. 1983); N.C. Gen. Stat. § 131E-175 (Supp. 1983); Or. Rev. Stat.
§ 442.025(2) (Supp. 1983); Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 448.102 (Purdon Supp. 1985); S.D.
Codified Laws Ann. § 34-7A-22 (Supp. 1985); Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 18, § 2400 (1983);
Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 70-38-015 (Supp. 1986); W. Va. Code §§ 16-2D-5(c), (d) (1985).
''See, e.g., Colo. Rev. Stat. § 25-3-502(4)(a) (1982); 1977 Hawaii Sess. Laws Ch.
178, § 1 (1977); Ky. Rev. Stat. § 216B.010 (Supp. 1982); Md. Health-General Code
Ann. § 19-102(a) (Supp. 1985); Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-5802 (Supp. 1984); N.H. Rev.
Stat. Ann. § 151-c:l (Supp. 1983); N.J. Stat. Ann. § 26:2H-1 (West Supp. 1985); N.Y.
Pub. Health Law § 2800 (McKinney 1985); N.C. Gen. Stat. § 131E-175 (Supp. 1983);
Or. Rev. Stat. § 442.025(1) (Supp. 1983); 35 Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 448.102 (Purdon
Supp. 1985); Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 18, § 2400 (1983).
"Alaska Stat. § 18.07.041 (Supp. 1984); B.C. Code Ann. § 32-304(a) (1981)
(incorporating by reference 42 C.F.R. § 123.412(a)(18) (1985)); Fla. Stat. Ann.
§ 381.494(6)(c)(2) (Supp. 1985); Mont. Code Ann. § 50-5-304(d) (1985), § 50-5-304(h) (1985)
(incorporating by reference 42 C.F.R. § 123.412(a)(18) (1985)); S.D. Codified Laws Ann.
§ 34-7A-38(12) (Supp. 1984); Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 70-38-115(2)0) (Supp. 1985); W.
Va. Code § 16-2D-6(a)(22) (1985); Wis. Stat. Ann. § 150.39(10) (West Supp. 1985)
(nursing homes).
1030 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
quality of care in proposed facilities and services.^" Most other states
include quality of care considerations in their certificate of need regu-
lations, often by incorporation of NHPRDA past quality standards.^'
The quality protective function of certificate of need may be merged
with its cost containment role. A number of epidemiological studies have
demonstrated an association between volume of services provided in
health facilities and reduced mortality rates, suggesting that as well as
controlling costs, preventing excess, underutilized capacity improves qual-
ity of care.^^ The optimum service size standards found in certificate of
need review criteria are based on these quality considerations."
Third, certificate of need programs may be used to achieve a uniform
geographic distribution of health services^"* or an equitable distribution
-"Ark. Stat. Ann. § 82-23 11(d) (Supp. 1985); Fla. Stat. Ann. § 381.494(6)(c)(3)
(Supp. 1985); Ga. Code Ann. § 31-6-42(a)(13) (1985); Ky. Rev. Stat. § 216B.040(2)(a)(2)(e)
(Supp. 1982); Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, § 309(1)(A) (Supp. 1985); R.I. Gen. Laws
§ 23-15-4(d)(7) (1985).
-'See 42 U.S.C. § 300n-l(c)(14) (1982); 42 C.F.R. § 123.412(a)(18) (1985).
-See, e.g.. Flood, Scott & Ewy, Does Practice Make Perfect? Part I: The Relation
Between Hospital Volume and Outcomes for Selected Diagnostic Categories, 22 Med.
Care 98 (1984); Flood, Scott & Ewy, Does Practice Make Perfect? Part II: The Relation
Between Volume and Outcomes and Other Hospital Characteristics, 11 Med. Care 115
(1984); Luft, The Relations Between Surgical Volume and Mortality: An Exploration of
Causal Factors and Alternative Models, 18 Med. Care 940 (1980); Luft, Bunker &
Enthoven, Should Operations Be Regionalized: The Empirical Relation Between Surgical
Volume and Mortality, 301 New Eng. J. Med. 1364 (1970). It is postulated that increased
volume is associated with diminished mortality rates because of a "learning curve" effect.
Flood, Scott & Ewy, supra, at 123.
-'E.g., Or. Admin. R. 409-03-010(1 3)(b) (1985) (quality of care of proposed projects
measured by sufficiency of expected volume to maintain staff skills); see also Humana,
Inc. V. Department of Health «fe Rehabilitative Servs., 469 So. 2d 889 (Fla. Dist. Ct.
App. 1985) (quality concerns justified criterion basing need for new facilities on full
utilization of existing facilities); National Guidelines for Health Planning (a set of national
"need" standards required to be considered by all state and local health planning agencies)
regarding neonatal special care units, open heart surgery, cardiac catheterization, and
radiation therapy, 42 C.F.R. §§ 121.204, .205, .207, .209 (1985). Each specifies a minimum
volume of services identified by medical authorities as necessary to maintain quality of
-^Standards for acceptable patient travel time to health facilities and acceptable risks
of queuing at the facility are incorporated into states' criteria for identifying community
need for new projects. E.g., Ala. Code § 22-21-264(4)(0 (1984) (certificate of need criterion
of "evidence of the locational appropriateness of the proposed facility or service such as
transportation accessibiHty . . ."); Iowa Code Ann. § 135.64(1)(8) (West Supp. 1985);
Mont. Code Ann. § 50-5-304(1 )(m) (1985) (CON criteria of distance, convenience, cost
of transportation, and accessibility of health services for persons living outside urban
areas); Va. Code § 32. 1-102. 3(B)(6) (1985) (certificate of need criteria of topography and
highway facilities in area proposed to be served); see also 4,1 C.F.R. § 121.201(b) (1985)
(National Guidelines for Health Planning recommended 30 minute travel time to the nearest
hospital for general acute care).
of health services among social and economic groups. ^^ In such cases,
--The foremost example is the use of certificate of need programs to encourage and
protect health care facilities that internally subsidize socially desirable but unprofitable
lines of business. For reasons of legal obligation or conscience, facilities may offer emergency
or routine services to persons unable to pay, or accept Medicaid or other public program
beneficiaries for whom reimbursement is less than cost or less generous than private payer
reimbursement. Presumably, such facilities price other services or charge other payers
above cost to recover their losses. When they do, it creates an opportunity for other
facilities not so charitably inclined to undercut their prices and capture the paying market.
Certificate of need programs can protect charitable subsidizers from cream skimmers by
denying cream skimmers entry into the marketplace. See, e.g.. Collier Medical Center v.
Department of Health and Rehabilitative Servs., 462 So. 2d 83 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1985)
(new hospital's certificate of need application denied to protect existing hospitals with
high indigent patient loads from loss of paying patients, needed to subsidize indigent care,
to new hospital). NHPRDA requires state programs to use several criteria designed to
achieve this effect by expressing a preference for health care facilities that serve low-
income and other "medically underserved" patients. 42 C.F.R. § 123.412(a)(6) (1985). See
also 42 C.F.R. §§ 123.412(a)(5); 123.413 (1985). Numerous state certificate of need statutes
also have medically-underserved access criteria. E.g., Cal. Health & Safety Code
§§ 437.11(b)(4)(c), 437.116 (Deering Supp. 1985) (certificate of need exemptions for facilities
participating in Medicaid or providing certain volume of free care); D.C. Code Ann.
§ 32-305(a)(2) (Supp. 1984) (certificate of need requirement that facilities provide a reasonable
volume of uncompensated care); Fla. Stat. Ann. § 381.494(6)(c)(8) (Supp. 1985); Ga.
Code Ann. § 31-6-42(a)(7), (c) (1985) (waiver of strict adherence to certificate of need
criteria for minority administered hospital facilities serving socially and economically
disadvantaged urban populations); Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 333.22131(l)(j), (e) (Supp.
1985) (certificate of need criteria of access to residents and physicians, nondiscrimination
in employment, patient admission or care, room assignment, training programs, and medical
staff membership); Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-5853(1), (3) (Supp. 1985); 1985 N.H. Laws ch.
378, § 6 (to be codified at N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 51-C:7(III)) (certificate of need
criterion of degree to which proposed facility is accessible to medically underserviced,
including handicapped and indigent); N.C. Gen. Stat. § 131E-183(3), (3a), (13) (Supp.
1983); N.D. Cent. Code § 23-17.2-05 (Supp. 1983) (incorporating by reference NHPRDA
access review criteria); Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 63, § 2652.1(B)(3)(e), (6) (West 1984); Pa.
Cons. Stat. Ann. § 448.707(a)(9), (19) (Purdon Supp. 1985); Va. Code § 32. 1-102. 3(B)(5)
(1985); Wash. Rev. Code Ann. §§ 70.38. 115(2)(e), (k) (Supp. 1986) (certificate of need
criterion of hospital meeting or exceeding regional average level of charity care); W,
Va. Code § 16-2D-6(a)(4), (14), (18), (25) (1979); Executive Budget Bill, Act 29, 1985
Wis. Legis. Serv. 391 (West) (to be codified at Wis. Stat. § 150.69(13) (certificate of
need requirement of acceptable plan for provision of health care to indigent); see also
Idaho Admin. Code § 02.11400.01(a)(v) (1983) (Idaho section 1122 regulations); N.J.
Admin. Code tit. 8, § 33-2. 1(a), (b) (1985) (prohibition on issuance of certificate of need
to any facility that fails to provide or contractually commit itself to provide services to
medically underserved populations residing or working in its service area as adjusted for
indications of need). For court decisions upholding certificate of need decisions based on
the performance in assuring access to medical care to the indigent or medically underserved,
see Collier, 462 So. 2d 83 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1985); Doctors Hosp. of Prince George's
County v. Maryland Health Res. Plan Comm'n, 501 A. 2d 1324 (Md. Spec. App.
1986) (hospital's record of lower Medicaid and indigent patient load than other area hospitals
supported denial of its certificate of need application); Chambery v. Axelrod, 101 A.D.2d
610, 474 N.Y.S.2d 865 (1984) (certificate of need preference for facilities participating in
1032 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
certificate of need regulation finds its justification not in market failure,
but in compensation for undesirable consequences of market functioning.
Fourth, states may adopt certificate of need programs to limit public
outlays for benefit programs, primarily Medicaid, or as adjuncts to state
programs regulating health facility operating expenses. ^^ For example,
states have used certificate of need to control or to limit the supply of
nursing home beds in order to limit Medicaid outlays for nursing home
Fifth, certificate of need laws may be adopted to assure public
participation in decision-making respecting major health facility projects
and, by extension, in the overall configuration of institutional health
care delivery. For example, the Maryland health planning statute provides
that **The citizens of this State have a fundamental interest in planning
the development of quality health services . . . ."^^ It establishes local
health planning agencies and a consumer-dominated state health planning
commission, and gives the local agencies and the general public roles
in certificate of need review. ^^^ NHPRDA's provisions for local health
planning agencies evince similar purposes.^"
Medicaid upheld). The ultimate effect of employing certificate of need in this fashion is
to tax indirectly the private paying patients of charitable health care facilities and to shield
public budgets from the full costs of socially desirable services.
-''See Mahler, Barriers to Coordinating Health Services Regulatory Programs, 6 J.
Health Pol. Pol'y & L. 528 (1981).
^'Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, § 307(6-A) (Supp. 1985) (comparative review of new
nursing home bed addition projects based on availability of legislative appropriations); Mich.
CoMP. Laws Ann. § 333.22131(2)(f) (Supp. 1985) (certificate of need criterion, for nursing
home bed addition, of consideration of Medicaid agency plans); Mont. Code Ann. § 50-5-430(2)
(1985) (authority to condition nursing home bed additions on availabihty of Medicaid
funding); 1985 N.H. Laws Ch. 378, § 378:6 (to be codified at N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann.
§ 151-C:5(II)(b)) (coverage of all health facility transfers of ownership except those subject
to federal restrictions on asset revaluation for Medicare/Medicaid reimbursement purposes);
Pa. Cons. Stat. Ann. § 448.707(c)(7) (Purdon Supp. 1985) (nursing home bed addition
criterion of consistency with Medicaid agency plans); Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 18, § 2406(a)(4)
(Supp. 1985) (certificate of need criterion for nursing home bed addition of consideration
of Medicaid agency plans); Wis. Stat. Ann. § 150.39 (West Supp. 1985) (nursing home
project criteria of sufficient Medicaid funds appropriated to reimburse for care to be
provided, and statutory ceiling on approveable nursing home beds to enable the state to
accurately establish Medicaid budget); 1985 Wise. Legis. Serv. Act 29, § 1975 (West) (to
be codified at Wis. Stat. Ann. § 150.31). See generally Feder & Scanlan, Regulating The
Bed Supply in Nursing Homes, 58 Milbank Mem. Fund Q. 54 (1980).
=^Md. Health-General Code Ann. § 19- 102(a)(2) (Supp. 1985).
'"Id. at (b)(5), 19-114, 19-118.
'"42 U.S.C. §§ 300/-l,2, 300n-l (1982) (establishment of consumer-dominated "health
systems agencies" with formal role in certificate of need review); see also Del. Code
Ann. tit. 16, § 9301 (1984); Fla. Stat. Ann. § 381.493(2) (Supp. 1985); 1975 Hawaii
Sess. Laws ch. 178, Sec. 1; Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 333.22131(l)(m) (Supp. 1985)
(certificate of need criterion of non-profit health facility governance by body composed
of a majority consumer membership broadly representative of the population served);
Until recently, another purpose for certificate of need in a few states
was to avoid financial penalties threatened by the federal government
if the state failed to adopt a certificate of need statute. From 1975
through 1982, NHPRDA required states to adopt certificate of need
laws complying with its model provisions in order to receive funding
under the Act and to avoid severe financial penalties.^' Several certificate
of need laws passed after 1975 cite NHPRDA compliance and avoidance
of financial penalties as a reason for their adoption. ^^
III. Certificate of Need Before NHPRDA
A. Early Federal Support for Health Planning
Federal support for non-regulatory governmental planning of hospital
and other health facility services began with the Hospital Survey and
Construction Act of 1946, popularly known as the Hill-Burton Act.^^
During its three decades of operation, the Hill-Burton Act provided
grants in participating states for construction and modernization of
hospital and other health care facilities. A state Hill-Burton agency was
required to prepare a medical facilities plan setting forth the number
of facilities of various kinds in the state, the relative need for new
facilities, and their appropriate distribution. In turn, construction grant
applicants had to conform to the plan and were required to secure the
approval of the Hill-Burton agency. When first enacted, Hill-Burton
provided grants only to hospitals and public health centers.^"* The list
of eligible facilities expanded over the years to include, at one time or
another, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities, chronic disease hospitals,
diagnostic or treatment centers,^^ outpatient facilities, hospital-related
Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 70.38.015(1) (Supp. 1986) (state policy to encourage consumer
and provider involvement in health planning);W. Va. Code § 16-2D-6(a)(26) (1985) (cer-
tificate of need criterion of existence of a mechanism for soliciting consumer input into
the health care facilities decision-making process).
"See infra note 81 and accompanying text.
^^975 Hawaii Sess. Laws ch. 178, Sec. 1 (purpose of certificate of need legislation
is to conform to NHPRDA requirement); N.C. Gen. Stat. § 131E-175(5) (Supp. 1983)
(legislative finding that failure to adopt certificate of need law would cause state to lose
in excess of $55 million in federal funds); Tex. Rev. Civ, Stat. Ann. art. 4418h, § 1.01
(1976) (repealed 1985) (purpose of certificate of need statute is to meet requirements of
NHPRDA). C/. Colo. Rev. Stat. § 25-3-502(6) (1982) (legislative finding that certificate
of need provisions differ from federal requirements, but advance state's own goals of
quality assurance, access, and cost -effectiveness).
^Tub. L. No. 79-725, 60 Stat. 1040 (1946) (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. §
291-2910-1 (1982)).
'^Pub. L. No. 79-725 § 2, 60 Stat. 1040 (1946).
'Tub. L. No. 83-482, 68 Stat. 461 (1954).
1034 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
extended care facilities and home health services, equipment acquisitions,
and emergency rooms. ^^ In later years, authority for grants to voluntary
local health planning agencies to assist in the process of planning for
community needs was incorporated into Hill-Burton.^^
In 1966, Congress authorized new funding for state and local public
or non-profit planning agencies to perform * 'comprehensive health plan-
ning," an activity with broader implications than disbursement of con-
struction funds. -'^ The state agencies identified public and private facilities,
services, and personnel required both to meet the health needs of the
state's population and to encourage cooperative efforts among health,
education, welfare, and rehabilitation providers and agencies. Local agen-
cies developed comprehensive regional or metropolitan plans for coor-
dination of existing and projected services. In 1967, the comprehensive
health planning laws were amended to require the state comprehensive
health planning agency to assist health care facilities in developing in-
dividual programs for capital expenditures consistent with an overall
state plan, and to provide for periodic state review of the facilities'
capital expenditure programs. ^'^ The comprehensive health planning agen-
cies were expected to provide consultation, not to control or regulate
facility expenditures. "*" Nevertheless, the amendment clearly authorized,
through the health planning process, official oversight of health facility
expenditures and projects not financed with Hill-Burton or other federal
funds. In this sense, this change was the progenitor of federal require-
ments for health planning regulation through certificate of need.
Regulations implementing the 1967 amendments listed the health care
facilities whose capital expenditures were subject to review to include:
All hospitals, sanitariums, nursing homes, and other facilities
for the inpatient care of the sick, injured, or disabled, which
are licensed or formally approved for such purposes by an
officially designated state standards-setting authority, and all
public or private non-profit clinics, health centers, and other
facilities a major purpose of which is to provide diagnostic.
"•Pub. L. No. 91-296, 84 Stat. 336 (1970).
'Tub. L. No. 88-443, § 2, 78 Stat. 447 (1964).
"^Comprehensive Health Planning and Public Health Services Amendments of 1966,
Pub. L. No. 89-749, 80 Stat. 1180 (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. § 246 (1982)).
^'Partnership for Health Amendments of 1967, Pub. L. No. 90-174, 81 Stat. 533.
'"See S. Rep. No. 724, 90th Cong., 1st Sess., reprinted in 1967 U.S. Code Cong.
& Admin. News 2076, 2078 ("This new requirement is intended to provide for assistance
in the planning activities of health-care facilities, but is not intended to serve as a vehicle
for control of the capital expenditure plans of any institution. The paragraph is designed
to aid health care facilities in providing for more orderly planning so as to aid them in
eliminating duplications and overlaps between the services they provide and the services
provided by other facilities serving the same general area.").
preventive, or therapeutic outpatient health care by or under the
supervision of doctors of medicine, osteopathy, or dentistry;
provided, that such term shall not include facilities operated by
religious groups relying solely on spiritual means through prayer
and healing and in which health care by or under the supervision
of doctors of medicine, osteopathy, and dentistry is not pro-
The regulations also provided that the expenditures subject to review
would include all capital expenditures of any amount for "replacement,
modernization, or expansion. "'•^
These provisions drew virtually every type of institutional health care
provider and expenditure within the purview of comprehensive health plan-
ning. Their inclusivity arose out of comprehensive health planning 's origin
in Hill-Burton planning (the scope of which naturally encompassed all
the facilities and services Hill-Burton would fund) and out of a desire
on the part of the federal government and the health planning commun-
ity to oversee every aspect of health service delivery."*^ This viewpoint was,
in turn, an outgrowth of the widely-held expectation among health policy-
makers at the time that prevailing economic and social forces would lead
to centralized control of health services delivery in the United States along
the lines of the national health services or universal health insurance
systems of western European countries.'*'* If such developments were in-
evitable, comprehensive health planning with very broad jurisdiction and
built-in input from local communities seemed to be a logical prelude to
their implementation in an American setting.'*^
Notably absent from these early federal ventures into health planning
is any evidence of concern with distortions in the health care marketplace
that might lead to excess capacity. The Hill-Burton program was intended
to solve the opposite problem — insufficent private investment in health
facilities. The comprehensive health planning legislation speaks of encourag-
ing efficiency and economy through planning, but in the sense of rational
resource management rather than of compensation for market defects. ''^
^'42 C.F.R. § 51.4(i) (1969) (repealed 1976).
^'Applicable regulations defined the scope of comprehensive health planning to en-
compass the "health services, facilities and manpower to meet the physical, mental, and
environmental health needs [of the populace] and the financial and organizational resources
through which these needs may be met . . ." 42 C.F.R. § 51.4(cXl) (1967) (repealed 1976).
^See generally The Region alization of Personal Health Services (E. Saward ed.
''See M. RoEMER, Comparative National Policies on Health Care 202 (1977).
'"See Comprehensive Health Planning and Public Health Services Amendments of
1966, Pub. L. No. 89-749, § 2, 80 Stat. 1180 (legislative findings and declaration of
purpose to promote health through public/private partnership planning for health
services, manpower, and facilities).
1036 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
However, a concern for preservation of quality of care and assurance of
geographic and income-related access is evident in these programs/^
B. Adoption of Certificate of Need Laws by the States
While voluntary health planning agencies were appearing in the states
and beginning to receive federal funding, several states had adopted
certificate of need laws. The first was New York, which enacted its
statute in 1966 after promoting regional voluntary planning since 1946/^
Converting voluntary health planning into a regulatory mechanism ap-
pealed to other states/*^ in the next six years, twenty states adopted
some kind of certificate of need program. ^° By the end of the 1973
legislative sessions, four more states had added certificate of need re-
quirements and a total of twenty-three states had such programs.^'
Administrative responsibility for certificate of need programs was often
^The Hill-Burton Act conditioned the receipt of grant funds on a health facility's
agreement to provide a reasonable volume of uncompensated services and to make its
facilities available to all persons residing in the area without discrimination on account
of race, creed, or color. Pub. L. No. 79-725. § 2, 60 Stat. 1041 (1946). See generally
Rose, Federal Regulation of Services to the Poor Under the Hill-Burton Act: Realities
and Pitfalls, 70 Nw. U.L. Rev. 168 (1975); Wing, The Community Service Obligation
of Hill-Burton Health Facilities, 23 B.C.L. Rev. 577 (1982). The Act also mandated
minimum maintenance and operation standards for funded projects, and prompted many
states first to adopt health facility licensure programs. See A. Somers, Hospital Regu-
lation: The Dilemma of Public Policy 118-32 (1969). The comprehensive health planning
program combined these concerns in its announced goal of assuring "comprehensive health
services of high quality for every person." Id.
^"Hearings on H.R. 6084 Before the Subcomm. on Health and Environment of the
House Comm. on Energy and Commerce, 97th Cjng., 2d Sess. 58 (1982) (testimony of
James R. Tallon, Jr., Chairman, Committee on Health, Nev^ York State Assembly).
^''Differing opinions as to the reason states adopted certificate of need laws have
been offered. According to Curran, state legislators grafted CON programs onto voluntary
health planning programs in response to public concern for rising hospital and health
insurance costs. Curran, supra note 15, at 88-90. Havighurst suggests that certificate of
need laws were adopted to strengthen voluntary health planning and, in some states, to
limit proprietary hospital expansion. Havighurst, supra note 15, at 1148-50. Payton and
Powsner attribute the passage of CON legislation to the efforts of the voluntary hospital
establishment to forestall rate regulation and solidify its dominance of the hospital market.
Payton & Powsner, Regulation Through the Looking Glass: Hospitals, Blue Cross, and
Certificate of Need, 17 Mich. L. Rev. 203 (1980). Certificate of need legislation was
supported by the health planning establishment, the American Hospital Association, Blue
Cross, state insurance commissioners, and various business and labor groups, and opposed
by medical professional organizations, proprietary hospitals, and nursing home operators.
Curran, supra note 15, at 90. The legislatures themselves appear to have been motivated
by multiple concerns for cost containment, quality preservation, access assurance, and
public participation in health facility decision-making. See supra notes 16-30 and accom-
panying text.
■"Curran, supra note 15, at 85.
"Havighurst, supra note 15, at 1143-44.
assigned to comprehensive health planning agencies, which were often
instrumental in securing passage of the certificate of need laws.^^
Certificate of need programs adopted at this time varied considerably
in their scope of coverage. They generally covered a narrower range of
facilities and projects than were to be covered under subsequent federal
regulatory health planning initiatives. A contemporary survey reported
that nineteen programs subjected hospitals and nursing homes to reg-
ulation." One state (Oklahoma) covered nursing homes, but not hos-
pitals.^"^ Three states (Michigan, Oregon, and Rhode Island) covered
hospitals, but not nursing homes. ^^ About half subjected freestanding
outpatient facilities to review. None extended coverage to individual
physician's offices.
Under project coverage, most states reviewed "capital expenditures"
or similarly-labeled expansions of physical plants. Virtually all states had
expenditure '^thresholds," dollar amounts below which capital expend-
itures by health facilities were not subject to review. The expenditure
thresholds varied widely from $25,000 to $350,000.^^ Over half of the
states expressly covered increases in bed supply whether or not associated
with a capital expenditure. All appeared to cover substantial expansion
in services, sometimes without regard to expenditure thresholds. Ac-
quisitions of medical equipment were expressly subjected to review in
about half of the states, frequently with expenditure thresholds. However,
several states exempted replacement of equipment. Finally, ten states
covered both reductions in bed supply and/or termination of services."
C. Section 1122
Congressional concern with the costs of institutional health services
rose as the costs of the Medicare and Medicaid programs, established
in 1965, increased. Among the reasons for increasing Medicare and
Medicaid costs was the programs' open-ended payment to providers on
the basis of costs incurred in the provision of services to beneficiaries.^^
In addition to paying for reasonable costs directly associated with patient
care. Medicare and Medicaid paid for "capital costs," i.e., actual costs
of interest on capital indebtedness, an allowance for depreciation on
capital assets, and a fixed rate of return on equity capital used by
"H.R. Rep. No. 231, 92d Cong., 2d Sess., reprinted in 1972 U.S. Code Cong. &
Admin. News 4989, 5065-66.
''Havighurst, supra note 15, at 1144.
''Id. at 1145.
'Ud. at 1146 n.lO.
'''Id. at 1146 n.9.
''Id. at 1145-47.
"''See Kinney & Lefkowitz, Capital Cost Reimbursement to Community Hospitals
Under Federal Health Insurance Programs, 1 J. Health Pol. Pol'y & L. 648 (1982).
1038 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
proprietary health facilities for patient care.^'^ The Social Security Amend-
ments of 1972 contained several measures designed to restrain Medicare
and Medicaid program cost increases caused by incurred-cost reimburse-
ment. They included mandatory utilization review, ceilings on payment
for routine hospital inpatient costs, and the so-called **section 1122"
program.^ Section 1122 authorized the Secretary of Health, Education
and Welfare to contract with individual states for a review and rec-
ommendation to the Secretary on the community need for capital ex-
penditures proposed by or on behalf of health care facilities or health
maintenance organizations.^' State recommendations were to be based
on state health plans, including those adopted by comprehensive health
planning and Hill-Burton agencies. A negative state recommendation
usually would lead to withholding by the Secretary of payment under
Medicare and Medicaid for capital costs associated with the project. ^^
Although section 1122's enforcement sanction — denial of federal pro-
gram reimbursement — differed from that of state certificate of need
programs, its purpose was similarly to deter unnecessary capital invest-
ment by health facilities. An additional purpose was to assure that
Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement supported state health planning
programs. ^^
J. Section 1122 Coverage. — Despite its origin in congressional
concern over distorted incentives in Medicare and Medicaid reimburse-
ment, as implemented by the Department of Health Education and
Welfare, the section 1122 program extended the federal government's
practice, begun under the comprehensive health planning program, of
imposing extensive review requirements on virtually all categories of
health facilities. Health care facilities subject to review under the De-
partment's regulations encompassed the following: hospitals, psychiatric
hospitals, and tuberculosis hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, intermediate
care facilities, home health agencies, providers of outpatient physical
therapy services (including speech pathology services), kidney disease treat-
ment centers (including freestanding hemodialysis units), and organized
ambulatory care facilities such as health centers, family planning clinics,
and surgicenters, which are not part of a hospital but are organized and
operated to provide medical care to outpatients.^'*
In addition to health care facilities, health maintenance organizations
were subject to review.^^ Projects were subject to review when undertaken
'•"Social Security Amendments of 1972, Pub. L. No. 92-603, § 221, 86 Stat. 1329
(codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-l (Supp. I 1983)).
''See generally 42 C.F.R. §§ 100.101-100.109 (1985).
"-42 U.S.C. § 1320a-l(d) (1982).
'•'42 U.S.C. § 1320a-l(a) (1982).
'M2 C.F.R. § 100.103(a)(1) (1974).
"^42 C.F.R. § 100.103 (1974).
by or on behalf of health care facilities or health maintenance orga-
nizations and when they involved capital expenditures that: (1) exceeded
$100,000; (2) changed the bed capacity of the facility with respect to
which such expenditures were made; or (3) substantially changed the
services of the facility with respect to which such expenditures were
made.^^ Capital expenditures that changed bed capacity and substantially
changed services were defined by the Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare in the following manner:
[A] Capital expenditure that * 'changes the bed capacity" of a
facility means a capital expenditure that results in any increase
or decrease in licensed capacity under applicable state or local
law, or, if there is no such law, the number of beds in a given
facility as of January 1, 1973, as determined by the designated
planning agency.
[B] Capital expenditure that '^substantially changes the services"
of a facility means a capital expenditure that results in the
addition of a clinically related (i.e., diagnostic, curative, or
rehabilitative) service not previously provided in the facility or
the termination of such a service that had previously been pro-
vided in the facility.^^
The extreme breadth of section 1122 coverage may have been justified
from a comprehensive health planning perspective, but the connection
between section 1122's broad coverage and the cost containment concerns
that led to the program's adoption was difficult to identify.^^ The list
of health care facilities covered under section 1122 seems to have been
taken from the list of institutional providers eligible to participate in
Medicare or Medicaid.^' However, excessive capital investment of acquisi-
tion of costly new technology had never been associated with several of
these providers, including home health agencies, outpatient physical therapy
providers, or ambulatory care facilities. In fact, such providers were eligible
for Medicare reimbursement in part because they offered less capital-
intensive, lower-cost substitutes for hospital or nursing facility care.^" It
'M2 U.S.C. § 1320a-l (Supp. II 1972).
"'42 C.F.R. §§ 100.103(a)(2)(iii),(iv) (1974).
""Reflecting the linkage of the two programs, the original section 1122 regulations
also amended the comprehensive health planning regulations to conform their definitions
of covered health care facilities. 38 Fed. Reg. 31,281 (1973) (amending 42 C.F.R. §
51.4(i)(4) (repealed 1976)).
"''The list duplicated the list of Medicare-eligible providers in large part, and repeated
the facility definitions in Medicare or Medicaid regulations.
'"The Department of Health and Human Services eventually revised its interpretation
of the purposes of section 1122 with regard to service and bed terminations. In 1983, it
1040 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
would have been more consistent with Medicare and Medicaid cost con-
trol concerns to have exempted these facilities from section 1122 in order
to channel investment toward them and away from institutional providers.
Similarly, health maintenance organizations were a then-unusual form of
organized health care delivery favored by the federal government because
they appeared to operate with internal incentives for cost containment
and reduced investment. They would also have been likely candidates for
exemption from section 1122 coverage.
The Department's interpretation of the statutory phrases "substantial
change in services'' and "change in bed capacity" to include decreases
as well as increases in bed capacity and to include terminations of
services as well as service additions seems clearly inconsistent with the
role of the section 1122 program to compensate for distorted Medicare
incentives to excess capacity. The purpose for covering terminations of
beds and services is presumably to maintain existing services, not to
reduce capacity. Like the decision to cover a very broad array of non-
institutional facilities, the Department's decision to cover terminations
probably arose out of the perception that section 1122 was comprehensive
health planning's successor, with the same broad purposes.^'
D. Pre-NHPRDA State Participation in Capital Expenditure Review
State participation in the section 1122 program was optional. ^^ By
the beginning of 1975, thirty-nine states and two territories, many of
which already had certificate of need programs, had agreed to enter the
program. ^^ The states' willingness to do so may have been due in part
to the fact that section 1122 regulations and policy guidelines offered
a means by which a state could participate in section 1122, but waive
review of some of the exceedingly broad range of health care facilities
and projects covered by section 1122. A state was permitted to "elect
proposed to amend the section 1122 regulations to delete coverage of decreases in bed
capacity and termination of services that are not associated with capital expenditures in
excess of the current expenditure threshold. 48 Fed. Reg. 36,395 (to be codified at 42
C.F.R. §§ 3 125. 102(a), (b) (1983)). The preamble to the proposed regulations stated that
such a deletion would be "consistent with Section 1122's central purpose of assuring that
Medicare and Medicaid funds are not used to pay higher health care costs that result
from duplication or irrational growth of health care facilities, while at the same time
advancing the policy of the new Medicare prospective payment system, which provides
health care facilities with incentives to eliminate inefficient services." Id. at 36,391.
^-42 U.S.C. § 1 320a- 1(6)( 1982).
"Lewin & Assocs., Inc., The Experience with the Section 1122 Capital Ex-
penditure Review Program 14-15 (1985) (report prepared for Office of Health Planning
and Evaluation, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Dep't of Health &
Human Services, under Contract No. 282-83-0072) distributed in Office of Health Plan-
ning, U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services, Program Information Letter 85-17
not to review" categories or classes of projects identified in advance.^"*
Although the extent to which states elected not to review in order to
avoid the broad requirements of section 1122 prior to the passage of
NHPRDA is not known, states' frequent election after NHPRDA suggests
that states did resort to this provision to limit review scope7^
Twenty-six states had certificate of need programs, and seventeen
states had both certificate of need and 1122 in early 1975.^^ By the end
of 1975, every state except West Virginia and the District of Columbia
had either a certificate of need or section 1122 program. ^^ In short, well
before the adoption of the NHPRDA, the vast majority of states had
chosen to implement certificate of need or capital expenditure review.
Their programs were generally more limited in scope than the broad
programs favored by the federal government at the time. All these states
later accepted NHPRDA funding, obliging themselves to conform to its
requirements. However, for most states, the initial choice to adopt
certificate of need or participate in section 1122 was independent of
federal requirements.
IV. Certificate of Need Requirements of NHPRDA
Although regulatory health planning through certificates of need
began in the states, it became fully established as national policy with
the passage of NHPRDA. As originally adopted, NHPRDA embodied
the ideal of comprehensive health planning: management of the health
care delivery system by publicly-controlled, decentralized planning or-
ganizations. It was designed to induce every state to adopt a certificate
of need law conforming to federal requirements; to give local planning
agencies an official role in state planning and certificate of need review;
and to enhance the regulatory toughness of state programs by improving
the plans, criteria, and methodologies on which certificate of need de-
cisions were based and providing for a more skilled professional staff
for planning agencies. ^'^
'"Bureau of Health Planning, U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services, Election
Not to Review Under the Section 1122 Program, Program Information Letter 82-
04 (1981); Division of Comprehensive Health Planning, U.S. Dep't of Health, Ed-
ucation & Welfare, DPA Manual: Guidance and Procedures for Designated Plan-
ning Agencies in Administering Section 1122 of the Social Security Act 13 (1974).
In August 1983, the Department proposed to codify this poHcy in amended section 1122
regulations. See 48 Fed. Reg. 36,396 (1983) (to be codified at 42 C.F.R. § 125.03).
''E.g., Ga. Admin. Comp. § 272-3-.03 (1984); Iowa Admin. Code § 470-201.9 (1982)
(election not to review under section 1122 all projects not required to be reviewed by
certificate of need program).
'"Chayet & Sonnenreich, P.C, supra note 15, at 5-6.
'"A good account of the adoption of NHPRDA is B. Lefkowitz, Health Planning:
Lessons for the Future (1983).
1042 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
NHPRDA's local health planning agencies, denominated Health Sys-
tems Agencies (HSA's), replaced voluntary local health planning boards.
Elaborate requirements for public participation on HSA governing boards
were established to assure that HSA's would be consumer-controlled and
representative of all segments of the population. ^'^ HSA's had the task
of providing community based health planning for specified geographical
areas. Typically, there were three or four such health service areas, each
served by an HSA, within each state. HSA's also were required to be
allowed to participate in state certificate of need reviews by conducting
a public meeting on proposed projects and submitting recommended
findings with respect to projects.
NHPRDA provided for designation of state agencies, denominated
State Health Planning and Development Agencies (SHPDA's), to develop
a state health plan incorporating HSA plans and to administer certificate
of need programs. A state advisory panel made up of HSA representatives
was mandated. Certificate of need programs were required to provide
for review of capital expenditures, substantial changes in services, and
additions of beds by health care facilities. NHPRDA also prescribed
detailed review procedure requirements and a laundry list of criteria for
evaluating certificate of need applications. As the first of many attempts
over the years to merge the two programs, a state participating in section
1122 was required to designate its SHPDA as the agency to perform sec-
tion 1122 reviews.
NHPRDA did not literally compel states to adopt certificate of need
programs consistent with its provisions.**" Instead, it offered financial
inducements to do so, in the form of federal funding for SHPDA's,
and penalties for failure to do so. The penalties initially announced were
severe. If a state did not have a certificate of need program in compliance
with NHPRDA by a specified date, grants and contracts under numerous
other federal health programs to state, local, and private entities in the
state would be abruptly cancelled.**' The funding at risk could amount
to tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars in some states."^ Because
the funding at risk benefitted such diverse groups as community health
^"Pub. L. No. 93-641, § 3, 88 Stat. 2225, 2232-35 (1975) (current version at 42
U.S.C. § 300/-1 (1982)).
^"North Carolina ex rel. Morrow v. Califano, 445 F. Supp. 532 (E.D.N.C. 1977),
aff'd mem., 435 U.S. 962 (1978).
"^See Health Planning and Resources Development Amendments of 1979: Hearings
on H.R. 3041 and 3167 Before the Subcomm. on Health and the Environment of the
House Comm. on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. 108 (1979)
(statement of Hale Champion, Undersecretary of HEW) (NHPRDA relies on "atomic
bomb theory of penalty").
"-Manor Healthcare Corp. v. Northwest Community Hosp., 129 111. App. 3d 291,
295, 472 N.E.2d 492, 494 (1984) (Illinois would lose $465 million over four years if not
in compliance).
centers, medical students, academic health researchers funded by various
national institutes of health, and medical, dental, and nursing schools,
NHPRDA created a constituency strongly concerned with bringing state
certificate of need programs into compliance. Although as a result of
repeated congressional postponement of effective dates," the compliance
requirements of NHPRDA never became effective, the threat of their
enforcement was sufficient to induce every state to make concerted,
more or less successful, efforts to comply.
A. NHPRDA Coverage
NHPRDA's certificate of need coverage provisions were a revised
version of those in section 1122, which were based on comprehensive
health planning and Hill-Burton. Their source thus lay in the concept
of systematic management of health care delivery, not in any theory of
economic regulation. Although eventually scaled back, their broad scope
and mandatory nature led states to adopt certificate of need programs
with more extensive coverage than states would otherwise have chosen.
1. NHPRDA Coverage of Facilities. — Regulations adopted in 1977
to implement NHPRDA defined the health care facilities subject to
certificate of need review to include: hospitals, psychiatric hospitals,
tuberculosis hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities,
kidney disease treatment centers including freestanding hemodialysis units,
and ambulatory surgical facilities. In addition, health maintenance or-
ganizations were subject to review.^
Although the source of this set of covered facilities was the prior
section 1122 coverage provisions, there were several deletions from the
pre-NHPRDA definitions.*^^ First, providers of outpatient physical therapy
were no longer required to be covered. Second, coverage of home health
agencies was deleted."^ The reason seems to have been a belief that
market forces would adequately regulate the supply of these two types
of facilities. *^^ Third, coverage of organized ambulatory health care fa-
cilities was deleted. The reasons given were that '*the variety of forms
^'^See infra note 166 and accompanying text.
^M2 C.F.R. §§ 123.401, 404 (1977).
"^The original NHPRDA regulations for certificate of need programs also amended
the section 1 122 regulations, making their health care facility coverage identical to NHPRDA's.
'^'•Home health services were also excluded from the health services subject to review,
in order to exclude from coverage both home health agencies and home health services
offered in or through a health care facility or health maintenance organization. 42 C.F.R.
§ 123.404(a)(4) (1977).
"'A later effort to reinstitute coverage of home health agencies was rejected in
Congress in part on the grounds that "the supply of those services would not be excessive
if they were not regulated and that market forces of supply and demand may appropriately
allocate them." H.R. Rep. No. 190, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. 53, 76 (1979).
1044 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
in which organized ambulatory health care facilities manifest themselves
resulted in serious definitional difficulties under Section 1122'' and that
**in light of the uneven national distribution of organized ambulatory
health care facilities in the states, the Secretary has decided against
establishing a uniform national method for dealing with the problem at
this time."*^^ In fact, there was considerable debate in the Department
of Health, Education and Welfare over the merits of ambulatory facility
coverage, with attention focused on the costs associated with their ac-
quisition of sophisticated medical equipment. A proposal was advanced
to cover organized ambulatory health care facilities that generated annual
revenues in excess of $1,000,000/^ Although this proposal was not
adopted, NHPRDA was later amended in response to these concerns to
require certificate of need review of costly medical equipment used for
inpatients but located in non-inpatient settings. "^^
Since 1977, the set of entities subject to certificate of need review
under NHPRDA and section 1122 has remained substantially unchanged.*^'
To its credit, the Department of Health and Human Services has resisted
requests to reimpose coverage by regulation of home health agencies,
physician offices, and various types of ambulatory care facilities originally
covered under section 1122 or comprehensive health planning programs. ^^
2. Projects Subject to Review. — Over the years, the set of projects
subject to review under NHPRDA has been amended frequently, usually
but not invariably to reduce the range of projects subject to review.
The Act originally required states to review **new institutional health
services," as defined by the Secretary. *^^ New institutional health services
were defined by regulation as:
1. Construction, development, or establishment of a new health
care facility or health maintenance organization;
2. Capital expenditures by or on behalf of a health care facility
or health maintenance organization in excess of $150,000;
3. Increases in health care facility or HMO bed capacity, bed
category changes, and bed relocations; and
4. New clinically-related health services offered in or through a
health care facility or health maintenance organization.*^"*
'*'*41 Fed. Reg. 11,691 (1976) (preamble to proposed regulations).
'"Iglehart, The Cost and Regulation of Technology: Future Policy Directions, 55
MiLBANK Mem. Fund Q. 25, 40-43 (1977).
^°See infra notes 237-40 and accompanying text.
'''See 42 C.F.R. § 123.401 (1985). Rehabilitation facilities were added to NHPRDA
coverage in 1979 and have been proposed to be added to section 1122.
""See. e.g., 50 Fed. Reg. 2009 (1985); 45 Fed. Reg. 69,755 (1980).
■^'42 U.S.C. § 300m-2(a)(4)(A) (1976).
^42 C.F.R. § 123.404 (1977).
3. New Construction and Acquisition Coverage. — Coverage of con-
struction, development, etc., was a catch-all phrase for coverage of
new hospital construction. It was probably included to clarify that new
facilities as well as expansion of existing facilities were subject to review.
Most pre-NHPRDA state certificate of need laws contained a similar
term, and although it was deleted from the federal requirements in
1980,*^^ most continue to do so.*^^
Capital expenditures for acquisitions of existing health care facilities
or health maintenance organizations were exempt from mandatory review;
states had the option of covering such transactions.*^^ A rationale for
this exemption was not announced. The Department had previously taken
the position that section 1122 coverage of capital expenditures in excess
of $100,000 by or on behalf of a health care facility included coverage
of acquisitions of facilities, and it was not apparent why the same
language would have a different meaning in the NHPRDA context. "^^^
The basis for the exemption was probably the absence of a strong
justification for health planning agency review of transactions that did
not necessarily involve changes in patient care services. "^"^
4. Health Maintenance Organization Coverage. — As first adopted,
much like section 1122, NHPRDA required coverage of new institutional
health services offered by or on behalf of health maintenance organi-
zations.'^^' Both the health care delivery component of a health main-
tenance organization and its administrative and insuring aspects were
apparently covered, as were physicians and other providers who con-
tracted to serve HMO beneficiaries. An incidental effect of the coverage
of health maintenance organizations themselves rather than health care
facilities sponsored by HMO's was to require coverage of certain service-
related projects offered by health maintenance organizations which were
not required to be covered when offered by other health care facilities.
For example, the establishment of a non-surgical ambulatory care facility
component of a health maintenance organization was required to be
covered regardless of cost, although establishment of such a facility by
any other proponent would not have been subject to review unless
associated with at least a $150,000 capital expenditure.
■^^45 Fed. Reg. 69,746 (1980) (amending 42 C.F.R. § 123.404 (1977)).
"^See Table 3.
'''See 42 Fed. Reg. 4008 (1977).
'''See 41 Fed. Reg. 11,706 (1976) (proposing 42 C.F.R. § 100.103(c)).
■^Subsequent NHPRDA amendments added a provision requiring coverage of ac-
quisitions if the SHPDA found that the services or bed capacity of the facility being
acquired would be changed in the process. Health Planning and Resources Development
Amendments of 1979, Pub. L. No. 96-79, 117, 93 Stat. 592, 617-18 (codified at 42 U.S.C.
§ 300m-6(d) (1982)).
'"•'42 U.S.C. § 300n(5) (1976).
1046 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
From the time of their adoption, the HMO coverage requirements
of NHPRDA and section 1 122 were criticized as overbroad and a potential
hindrance to the spread of HMO's.'"' Congress and the Department of
Health and Human Services soon began to cut back the HMO coverage
provisions. In 1978, all references to HMO's were deleted from section
1122.'"' In 1979, a broad HMO exemption from NHPRDA was adopted.
It required state certificate of need programs to exempt HMO's and
inpatient health care facilities controlled or leased for a period of years
by an HMO if the HMO enrollment was at least 50,000, 75% of the
facilities' patients would be enrollees, and the facility would be geo-
graphically accessible to the enrollees.'"^ The 50,000 enrollee requirement
was deleted in 1981."*^ A similar but even broader exemption for facilities
used by HMO's was placed in section 1122 in 1983.'"^
5. Increase in Expenditure Threshold. — The $150,000 NHPRDA
capital expenditure threshold represented an increase over the $100,000
level under the section 1122 program. This was the first of repeated
NHPRDA and section 1122 expenditure threshold increases over the
years. The rationales offered for this first, modest increase were essentially
the same as those offered each time the thresholds have been increased
— that few significant capital expenditures cost less than the new, elevated
threshold, and that due to inflation, the increase retained coverage
unaltered in constant dollars.'"^ Though not articulated by the Depart-
ment, an additional justification for this and subsequent threshold in-
creases was to remove certificate of need programs' authority over
projects not involving major expansion of clinical health services. Health
facilities, particularly hospitals, routinely incur capital expenditures for
physical plant maintenance and improvement of non-patient care areas
and equipment. Health planning agencies tend to be drawn into reviewing
these costs by thresholds at the $100,000 level. Yet the agencies possessed
no particular expertise to oversee the decisions of health facilities on
the timing and amount of such transactions, the relationship between
such projects and the rationales for certificate of need regulation were
attenuated, and the delay caused by even cursory review of such projects
generated considerable objection from regulated facilities.'"^
'"^See Havighurst, Health Maintenance Organizations and the Health Planners, 1978
Utah L. Rev. 123, 141.
'"-See Health Maintenance Organizations Amendments of 1978, Pub. L. No. 95-559,
§ 14(b)(l)-(3), 92 Stat. 2141.
'"^Health Planning and Resources Development Amendments of 1979, Pub. L. No.
96-79, Sec. 117(a), 93 Stat. 614 (codified at 42 U.S.C. § 300m-6(b)(l) (1982)).
'""Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Pub. L. No. 97-35, § 949(c), 95 Stat.
'"^Social Security Amendments of 1983, Pub. L. No. 98-21 § 607(c), 97 Stat. 172.
"M2 Fed. Reg. 4008 (1977).
'"'See, e.g.. Brown, supra note 12, at 485-86.
6. Changes in Bed Capacity. — Regulation adopted after NHPRDA's
passage defined bed capacity changes subject to review as
[a] change in bed capacity of a health care facility or health
maintenance organization which increases the total number of
beds (or distributes beds among various categories or relocates
such beds from one physical facility or site to another) by more
than ten beds or more than ten percent (10%) of total bed
capacity as defined by the state, whichever is less, over a two
year period. '^'*^
Bed category changes and bed relocations had not been subject to review
under the 1122 rules. However, the Department decided to subject such
transactions to certificate of need coverage on the grounds that substantial
conversions could affect the delivery and cost of health services.'"*^
Like the capital expenditure threshold increase, the exemption for
'insubstantial" changes, i.e., bed capacity and other changes of ten
beds or less or ten percent of total bed capacity, whichever was less,
over a two-year period, was intended to shift regulatory review away
from relatively minor projects. The Department had considered several
versions of this exemption. It initially proposed to cover any addition,
relocation, or category change."" Then, an extremely generous insub-
stantial change exemption was announced in the adopted regulations. It
exempted bed capacity changes of less than forty beds or twenty-five per-
cent of total bed capacity, whichever was less, over a two-year period.'" This
was a potentially major exemption from certificate of need, particularly
for bed category conversions."^ In recognition of the size of this loophole,
shortly thereafter the "forty beds or twenty-five percent" exemption was
changed to the **ten beds or ten percent" provision."^ The current
federal regulations cover substantial bed capacity changes associated with
any capital expenditure, leaving the definition of exempt insubstantial
changes up to individual states. ""*
"M2 C.F.R. § 123.404(a)(3) (1977).
'"^42 Fed. Reg. 4008 (1977). Required coverage of bed category changes and bed
relocations was deleted from the federal regulations in 1985 in order to allow states greater
flexibility in operating their certificate of need programs. 42 C.F.R. § 123.404(a)(2) (1985).
See 50 Fed. Reg. 2008 (1985).
""41 Fed. Reg. 11,702 (1976) (proposing to adopt 42 C.F.R. § 123.404(a)(3)).
'"42 Fed. Reg. 4029 (1977) (adopting 42 C.F.R. § 123.404(a)(3)).
"-A forty bed addition would usually generate a capital expenditure in excess of the
threshold and therefore come under review notwithstanding the exemption. The same thing
would probably be true for bed relocations. However, for bed conversions the provision
would, for example, allow a 160-bed acute care hospital facility to convert into a 90-bed
acute care facility with a 70-bed skilled nursing unit in two years and a day, assuming
no capital expenditure in excess of $150,000.
"H2 Fed. Reg. 18,607 (1977) (amending 42 C.F.R. § 122.404(a)(3)).
"M2 C.F.R. § 123.404(a)(2) (1985).
1048 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
7. Coverage of Changes in Health Services. — The initial NHPRDA
regulations provided for coverage of
[h]ealth services, except home health services, which are offered
in or through a health care facility or health maintenance or-
ganization and which were not offered on a regular basis in or
through such health care facility or health maintenance orga-
nization within the twelve-month period prior to the time such
services would be offered."^
The Department of Health and Human Services has never specified the
services that fall within the term "health services," except to indicate
that the term refers to clinical services."^ It has stated, somewhat un-
helpfully, that "Ia]ny service is covered if it is included in the scope
of coverage developed by the state. ""^ Additionally, it has never clarified
whether increases in the volume, intensity, or type of clinical services
provided in a department constitute a new service, or whether only a
new department or cost center would be covered."^
8. Bed and Service Terminations. — Capital expenditures exceeding
the threshold for termination or reduction of beds or health services
were also exempted from capital expenditure coverage. This provision
represented a departure from section 1122, under which capital expend-
itures of any amount for termination of services or reduction of beds
are covered."*^ Although the Department amended the NHPRDA reg-
ulations in 1980 to require coverage of capital expenditures associated
with bed and service terminations, it recently deleted the requirement
once again, so that at present, states are not required to cover termi-
nations.'^° The Department has also proposed to delete the section 1122
requirement that terminations be covered.'^'
"^42 Fed. Reg. 4029 (1977) (adopting 42 C.F.R. § 123.404(a)(4)).
""50 Fed. Reg. 2014 (1985) (amending 42 C.F.R. § 123.401).
"M2 Fed. Reg. 4008 (1977). The Department has occasionally expressed its views on
whether certain activities should be considered new services. The 1977 regulations excluded
home health services from the "health services" definition. In 1979, the Department
adopted regulations requiring coverage of radiological diagnostic health services provided
by fixed or mobile computed tomography (CT) scanning equipment under state certificate
of need programs. 42 C.F.R. § 123.404(a)(5) (1979) (amended 1981); see also 42 C.F.R.
§ 100.103(a)(2)(iv) (1985) (addition of CT scanning is a substantial change in services
under section 1 122).
'"See Community Psychiatric Centers of Or., Inc. v. Grant, Civ. No. 79-782 (D.
Or. July 8, 1980), rev'd on other grounds, 664 F.2d 1148 (9th Cir. 1981) (interpreting
federal regulations to cover extensive changes in the level or volume of clinical services).
"42 C.F.R. §§ 100.103(a)(2)(iii), (iv) (1985).
"42 C.F.R. §§ 123.404(a)(2),(3) (1985).
'-^See 48 Fed. Reg. 36,395 (1983) (to be codified at 42 C.F.R. § 125.102).
1 1 4^
B. State Certificate of Need Coverage After Passage of NHPRDA
Passage of NHPRDA prompted more states to adopt certificate of
need laws so that by 1978, forty states and the District of Columbia
had certificate of need programs. '^^ All but one of these covered hospitals
and nursing homes. Georgia was the exception, covering only nursing
homes. Thirty-six states covered ambulatory surgical facilities, an increase
from earlier surveys probably due to coverage of such facilities under
NHPRDA and section 1122.'^^ Twenty-four states covered home health
agencies, even though such coverage was not required under either
NHPRDA or section 1122.'^^
Virtually every state subjected capital expenditures to review, in-
cluding physical plant construction and other major capital expenditures.
Thresholds varied from state to state, though less than they had in 1973.
All but a handful of states had $100,000 or $150,000 thresholds. '^^ This
consensus on expenditure thresholds was undoubtedly due to the state
participation in 1122 or NHPRDA, which had $100,000 and $150,000
thresholds respectively.
All but two states expressly covered increases in bed supply. '^^ This
was a greater number than had covered such transactions in 1973,
probably reflecting national concern with excess bed capacity and the
coverage of such transactions under 1122 and NHPRDA. More than
half of the states continued to cover even single bed additions, rather
than using the insubstantial increase exception permitted by NHPRDA.
However, two states had adopted the '*forty beds or twenty-five percent"
increase exemption proposed by HEW in 1977.'^^ Half of the states
covered bed supply reductions. All but three states covered additions of
new health services. Eighteen states covered deletions of services in one
form or another. '^^
C Health Planning and Resources Development Amendments of
In late 1979, there was dissatisfaction in Congress with implemen-
tation of NHPRDA.'^ The costs of health care had continued to increase
at a steady pace. Congress believed that excess capacity, the target of
NHPRDA, was one cause of the increase. However, a number of econ-
'--Cohodes, supra note 7, at 87-88.
'-^Chayet &. SoNNENREiCH, P.C., supra note 15, at 11.
'-•^Cohodes, supra note 7, at 88.
'"H.R. Rep. No. 190, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. 47-101 (1979); S. Rep. No. 96, 96th Cong.,
1st Sess. 50-93, reprinted in 1979 U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News 1306, 1355-98.
1050 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
ometric studies circulating at the time had concluded that certificate of
need programs, as then constituted, did not have a significant impact
on the rate of hospital capital investment.'^"
In addition, certificate of need programs were generating a significant
amount of controversy and litigation. A series of well-publicized reversals
suggested that the planning agencies wavered between rigidly applying
numerical need formulae that ignored the statutory criteria or rulemaking
requirements and issuing unpredictable, ad hoc rulings.'^' Legal com-
mentators had suggested a variety of reforms in the review process. '^^
There was great concern that certificate of need coverage of expenditures
for costly medical equipment was being evaded. Finally, there was concern
that the existing pattern of certificate of need coverage in the law and
regulations placed a very heavy workload on planning agencies and
dictated that nearly as much time be spent on projects with small cost
implications as on major projects.
In response. Congress passed the Health Planning and Resources
Development Amendments of 1979.'^^ In spirit, if not in coverage scope,
they narrowed the focus of federally-mandated certificate of need from
general health system management to economic regulation.'^"* Although
cost containment was a dominant purpose of the amendments, they also
added statutory provisions mandating as review criteria the accessibility
of proposed services and the quality of care previously provided by a
certificate of need applicant. '^^ A number of important procedural changes
were adopted, including provisions requiring comparative review of com-
""See Cohodes, supra note 7, at 76-77 and studies cited therein.
'"See, e.g.. North Miami Gen. Hosp., Inc. v. Office of Community Medical Facilities,
355 So. 2d 1272 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1978) (inconsistent application of criterion); Huron
Valley Hosp., Inc. v. Michigan State Health Facilities Comm'n, 110 Mich. App. 236, 312
N.W.2d 422 (1981) (undisclosed preference for existing facilities over new construction);
Irvington Gen. Hosp. v. Department of Health, 149 N.J. Super. 461, 374 A.2d 49 (1977);
Sturman v. Ingraham, 52 A.D.2d 882, 383 N.Y.S.2d 60 (1976) (exclusive reliance on bed
need formula in disregard of statutory criteria).
'^See, e.g., Bovbjerg, Problems and Prospects for Health Planning: The Importance
of Incentives, Standards, and Procedures in Certificate of Need, 1978 Utah L. Rev. 83,
111-115; Schonbrum, Making Certificate of Need Work, 57 N.C.L. Rev. 1259 (1979).
'"Pub. L. No. 96-79, 93 Stat. 592 (1979).
'''See 42 U.S.C. § 300k-2 (Supp. Ill 1979) (legislative finding that states should
exercise the certificate of need function under NHPRDA to allocate the supply of health
services for which, by reason primarily of reimbursement mechanism distortions, the market
does not or will not do so).
"^42 U.S.C. §§ 300m-l(c)(6)(E),(14) (1982). The legislative history of these provisions
reveals strong support for planning agency use of certificate of need programs as vehicles
for reducing economic barriers to medical care for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries
and the medically indigent. S. Rep. No. 96, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. 78, reprinted in 1979
U.S. Code Cong. & Admin. News 1306, 1374-76 (SHPDA's and HSA's should use their
full range of authority and influence to remedy access problems).
peting applications and administrative appellate review of SHPDA de-
cisions on certificate of need applications.'^^ Several provisions were
added to strengthen certificate of need decision-making by improving
state health plan development and making consistency with the state
health plan the primary review criterion. '^^ Finally, after the amendments,
NHPRDA required states to cover capital expenditures exceeding $150,000,
capital expenditures substantially changing the bed capacity of a health
care facility or substantially changing the services of such facility, new
institutional health services entailing annual operating costs in excess of
an expenditure minimum of $75,000, and acquisitions of major medical
equipment costing in excess of an expenditure minimum of $150,000.'^*
1. Capital Expenditure Coverage. — Coverage of general purpose
capital expenditures exceeding the expenditure minimum remained es-
sentially as it was prior to the 1979 amendment. '^^ Coverage of bed
capacity changes and service changes was modified. Previously any bed
supply increase, decrease, category redistribution, or relocation exceeding
the '*ten beds or ten percent*' exemption was subject to review. Now
such transactions were covered only if a capital expenditure was incurred
to accomplish them."*^ In practice, this change probably served to exempt
only a few previously-covered bed supply decreases and category redis-
Similarly, where previously all health service additions were covered,
now such transactions were covered only if associated with a capital
expenditure (or, as noted infra, if the new service's annual operating
costs exceeded the operating cost expenditure threshold)."*' Whether or
not this change had any noticeable effect on a state's scope of coverage
'M2 U.S.C. §§ 300k-l(b)(12)(D),(13)(A)(iii) (1982).
'"42 U.S.C. §§ 300m-3, 300m-6(a)(5) (1982).
'M2 U.S.C. §§ 300m-6(a)(l), 300n(5) (1982).
"The 1979 amendments did authorize states, in their discretion, to begin annually
adjusting their capital expenditure (and annual operating cost) thresholds upward according
to an index of changes in construction costs. Both the capital expenditure and annual
operating cost thresholds were eligible for adjustment. A state opting to make full use
of the adjustment could have increased its thresholds over the statutory maximum by a
total of 23 percent by 1985. Applied to the increased capital expenditure threshold authorized
in 1981, the current maximum complying capital expenditure threshold would be $736,2(X).
See 50 Fed. Reg. 14,027 (1985).
^'"Compare 42 C.F.R. § 123.404(a)(3) (1977) with 42 C.F.R. § 123.404(a)(2) (1981)
(amended 1985).
'^'The 1979 amendments were also interpreted by the Department of Health and
Human Services to provide for coverage of capital expenditures associated with the
termination of a health service. 42 C.F.R. § 123.404(a)(3) (1981) (amended 1985). The
Department's rationale for covering bed and service terminations was that such coverage
would permit states to use certificate of need programs to promote accessibility of health
services, especially to the indigent and medically underserved. See 45 Fed. Reg. 69,757-
81 (1980).
1052 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
depended greatly on the state's definition of * 'health service." A state
that defined ''services" to include some clinical procedures (e.g., open-
heart surgery) as well as brick-and-mortar departments might find some
formerly-covered projects escaping review, since some clinical services
can be commenced \yithout the need to incur capital costs. '^^
2. New Health Services Exceeding an Annual Operating Cost
Minimum. — A new category of coverage was added by the 1979 amend-
ments. Implementing regulations provided for coverage in the following
[t]he addition of a health service which is offered by or on
behalf of a health care facility which was not offered by or on
behalf of the facility within the twelve-month period before the
month in which the service would be offered, and which entails
annual operating costs of at least the expenditure minimum for
annual operating costs. "'^
The expenditure minimum for annual operating cost was another ex-
penditure threshold, set at $75,000.''^
The purpose of introducing an annual operating cost threshold into
certificate of need coverage of new services was to trim review back to
those projects with the greatest cost implications. Annual operating cost
thresholds for certificate of need review had been under discussion for
some time prior to the 1979 amendments. In 1978, a NHPRDA amend-
ment bill restricting certificate of need coverage to health services entailing
annual operating costs of $50,000 or more and acquisitions of medical
equipment costing $150,000 or more passed the Senate but was not acted
on by the House. '"^^ During this period, a number of health policy
analysts argued that the institutional health services sector was not as
capital-intensive as previously assumed and that the overall cost-inflating
impact of capital investment came more from the additional operating
costs generated by projects than from the capital costs of such projects
themselves."*^ It was also observed that although high capital cost projects
'^-However, non-capital expenditure service additions might be covered as additions
of services entailing annual operating costs in excess of the expenditure minimum for
annual operating costs. See infra note 202 and accompanying text.
'^'42 C.F.R. § 123.404(a)(3)(ii) (1981).
'^^The expenditure minimum for annual operating costs could be adjusted for inflation
like the capital expenditure threshold. If a state made full use of the adjustment and
increased its annual operating cost threshold to the elevated level authorized by 1981
NHPRDA amendments, its current expenditure minimum for annual operating costs would
be $306,750.
'^^S. 2410, 95th Cong., 2d Sess. (1978).
'^''See, e.g., D. Schneider, The Relationship Between Capital and Operating
Costs in Hospitals: Implications for Regulatory Control 8-12 (Rennsalaer Polytechnic
Inst., Final Report 1981) (estimates that six percent of hospital costs were attributable to
capital costs).
were usually associated with high operating costs, some projects and
services (e.g., renal dialysis stations) required low initial investment, but
generated high costs of operation.''*^ This work suggested that it might
be appropriate to substitute an annual operating cost threshold for the
capital expenditure threshold (or to retain a high threshold only for
non-service-related capital expenditures large enough to have a cost impact
on their own)."*^ The coverage provisions in the 1978 Senate bill seem
to have adopted this approach. Unfortunately, the 1979 amendments did
not. Although they introduced an annual operating cost threshold for
new services, they retained coverage of any service addition associated
with a capital expenditure in any amount. Continued coverage of service
additions associated with any capital expenditure probably rendered the
annual operating cost threshold relatively unimportant, because most
service additions require some capital expenditure and consequently are
covered regardless of operating cost.
3. Major Medical Equipment. — The 1979 amendments introduced
another new element of coverage: acquisition by any person of major
medical equipment costing in excess of $150,000. Equipment not owned
by or located in a health care facility was excluded unless: (1) the state's
SHPDA found, after notice from the person acquiring the equipment,
that it would be used to provide services for inpatients of a hospital;
or (2) prior to September 30, 1982, the state certificate of need program
provided for coverage of such equipment. '^"^
Coverage of major medical equipment was adopted to prevent what
was seen as a major gap in coverage giving rise to widespread evasion
of certificate of need laws. At about the same time as NHPRDA was
adopted, several types of expensive high-technology medical devices ap-
peared on the market. Chief among these was the computed tomography
(CT) scanner, a diagnostic radiological machine which typically cost in
excess of $300,000 to acquire, generated annual operating costs in excess
of $250,000, and (though rapidly accepted by clinicians) was of unproven
'^7g^. ; see also Arthur D. Little, Inc., Development of an Evaluation Meth-
odology FOR Use in Assessing Data Available to the Certificate of Need (CON)
AND Health Planning Programs 53-95, 187-89, and studies cited at 20-22 (Final Report
prepared for Office of the Ass't Sec'y for Health, U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services,
under Contract No. 233-79-4(X)3 (1982)).
'^"^Alternatively, a very low capital expenditure threshold and no annual spending cost
threshold could be used, but this would result in coverage of some low operating cost,
low capital cost projects. See Cohen & Cohodes, Certificate of Need and Low Capital-
Cost Technology, 60 Milbank Mem. Fund Q. 307, 314-15 (1982).
'••*'42 U.S.C. § 300m-6(e)(l) (1982). The 1980 regulations specified that major medical
equipment could be used to provide services to inpatients on a temporary basis in the
case of natural disaster, major accident, or equipment failure without undergoing review.
42 C.F.R. § 123.404(a)(4)(iii) (1981).
1054 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
efficacy.'^*' Reports surfaced that hospitals were evading certificate of
need and section 1122 coverage of such devices by placing them in
adjacent non-hospital buildings or vesting their ownership in persons or
entities not subject to review, while using the equipment for inpatients.'^'
In response, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare published
NHPRDA and section 1 122 regulations requiring coverage of CT scanning
as a new service.'" The Department and various others also supported
NHPRDA amendments that would have covered large capital projects
in non-institutional settings, including acquisitions of costly medical
equipment.'" However, physician groups strongly opposed such a pro-
vision on the ground that it would extend certificate of need review into
physicians' offices, and argued that the states ought to be given the
option of extending coverage to medical equipment outside the insti-
tutional setting.'^"* The provision adopted in 1979 represented a com-
promise between these views.
4. Expedited Review and Low-Priority Project Exceptions. — Various
groups testifying before Congress about the 1979 NHPRDA amendments
or commenting on the 1980 implementing regulations suggested amend-
ments and changes to streamline certificate of need review and exempt
certain classes or categories of projects. The leading target for exemption
was projects for remodeling and replacement of obsolete facilities and
equipment. '^^ Because excess capacity is one of the primary rationales
for adopting certificate of need statutes, such an exemption appears self
defeating. By denying an application for a certificate of need to replace
an obsolete facility or equipment, SHPDA's can exercise a ''de facto''
decertification power over existing excess capacity in the industry. '^^ The
""American Hosp. Ass'n, CT Scanners: A Technical Report 43, 51 (1977). See
generally U.S. Cong., Ofhce of Technology Assessment, Policy Implications of the
Computed Tomography (CT) Scanner (1978).
'"See Health Planning and Resources Development Amendments of 1979: Hearings
on H.R. 3041 and 3167 Before the Subcomm. on Health and the Environment of the
House Comm. on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. 521 (1979)
(testimony of Russell Johan, Exec. Dir., Southeastern Wis. Health Systems Agency)
($750,000 CT scanner reportedly installed by physician group in old hamburger stand).
'^-42 C.F.R. §§ 100.103(a)(2)(iv), 123.404(a)(5) (1979) (amended 1981).
^^^ Health Planning Amendments of 1978: Hearings on S. 2410 Before the Subcomm.
on Health and Scientific Research of the Senate Comm. on Human Resources, 95th Cong.,
2d Sess. 128, 134 (1978) (statement of Hale Champion, Secretary of HEW).
'^'Health Planning Amendments of 1978, S. Rep. 845 (to accompany S. 2410), 95th
Cong., 2d Sess. 188-89 (1978).
'"Exemption or streamlined review was not a new idea. The California certificate of
need program had for several years provided a broad exemption for projects to remodel
or replace facilities or equipment in existence at the time the state's certificate of need
program was adopted. Cal. Health & Safety Code § 437.13 (West 1976) (repealed 1984).
In addition, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare had advised states in 1977
of the option of "expedited review" of projects. See 42 Fed. Reg. 4007, 4009 (1977).
'"'See Kopit, Krill & Bonnie, Hospital Decertification: Legitimate Regulation or a
Taking of Private Property?, 1978 Utah L. Rev. 179.
effect of placing an exemption in a certificate of need law is to forgo
the opportunity to close down existing excess capacity and to limit the
program's impact to new and expanded services. However, hospital decer-
tification, whether accompHshed directly or indirectly through denial of
remodeling and replacement project applications, usually encounters power-
ful political opposition. '^^ In addition, generally lower costs of remodel-
ing and replacement, as opposed to new services, and stable or increasing
patient populations mean that such projects are seldom turned down on
their merits by planning agencies. '^^
The 1979 NHPRDA amendments did not adopt a remodeling and
replacement exemption, but they did take a step in that direction by
authorizing a form of limited review of certain replacement and high
priority projects. The statute and regulations provided that capital ex-
penditures (1) to eliminate or prevent imminent safety hazards (as defined
by federal, state, or local fire, building, or life safety codes and reg-
ulations); (2) to comply with state licensure standards; and (3) to comply
with the accreditation standards necessary for Medicare or Medicaid
reimbursement should be approved unless the state agency found that
the facility or service for which the capital expenditure was proposed
was unneeded or that the obligation of the capital expenditure for the
project was inconsistent with the state health plan.'-*^
D. Continued Implementation of NHPRDA
Adoption of state certificate of need statutes in response to NHPRDA
continued steadily after the passage of the 1979 amendments. By 1980,
forty-seven states and the District of Columbia had certificate of need
programs. Only Louisiana, Idaho, and Indiana lacked certificate of need
statutes, and all three had 1122 programs. By the end of 1980, Idaho
and Indiana had adopted certificate of need laws.'^" Several states ter-
minated their 1122 agreements after they adopted certificate of need
laws.'^' This change was due in part to the perception that the presence
of a certificate of need program rendered section 1122 superfluous.'^^
Additionally, the Department of Health and Human Services did not
provide any additional funding for the cost of administering both cer-
tificate of need and 1122 programs.'"
'"'See, e.g.. Carpenter & Paul-Shaheen, Implementing Regulatory Reform: The Saga
of Michigan's Debedding Experiment, 9 J. Health Pol. Pol'y & L. 453 (1984).
'""See infra note 174.
'^"42 U.S.C. § 300m-6(c) (Supp. Ill 1979).
'""American Health Planning Ass'n, Selected Data on State Health Planning
AND Related Programs (1982).
""Congressional Budget Office, Health Planning: Issues for Reauthorization
14-15 (1982).
"-S. Rep. No. 96, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. 43, reprinted in 1979 U.S. Code Cong. &
Admin. News 1306, 1348.
"''See 44 Fed. Reg. 44,345 (1979).
1056 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
E. Recent NHPRDA Amendments
Since the 1979 amendments, NHPRDA has not undergone major
revision. However, the relationship between NHPRDA's certificate of
need requirements and state certificate of need programs has been drast-
ically altered, and NHPRDA's coverage provisions themselves have been
The provision of NHPRDA authorizing appropriations for funding
HSA's and SHPDA's expired September 30, 1982.'^ From that time
until the present. Congress has temporarily continued the program in
annual appropriations bills. '^^ Each year, Congress has appended a rider
to the appropriations bills forbidding the Secretary of Health and Human
Services from terminating or penalizing a state that fails to have a
certificate of need program complying with NHPRDA during the fiscal
year covered by the bill.'^^ The effect of these provisions has been to
release states from the risk of losing federal funds by amending their
certificate of need statutes to deviate from NHPRDA. '^^ In the wake
of these provisions, numerous states have adopted certificate of need
coverage provisions differing sharply from NHPRDA.
The NHPRDA coverage provisions themselves also have been sub-
stantially cut back. The Health Programs Extension Act of 1980 added
a permissive exemption from certificate of need coverage for projects
* 'solely for research. ""^*^ The NHPRDA exemption applies to projects
solely for research that would not affect patient charges or substantially
change bed capacity or medical and other patient care services of the
facility (either initially or after the project has been developed). '^'^
"^42 U.S.C. § 300n-6 (1982).
"•■Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education and Related
Agencies Appropriations Act, 1986, Pub. L. No. 99-178, Title II, 99 Stat. 1102, 1109 (1985);
Continuing Appropriations 1985, Pub. L. No. 98-473, § 315(k), 98 Stat. 1837, 1963 (1984);
Continuing Resolution 1984, Pub. L. No. 98-151, § 101(c), 97 Stat. 964, 972 (1983); Conti-
nuing Appropriations 1984, Pub. L. No. 98-107, § 101(f), 97 Stat. 733, 736 (1983); Further
Continuing Appropriations 1983, Pub. L. No. 97-377, § 101(e)(2), 96 Stat. 1830, 1905-6
(1982); Continuing Appropriations Fiscal Year 1983, Pub. L. No. 97-276, § 133, 96 Stat.
1186, 1197 (1982).
"*E.g., Further Continuing Appropriations for the Fiscal Year 1986, § 124, 99 Stat.
1185, 1320 (1985) ("no penalty shall be applied nor any State or agency agreement
terminated pursuant to sections 1512, 1515, or 1521 of the Public Health Service Act
during fiscal year 1986.")
"•'A court has also held that the appropriations bills' riders implicitly repeal NHPRDA
certificate of need requirements, rendering them unenforceable by third parties (who are
not specifically barred from enforcement actions by the express terms of the riders).
Harrisburg Hosp. v. Thornburgh, 616 F. Supp. 699 (M.D. Pa. 1985), aff'd mem., 791
F.2d 918 (3d Cir. 1986).
''Tub. L. No. 96-538, § 307, 94 Stat. 3183, 3191 (1980) (codified at 42 U.S.C.
§ 300m-6(h) (1982)).
"""42 U.S.C. § 300m-6(h)(1982). Proposals to grant special treatment for research and
education projects had a long history. See 38 Fed. Reg. 31,380 (1973) in which the
In the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, the NHPRDA
capital expenditure threshold was increased to $600,000, the expenditure
minimum for major medical equipment was increased to $400,000, and
the expenditure minimum for annual operating costs was raised to
$250,000.'^" The purpose of these changes was to * 'promote focusing
the resources available for certificate of need reviews on the most ex-
pensive and future cost-generating new investments in medical care.'"^'
High inflation during this period clearly necessitated some threshold
increases simply to retain coverage at the originally adopted level. A
$150,000 capital expenditure for construction in 1977 would have cost
in excess of $232,000 by 1982.'^^ Furthermore, many state CON programs
were experiencing great problems keeping up with their review work-
load.'^^ Low thresholds meant agencies were bogged down in review of
routine replacement expenditures and expenditures for projects, such as
acquisition of computerized medical information systems, telephone sys-
tems, and parking structures, that were unrelated to patient care. Ap-
proval rates for such projects tended to be very high.'^'*
In addition, there was increasing recognition at this time that se-
lectively raising thresholds would focus certificate of need review on the
most costly and controversial projects. One study indicated that by
Secretary rejected a proposal to give special consideration to health-related teaching and
research capital expenditures under the section 1122 program. In 1978, Massachusetts
added a provision to its certificate of need statute exempting capital expenditures and
substantial changes in services if they were essential to the conduct of research in basic
bio-medical or health care delivery areas or essential to the training of health care personnel,
and would not increase capacity or charges. Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. Ill, § 25(c)
(West 1978) (amended 1980, 1981). With the Massachusetts law as a prototype, in 1979
the Association of American Medical Colleges recommended an amendment to NHPRDA
which would have exempted from CON review medical education and research projects
with only minor health service impacts. Health Planning Amendments of 1979: Hearing
on S. 594 Before the Subcomm. on Health and Scientific Research of the Senate Comm.
on Labor and Human Resources, 96th Cong., 1st Sess. 464 (1979) (statement of John
A.D. Cooper, President, Association of American Medical Colleges).
'^"Pub. L. No. 97-35, §§ 936(a)(l)-(3), 95 Stat. 572 (1981) (codified as amended at
42 U.S.C. § 3(X)n(5),(6),(7) (1982)).
'^'Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, H.R. Rep. No. 208, 97th Cong., 2d
Sess. 823 (1981).
^''^See U.S. Dep't of Commerce, Construction Review 754 (December 1982); U.S.
Dep't of Commerce, Statistical Abstract of the United States: 1981 754 (1981). The
section 1122 threshold was even further out of adjustment than the NHPRDA thresholds.
A $100,000 construction expenditure in 1973 would have cost $225,000 by 1982. Id.
'^■The volume of certificate of need applications had increased while agency funding
had decreased. See supra note 8; Office of Health Planning, U.S. Dep't of Health
& Human Services, Status Report on State Certificate of Need Programs 3 (1985).
"^For example, from 1973-82 the certificate of need application approval rates in
Florida for equipment replacement and expansion/renovation (not involving new services)
were 99.4 percent and 98.1 percent respectively, while the approval rate for all other
projects was 81.4 percent. Office of Health Planning, Fla. Dep't of Health &
Rehabilitative Services, Annual Report on Certificate of Need Activity 42 (1984).
1058 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
increasing the capital threshold in New York from $100,000 to $1,000,000
and setting a $250,000 annual operating threshold for new services, three
quarters of the projects reviewed in 1979 would have been exempted.
The remaining projects subject to review, however, would account for
77% of the capital cost and over 96% of the operating cost impU-
cations of all projects proposed under the lower thresholds. '^^ Sim-
ilarly, a Department of Health and Human Services study indicated that
almost 60% of the certificate of need/section 1122 applications in
the 1979-1980 study year were for expenditures below $500,000. These
projects accounted for less than 10% of the proposed costs. Further-
more, approval rates were higher for lower cost projects.''^ Build-
ing on these studies, a number of recommendations for certificate of
need coverage reform were put forth at this time.'^^ A common theme
was the need to redefine coverage terms so as to focus on high priority
projects. One study advocated high capital expenditure thresholds and
an annual operating cost threshold for new services.'^** However, it also
recommended covering, without regard to operating or capital cost, those
new services or items of equipment for which quality of care rationales
for certificate of need coverage were strongest. '^"^ Others recommended
covering specified services or technologies rather than using expenditure
or cost thresholds.'^" The threshold increases adopted by Congress in
the 1981 Budget Act did not exactly follow these proposals."^' Because
'"D. Schneider, supra note 146.
"*E. Coleman, Volume and Value of CON/1122 Applications (Bureau of Health
Planning, U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services, Program Information Note 81-7
'''See, e.g., J. Howell, Regulating Hospital Capital Investment: The Experience
OF Massachusetts (Nat'l Center for Health Serv. Res., Research Summary Series (1981));
D. Schneider, supra note 146; Cohen & Cohodes, supra note 148.
'"*D. Schneider, supra note 146, at 11, 15-16.
""'Cohen & Cohodes, supra note 148; see also J. Howell, supra note 177, at 21.
"•'Threshold levels were negotiable items in the political debate over health planning
in 1981, with opponents of the program seeking to reduce the number of projects subject
to review as much as possible and proponents attempting to hold threshold increases to
the level necessary to obtain continued political support for the program. Thus, in the
spring of 1981, the Department of Health and Human Services drafted a legislative proposal
to "phase-out" NHPRDA which would have increased the capital expenditure threshold
to $500,000 and exempted non-clinical projects such as parking lots and heating systems.
Administration Phase-out Bill Amended Consumer Majority Rule, Wash. Rep. on Medicine
AND Health (1981). Starting with that figure, the House version of the 1981 Budget
Reconciliation Act would have set the capital expenditure threshold at $500,000 and doubled
the existing medical equipment and annual operating cost thresholds (then set at $150,000
and $75,000) to $300,000 and $150,000 respectively. It would have also provided for
modest reductions in federal health planning funding. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
of 1981, H.R. Rep. No. 158, Vol. 2, 97th Cong., 1st Sess. 383 (1981). The Senate version
of the Budget Act would have radically defunded NHPRDA. Omnibus Budget Reconcilia-
the thresholds were raised across the board, they did not operate to
select out specific classes of projects. In addition, because the federal
regulations continued to require coverage of service additions associated
with any capital expenditure, the effect of the annual operating cost
threshold increase was not as great as might appear.
F. Section 1122 Amendments and the Medicare Prospective Payment
Section 1122 program coverage had remained essentially unchanged
from 1972. By the end of 1982, only fifteen states still had section 1122
agreements. '^^
However, in late 1982, there was renewed interest in the 1122 pro-
gram.'^^-^ From a political standpoint, the section 1 122 program had certain
features attractive to proponents of federally-funded health planning.
Because the law required the Department of Health and Human Services
to enter into an 1122 agreement with any state able and willing to do
so and provided for payment to states for the reasonable cost of running
1122 programs, it seemed to be less vulnerable than NHPRDA to a
hostile administration bent on defunding health planning or a Congress
unable to decide whether to reauthorize or terminate NHPRDA.
Additionally, because the consequence of a negative 1 122 recommen-
dation was at most a partial reimbursement denial, not the denial of a
permit to implement a proposed project, section 1122 programs could
legitimately be characterized as less "regulatory" than state certificate of
need reviews. The Medicare reimbursement sanction operated as a finan-
cial disincentive to invest, and projects did sometimes proceed without
section 1122 approval.'*^ These features were thought to make 1122 more
palatable to deregulation proponents.
Interest in the section 1 122 program was also sparked by congressional
consideration at this time of fundamental reforms in the Medicare pro-
gram. As part of a major social security bail-out package, Congress
adopted a prospective payment system for Medicare. '^^ The prospective
payment system reimburses most acute care hospitals participating in
tion Act of 1981, S. Rep. No. 139, 97th Cong., 1st Sess. 878-79 (1981). Conference negotia-
tions resulted in restoration of some federal funds in return for increasing each of the
thresholds proposed in the House version by $100,000, resulting in the current $600,000,
$400,000, $250,000 configuration. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, H.R. Rep.
208, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. 231 (1981).
"*-Lewin & Assocs., supra note 73, at 14.
"'See American Health Planning Ass'n, 1122 May Rise Again, IV Today in Health
Planning, No. 8 (1982).
'"'Lewin & Assocs., supra note 73, at 5.
'-^Social Security Amendments of 1983, Title VI, 97 Stat. 149-152 (codified at 42 U.S.C.
§ 1395WW (1983)).
1060 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
Medicare for acute inpatient services on the basis of a fixed amount
per patient admission or '*case," based on average costs in a base year
for comparable classes of hospitals, adjusted for each hospital's mix of
high and low cost cases (represented by diagnostic clusters), and capped
by a '^budget neutrality" ceiling under which total system reimbursement
to hospitals may not exceed the amount that would have been paid
under earlier payment systems. '^^ The prospective payment system was
intended to alter the underlying financial incentives in Medicare, en-
couraging above-average cost hospitals to economize.
Congress was unable to decide how to incorporate capital costs into
the per case payment formula. '^^ Consequently, incurred cost reimburse-
ment for acute inpatient hospital capital costs (as well as capital costs
incurred by other institutional Medicare providers not covered by pro-
spective payment) was retained. However, Congress also provided that
if it were unable to devise a method for incorporating capital costs into
the per case payments by October 1, 1986, Medicare would cease to
pay for capital costs associated with new acute inpatient hospital capital
expenditures in a state after that date unless the state had a section
1122 agreement, and under the agreement the state had recommended
approval of the capital expenditure associated with the project. '^^
The effect of this provision is to make section 1122 participation
effectively mandatory in all states on October 1, 1986, unless Congress
enacts contrary legislation.'^*^ By this provision, Congress sought to assure
'''Id. See generally 1 Medicare & Medicaid Guide (CCH) It 4200-4395 (prospective
payment regulations updated to January, 1986).
"*'It considered using a simple percentage increase in the amount paid to each
participating hospital for non-capital costs. There were several difficulties with this "capital
add-on" approach. On the average, the proportion of individual hospital total costs that
is attributable to the cost of capital plant and equipment (i.e., interest, depreciation) is
about seven percent. Anderson & Ginsberg, Prospective Capital Payments to Hospitals,
2 Health Aff. 52 (1983). However, the actual proportion varies widely from one hospital
to the next on the basis of factors unrelated to individual institutional efficiency or prudent
business strategy, including regional location, hospital type and ownership, and age of
capital plant. A "seven percent add-on" to the per-case payment rates would tend to
penalize some high capital-cost facilities on the basis of these unrelated factors and over-
reimburse some low-cost facilities. A more generous add-on would avoid the penalty
problem, but increase over-reimbursement and raise total Medicare capital costs over
current levels. Both alternatives violate the guiding principles of the prospective payment
system: rational economic incentives to hospital efficiency and "budget neutrality." This
dilemma prompted Congress' indecision. Id.
"*'*42 U.S.C. § 1395ww(g)(l) (1983).
""'Technically, the provision does not require states to adopt section 1122 programs.
However, the penalty that hospitals would suffer in states without section 1122 programs
would be so great that it is unlikely any state would opt not to participate in 1122.
Compare the NHPRDA penalty for noncompliance described supra in text accompanying
note 81.
that some mechanism for control of capital investment by health care
facilities, either in the form of a formula-derived payment added to or
otherwise incorporated into the per case payment, or continued payment
at cost subject to review and approval by a planning agency, would
always be in place. Several proposals have been advanced for incor-
porating capital costs into the prospective payment system, both with
and without mandated planning agency review.'*^'
Finally, Congress also amended the section 1 122 expenditure threshold
from $100,000 to $600,000, bringing it into line with the NHPRDA
V. Current State Certificate of Need and Section 1122
A. Level of Participation in Certificate of Need and Section 1122
Table 1 identifies the present level of state participation in certificate
of need or section 1122 programs. Forty-two states and the District of
Columbia have certificate of need laws. Seven states have repealed
certificate of need statutes since 1983: Arizona, Idaho, Kansas, New
Mexico, Minnesota, Texas, and Utah. The other state presently without
certificate of need, Louisiana, has never adopted a statute.
Fifteen states presently conduct section 1122 programs. Four (Idaho,
New Mexico, Minnesota, and Louisiana) do not have certificate of need
statutes. Idaho entered into its current section 1122 agreement when it
repealed its certificate of need law in 1983. New Mexico and Minnesota
retained their programs when they allowed their certificate of need statutes
to lapse.
Minnesota and Kansas adopted statutes imposing moratoria on new
hospital construction, bed capacity increases, and bed relocations until
July 1, 1987, •''2 and June 30, 1986,'^^ respectively, at the time their
certificate of need laws expired. In effect, their moratoria reestablished
capital expenditure regulation, with limited coverage but criteria requiring
automatic denial.
Thus, with the exception of Arizona, Utah, and Texas, at the
beginning of 1986, every state had some form of health facility capital
expenditure regulation such as a certificate of need program, a section
1122 agreement, a moratorium on new hospital projects, or some com-
bination thereof.
''"'See Anderson & Ginsberg, Medicare Payment and Hospital Capital: Future Policy
Options, 3 Health Aff. 35, 40-43 (1984).
'•^'42 U.S.C. § 1320a-l(g) (1983).
"'-1984 Minn. Sess. Law Serv., ch. 654, § 57 (West).
"'M985 Kan. Sess. Laws 970.
1062 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
B. Coverage of Health Care Facilities
Table 2 identifies the facilities subject to review in each state with
a certificate of need or section 1122 program. ''^^ Hospitals, skilled nursing
facilities, and intermediate care facilities are subject to review in every state
when covered transactions are undertaken by them or on their behalf. This
unanimity is probably due to the fact that the causes of health care
market failure justifying certificate of need regulation — generous insurance
coverage, reimbursement incentives to excess investment, organizational
insulation from cost increases — are most prevalent for services provided
in these settings. '^^ In addition, these facilities all have been required to
be covered by either NHPRDA or section 1122 for several years.
Somewhat surprisingly, almost all jurisdictions cover ambulatory
surgical centers. There is accumulating evidence supporting the intuitively
plausible idea that ambulatory surge;ry offers a less expensive substitute
for less complicated inpatient surgery, and on that ground one might
expect states to exclude it from certificate of need in order to encourage
its spread. '"^^ However, the increase in ambulatory surgery facilities that
''^Appendix A contains definitions, notes, and state supplementary comments for
Table 2, organized by state. When the notation "N" appears in Table 2, the state-by-
state comments in Appendix A contain explanatory information.
'"The reasons for hospital and nursing home coverage are probably somewhat different.
The level of private insurance or governmental third party payment for hospital care is
very high (86*^0 of total expenditures for hospital care) while consumer out-of-pocket
payment for nursing home care is high (44*^0 of total expenditures for nursing home care).
High levels of patient cost-sharing for nursing home services weaken the market-failure
argument for certificate of need coverage. However, the share of expenditures for nursing
home care not paid out-of-pocket is borne disproportionately by public benefit and insurance
programs (a large contributor to which are state Medicaid programs), not private health
insurance. Gibson, Waldo & Levit, National Health Expenditures 1982, 5 Health Care
Fin. Rev. 1, 7 (1983). Consequently, coverage of nursing facilities can probably be attributed
to the use of certificate of need programs to limit the availability of such facilities to
Medicaid beneficiaries for the purpose of constraining Medicaid costs and encouraging
patients to seek less costly, non-institutional forms of care. Thus, it would be no coincidence
that Arizona, whose Medicaid program (the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System)
is the only one not providing nursing home benefits, was the only state in recent memory
that did not cover nursing facilities under its (recently repealed) certificate of need law.
See Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 36-433 (Supp. 1975) (repealed 1985). Similarly indicative
of the Medicaid budget control rationale for certificate of need, Indiana's statute covers
only those skilled nursing and intermediate care facilities that participate in Medicaid, and
North Carolina, Ohio, and Virginia have partial exemptions from certificate of need review
for nursing beds in retirement communities that do not participate in Medicaid, presumably
on the grounds that the high levels of out-of-pocket payment for non-Medicaid nursing
homes mean a price-sensitive consuming public. Ind. Code Ann. § 16-1-3. 3-l(a) (West
Supp. 1985); 1985 N.C. Adv. Legis. Serv. ch. 445 (to be codified at N.C. Gen. Stat.
§ 131E-183(c)); 1985 Ohio Legis. Bull, file 23, § 1 (Anderson) (to be codified at Ohio
Rev. Code Ann. § 3702.53 (I)); Va. Code § 32.1-102.3:1 (1985).
'"'See generally W. Valentine & B. Palmer, Ambulatory Surgery Services 15-17
(Alpha Center Monographs: Methodological Note No. 5) (Office of Health Planning, U.S.
Dep't of Health & Human Services, 1984) and studies cited therein.
would result from an exemption might have the undesirable short-term
effect of increasing excess inpatient surgical capacity and reducing op-
portunities for hospital internal subsidization of services such as free
care surgery revenues. '"^^ The widespread coverage of ambulatory surgery
centers probably reflects concerns about imperfections in the ambulatory
surgery market, the impact of such centers on hospital utilization, quality
issues, and simply the fact that both NHPRDA and 1122 mandate
ambulatory surgery coverage.
Most states have essentially exempted health maintenance organi-
zations (HMO's) and health care facilities controlled by health main-
tenance organizations from certificate of need by adopting the NHPRDA
exemption provisions or similar language. A few have taken the principle
behind the NHPRDA exemption a good deal further. For example,
California exempts any health care facility project other than a skilled
nursing bed addition if over twenty-five percent of the patients served
by the project are covered by prepaid health care.'*^*^ It thus exempts
facilities not actually controlled by health maintenance organizations if
they are subjected to the efficiency incentives of health maintenance
organizations or other forms of prepayment.
Coverage of other facilities is much more varied. Twenty states cover
medically oriented residential care facilities. The market failure rationale
for their coverage is weak, because by definition such institutions provide
only minimal medical care services. However, such institutions are often
operated by government units or reimbursed almost entirely by Medicaid
and social service agencies, and certificate of need review may be simply
a vehicle for governmental planning and budgeting for the services these
facilities provide. '"^"^ A similar rationale probably supports the remarkably
widespread (thirty-one states) coverage of home health agencies.
Fifteen states cover all organized ambulatory care facilities. Several
others cover one or more specific types of ambulatory facility. Fifteen
cover hospices. In each of these instances, states have consciously decided
''''Meritorious cream-skimmers like ambulatory surgery facilities create a perpetual
dilemma for health planning agencies, exacerbated by contradictory certificate of need
criteria for evaluating such proposals. Cf. Collier Med. Center, Inc. v. Department of
Health & Rehabilitative Servs., 462 So. 2d 83, 85 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1985) (upholding
the denial of a certificate of need for new for-profit hospital construction on the skimmer-
favoring ground that an existing outpatient facility provided a less costly alternative and
the skimmer-opposing ground that an existing public hospital would incur a revenue loss
from the proposed facility's diversion of paying patients).
'""Cal. Health & Safety Code § 437.10(g) (Deering Supp. 1986). Oregon has recently
adopted a potentially even broader provision. It exempts hospitals if sixty percent of their
inpatient revenue is received from payers employing prospectively-determined forms of
reimbursement. 1985 Or. Laws, ch. 747, § 35 (to be codified at Or. Rev. Stat. § 442).
''^Whether the certificate of need administrative adjudicatory process is an efficient
means of doing so is questionable. A few states have amended their statutes recently to
exempt government-run health care facilities. See, e.g.. Mo. Ann. Stat. § 197.315(18)
(Vernon Supp. 1985); Mont. Code Ann. § 50-5-309(1 )(b) (1985).
1064 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
to cover health facilities that are not covered under NHPRDA and that
the Department of Heahh and Human Services has expressly chosen not
to cover.
The extent to which these institutions actually undergo certificate of
need review depends considerably on the project coverage provisions of
their state's certificate of need law. Most of the states that cover am-
bulatory facilities have sufficiently high capital expenditure and major
medical equipment thresholds that the facilities' typically modest capital
acquisitions in these areas would escape review. However, most of the
states that cover ambulatory facilities would subject the initial estab-
lishment or construction of such facilities to review.
The reasons states cover ambulatory health care facilities are not
immediately apparent. As with ambulatory surgery centers, coverage is
probably justified by concern for impact on hospital use and cream-
skimming or by concern for access and quality. ^''^^
1. Coverage of Capital and Other Projects. — The states have made
major changes in project coverage. Going beyond recent NHPRDA
amendments and essentially implementing the recommendations of policy
analysts in the field, they have de-emphasized review of projects not
directly related to patient care and have focused on large expenditures
and additions of new technology and services. Table 3 identifies the
capital expenditures and other projects subject to review under the states'
certificate of need and section 1122 programs.^"'
Project coverage varies widely among the states. However, some of
the variation may be more apparent than real. First, states may simply
choose different words to cover essentially the same transactions.^"^ For
example, there is probably no difference in reviewability of bed capacity
increases between a state that covers capital expenditures for bed capacity
increases and a state that covers bed capacity increases without regard
to expenditure, because a bed capacity increase almost invariably involves
a capital expenditure (for the beds themselves if nothing else). Second,
several states have redundant project coverage provisions. Covering both
service additions associated with a capital expenditure and service ad-
ditions regardless of capital or operating cost is an example. If these
kinds of variations are set aside, it is apparent from Table 3 that most
-""Stated rationales for ambulatory care facility coverage are extremely difficult to
find. But see Statewide Health Coordinating Council, State of Michigan, 2 Michigan
State Health Plan 1983-1987, at 25-26, 28 (1983), which justifies coverage of outpatient
facilities and public health centers on quality of care and geographical accessibility grounds.
-"'Appendix A contains definitions, notes, and state-by-state supplementary comments
for Table 3, organized by state. When the notation "N" appears in Table 3, the state-
by-state comments in Appendix A contain explanatory information.
-"-Some of this may be accounted for by the fact that states drafted their certificate
of need statutes and regulations at differing times and attempted to comply with the
version of federal certificate of need law and regulations then in effect.
States with certificate of need and/or section 1122 programs cover general-
purpose capital expenditures incurred by or on behalf of health care
facilities, bed-related changes of various types, additions of new health
services, acquisitions of medical equipment, and construction, develop-
ment, or establishment of new health care facilities. This is essentially
the coverage pattern prescribed by NHPRDA in its current form.
The states with wholly distinct coverage provisions are few. Alaska
and California do not have general-purpose capital expenditure thresh-
olds; instead they cover specified transactions.^"^ All states cover bed
and service-related projects, and the states that do not expressly cover
equipment acquisitions or new construction probably review such trans-
actions under capital expenditure or service addition provisions.
2. General-Purpose Capital Expenditure Coverage. — As noted above,
virtually every state covers capital expenditures undertaken by or on
behalf of health care facilities. Coverage of general purpose capital
expenditures has been a common feature of health planning agency
review of health facility projects since the inception of comprehensive
health planning.^**** However, the levels of state capital expenditure thresh-
olds have increased significantly.'"^ Many states have raised their thresh-
olds above the maximum federal level (which would be $736,200 in
states taking full advantage of the threshold inflator).'"^ This practice
appears most common in the western states, where Alaska and California
have capital thresholds set at one million dollars for certain specified pro-
jects and general purpose thresholds in several other states are at similar
levels. ^"^ Five other states have thresholds exceeding the federal level. ^"^
Colorado's two million dollar threshold is the highest in the country.
However, there have been proposals to raise thresholds still further.
In the 97th Congress, the House of Representatives passed, but the
-'"California has the most unusual coverage. New hospital construction, bed capacity
increases, and additions of seven specified hospital services are the only hospital projects
covered. By contrast, establishment of surgery clinics, any capital expenditure for expansion
of surgical capacity, capital expenditures in excess of $1 million for medical or other
equipment, services, or modernization by clinics and additions of services by clinics are
covered. None of the rationales for ambulatory surgery coverage under certificate of need
programs appear to justify more extensive coverage of ambulatory surgery than of hospitals.
The California law also contains a bewildering array of special exemptions, and an extremely
broad authorization for the SHPDA to issue certificates of need in disregard of the review
criteria in individual cases. Cal. Health & Safety Code § 43 7. 10,. 11,. 11 6,. 11 8,. 12,. 15 (Deer-
ing Supp. 1985).
-'"See supra note 57 and accompanying text.
-"^See Table 3.
-'"See supra note 106.
-"The general purpose threshold for Colorado is $2,000,000; for Montana, $750,000;
for North Dakota, $750,000; for Oregon, $1,000,000 or $250,000 plus 0.5 percent of gross
revenues; and for Washington, $1,071,000. See infra Table 3.
-'"^Indiana ($750,000); Mississippi ($1,000,000); New Hampshire ($1,000,000); North
Carolina ($1,000,000); and Tennessee ($1,000,000). Id.
1066 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
Senate did not act on, a bill to supplant NHPRDA which would have
increased the federal capital expenditure threshold to five million dol-
lars.^"'' In the 98th Congress, bills with capital thresholds ranging from
one to five million dollars were introduced, and the Administration
expressed its preference for the higher of these thresholds.^'" None of
these bills passed.
In the states that have not chosen to exceed the NHPRDA threshold
level, few have retained the expenditure thresholds they had in 1980.
Only four states have kept capital expenditure thresholds at the $150,000
A state elevating its capital and other expenditure thresholds to levels
at or above one million dollars greatly increases the temptation to health
care facilities to attempt to evade certificate of need review by artificially
dividing projects into two or more stages, each costing less than the
threshold. When the expenditure threshold is $100,000, the risks of
evasion of certificate of need by dividing, for example, a $198,000 project
into two $99,000 stages are not likely to be worth the benefit to the
facility. But with a five million dollar threshold, project division could
permit a project costing nearly ten million dollars to escape planning
agency scrutiny. In response to this problem, several states have adopted
statutory prohibitions on project division undertaken for the purpose of
avoiding certificate of need review. ^'^
3. Non-Clinical Exemptions and Streamlined Review Provisions. —
Even more often than they have elevated thresholds, the states have
reduced project coverage by a variety of categorical exemptions and by
expedited review provisions. First, a number of states have adopted
exemptions for expenditures not related to clinical services. The state
of Washington, for example, exempts capital expenditures that will not
substantially affect patient charges and that are for communications and
parking facilities; mechanical or electrical ventilation, heating, and air-
conditioning systems; energy conservation systems; repairs to physical
-"^'H.R. 6173, 97th Cong., 2d Sess. § 5 (1982).
-'"See H.R. 2934, 98th Cong., 1st Sess. (1983); H.R. 2935, 98th Cong., 1st Sess.
(1983); Letter from David Stockman, Director, Office of Management and Budget to Rep.
Edward Madigan (Aug. 4, 1983).
-"Delaware, Michigan, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Two states, Oklahoma and South
Dakota, have raised their capital thresholds for hospitals to current NHPRDA levels while
retaining lower thresholds for nursing facilities.
-'-D.C. Code Ann. § 32-302(12)(B) (1981); Ky. Rev. Stat. § 2168.061(2) (Supp.
1982); Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, § 315 (1980); Miss. Code Ann. § 41-7-173(b)(ii)
(Supp. 1984); Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-5832 (Supp. 1984); N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 151-
C:4(I)(C),(II) (Supp. 1983); 1984 Ohio Legis. Bull. § 3702.59(B) (Anderson); Or. Rev.
Stat. § 442.320(d) (Supp. 1983); S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § 34-7A-33 (Supp. 1984);
Vt. Stat. Ann. §§ 2403(a)(3),(b) (1983); W. Va. Code § 16-2D-2(i)(2)(B) (Supp. 1984);
Wis. Stat. Ann. § 150.07 (West Supp. 1985).
plant necessary to maintain state licensure; acquisition of data processing
and other equipment; construction of facilities not used for direct pro-
vision of health services; land acquisition; and refinancing existing debt.^'^
In addition, a significant number of states provide for expedited or
streamlined review of various categories of projects. Most states have
adopted the NHPRDA-authorized provision for limited review of projects
to eliminate safety hazards or to comply with licensure or accreditation
requirements.^"* Numerous states also provide for expedited review of
projects such as capital expenditures not involving service or bed capacity
increases, service terminations, expenditures below a threshold somewhat
higher than their statutory coverage minimum, and the like.^'^ Some
-"Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 70.38. 105(4Kd) (Supp. 1986); see also Ariz. Rev. Stat.
Ann. § 36-433(E)(6) (Supp. 1975-1984) (energy conservation projects); Cal. Health &
Safety Code § 437.10(e)(5) (Deering Supp. 1985) (parking lots and structures, telephone
systems, and non-clinical data-processing systems); Colo. Rev, Stat. § 25-3-503(7) (1982)
(residential units, parking, telephone systems, day-care, mailroom, gift shops, printshops,
medical office buildings or clinics organized primarily for the delivery of physician services,
morgue, heating and air conditioning, blood bank, dietary/cafeteria, laundry and linen,
administration, medical records, business office, housekeeping, central supply, materials
management, library, reception, code violations in non-clinical areas, ground transport
services (not including air), land acquisition, research, education, non-diagnostic manage-
ment information systems); Conn. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 19a-155 (West Spec. Supp. 1984)
(energy conservation systems); Ga. Code Ann. §§ 31-6-47, 47(c) (1985) (waiver of review
of projects including those defined by regulation Ga, Admin. Comp, ch. 272-2, § 272-2-07
(1984), such as site acquisitions, transfers of previously-approved major medical equipment
not resulting in institution of a new clinical health service at the transferee facility, and
expenditures below the capital expenditure threshold for minor repair or replacement of
equipment associated with the physical plant); Haw^aii Rev. Stat. § 323D-54(b) (Supp. 1984)
(projects determined not to have a significant impact on the health care system, defined
by regulation [Haw, Admin, Code § 11-186-96 (1981)] to include acquisition of a capital
asset by a means other than purchase; bed supply increases or decreases not exceeding the
capital expenditure of annual operating cost threshold; addition or deletion of a service
not exceeding an annual operating cost threshold; certain structural repairs; equipment replace-
ment not exceeding twice the expenditure minimum; non-patient care projects such as park-
ing lot structures not exceeding twice the expenditure minimum); Mont, Code Ann.
§ 50-5-309(1 )(a) (1985) (expenditures for non-medical and non-clinical facilities and services
unrelated to the operation of the health care facility); Or. Rev. Stat. § 442, 320(b) (Supp,
1983) (statutory authorization for adoption of rules providing for waiver of review of ex-
penditures for repairs by replacement of equipment, non-clinically related capital expen-
ditures, and offering or development of a new health service of a non-substantive nature);
Executive Budget Bill, Act 29, 1985 Wis, Legis. Serv. 390 (West) (to be codified at Wis,
Stat, Ann. § 150,613 (West)) (hospital heating, air conditioning, ventilation, electrical systems,
energy conservation, telecommunications, computer systems, or non-surgical outpatient ser-
vices not part of an otherwise reviewable project and whose capital cost does not exceed
20% of the hospital's gross annual patient revenue for its last fiscal year),
-'^5ee supra note 159 and accompanying text,
-"Ala. Code § 22-21-275(4) (Supp. 1984) (non-substantive review of capital expend-
itures up to $500,000 which: do not result in a substantial change in a service; or propose
equipment to upgrade or expand an existing service; or increase bed capacity by not more
1068 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
States without specific statutory procedures for expedited review have
than ten percent); Ariz. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 36-433(G) (Supp. 1984) (abbreviated application
for all projects except establishment of new services with annual operating costs exceeding
$75,000; construction of new health care facilities; and capital expenditures, other than
expenditures for equipment replacement, exceeding $150,000); Cal. Health & Safety
Code § 437.15 (Deering Supp. 1985) (expeditious processing of applications for projects
for sole community provider hospitals with less than 100 beds; projects for skilled nursing
or intermediate care facility establishment, projects for addition of skilled nursing or
intermediate care beds in facilities other than skilled nursing or intermediate care facilities);
Fla. Stat, Ann. § 381.494(l)(n) (West Supp. 1985) (expedited review of transfer of a cer-
tificate of need); Ga. Code Ann. § 31-6-47(c) (1985) (statutory authorization for SHPDA
to conduct expedited review of projects, where compatible with statutory purposes); Iowa
Code Ann. § 135.67 (West Supp. 1984-85) (summary review procedures for projects costing
$150,000 or less; and projects for which the applicant, the state agency, and the HSA agree
to summary review); Ky. Rev. Stat. § 216B.095 (Supp. 1982) (non-substantive review of
applications to replace or repair five-year-old worn equipment; repairs, alterations, or im-
provements to physical plant not resulting in a substantial change in beds/services or equip-
ment addition; and other applications as prescribed by state agency regulations); Me. Rev.
Stat. Ann. tit. 22, § 304-C (Supp. 1985-86) (waiver of review of new health services pro-
jects involving a capital expenditure below $300,000, third year annual operating costs bet-
ween $155,000 and $250,000 and no increase in reimbursement authorization by rate-setting
commission); Mich. Comp. Laws Ann. § 333.22151 (1980) (non-substantive review of pro-
jects for which full review could increase cost by unnecessary delay or require inefficient
use of staff review time); Miss. Code Ann. § 41-7-205 (Supp. 1984) (non-substantive review
of: certain transfers of ownership; replacement of equipment; general-purpose capital ex-
penditures not exceeding $700,000; acquisition of major medical equipment not exceeding
$460,000; certain project cost overruns; and deletion or relocation of services or facilities);
Mo. Ann. Stat. § 197.305(12) (Vernon Supp. 1985) (non-substative review of capital ex-
penditures due to an act of God or a normal consequence of maintaining health care ser-
vices, facilities, or equipment which do not involve bed addition, replacement, moderniza-
tion, conversion, or new services); Mont. Code Ann. § 50-5-302 (Supp. 1984) (abbreviated
review of proposals that do not significantly affect the cost or use of health care or that
have been approved by the legislature); Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-5834 (Supp. 1984) (non-
substantive review of replacement of equipment with equipment of similar capability; reduction
in bed capacity or termination of a single service which does not involve the closing or
relocation of a health facility; expenditures for energy conservation proposals); 1984 Ohio
Legis. Bull. § 3702. 52( J) (Anderson) (expedited review of: capital expenditures less than
$1.5 million not involving bed or service additions, equipment acquisition, new facility con-
struction, or facility category conversion; additions of new services with capital costs less
than the expenditure care minimum, annual operating costs less than $500,000 and no bed
additions; non-patient-related capital expenditures not affecting patient charges; bed capaci-
ty increases or redistributions up to nine beds or ten percent of bed capacity (or bed reloca-
tions), whichever is less, in any two year period, and not involving a health service addition
or a capital expenditure exceeding the expenditure minimum; acquisition of medical equip-
ment for less than $1.25 million; replacement of medical equipment for less than $1.5 million;
and other projects specified by regulation); Or. Rev. Stat. § 442.320(b) (Supp. 1983)
(statutory authorization for adoption of rules providing for accelerated review of expen-
ditures for repairs and replacement of plant or equipment; non-clinically related capital ex-
penditures, and offering or development of a new health service of a non-substantive nature);
Pa. Stat. Ann. tit. 35, § 448.702G)(2) (Purdon Supp. 1984-85) (exemption from comparative
review requirements for replacement of equipment not involving a substantial change in
functional capacity or capability; energy-saving equipment installations or renovations not
adopted such mechanisms by regulation. ^'^ Several states provide for
exemption or expedited review of projects for replacement of facilities
or equipment. 2'^ A few have implemented the NHPRDA exemption for
involving new services or expansion of capacity); R.I. Gen. Law^s § 23-15-5 (Supp. 1984)
(statutory authorization for adoption of regulations specifying projects eligible for expen-
ditious review); S.D. Codified Laws Ann. § 34-7A-39 (Supp. 1984) (abbreviated review
of projects which: increase bed capacity, redistribute beds among categories, or relocate
beds from one facility to another, by less than ten beds or ten percent of bed capacity;
capital expenditures to remedy emergency situations; and other projects declared eligible
for abbreviated review by regulation); W. Va. Code § 16-2D-7(v) (Supp. 1984) (statutory
authorization for adoption of regulations specifying applications eligible for expedited review);
Wyo. Stat. § 35-2-206(c) (1977) (department review of temporary addition or subtraction
of beds or equipment and replacement services or expenditures which are comparable and
necessary to maintain services).
-"E.g., Idaho Admin. Proc. Manual tit. 2, § 16.02, 11300, 02 (1983) (non-substantive
section 1122 review of repair or replacement of physical plant and equipment associated
with physical plant, i.e., boilers, air conditioning, electrical circuitry); Division of Policy,
Planning & Evaluation, Office of Management & Finance, La. Dep't of Health &
Human Resources, Policies and Guidelines for Review of Capital Expenditures
Under Section 1122 of the Social Security Act 6-7 (1985) (expedited section 1122
review of replacement or modification of equipment, sale of an existing facility with no
change in beds or services, lease (or discontinuance of a lease) of an approved existing
facility with no change in beds or services, renovation of an existing facility up to $1,000,000
not resulting in a bed or service change; cost overrun; addition of non-medical equipment
or purchase of land; addition of a new service in an existing facility not exceeding $600,000;
incorporation, reorganization, merger, consolidation, majority stock sale or transfer or
other changes in the person owning an approved facility; non-substantial site change; bed
capacity reduction; and discontinuance of an approved service); N.J. Admin. Code tit.
8, § 33-2.5 (1985) (administrative review of increase in residential health care facility beds
of ten beds or ten percent of Hcensed capacity, whichever is less; change in bed category
not involving a capital expenditure or an increase in total licensed capacity, additions of
new services, fixed or moveable equipment, or renovations required by law or to prevent
harm to patients; transfer of a patient care service in whole or part to another corporate
entity; replacement of equipment; acquisition of telephone or computer systems in excess
of $400,000; and acquisition of fixed equipment or renovation dealing exclusively with energy
conservation); N.Y. Admin. Code tit. 10, § 710.1(c)(3) (1985) (administrative approval of:
proposals not exceeding $3 million for addition or modification of a licensed service, with
exceptions for certain specialized services; bed or service decertification; certain bed-category
conversions, additions to existing services not involving an additional site or beds, projects
for correction of safety deficiencies, ordinary repairs, energy conservation, and moderniza-
tion in facilities for which there is a continuing need; replacement and updating of equip-
ment in needed facilities; addition or deletion of approval to operate part-time clinics; opera-
tion or relocation of extension clinics; emergency room modernization; projects identified
as high priority in the state medical facilities plan).
-"Ga. Code Ann. § 31-6-47(a)(10) (1985) (exemption of expenditures for replacement
of equipment including but not limited to CT scanners); Ky. Rev. Stat. § 216B.095
(Supp. 1982) (nonsubstantive review of replacement of equipment used for five years or
more and repairs, alterations, and improvements to physical plant not resulting in bed
or services changes or equipment additions); Miss. Code Ann. §§ 41-7-191(2), 205 (Supp.
1985) (exemption from health facility expansion, construction moratorium for necessary
repairs and renovation or replacement of an existing facility); Mo. Ann. Stat. § 197.305(12)
1070 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
research projects. ^"^ The approval rates for projects eHgible for expedited
review tend to be very high, making expedited review effectively very
similar to an exemption from review.
In short, the majority of states have employed exemptions and
expedited review to diminish substantially the range of projects subject
to review and to focus review on projects for new or significantly
expanded clinical service capacity. The practice is not confined to the
states with high thresholds. Two of the four states that have retained
thresholds at the $100,000 - $200,000 level have adopted some form of
expedited review or non-substantive project exemption. ^''^
4. Bed-Related Coverage. — All jurisdictions with certificate of need
or section 1122 programs cover bed supply increases in some fashion.
Even states like California and Colorado, which have sharply cut back
on coverage by repealing or greatly increasing expenditure thresholds,
continue to review increases in bed capacity. However, over half the
states have adopted insubstantial increase exemptions, an increase from
the number reported in earlier surveys. ^^" Most states use the "ten beds
or ten percent" exemption authorized by NHPRDA. California and
Georgia exempt *'ten beds or ten percent" increases from review only
if the facility meets certain occupancy rate minimums,^^' while Colorado
exempts from review a twenty bed increase every two years. ^^^
Thirty-five states cover some form of bed category conversion or
bed relocation, while over half the states cover bed capacity decreases.
(Supp. 1985) (nonsubstantive review of replacement and modernization projects); Neb.
Rev. Stat. § 71-5835 (Supp. 1984) (nonsubstantive review of equipment replacement);
1984 Ohio Legis. Bull. § 3702. 52( J) (Anderson) (expedited review of replacement of equip-
ment under $1.5 million); Or. Rev. Stat. § 442.320(a)(b) (Supp. 1983) (accelerated
review of repairs or replacement of plant or equipment); Pa. Stat. ann. tit. 35,
§ 448.702G)(2) (Purdon Supp. 1984-85) (exemption from comparative review requirements
for equipment replacement and renovation to meet code requirements); Wyo. Stat. § 35-
2-206(d) (Supp. 1985) (expedited review of expenditures for upgrading and replacing
equipment, and replacement services or expenditure to upgrade, acquire, or implement
new technology which may be comparable and necessary to maintain services); N.J. Admin.
Code tit. 8, § 33-2. 7(a)(7) (1985) (expedited review of equipment replacement); N.Y.
Admin. Code tit. 10, § 710.1(b)(c)(3) (1985) (administrative review of projects under $3
million for modernization of facilities and replacement and updating of equipment for
which there is continuing need).
-'^Ky. Rev. Stat. § 216B.066 (Supp. 1982); Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. Ill, § 25C
(West 1983); Neb. Rev. Stat. § 71-5830.01 (Supp. 1984); N.C. Gen. Stat. § 131E-179
(Supp. 1983); Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 4418h, § 3.01(d) (Vernon Supp. 1984); W.
Va. Code § 16-2D-4(c) (Supp. 1984).
^"'Michigan and Rhode Island have adopted expedited review provisions. See supra
note 215.
--"See supra note 109 and accompanying text.
--'Cal. Health & Safety Code § 437.11(4) (Deering Supp. 1985); Ga. Code Ann.
§ 31-6-47(15) (1985).
-Colo. Rev. Stat. § 25-3-506(e) (1982).
The recent amendments to the NHPRDA regulations permitting com-
plying state certificate of need programs to make their own determinations
as to whether to cover such transactions will probably cause a decrease
in these figures.
C. Health Service-Related Coverage
Table 3 indicates that all of the states with certificate of need or
section 1122 programs cover additions of new health services. Half cover
service terminations, but because only nine states cover terminations not
associated with a capital expenditure and terminations do not usually
involve capital expenditure, actual review of service terminations appears
to be a relatively infrequent practice.
Twenty-six states have adopted annual operating cost thresholds.-^
Thresholds vary widely, from $75,000 in Rhode Island to $536,000 in
Washington. Just five states, however, cover health service additions
only if they are associated with annual operating costs exceeding the
threshold. ^^^ The remaining states either cover health service additions
regardless of cost or, following the NHPRDA model, cover health service
additions associated with any capital expenditure. Both of the latter
approaches appear inconsistent with the policy underlying annual op-
erating cost thresholds, which is to target the cost containment functions
of certificate of need while minimizing the scope of coverage by reviewing
only those service additions that generate additional long-term costs. ^^-
A number of states have adopted a new approach to coverage of
health service additions. These states cover additions of a small number
of specified new health services regardless of their capital or operating
cost, and all other new services only if their capital or operating costs
exceed a threshold. For example, Wisconsin covers additions of organ
transplant programs, burn centers, neonatal intensive care units, cardiac
programs, and air transport programs without regard to cost.^^^ Other
"The states differ in the way they define their annual operating cost thresholds.
Maine, for example, uses the projected annual operating costs without any adjustment
for inflation for the third fiscal year of operation, including a partial first year. "Annual
operating costs" are defined as "total incremental costs to the institution which are directly
attributable to the addition of a new health service." Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, §§
303(2)(A), 304-A(4)(B) (Supp. 1984-85). The District of Columbia employs an "annual
operating budget" threshold, Maryland an "annual operating revenue" threshold. D.C.
Code Ann. § 32-302(12)(D) (Supp. 1984); Md. Health-General Code Ann. § 19-
115a)(2)(ii) (Supp. 1985).
--^Maryland, Missouri, Montana, Oklahoma, and Wyoming.
"The statutory certificate of need coverage approach of Montana and Wyoming
appears to come the closest to accomplishing this policy. They have relatively high capital
expenditure and major medical equipment thresholds and $100,(XX)-$150,0(X) operating cost
thresholds. Under this approach, projects are subject to review only if they increase long-
term operating costs or represent high, one-time capital expenditures.
"M985 Wis. Legis. Serv. 390 (West) (to be codified at Wis. Stat. §§ 150.61(1),(2)).
1072 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
hospital service additions are covered only if capital costs exceed
$1,000,000.22^ Similarly, Ohio covers additions of heart, lung, liver, and
pancreas transplant programs without regard to cost and other new
services only if their annual operating costs exceed $297,500,228 Other
states may achieve a similar coverage pattern through exemptions or
streamlined review. New York, for example, provides for "administrative
approval" of service additions or modifications unless the project cost
will exceed $3,000,000 or relates to certain specified service categories. 22*^
The purpose of this approach seems to be to cover without regard to
cost the services for which non-cost containment rationales for certificate
of need review apply and to cover the services for which cost-control
is the paramount concern only if project costs exceed the threshold. The
--M984 Ohio Legis. Bull. § 3702.5 1(R)(2), (9) (Anderson); see also Ariz. Rev. Stat.
Ann. §§ 36-433(A)(5),(6) (Supp. 1975-84) (repealed 1985) (coverage of additions of ob-
stetrical units, neo-natal special care units, pediatric inpatient services, open-heart surgery
units, cardiac catheterization services, radiation therapy services, end-stage renal dialysis
services, computed tomographic scanning, neurological units, spinal injury units, and burn
treatment units regardless of cost, and additions of other services only if their operating
costs exceed $750,000); Colo. Rev. Stat. §§ 25-3-503(10), 506(l)(d) (1982) (repealed 1984)
(coverage of tertiary services [i.e., highly specialized services frequently requiring sophis-
ticated technology and support services and limited to open-heart surgery, organ trans-
plantation, burn care, level III intensive care nurseries, and radiation therapy] at any cost,
and coverage of only those other services exceeding threshold); Illinois Health Facilities
Planning Board, Illinois Health Care Facilities Plan § 3. 02. B. 29 (1982) (coverage of
acute mental illness, alcoholism treatment, burn treatment, cardiac catheterization, com-
puter systems, end-stage renal disease, intensive care, medical-surgical, non-hospital based
ambulatory surgery, obstetrical services, open-heart surgery, pediatric services, perinatal high
risk, radiation therapy, rehabilitation services additions regardless of cost; other services
exceeding annual operating costs threshold); Ky. Rev. Stat. § 216B.015(25) (Supp. 1982)
(coverage of health service additions exceeding $250,000 annual operating cost or additions
of services specified in State Health Plan, regardless of cost. The Kentucky State Health
Plan provides for coverage of acute care services, open-heart surgery, cardiac catheteriza-
tion, radiation therapy utilizing megavoltage equipment, end-stage renal disease services,
CT scanners, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, and long-term care services); Me. Rev.
Stat. Ann. tit. 22, § 304-A(4) (Supp. 1984-85) (coverage of new services regardless of cost
identified in regulations or new services exceeding the annual operating cost threshold; no
regulations adopted to date); Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. Ill, § 25B (1983); Mass. Admin.
Code tit. 105, § 100.020 (1983) (coverage of "major services" without regard to cost and
of only those other services exceeding annual operating cost threshold); 1985 Or. Laws,
ch. 747 § 16 (to be codified at Or. Rev. Stat. § 442.015(24)); Or. Admin. R. 409-03-010(10)
(1985) (coverage of new health services exceeding annual operating expense threshold or
new health services, regardless of cost, which may compromise quality of care); Tenn. Ad-
min. CoMP. § 0720-2-.02(2)(d) (1985) (coverage of specified set of major health services without
regard to cost and other services with projected annual operating budget exceeding $500,000
--■"Therapeutic radiology, open-heart surgery, cardiac catheterization, kidney and heart
transplant, chronic and acute renal dialysis, CT scanning, burn care, and extracorporeal
Shockwave lithotripsy require approval regardless of cost. N.Y. Admin. Code tit. 10,
§ 710.1(c)(3) (1985).
Oregon provision does so most explicitly, by covering new services either
if they exceed the annual operating expense threshold or may potentially
compromise quality of care through insufficient volume to support needed
specialized staff or to maintain skills.^^"
NHPRDA and section 1122 left the states free to define which newly-
established '^services" would be subject to certificate of need review. ^^'
Most states appear to have never specified in their statutes or regulations
the "health services" they subject to review. However, some have done
so. The states listed above as covering some specified health service
additions regardless of cost, of course, have at least a partial list. In
addition, California's certificate of need provisions cross-reference a
statutory list of special services subject to health facility licensure."^ The
Georgia statute contains a non-inclusive list of clinical health services
subject to review, which corresponds roughly to the major service de-
partments in a typical large hospital. '^^ Finally, a few states cover
expansions of existing services. ^^"^ However, most cover only service
D. Major Medical Equipment Coverage
In most states, acquisition of medical equipment by or on behalf
of a health care facility is subject to certificate of need review as a
capital expenditure if the capital expenditure associated with the acqui-
sition exceeds the expenditure threshold."^ However, the 1979 NHPRDA
-'"Or. Admin. R. 409-03-010 (1985).
-^^See supra notes 122-28 and accompanying text.
-'-Cal. Health & Safety Code § 437.10(c) (Deering Supp. 1985).
-'^Ga. Code Ann. § 31-6-2(5) (1985) provides:
"Clinical health services" means diagnostic, treatment, or rehabilitative ser-
vices provided in a health care facility, or parts of the physical plant where such
services are located in a health care facility, and includes, but is not limited to,
radiology; radiation therapy; surgery; intensive care; coronary care; pediatrics;
gynecology; obstetrics; dialysis; general medical care; medical/surgical care; inpa-
tient nursing care, whether intermediate, skilled, or extended care; cardiac
catheterization; open-heart surgery; inpatient rehabilitation; and alcohol, drug abuse,
and mental health services.
See also Alaska Stat. § 18.07.1 1 1(8) (1981) (health service defined as major type, program,
unit, division, or department of care, including outpatient, psychiatric wing, kidney dialysis,
radiotherapy, burn unit, newborn intensive care unit); R.I. Gen. Laws § 23-15-2(h) (1979)
(health services defined as "organized program components" for providing services); Minn.
Stat. Ann. § 145.833 Subd. 3 (West 1982) (repealed 1984) (health services defined as
cost centers recognized by generally accepted accounting principles and conforming to cost
center definitions used by state rate-setting/price disclosure program).
='^1985 Nev. Adv. Sh. ch. 454, § 13 (to be codified at Nev. Rev. Stat. § 439A.100(2)(c));
Or. Admin. R. 409-03-010(6) (1985).
-"In some states, the acquisition of certain types of equipment may also constitute
a covered addition of a new service. For example, acquisition of a CT scanner constitutes
a new service in Arizona and Kentucky. See supra note 228.
1074 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
amendments authorized a distinct category of coverage, acquisitions of
medical equipment exceeding an expenditure minimum lower than the
all-purpose capital expenditure threshold if the equipment is owned by
or located in a health care facility or used to provide services for
in-patients. ^^^ Most states have adopted this coverage category, with sta-
tutory equipment thresholds varying from $125,000 to $1,000,000.
Seventeen states cover acquisitions of medical equipment that may
be used for persons who are not in-patients of a health care facility.
Virginia covers acquisition by a physician's office of equipment that is
generally and customarily associated with the provision of health services
in an in-patient setting. ^^^ Fifteen states and the District of Columbia
cover equipment acquisitions in various non-in-patient settings. ^^^ Most
of these states added their coverage of equipment in non-institutional
settings after witnessing placement of CT scanners and, most recently.
-"•Pub. L. No. 96-79, § 117, 93 Stat. 592, 615 (1979) (codified as amended at 42
U.S.C. § 300m-3).
-"Va. Code § 32.1-102.1 (Supp. 1985).
-"*CoLO. Rev. Stat. § 25-3-506(1 )(g) (Supp. 1985) (capital expenditure exceeding $1
million by or on behalf of any person or entity for major medical equipment to provide
clinically related health care); Conn. Stat. Ann. § 19a-l 55(b) (West Spec. Pamp. 1984)
(capital expenditure exceeding $400,000, by any person, to acquire imaging equipment);
D.C. Code Ann. § 32-302(1 1)(A) (Supp. 1984) (acquisition of medical equipment with a
value exceeding $400,000 by physicians, dentists, or other individual providers of individual
group practice); Hawaii Rev. Stat. §§ 323D-53, 54 (Supp. 1984) (acquisition of equipment
exceeding expenditure threshold by physicians' offices); Iowa Code Ann. § 135.61(19)(g)
(West Supp. 1984-85) (expenditure exceeding $400,000 by individual or group of health
care providers for equipment installed in private office or clinic); Md. Health-General
Code Ann. §§ 19-1001 et seq. (Supp. 1985) (licensure of major medical equipment wherever
located costing in excess of $600,000); Miss. Code Ann. § 41-7-191(l)(0 (Supp. 1985)
(acquisition or control of major medical equipment exceeding $750,000 by any person);
Mont. Code Ann. § 50-5-301 (d) (Supp. 1984) (acquisition by any person of medical equip-
ment exceeding $500,00 which would have required a CON if acquired by a health care
facility); 1985 Nevada Adv. Sh. ch. 454, §§ 9, 13 (to be codified at Nev. Rev. Stat.
§§ 439A.015(10), .100(d) (acquisition of medical equipment exceeding $400,000 by the of-
fice of a health services practitioner); 1985 N.H. Laws, ch. 378, § 378:6 (to be codified
at N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 151-C:5(II)(D)) (acquisition of equipment exceeding $400,000
by a health care provider); 1985 N.C. Adv. Legis. Serv., ch. 740, § 6 (to be codified at
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 131E-176(16)(g)) (acquisition by any person of major medical equipment
that includes magnetic resonance imaging and lithotripters, regardless of ownership or loca-
tion); 1985 Or. Laws, ch. 747, § 31 (to be codified at Or. Rev. Stat. § 442.320(l)(b))
(acquisitions of medical equipment exceeding $1 million by any person); R.L Gen. Laws
§ 23-15-2(k) (1977) (acquisition of medical equipment exceeding $150,000 by a health care
provider); W. Va. Code §§ 16-2D-2t, 16-2D-3(h) (Supp. 1985) (acquisition of major medical
equipment exceeding $400,000 by any person); Wis. Stat. Ann. § 150.61(3) (West Supp.
1984) (capital expenditure exceeding $1 million for clinical medical equipment by an in-
dependent practitioner or medical group); Wyo. Stat. §§ 35-2-202(a)(ix), 205(a)(iii) (Supp.
1985); Drv. of Health & Medical Servs., Wyo. Dep't of Health & Socl\l Servs., Rules
and Regulations Governing Certificate of Need, ch. Ill §§ 2, 4 (1985) (acquisitions
of major medical equipment exceeding $400,000 by licensed practitioners' offices).
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)^^^ scanners in physician's offices and
other non-institutional settings in order to evade certificate of need
review. ^'^'^ States that did so after September 1982 not only breached
NHPRDA*s ban on extension of medical equipment coverage after that
date,^'*' but they also overcame health planners' traditional reluctance to
extend certificate of need regulation into physicians' offices.
E. New Facilities and Acquisitions of Existing Facilities
Over half the states cover construction, development, or establishment
of a new health care facility. This coverage provision probably does not
trigger review of any projects not otherwise covered as service or bed
additions or capital expenditures. It is possible that in states with high
expenditure thresholds and a restrictive list of covered new services,
establishment of inexpensive, non-bed related facilities like home health
agencies and hospices might escape review without such a provision.
NHPRDA does not require states to cover acquisitions of existing
health care facilities by individual persons or entities.^' However, a
significant minority of states appears to do so. Mississippi covers ac-
quisitions and forbids any person or entity from acquiring more than
twenty percent of all skilled nursing or intermediate care facility beds
in the state. ''*^ Nebraska law contains a similar prohibition, applicable
to short-term hospitals as well as to nursing facilities. ^'^ Twelve other
jurisdictions cover acquisitions or transfers of ownership interests in
health facilities. ^^^
-"'MRI is a non-radiological diagnostic tool that uses magnetic and radio frequency
fields to construct an image of body tissue cind monitor body chemistry.
-^"The presence of a certificate of need program covering institutional acquisitions of
medical equipment tends to encourage the placement-of such equipment in non-institutional
settings. Hillman & Schwartz, The Adoption and Diffusion of CT and MRI in the United
States, 23 Med. Care 1283 (1985). Whether this represents a success or a failing of
certificate of need depends on one's calculation of the relative costliness and medical
appropriateness of the equipment in the two settings.
-^'42 U.S.C. § 300m-6(e)(l)(B) (1982).
'^See supra note 97 and accompanying text.
-^'Miss. Code Ann. §§ 41-7-191(l)(b), 41-7-190 (Supp. 1984-85).
-^^Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 71-5830(1) (Supp. 1984).
-^^D.C. Code Ann. § 32-303(c) (1981); Hawaii Rev. Stat. § 323D-43(a)(l) (Supp.
1984); Ky. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 216B.061(b) (Supp. 1982); Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 22,
§ 304-A(3) (Supp. 1984-85); 1985 N.H. Laws, ch. 378, § 378:6 (to be codified at N.H.
Rev. Stat. Ann. § 151-C:(II)(b)); N.J. Stat. Ann. § 26-2H-7 (Supp. 1984-85); Okla.
Stat. Ann. § 2651.1(2)(d) (Supp. 1984); S.C. Code Ann. § 44-7-320 (Law. Co-op Supp.
1983); W. Va. Code § 16-2D-3 (Supp. 1985); Wis. Stat. Ann. § 150.61(4) (West Supp.
1985); Ga. Admin. Comp. ch. 272-2, §§ 272-2-.01(17)(b),(g) (1982) (coverage of capital ex-
penditure to acquire a health care facility under section 1122 and, for publicly owned or
operated facilities, under certificate of need); Louisiana Dep't of Health & Human
Resources, Policies and Guidelines for Review of Capital Expenditures 5 (1985); Maine
Certificate of Need Regulations, ch. 4, § 7 (1984).
1076 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
F. Modifications in Certificate of Need Review Procedures
As well as reducing certificate of need coverage requirements, states
have been modifying the certificate of need review process. Some states
have attempted to distill their review criteria down to a few critical
considerations. New Hampshire, for example, recently amended its law
to substitute the four criteria of financial feasibility, availability of
resources, access, and quality for its previous laundry list of over twenty
considerations.'''^ Other states have assigned priorities to their criteria. ^^^
A recurrent predicament for certificate of need agencies is the receipt
of applications for new types of equipment or services of unproven
clinical efficacy. For example, planning agencies received numerous ap-
plications for MRI scanners well before the Food and Drug Adminis-
tration had issued premarket approval for their sale.^"*^ Lacking standards
on which to base decisions in these situations, planning agencies have
tended either to adopt delaying tactics or to deny applications without
properly-adopted criteria, both with disastrous results; or simply to
approve all applicants. ^'^'^ More recently, however, some agencies have
obtained authority to impose moratoria on review of applications for
new, untested technology or to establish other limits regarding inno-
vations. West Virginia's statute, for example, empowers the state agency
to order a ninety-day moratorium on processing applications for new
medical technology when criteria and guidelines for evaluating the need
for the new technology have not yet been adopted. ^^" Ohio's law au-
thorizes the state agency to condition approval of projects for tech-
'"-Compare 1985 N.H. Laws, ch. 378, § 6 (to be codified at N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann.
§ 151-C:7) with N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 151-C:6 (Supp. 1983); compare also Hawaii
Rev. Stat. § 323D-43(b) (Supp. 1984) (review criteria of public need, cost and cost
effectiveness, and consistency with state health plan) with Hawaii Rev. Stat. § 323D-
43(b), (C)(l)-(25) (Supp. 1983); Tenn. Code Ann. § 68-11 -106(h)(2) (Supp. 1985) (criteria
of area- wide need, economical cost, and contribution to orderly development of adequate
facilities and services) with Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 68-ll-106(h)(l)(A)-(M) (Supp. 1983).
'''E.g., Okla. Stat. Ann. § 2652.1(c) (West 1984) (planning agency authority to
establish relative weights of statutory certificate of need criteria); Wis. Stat. Ann. §
150.69 (West Supp. 1985) (cost containment identified as first priority in applying criteria).
-'"Office of Health Planning, U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services, Summary
Report of Responses to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Information Request, Program
Information Letter 83-23 (1983).
-'"5^^ Florida Medical Center v. Department of Health & Rehabilitative Servs., 463
So. 2d 381 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1985) (MRI denial based on unpromulgated criteria
reversed); United Hosp. Center, Inc. v. Richardson, 328 S.E.2d 195 (W. Va. 1985) (refusal
to process MRI application enjoined).
-^"W. Va. Code § 16-2D-5(0 (Supp. 1985); see also D.C. Code Ann. § 32-314 (1981)
(authorization for 120-day moratorium on certificate of need review of new service if state
agency requires additional time to develop and adopt criteria); 1985 N.H. Laws, ch. 378,
§ 6 (to be codified at N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 151-C:4) (prohibition on issuance of
certificate of need for service for which state agency has not adopted criteria).
nologically innovative medical equipment on the applicant's agreement
to supply the agency with data to establish the equipment's clinical
States with health facility rate regulation programs have taken steps
to coordinate the decisions of certificate of need and rate-setting agencies.
Washington, for example, requires determination of the financial fea-
sibility and cost impact of hospital certificate of need applications by
the state's hospital commission, a rate-setting agency, and absent special
findings, mandates denial of an application disfavored by the com-
mission."^ Finally, planning agencies throughout the country are in-
creasingly basing their certificate of need decisions on the project's
consistency with state health plans. ^"^^ In part because certificate of need
decision-making has become more plan-driven and in part as a result
of planning agencies' accumulated experience with administrative adju-
dication, certificate of need decisions are now seldom overturned for
lack of substantive validity. '^^
A substantial number of states have imposed moratoria on some or
all certificate of need applications or approvals in recent years. The
-^'1984 Ohio Legis. Bull, file 234, § 1 (Anderson) (to be codified at Ohio Rev. Code
Ann. § 3702.53(E)(5)); see also Iowa Code Ann. § 135.64(3) (Supp. 1985) (certificate of
need criterion establishing special consideration for university hospitals with respect to
technologically innovative equipment and services); Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, § 309(2)(m)
(1980) (certificate of need criterion of need for utilizing new technological developments
on a limited, experimental basis); Wis. Stat. Ann. § 150.63 (West Supp. 1985) (certificate
of need exemption for research, development, and evaluation of innovative medical tech-
-^-Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 70.38.1 15(2)(d) (Supp. 1986); see also 1985 Wise. Legis.
Serv. 29 § 1980p (West) (to be codified at Wis. Stat. Ann. § 150.69d(5)) (hospital
rate-setting commission to provide analysis of reasonableness of certificate of need applicant's
proposed costs and charges).
-''E.g., Princeton Community Hosp. v. State Health Planning &. Dev. Agency, 328
S.E.2d 164 (W. Va. 1985).
-"^See, e.g., Humana Medical Corp. v. State Health Planning & Dev. Agency, 460
So. 2d 1295 (Ala. Civ. App. 1984) (area bed supply excess supports denial on need and
cost containment criteria); Humana, Inc. v. Department of Health & Rehabilitative Servs.,
469 So. 2d 889 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1985) (quality of care considerations supported need
methodology prohibiting new cardiac catheterization facilities until existing facilities were
fully utilized); Mercy Health Center v. State Health Facilities Council, 360 N.W.2d 808
(Iowa 1985) (denial of application on ground of cross-subsidization of non-health care
services upheld); In re Certificate of Need Application by Community Psychiatric Centers,
Inc., 234 Kan. 802, 676 P. 2d 107 (1984) (determination of need on areawide basis upheld);
Beatrice Manor, Inc. v. Department of Health, 219 Neb. 141, 362 N.W.2d 45 (1985)
(planning agency policy to encourage non-institutional care justified denial of crowded
nursing home's application to add beds); Chambery v. Axelrod, 101 A.D.2d 610, 474
N.Y.S.2d 865 (1984) (certificate of need preference for facilities participating in Medicaid
upheld); Humana Hosp. Co. v. Oklahoma State Health Planning Comm'n, 705 P. 2d 175
(Okla. 1985) (lack of need as measured by state health plan formula justified certificate
of need denial).
1078 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
primary reason for doing so has been to bar new services or expansion
in areas in which state plans project no community need for an extended
period of time. Missouri, for example, has adopted a moratorium on
issuance of certificates of need for new skilled or intermediate care
nursing facility beds until July 1, 1988."^
Several states have recently resuscitated a proposal that was a key
element in the unsuccessful national hospital cost containment strategy
of the Carter administration: imposition of a ceiling or *'cap" on the
total dollar value of projects approveable through certificate of need
programs in a given year.^^^ A capital ceiling is a mechanism for con-
trolling the total level of capital investment by health facilities for large
projects and for compelling health planning agencies to weigh the relative
merits of disparate projects.'" In the presence of a "cap," projects for
remodeling existing facilities compete with new construction, and for
example, a new open heart surgery service must vie with a new renal
dialysis unit for limited capital funds. By contrast, under conventional
certificate of need programs, only contemporaneously-filed applications
for similar projects are comparatively reviewed. ^^^ A statutory cap is in
operation in Rhode Island and Maine. ^^"^ The Massachusetts hospital rate-
setting statute has a maximum on increases in operating costs resulting
from capital expenditures.-^^" Oregon's law provides for the establishment
of a non-enforceable annual capital expenditure target for all hospitals
in the state. ^^'
VI. The Future of Certificate of Need
State certificate of need and section 1122 capital expenditure review
programs have changed significantly over the two decades they have
-"Mo. Ann. Stat. § 197.315(1) (Vernon Supp. 1985); see also Miss. Code Ann. §
41-7-191(2) (Supp. 1985) (moratorium on nursing home bed increases); 1985 Wis. Legis.
Serv. Act 29, § 1980p (West) (to be codified at Wis. Stat. Ann. § 150.62) (moratorium
on new hospital establishment or relocation). See generally Office of Health Planning,
U.S. Dep't of Health & Human Services, Moratoria: A Continuing Process in
Regulatory Review, Prog. Inf. Letter 85-32 (1985) (twenty-two states imposed moratoria
at some time during 1980-85). For an article reporting on the success of a moratorium
in limiting the diffusion of CT scanning, see Lawthers-Higgins, Taft & Hodgman, The
Impact of Certificate of Need on CT Scanning in Massachusetts, Health Care Mgmt.
Rev., Summer 1984, at 71.
-""See D. Abernathy & D. Pearson, Regulating Hospital Costs: The Development
OF Public Policy 90-92 (1979).
-''See generally Institute for Health Planning, Methods for Establishing Capital
Expenditure Limits (1984).
-"''See, e.g., Bio-Medical Applications of Clearwater v. Department of Health &
Rehabilitative Servs., 370 So. 2d 19 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1979) (comparative review of
"mutually exclusive" kidney dialysis center CON applications required).
-"'Me. Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 22, § 396-k (Supp. 1985).
-'-Mass. Gen. Laws Ann. ch. 6A, § 32 (West Supp. 1985).
-'•'1985 Or. Laws ch. 747, §§ 21-24.
been in operation. They were initially conceived as an adjunct to com-
munity-wide health planning. Later, they were seen as a vehicle for
implementation of federal health policy. Today, such programs appear
increasingly tailored to fit narrowly-drawn individual state regulatory
policies and to compensate for specified market defects.
The persistence of certificate of need regulation in the face of widely-
reported studies questioning its efficacy and open hostility from the
Reagan administration may seem somewhat surprising. However, research
on certificate of need programs has universally assumed that cost-con-
tainment was the only purpose of such programs (largely because cost
control became the dominant rationale for federal funding for state
certificate of need by the mid-70' s). This Article has suggested that cost
control may be only one of several mixed roles played by state health
planning and certificate of need programs. In addition, anecdotal evidence
at the state level on the impact of the program on the scope and direction
of hospital and other health facility capital investment has never been
lacking. Finally, there has probably been a greater awareness at the state
level than in the federal government that because certificate of need
programs require several years to develop review criteria and adminis-
trative procedures needed to function effectively and to survive judicial
scrutiny, they could not be evaluated simply on the basis of their first
few years of operation.
A. Future State Participation in Certificate of Need
As indicated above, every state except Arizona, Utah, and Texas
currently has some form of health facility capital expenditure regulation,
whether certificate of need, section 1122, a moratorium, or some com-
bination of these provisions. Eight states' certificate of need laws are
scheduled to sunset essentially in their entirety in subsequent years. In
addition, two states' laws would expire if NHPRDA were repealed.'^'
If all the statutes scheduled to expire (including those linked to NHPRDA
repeal) did so and no state entered into a new section 1122 contract or
adopted a moratorium, thirty-seven states and the District of Columbia
would continue to have some form of capital expenditure review. Thirty-
two states and the District of Columbia would have certificate of need
statutes, slightly more than had such programs immediately prior to the
passage of NHPRDA.
What prompted the states that repealed certificate of need programs
to do so? The primary consideration has been recent changes in the
-"-The Arkansas statute would automatically expire if NHPRDA were to expire or
terminate, or if the programs instituted pursuant to NHPRDA ceased to function. Ark.
Stat. Ann. § 82-2313.1 (Supp. 1983). The Colorado statute would sunset after the first
state legislative session commencing after Congress repealed the state certificate of need
requirements of NHPRDA. Colo. Rev. Stat. § 25-3-521 (1982).
1080 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
sources of imperfection in the institutional health services market. As
indicated above, the Medicare program has begun to substitute reim-
bursement at a predetermined rate for incur red-cost payment, and both
state Medicaid programs and private health insurers are following suit.^^^
The new prospective payment mechanisms, which typically pay individual
providers prior-year average costs incurred by all providers, offer a
disincentive to above-average cost care and an efficiency incentive in the
form of an opportunity to profit from providing below average cost
care. There has also been a significant increase in patient enrollment in
health maintenance organizations and other health care delivery systems
that operate with internal incentives to reduce costs, and some evidence
of price competition among such systems and between them and con-
ventional health insurance. ^^ For these and other reasons, utilization of
institutional health services has been declining, and as with other areas
of the economy, the annual rate of increase in health care expenditures
has declined. These factors, combined with a general preference for
unregulated markets and exasperation with the controversy that often
surrounds certificate of need decisions, seem to have prompted the
legislatures to repeal certificate of need statutes.
Over half the states repealing certificate of need hedged their bets
on deregulation by retaining or re-entering the section 1122 program or
adopting construction moratoria. In these states and others that con-
sidered but did not repeal certificate of need, there was considerable
concern that the increased competitiveness of the institutional health care
market had not reached the point at which it would counteract still-
existing incentives to capital expansion. An important issue for states
was the effect certificate of need repeal itself would have on health
facility capital investment and construction. State legislatures, especially
those concerned about current spending under Medicaid programs, were
concerned with the potential for a large increase in spending immediately
after repeal. ^^^ Evidence from the states that have removed all restrictions
on health facility capital investment strongly suggests that a short-term
surge does take place when certificate of need controls are lifted. ^^^
In Arizona, the certificate of need law expired March 16, 1985.^^^
In the six months following, hospitals in Arizona obtained licensure
permits for expansion projects, formerly subject to certificate of need
^^^See supra notes 185-91 and accompanying text.
'''See, e.g., Taylor & Kagay, The HMO Report Card, 5 Health Aff. 81, 82 (1986).
-'■'A small increase seems almost inevitable, as a consequence of implementation of
projects delayed in anticipation of repeal, projects commenced promptly in expectation
of reimposition of certificate of need, and the increased attractiveness of the state over
still-regulated jurisdictions to new entrants.
'''See infra notes 267-71 and accompanying text.
-"^1984 Ariz. Sess. Laws ch. 1, § 1.
review, with a total cost of $135 million. By contrast, for the same six-
month period in 1984, during which certificate of need review was in
effect, hospitals were issued permits for only $7.5 million worth of
projects. ^^^ A total of 674 new hospital beds was included in the 1985
projects, and four new open-heart surgery services were instituted. '^'^
Post-repeal expansion also does not seem to taper off after a few
months. In Arizona, certificate of need review for nursing homes expired
in July 1982. During the subsequent three and one-half year period,
the number of facilities and beds in the state increased at a continuous
rate. Overall, the number of nursing home beds in the state increased
by 51.1%, compared to a 55.8% growth in the preceding nine year
period (1974-82) during which certificate of need review was in effect.'^*'
Post-repeal expansion appears to be taking place in Utah as well as
in Arizona. ^^' It seems unlikely that the high level of expansion in
Arizona and Utah will continue over the long-term. However, the ex-
perience in these states does suggest that certificate of need repeal leads
to a short-term increase in construction and expansion whose effects
upon excess capacity and costs will linger for years. It also suggests that
the recent changes in health facility reimbursement, utilization, and
delivery have not purged the institutional health care sector of expan-
sionist tendencies.
The dramatic increases in health facility capital spending in the states
that have repealed certificate of need programs will probably discourage
a major repeal trend in the remaining states. Of course, the fate of
state certificate of need programs is likely to be heavily influenced by
^**G. Heller & M. Chase, A Study of the Impact of Health Care Deregulation
ON Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Health Services in Arizona 242 (report prepared
by Office of Planning and Budget Development, Ariz. Dep't of Health Services, Nov.
15, 1985).
^^'The post-repeal expansion does not appear to be attributable to relaxation of overly
restrictive prior controls. In 1984, Arizona hospitals had a 57.8% occupancy, well below
national averages and guidelines, and an estimated excess capacity of 2,800 beds. Arizona
Statew^ide Health Coordinating Council, Draft Arizona State Health Plan, ch. 10,
Appendix A (1985) (1984 Arizona non-federal hospital occupancy rate). Compare 42 C.F.R.
§ 121.202 (1985) (National Guidelines for Health Planning recommended non-federal hospital
occupancy rate of 80%); American Hosp. Ass'n, Hospital Statistics 22 (1985) (1984 U.S.
non-federal hospital occupancy rate of 71.9%); Arizona Statewide Health Coordinating
Council, Current Status/Trends in Arizona's Acute Care Nonfederal Hospital Beds
(1984) (1984 excess bed capacity estimate).
^'"G. Heller & M. Chase, supra note 268, at 2.
-"One month after the repeal of Utah's certificate of need law on December 31,
1984, six new hospitals, all previously disapproved under the certificate of need law, were
under construction. Congress Ends Federal Health Planning, Medicine & Health Per-
spectistes 3 (Oct. 6, 1986). Within a few months after repeal, building permit application had
been filed for 2,800 new nursing home beds. Telephone interview with Steven Bonney, Executive
Director, Utah Health Systems Agency, May 28, 1985.
1082 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
the status of NHPRDA and section 1122. Nevertheless, it appears that
in the forseeable future, capital expenditure review will continue in the
majority of states.
B. Future of State Certificate of Need Programs
Since the relaxation of NHPRDA requirements in 1982, state cer-
tificate of need programs have changed considerably. It is likely that
the direction and pace of these changes will continue. It seems likely
that to the extent states use certificate of need as a mechanism for
controlling increases in institutional health care costs, they will increas-
ingly focus certificate of need review on health facility expansions and
service additions that generate increased operating expenses. It is these
costs, not the capital costs associated with such projects, that have the
greatest impact on total costs. ^^^ Consistent with this focus, one would
expect states to increase capital expenditure thresholds, to delete coverage
of capital expenditures in any amount for service additions or bed
increases, and to retain coverage of service additions or expansions
associated with additional annual operating costs. Exemption of the
various ambulatory and low-intensity in-patient facilities whose services
represent a fraction of total institutional health care costs could also be
expected. The recently-amended Indiana certificate of need law seems
to follow this approach to an extent. All outpatient facilities, including
ambulatory surgery facilities and freestanding hemodialysis units, have
been deregulated. ^^^ Coverage is limited to capital expenditures exceeding
$750,000 and to certain bed capacity and category changes affecting beds
certified to participate in Medicare or Medicaid. ^^'*
It also seems likely that states will continue to employ certificate
of need review as a vehicle for preserving quality of care by restricting
entry to new services having a reasonable probability of meeting minimum
volume standards. With an increasingly competitive institutional health
care environment and with the potential for large profits from at least
some high-intensity, high-technology services, the rationale for this kind
of quality-related certificate of need regulation is as great as ever.^^^ It
-'-See supra note 146 and accompanying text.
-"Ind. Code § 16-1-3.3-1 (Supp. 1985). Indiana's law does not, however, provide
for coverage of new services not associated with high capital expenditures but with high
annual operating costs, e.g., new open-heart surgery services. Compare the Montana and
Wyoming coverage patterns discussed supra at note 215 and accompanying text.
-^^iND. Code § 16-1-3.3-1 (Supp. 1985).
-"The objection is sometimes raised that quality-related regulation should be the
domain of facility licensure, not certificate of need. But as the creators of such regulatory
regimens, states ought to be free to assign them such roles as they please, irrespective of
their labels. Health planning agencies have both the technical tools and the jurisdiction
to review the expected utilization of newly proposed services through certificate of need
applies, however, only to a limited set of services which are almost
exclusively provided in a hospital setting. States adding the quality-related
function to certificate of need programs primarily focused on cost con-
tainment can be expected to include in their coverage provisions additions
of those specified new services, regardless of capital or operating cost,
for which there is a demonstrable relationship between volume and patient
outcome. Oregon's newly amended statute, which contains a $1,000,000
capital threshold and coverage of new services that exceed the annual
operating cost threshold or are identified with volume-related quality
concerns, exemplifies this approach. '^^ Alternatively, a state that aban-
doned certificate of need as a cost containment mechanism but wished
to maintain limited entry controls for quality of care purposes might
limit its coverage to new hospital services. California's hospital coverage
provisions, which exempt all capital expenditures and service additions
except for radiation therapy units, burn centers, emergency centers,
psychiatric services, newborn intensive care nurseries, cardiac surgery
units, and cardiac catheterization units, may reflect this approach.
In recent years, a number of states have increased the role played
by certificate of need review in assuring access to institutional health
care by persons unable to pay, through preferential treatment of charitable
facilities or by outright indigent care quotas. ^^^ This strategy has attracted
attention in other states.-^" However, there is even greater interest at
present among the states in programs that redistribute revenues from
low indigent care facilities to those treating a disproportionate share of
such patients. ^^"^ Typically, such programs authorize a tax on hospital
sales or revenues that funds an indigent care account from which facilities
with disproportionate indigent care loads may draw.^"" These programs
may offer a more precise matching of the benefits or subsidies to a
facility with its indigent care burden than certificate of need preferences
or quotas. However, these programs may tend to concentrate indigent
patients in a limited number of facilities more than certificate of need
preferences or quotas do. The redistribution programs are not inconsistent
programs, while licensing agencies have traditionally fulfilled the role of monitoring the
ongoing operations of existing facilities and services. Certificate of need programs can do
little in the way of monitoring facility operations, except through enforcement of licensure
determinations in subsequent certificate of need proceedings.
-"'See supra note 228.
'^'See supra note 25.
-''See, e.g., Subst. S.B. 4403, 48th Wash. Legis., 1984 Reg. Sess. § 22(2)(k), which
adopted a certificate of need requirement that each applicant meet or exceed the regional
average level of charity care (subsequently vetoed by the governor).
-'"'Academy for State & Local Gov't, Access to Care for the Medically Indigent:
A Resource Document for State and Local Ofhcials 54-71 (1985).
^*°M. King, Alternative Funding Sources for Care of the Medically Indigent 3 (Nat'l
Conf. of State Legislatures 1986).
1084 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
with certificate of need preferences or quotas. Given the high level of
public concern with indigent care and the availability of more direct
mechanisms for increasing indigent care access, it seems unlikely that
states will make indigent patient access the dominant function of cer-
tificate of need programs, but equally likely that it will continue to be
one of several functions of such programs.
Employment of certificate of need review as an adjunct to state
programs regulating or reimbursing the operating expenses of health
facilities is likely to continue as long as states continue to have such
programs. However, the number of states with rate regulation programs
shows no signs of increasing, and numerous states have changed their
Medicaid reimbursement formulae in ways that reduce the incentives to
overinvestment and correspondingly reduce the need for compensatory
regulatory programs. ^^'
C The Future of Federal Health Planning Law
In the fall of 1986, Congress finally reached the decision to dis-
continue NHPRDA funding. ^**^ Congress also passed and sent to the
President legislation that would repeal NHPRDA. ^^^ The possibility of
any continued federal funding for state certificate of need and capital
expenditure review programs turns on the outcome of the debate over
in-patient hospital reimbursement for capital expenditures under the
Medicare program. Congress has given itself until October 1, 1987, to
devise a mechanism for incorporating payment for such costs into the
prospective payment system.^"* Even if it does so. Congress could choose
to retain section 1122 either as a mandatory or as a state optional
program. However, if Congress succeeds in enacting a new capital reim-
bursement formula that rewards efficient operations and prudent in-
vestment, that maintains an adequate capital plant to assure the long-
term availability of hospital services to the increasing Medicare popu-
lation, and that satisfies budget constraints, it is unlikely that fed-
eral interest in supporting state regulatory health planning through sec-
tion 1122 will continue. Congress might logically conclude that any incre-
ment in cost-saving benefits to the Medicare program from state section
1122 programs above and beyond the cost-containment incentives
of the prospective payment system would be outweighed by the programs'
^^'See supra notes 185-89 and accompanying text.
-■^-Congress' decision took the form of a refusal to include funding for NHPRDA
Programs in the 1987 fiscal year continuing resolution, terminating NHPRDA funding as
of the end of the 1986 fiscal year (Oct. 1, 1986). See Congress Ends Federal Health Planning,
Medicine & Health Perspectives, Oct. 6, 1986, at 1.
"^See Congress' Health Leaders Agree to Health Legislation Package, Medicine & Health,
Oct. 20, 1986, at 3.
'«Tub. L. No. 98,369, § 2312(c), 98 Stat. 494 (1984).
undesirable enfranchising effect. Congress might also conclude that the
benefits of state capital expenditure review programs (both in the area
of cost-containment and in the quality of care and access arenas) accrue
primarily to states which, on that account, ought to shoulder all or
most of the cost of such programs.
Another alternative deserves consideration. The section 1122 program
could be retained, but put to a different use. Federally-funded health
planning had its origins in planning for the disbursement of federal
health facility construction funds through the Hill-Burton program. '*^'*
Today the federal government no longer provides direct support for
private health facility construction, even though many of the hospitals
and other facilities built with Hill-Burton monies are in need of re-
placement. ^*^^ Nor is it likely that grants or loans for hospital construction
will be reinstituted in the forseeable future. Instead the federal government
will support health facility construction primarily through tax exemptions
for interest on certain bonds issued for health facility construction'*^^
and by Medicare reimbursement for capital costs. Both of these supports
may be targeted for curtailment in the interest of deficit reduction. Yet
it is through the provision of adequate support for health facility capital
investments that the Medicare program is assured of the long-term
availability of an adequate supply of health care facilities to meet the
needs of the Medicare population.
The Medicare program could employ the section 1122 review process
to support selected health care facilities in each state and local community
that are likely to be needed in the long run to assure the availability
of services to Medicare beneficiaries. Health care facilities seeking to
make major capital expenditures for replacement or new construction
would apply for approval under the section 1122 process. ^'^'^ The review
would proceed as it has in the past, except that the planning agencies
would only determine the need for the proposed expenditure to serve
the Medicare population, not the entire community need for the project.
Facilities whose projects were identified as needed would be entitled to
a Medicare capital allowance in addition to reimbursement for operating
expenses associated with treatment of Medicare patients. Facilities not
identified as needed would continue to be eligible to participate in
Medicare and to receive per-case payment for operating expenses, but
Medicare funds would not be given to replace or expand their capital
-""■See supra notes 33-37 and accompanying text.
'**Ting & Valiante, Future Capital Needs of Community Hospitals, 1 Health Aff. 14 (1982).
-•^l.R.C. § 103(a)(1) (1985). See generally Capital Projects, 2 Topics in Health Care
Financing (Winter 1975).
-"'Minor expenditures, including those associated with moveable equipment acquisitions,
could be exempted from section 1122 review and reimbursed through a standard allowance
incorporated into the per case payment.
1086 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
Under this approach, Medicare would selectively support major health
facility construction, much as some state Medicaid programs currently
contract with a limited group of hospitals or other providers for services
to Medicaid beneficiaries, or as Hill-Burton once supported those facilities
willing to provide uncompensated care and community service. From a
predetermined total federal expenditure for Medicare capital reimburse-
ment, each facility selected for capital payment under this system could
receive more generous capital payment than it would receive under a
system paying for capital expenses in every Medicare-participating facility.
A simplified version of this process has been proposed. The Office
of Management and Budget has suggested that Medicare capital reim-
bursement to hospitals be limited to those facilities achieving eighty-five
percent occupancy rates. ^^' The purposes of this approach are to channel
Medicare capital reimbursement toward needed facilities, to avoid payment
to underutilized, unnecessary facilities, and to permit more generous capital
payment within budget constraints by spreading payment over fewer
facilities. While the purposes are laudable, a target occupancy rate is a
poor substitute for the kind of multi-factored determination of need
that health planning programs can make. For example, an eighty-five percent
target occupancy rate could penalize small rural hospitals that, although
their occupancy rates are low, are needed for reasons of geographical
access to services. A high occupancy hospital with a low Medicare patient
load might be less deserving of capital support than a lower occupancy
facility that treats many Medicare patients. Finally, rather than en-
couraging closure of excess beds, a target occupancy rate could create
an incentive to increase unnecessary admissions and extend hospital stays,
contrary to the incentives in the per case system of payment for operating
Using the section 1122 process to make the federal government a
selective investor in health facility capital plants would provide a legit-
imate participatory role for capital expenditure review in a competitive
institutional health services market. It would also reinstitute health plan-
ning as a major federal vehicle for management of health care delivery.
Medicare is the nation's largest purchaser of institutional health services
and few health care facilities do not participate in Medicare. Using health
planning agencies operating through the 1122 process as Medicare's
purchasing agents would place health planning programs in a central
role in determining the allocation of health resources throughout the
Whether or not federal funding continues, it appears that a substantial
number of states will retain certificate of need programs, at least in the
'"'Wash. Report on Medicine & Health, Dec. 23, 1985, at 3; see also 51 Fed. Reg. 19,983
(1986) (HHS request for comments on methods for including adjustment to capital payment
for low occupancy hospitals).
near future. It should be apparent that certificate of need regulation
continues to satisfy a wide range of state policy roles. However, it also
appears that in the absence of federal requirements, a significant number
of states will abandon the program in favor of efforts to promote more
competitive health service markets. This might well be a fortuitous
development. As with any regulatory program that intervenes in the
market to accomplish some social good, the necessity for certificate of
need programs ought to be continuously evaluated, and the scope of
the program tailored to meet specific, concrete, present purposes. It is
difficult to do this when the states uniformly adopt the program. The
repeal of the program in some jurisdictions provides a natural experiment
to measure the impact of the presence or absence of certificate of need
review on the direction and scope of health facility expenditures.
1088 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
SOURCES: Information contained in the Tables and in this Appendix
has been compiled primarily from the author's review of state certificate
of need and section 1122 statutes and regulations, supplemented by the
author's written and telephonic communications with SHPDA officials,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services officials, and various
secondary sources.
EXPLANATORY NOTES: The symbol "X" appearing in the Tables in-
dicates that a particular health care facility or project is subject to cer-
tificate of need review in a given state. The symbol "N" appearing in
the Tables indicates that additional information regarding a state's coverage
of a particular facility or project may be found in the State-by-State Com-
ments section of this Appendix. An asterisk (*) appearing in the "Capital
and Other Projects" Table under the coverage categories relating to bed
capacity indicates that the state covers the indicated bed-related change
only if it exceeds ten beds or ten percent of bed capacity, whichever is
less, in any two year period. A dollar amount adjacent to an "X" sym-
bol in the ''Capital and Other Projects" Table indicates that the specified
project or expenditure is covered only if its cost exceeds the dollar amount.
AOC = annual operating cost; CCU = coronary care unit; CE = capital
expenditure; CON = certificate of need; HHA = home health agency;
ICF = intermediate care facility; LF = letter received from; ICU = in-
tensive care unit; LT = letter sent to; MME = major medical equip-
ment; NMR or MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; OAHCF = organized
ambulatory health care facility; SHPDA = State Health Planning and
Development Agency; SNF = skilled nursing facility; TCF = telephone
call from; TCT = telephone call to; 10/10/2 = ten beds or ten percent,
whichever is less, in any two-year period; 1122 = section 1122 program.
to comprehensively display the facility and project coverage provisions
of state certificate of need and section 1122 programs. A few entities
and projects subject to review are not shown. In the ''Health Care
Facilities, etc." Table, coverage of "persons" is not Usted, although vir-
tually all states cover "persons." The "Capital and Other Projects" Table
does not list the following transactions, covered under many state CON
statutes: (1) Capital expenditure to acquire (either by purchase or under
lease or comparable arrangement) an existing health care facihty if the
person entering into a contractual arrangement for such acquisition does
not notify the SHPDA at least thirty days prior to such contractual
arrangement or if the SHPDA finds that the services or bed capacity of
the faciUty will be changed in being acquired. (2) Acquisition of major
medical equipment not owned by or located in a health care facility if
the person entering into a contractual arrangement to acquire the equip-
ment does not notify the SHPDA at least thirty days before contractual
arrangements are made to acquire the equipment. (3) Capital expenditures
not otherwise subject to review for proposed changes in previously-
approved projects, including cost overruns, and proposed changes not
otherwise subject to review in previously-approved projects.
1. Definitions used in "Health Care Facilities, etc." Table: State
CON/1122 statutes and regulations employ a variety of definitions and
terms to identify the persons and entities subject to CON review. Usu-
ally, but not invariably, state statutes first subject "health care facilities"
to review and then in statute or regulations list and sometimes define the
various types of facilities subsumed under that term. This Tat 'e was com-
pleted using a standard set of health care facility definitions which does
not duplicate any one state's coverage definitions exactly, but which is
intended to place comparable types of facihties in distinct categories for
comparison purposes. Readers seeking to ascertain whether a particular
project would be subject to review in a given state are cautioned to con-
sult the laws of that state. The following definitions apply to the Table:
"Hospital" means an institution which primarily provides to inpatients,
by or under the supervision of physicians, diagnostic services and
therapeutic services for medical diagnosis, treatment and care of injured,
disabled, or sick persons, or rehabilitation services for the rehabilitation
of injured, disabled or sick persons. The term includes psychiatric and
tuberculosis hospitals. Individual states may enumerate other categories
of general and specialty hospitals falling within their definition of
"hospital". "Skilled nursing facility" means an institution or a distinct
part of an institution which primarily provides to inpatients skilled nurs-
ing care and related services for patients who require medical or nursing
care, or rehabiHtation services for the rehabilitation of injured, disabled,
or sick persons. The term "intermediate care facility" means an institu-
tion which provides, on a regular basis, health-related care and services
to individuals who do not require the degree of care and treatment which
a hospital or skilled nursing facility provides, but who because of their
mental or physical condition require health-related care and services (above
the level of room and board). The term "medically-oriented residential
care facilities" refers to inpatient institutions providing room, board, and
personal care services, not including continuous nursing services, to in-
dividuals who do not require the degree of care and treatment which a
hospital, skilled facility, or intermediate care facility provides but who
1090 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
by reason of illness, disease, or physical or mental infirmity are unable
to effectively or properly care for themselves. The states have various
names for these facilities. The term "inpatient rehabilitation facility" means
an inpatient facility which is operated for the primary purpose of assisting
in the rehabilitation of disabled persons through an integrated program
of medical and other services which are provided under competent pro-
fessional supervision. The term "home health agency" means a private
or public agency or institution, not part of another health care facility,
that provides "home health services" as that term is defined in Section
1861(m) of the Social Security Act, or a similar set of services as pro-
vided under state law. The term "hospice" means a public agency or
private organization not part of another health care facility that pro-
vides "hospice care" as that term is defined in Section 1861(dd) of the Soc-
ial Security Act, or similar care as provided for under state law. The term
"kidney dialysis treatment center (including freestanding hemodialysis
units)" means a health care facility, not part of another health care facility,
which provides dialysis services. "Health maintenance organization (sub-
ject to exemption)" means a public or private organization that falls within
the health maintenance organization definition in 42 U.S.C. § 300n(8) or
a similar definition under state law, and whose capital expenditures and
other projects are largely exempt from CON review under state law. "Am-
bulatory surgery center" means a facility, not a part of another health
care facility, which provide surgical treatment to patients not requiring
hospitalization. The term does not include the offices of private physi-
cians or dentists, whether for individual or group practice. "Organized
ambulatory health care facilities/outpatient clinics" is a generic term en-
compassing clinics, health centers, and independent facilities other than
ambulatory surgery centers, not part of another health care facility, which
are organized and operated to provide general outpatient medical care
or specific types of medical care to outpatients. The term does not in-
clude the offices of private physicians or dentists, whether for individual
or group practice. States with broad, general provisions for coverage of
OAHCFs but no breakdown or specification of the facilities included
thereunder are listed in this category on the Table. A state whose law
and regulations provide for both broad, general coverage of OAHCFs
and express coverage of specified ambulatory facilities will be checked
on the Table both in the "organized ambulatory health care facilities"
box and in the boxes corresponding to the specific facilities covered.
Some states do not have general coverage of OAHCFs but do cover
some specified ambulatory facilities. They are on the Table accordingly.
"Freestanding emergicenter" means a facility, not part of another health
care facility, which is, or is licensed as, or presents itself to the pubHc
as, a 24-hour facility to provide emergency or urgent medical care. "Am-
bulatory obstetrical facilities/birthing centers" and "family planning/abor-
tion centers" are facilities, not part of another health care facility, pro-
viding some or all such services. "Community health centers/clinics" means
neighborhood health centers and community clinics, not part of another
health care facility, and in any given state may include ''community health
centers" faUing within the definition thereof in 42 U.S. C. § 254c, "migrant
health centers" falHng within the definition thereof in 42 U.S.C. §254b,
and "rural health clinics" falling within the definition thereof in 42 U.S.C.
§ 254aa(2). "PubHc health center" means an official agency established
by state or local government, not part of another health care facility,
the primary function of which is to provide public health and medical
services. "Community mental health centers" means outpatient facilities,
not part of another health care facility, which fall within the definition
of "community mental health centers" in 42 U.S.C. § 2691 (1973) or a
similar definition under state law and includes facilities for treatment of
developmental disabilities, mental retardation, alcohohsm, drug abuse,
chemical dependency and mental illness. "Facilities for the provision of
outpatient therapy services including speech pathology" means clinics,
rehabilitation agencies, or public health agencies, not part of another health
care facility, which provide outpatient physical therapy and speech
pathology services as defined in 42 U.S.C. § 1395x(p). "Outpatient
rehabilitation facility" means a facility, not part of another health care
facility, which provides outpatient rehabilitative services and may include
"comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities" as the term is defined
in 42 U.S.C. §§ 1395x(cc).
2. Definitions of projects and capital expenditures in * 'Capital and Other
Projects*' Table: State certificate of need and section 1122 statutes and
regulations employ a variety of categories and terms to identify the ex-
penditures, projects, and transactions subject to CON review. Usually,
but not invariably, states subject some combination of capital expenditures,
additions of new health services and beds, and acquisitions of major
medical equipment to review. Most states employ expenditure or annual
operating cost thresholds (i.e., dollar values of the amount of an expen-
diture or major medical equipment acquisition or of the annual operating
costs associated with a non-capital expenditure project below which an
expenditure or project is not covered). The Table was completed using
a standard set of expenditure, project, and transaction definitions which
may not duplicate any one state's definitions exactly, but which is in-
tended to place comparable types of expenditures, projects, and transac-
tions in distinct categories for comparison purposes. Readers seeking to
ascertain whether a particular project would be subject to review in a
given state are cautioned to consult the laws of that state.
Expenditure and project coverage is divided in the Table into two broad
categories: coverage of capital expenditures and coverage of projects. The
term "general purpose CE/expenditure threshold" refers to coverage of
capital expenditures undertaken by or on behalf of health care facilities
1092 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
for any purpose. If the state employs an expenditure threshold, that
threshold is shown. "CE for bed capacity increases and decreases/expen-
diture threshold" refers to state coverage of applicable expenditures for
both increases and decreases in bed capacity of a health care facility. If
an expenditure threshold is applied to such coverage, the threshold is
shown. "CE for bed capacity increases only/expenditure threshold" is
self-explanatory. "CE for changes in bed categories/expenditure
thresholds" refers to state coverage of capital expenditures for redistribu-
tion of existing health care facility beds among license categories or other
services specified under state law. If an expenditure threshold is applied
to coverage of such projects, the threshold is shown. "CE for additions
of health services/expenditure threshold" refers to state coverage of capital
expenditures by or on behalf of health care facilities which are associated
with additions of health services which were not offered by or on behalf
of the facility within the previous twelve months. If state coverage is depen-
dent on an expenditure threshold, the threshold is given; otherwise health
service additions are covered under this category if they are associated
with any capital expenditure. *'CE for terminations of health services/ex-
penditures threshold" refers to coverage of capital expenditures which are
associated with the termination of health services which were previously
offered in or through the facility. If state coverage is dependent on an
expenditure threshold, the threshold is given in otherwise health service
terminations associated with any CE are covered.
Under the listings for coverage of specified projects, "Bed capacity in-
creases and decreases" refers to coverage of both increases and decreases
in the total number of beds offered by or on behalf of a health care
facility, regardless of whether the change is associated with a capital ex-
penditure. "Bed category changes" refers to coverage of redistribution
of beds among various license or other categories under state law,
regardless of whether such redistribution is associated with a capital ex-
penditure. "Bed relocations" refers to coverage of relocations of beds
from one physical facility or site to another, regardless of whether such
relocation is associated with a capital expenditure. "Additions of new
health services/annual operating cost threshold" refers to coverage of the
addition of a health service which was not offered by or on behalf of
a health care facility within the previous twelve months, regardless of
whether the addition is associated with a capital expenditure. If coverage
of the health service addition is provided for only if the new health service
will entail annual operating costs of at least an expenditure minimum for
annual operating costs, then the Table indicates the state's annual operating
cost dollar threshold. "Termination of a service" refers to a termination
of a health service which was offered in or through a health care facility
and which is not associated with a capital expenditure. "Acquisitions of
major medical equipment/equipment threshold" refers to state coverage
of the acquisition by any person of major medical equipment that will
be owned by or located in a health care facility, or equipment that will
be used to provide services for hospital inpatients on other than a tem-
porary basis in case of national disaster, major accident, or equipment
failure. If the state employs an expenditure threshold for coverage of
medical equipment acquisitions, the threshold is shown. "Construction,
development, or other establishment of new health care facilities" refers
to construction or commencing operation by any person of entirely new
physical plants of health care facilities." "Acquisition of existing facilities"
refers to the acquisition by any person of the physical plant of an ex-
isting health care facility, or the acquisition of the stock or assets of a
corporation or other entity owning an existing health care facility. If a
state specifies coverage of other projects, the projects are listed in the
state-by-state comments.
ALABAMA: Inpatient rehabilitation facilities, outpatient rehabilitation
facilities: State law provides for coverage of "rehabihtation centers." State
regulations provide for coverage of "health facilities required by federal
regulations" (which would include inpatient rehabilitation facilities) and
"substance abuse rehabilitation facilities" (which may be inpatient or out-
patient). Other entities, persons: Alabama covers facilities for the
developmentally disabled. CE for other specified purpose: Alabama statute
and regulations cover CE in excess of $245,000 for AOC. Coverage under
this provision unclear. Additions of new health services: Alabama regula-
tions contain a non-exclusive list of new services subject to review (e.g.,
(a) ambulance - air unit; (b) ambulance - ground unit; (c) birthing centers
and services; (d) nursing home services (ICF and skilled considered as
one service); (e) cardiac catheterization (adult or pediatric); (f) angiography
laboratory; (g) cardiopulmonary laboratory; (h) ICU/CCU; (i)
hemodialysis; G) hyberbaric chamber; (k) organ transplant; (1) organ bank;
(m) open-heart surgery; (n) pulmonary function laboratory; (o) CT scan-
ners (mobile or fixed); (p) nuclear medicine (includes NMR); (q)
megavoltage radiation therapy; (r) neonatal intensive care (level II and
III); (s) pediatric inpatient services; (t) extracorporeal lithotresis; (u)
rehabihtation services (including physical therapy, speech and hearing);
(v) psychiatric; (w) substance abuse; (x) specialty services which have been
addressed in the appropriate state plan as being properly allocated on a
regional basis). Other specified projects: Alabama regulations cover "plan-
ning, predevelopmental, and developmental activities in excess of
ALASKA: Other entities: Alaska statute covers "federal hospitals." CE
for bed supply increases and decreases: Statute covers "CE in excess of
$1M for alteration of bed capacity." Table assumes this language pro-
1094 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
vides for coverage of bed increases and decreases with no 10/10/2
ARIZONA: General: Arizona has no CON statute. Prior CON law was
repealed 03/15/85. It does not have an 1122 program.
ARKANSAS: General: Arkansas has a certificate of need program and
an 1122 program, apparently with identical coverage. Hospice: coverage
unclear. Other outpatient ambulatory care facilities: Arkansas also covers
"chnical health centers, multidisciphnary clinics, specialty clinics."
CALIFORNIA: General: California law provides various general exemp-
tions from certificate of need coverage in addition to the categorical ex-
emptions described below, including an exemption for facilities providing
prepaid health care, facilities providing certain volumes of free care, etc.
Cahfornia CON scheduled to sunset Jan. 1, 1987. Other outpatient am-
bulatory care facilities: California also subjects to limited regulation "free
clinics", "psychology clinics", "chronic dialysis clinics", and "employees'
chnics." CE for other specified purposes/expenditure threshold: Cahfor-
nia covers a capital expenditure in any amount for a specialty clinic
(surgical, chronic dialysis, or rehabilitation clinic) for expanded outpa-
tient capacity. California also covers capital expenditures in excess of
$1,000,000 for other projects for a surgical chnic or rehabilitation clinic
and capital expenditures in excess of $1,000,000 for services, equipment
or modernization of a specialty clinic (e.g., surgical clinic, chronic dialysis
clinic, rehabilitation clinic). Bed capacity increases: California covers bed
supply increases, and exempts a bed supply increase less than ten percent
of licensed bed capacity or ten beds whichever is less in a two-year period
for certain classes of health facilities, if certain occupancy rate and ac-
cessibility standards are met by the facihty. In addition, California ex-
empts up to two additions of five SNF beds for a distinct part SNF of
a Primary Health Service hospital if certain occupancy and cost condi-
tions are met. Certain other bed supply increase project exemptions are
available under California law. Bed category changes: California covers
conversion of beds from general acute, general acute rehabilitative, skilled
nursing, intermediate care-developmental disabilities, intermediate care-
other, acute psychiatric, specialized care, chemical dependency recovery,
bed categories to skilled nursing, psychiatric, intermediate care beds to
any other category, except that California exempts conversion of a general
acute care hospital's distinct part SNF or ICF beds licensed as of March
1, 1983 to other categories provided that the conversion may not exceed
during any three-year period five percent of the existing beds in the
category to which the conversion is made. California exempts use of beds
licensed in one category for another category of use if such changes do
not exceed five percent of total bed capacity at any time, except that a
facility may use an additional five percent of its beds in this manner if
seasonal fluctuations justify it. Health service additions: California covers
establishment of specified new special services, e.g., radiation therapy
department, burn center, emergency center, psychiatric service, intensive
care newborn nursery, cardiac surgery, cardiac catheterization laboratory.
California also covers establishment of certain special services by a surgical
or rehabilitation clinic. Acquisition of major medical equipment: Califor-
nia covers acquisitions of diagnostic or therapeutic equipment by primary
care clinics, psychology clinics, and specialty care clinics in excess of
$1,000,000. Construction, development or establishment of new health care
facilities: Establishment of a new primary care clinic (e.g. community clinic,
free clinic, employees' clinic), psychology cHnic, and chronic dialysis cHnic
are not subject to review. Also exempt are conversion of an existing spec-
ialty clinic to a primary care clinic or conversion of a primary care clinic
from one licensure category to another. Other specified projects: Califor-
nia covers conversion of an entire existing hospital, SNF, or ICF from
one hcensure catagory to another. California covers conversion of a
primary chnic (community, free, employees' clinic) to a specialty clinic
(surgical, chronic dialysis, rehabilitation clinic). California covers conver-
sion of a specialty chnic from one category to another. California covers
a project by a health facility for expanded outpatient surgical capacity.
Cahfornia covers relocation of a hospital, SNF, ICF, or specialty clinic -
(surgical chnic, chronic dialysis chnic, rehabilitation chnic) to a different
or adjacent site.
COLORADO: General: Colorado's CON law underwent minor amend-
ment in 1985. Kidney disease treatment centers, ambulatory surgery centers,
freestanding emergicenters: The capital and other projects by or on behalf
of these facilities which are subject to review are limited to capital expen-
ditures regardless of purpose in excess of the capital expenditure threshold.
Facilities for the provision of outpatient therapy services including speech
pathology: No such projects have been proposed and it is unclear whether
they would be subject to review. LF SHPDA 1/84. Other ambulatory
care facilities: Colorado covers * 'facilities for the mentally retarded,"
'*habilitation centers for brain-damaged children," and "pilot project
rehabilitative nursing facilities." General purpose CE/ expenditure
threshold: Colorado's general purpose capital expenditure threshold covers
expenditures in excess of $2,000,000 for "provision of clinically-related
health care services" and excludes expenditures for a set of specified non-
clinical services. Capital expenditures for additions of health services /ex-
penditure threshold: Colorado covers capital expenditures in excess of
$1,000,000 to "create or change" health services. CE for other specified
purposes /expenditure threshold: Colorado covers the replacement of beds
exceeding the capital expenditure threshold. Bed supply increases only,
bed category changes and bed relocations: Colorado covers bed supply
increases, category changes, and relocations in excess of twenty beds over
1096 . INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
a two-year period. Other entities, persons, other specified projects: Col-
orado covers expenditures for major medical equipment by or on behalf
of any person in excess of $1,000,000 to provide "clinically related health
care" which includes equipment not located in or providing services to
inpatients of a hospital.
CONNECTICUT: General: Connecticut amended its CON law in 1985.
Inpatient rehabilitation facilities, ambulatory surgical facilities, organized
ambulatory health care facilities: Coverage unclear. Other entities, per-
sons: Connecticut covers '^coordination, assessment and monitoring agen-
cies," student/faculty infirmaries, and "homemaker home health aide agen-
cies." Bed capacity increases and decreases: Connecticut statute expressly
covers only substantial decrease in total bed capacity. Bed supply increases
are apparently included under statutory health service/function addition
coverage. Additions of new health services: Connecticut covers additions
of health services or functions, except additions of ambulatory services
by HMOs, by all health care facilities or institutions (including state health
care facilities or institutions) except home health care agencies, homemaker-
home health aide agencies, and coordination, assessment, and monitoring
agencies. Other specified projects: Connecticut covers transfer of owner-
ship or control of a health care facility or institution (except home health
care agencies and homemaker home health aide agencies) prior to initial
licensure. Connecticut covers increases in coordination, assessment, and
monitoring agency staffing by a specified percentage. Connecticut covers
the termination of its Medicaid provider agreement by a nursing home.
Other entities, persons, other specified projects: Connecticut covers ex-
penditures by any person in excess of $400,000 to acquire "imaging equip-
ment" which will not be owned by or located in a health care facility.
DELAWARE: General: Delaware has certificate of need and 1122. Tables
show CON coverage. Other entities: Delaware covers independent blood
banks. Other specified projects: Delaware covers pre-development expen-
ditures in excess of $50,000.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: General: The D.C. CON law underwent
minor amendment in 1985. Health care facilities subject to review: The
District of Columbia covers health care facilities only if they have an an-
nual operating budget of at least $250,000. Other entities, persons: D.C.
covers diagnostic health care facilities. CE for other specified purposes /ex-
penditure threshold: D.C. covers capital expenditures intended to permit
the increase of patient load or units of service by forty percent over pre-
sent capacity and capital expenditures to permanently close a health care
facility. Additions of new health services /annual operating cost threshold:
D.C. regulations appear to provide for coverage of new health services
both regardless of annual operating cost, and if they exceed an annual
operating budget. Other entities, persons, other specified projects: D.C.
covers acquisition of MME with a fair market value in excess of $400,000
by or on behalf of physicians, dentists, or other individual providers of
individual group practice.
FLORIDA: General: Florida CON law underwent minor amendment in
1985. Portions of Florida CON law sunset in 1987. Home health agency:
HHA coverage limited to HHAs certified or seeking certification as a
Medicare home health services provider. Project coverage limited to
establishment of a new HHA. Bed capacity increases and decreases: Florida
covers increases in bed supply and any change in the number of psychiatric
or rehabilitation beds. Bed category changes: Florida covers bed category
conversions only between SNF and ICF beds, and only if the conversion
exceeds 10/10/2, unless the facility is licensed for both SNF and ICF.
Other specified projects: Florida covers conversion from one type of health
care facility to another and transfer of a CON.
GEORGIA: General: The Georgia CON law was amended in 1985. Georgia
has CON and 1122. Facilities and projects identified as covered on Tables
may be covered under either or both CON and 1122. Medically-oriented
residential care facilities: Georgia covers only "personal care homes" not
in existence on the effective date of the CON statute. Family plan-
ning/abortion centers /clinics: Only abortion centers covered. Acquisition
of existing facilities: Reviewable only under the state's 1122 program, ex-
cept that acquisitions of publicly owned and operated health care facilities
subject to CON review. Bed capacity increases only: Georgia exempts bed
supply increases less than ten beds or ten percent of bed capacity,
whichever is less, in any two-year period if the facility occupancy rate
in the preceding year is more than eight-five percent. Other specified pro-
jects: Georgia covers conversion or upgrading of a health care facility not
previously subject to review under the CON law to a health care facility
subject to review.
HAWAII: Medically-oriented residential care facilities: Coverage unknown.
Other outpatient ambulatory care facilities: Hawaii also covers centers for
dental surgery; dental clinics; cosmetic surgery centers; any provider of
medical or health services organized as a not-for-profit or business cor-
poration other than a professional corporation; and any provider of
medical or health services which describes itself to the public as a "center,"
"clinic" or by any name other than the name of one or more of the
practitioners providing these services. CE for other specified purposes:
Hawaii covers capital expenditures in excess of $600,000 for acquisition
of existing health care facilities. Termination of a health service: Hawaii
covers terminations but exempts service terminations by a health care facil-
ity that is ceasing its entire operation. Acquisitions of major medical equip-
ment: Hawaii has a $250,000 threshold for acquisitions of new medical
equipment and a $400,000 threshold for replacement of medical equip-
1098 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
ment. Other specified projects: Hawaii covers change of location of a
health service. Other entities, persons, acquisition of MME: Hawaii covers
acquisitions of MME by offices of physicians, dentists, or other practi-
tioners of the heahng arts.
IDAHO: General: Idaho has an 1122 program, but no CON program.
Table displays 1122 coverage. Other specified projects, CE for other
specified purposes: Idaho covers development of a new facility, and a
capital expenditure for development of a new facility, which will result
in the addition of new licensed beds.
ILLINOIS: General: Portions of the Illinois CON law are scheduled to
sunset Jan. 1, 1986. Addition of new health services /annual operating
cost threshold: Illinois covers additions of the following services if their
annual operating costs exceed the threshold: blood bank; diagnostic im-
aging; emergency services; laboratory; occupational therapy; outpatient
ambulatory care; pharmacy; physical therapy; respiratory therapy; and
surgery. Additions of the following services are covered regardless of cost:
acute mental illness; alcoholism treatment; burn treatment; cardiac
catheterization; computer systems; end stage renal disease; intensive care;
medical-surgical; non-hospital based ambulatory surgery; obstetrical ser-
vices; open heart surgery; pediatric services; perinatal-high risk; radiation
therapy; rehabilitation services. Other specified projects: Illinois covers
discontinuation of a health care facility.
INDIANA: General: Indiana's CON law was amended in 1985. Indiana
CON law sunsets June 30, 1987. Skilled nursing facilities and intermediate
care facilities: Indiana exempts CE by or on behalf of health care facilities
for SNF/ICF beds which are not certified to participate in Medicare or
Medicaid. Kidney disease treatment centers (including freestanding
hemodialysis units): Indiana does not cover freestanding hemodialysis units.
CE for changes in bed category: Indiana covers changes in health care
facility bed category from any category to certified long-term care
SNF/ICF beds. Indiana covers changes in Medicaid-certified hospital or
SNF/ICF beds to Medicaid-reimburseable ICF/mentally-retarded beds.
Other specified projects: Indiana covers the appUcation of a SNF or ICF
for certification to participate in Medicare or Medicaid.
IOWA: General: Iowa has CON and 1122. Entities and projects iden-
tified as covered in Tables may be covered under either 1122 or CON
or both. Freestanding emergicenter; birthing center; public health center,
outpatient physical therapy center: The state CON statute provides for
coverage of "organized outpatient health facilities," (defined as "a facility,
not part of a hospital, organized and operated to provide health care to
noninstitutionalized and non-homebound persons on an outpatient basis;
it does not include private offices or clinics of individual physicians, den-
tists, or other practitioners, or groups of practitioners who are health care
providers"). State regulations have defined this to include, but not be
limited to, "family planning cUnics, neighborhood health centers, com-
munity mental health centers, drug abuse or alcoholism treatment centers,
and rehabilitation facilities." According to the SHPDA, whether or not
emergicenters, birthing centers, public health centers, and outpatient
physical therapy centers would be covered would depend upon the pro-
posed facilities' relationship to a hospital, if any; the services to be pro-
vided by the facility and whether such services constitute "health care";
and the facilities' characteristic as a private office or clinic of a practi-
tioner or a group of practitioners. LF SHPDA 2/84. Bed capacity in-
creases and decreases: CON statute and regulations could be read not to
cover. LF SHPDA 2/84 indicates state does review permanent changes
in bed capacity whether the changes result in the addition or deletion of
beds. 1122 coverage parallels CON coverage under "election not to review"
regulation. Other specified projects: Iowa covers relocation of a health
care facility, relocation of one or more health services from one physical
facility to another. Other entities, persons, other specified projects: Iowa
covers expenditure by or on behalf of individual health care provider or
group of providers in excess of $400,000 for MME to be installed in a
private office or clinic.
KANSAS: General: The Kansas CON statute sunsetted July 1, 1985. Kan-
sas has a statutory moratorium on new hospital construction and addi-
tions or relocations of hospital beds through July 1, 1986.
KENTUCKY: General: Kentucky has CON and 1122. Facilities and pro-
jects identified in Tables may be covered under either or both programs.
Public health centers: Kentucky covers capital expenditures in excess of
the threshold by county and district health departments and establishment
by such departments of health services for which there are separate licen-
sure categories, e.g. primary care centers or home health agencies. CON
not required to estabhsh traditional "public health" services. LF SHPDA
2/84. Addition of a new health service/annual operating cost threshold:
Kentucky covers health service additions exceeding an AOC threshold and
also covers additions of health services subject to licensure or for which
there is a component of the SHP without regard to annual operating costs.
The services in the SHP are: acute care services; open heart surgery, car-
diac catheterization, radiation therapy which utilizes mega-voltage equip-
ment, ESRD services, CT scanners, NMR, long-term care services. Ac-
quisitions of existing facilities: Acquisitions of hospitals, SNFs, ICFs,
kidney disease treatment center including freestanding hemodialysis units,
and ambulatory surgical facilities subject to 1122 review only if associated
with capital expenditure in excess of $100,000. LF SHPDA 2/84. Other
specified projects: Kentucky requires CON to alter the geographic service
area which has been designated on a certificate of need or license, and
to transfer a CON for establishment of a new facility or replacement of
an existing facility.
1100 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
LOUISIANA: General: Louisiana has a Section 1122 program. Although
it does not have a certificate of need law, it does have a statutory pro-
gram of new home health agency Hcensure requiring a determination of
need for the new home health agency by the designated planning agency.
Home health agency: Louisiana's home health agency coverage is limited
to establishment and licensure of new HHA. Other specified projects: Loui-
siana covers relocation of a previously approved and licensed facility within
the same service area.
MAINE: General: Maine CON law was amended in 1985. Maine has CON
and 1122. It elects not to review under 1122 projects not reviewed under
CON. CE for other specified purpose: Maine covers a capital expenditure
in excess of $350,000 for purchase or other acquisition of a health care
facility. Bed capacity increases and decreases: Maine covers increases and
decreases in licensed bed capacity by more than five beds or ten percent,
whichever is less, in any two-year period. Bed category change: Maine
covers increases or decreases in the number of beds licensed in particular
levels of care by more than five beds or ten percent, whichever is less, in
any two-year period. Bed relocations: Maine covers relocations of bed
by more than five beds or ten percent of bed capacity, whichever is less,
in any two-year period. Additions of new health services/annual operating
cost threshold: Maine covers additions of health services with annual
operating costs in excess of the threshold. It also covers the addition of
any new health service (except an organized outpatient facility) without
regard to cost. It also covers addition of the following services if the pro-
posed addition duplicates a service presently offered in the proponent's
service area: alcohol rehabilitation (inpatient or outpatient); medical-surgical
(adult) (where converted from psychiatric beds); rehabilitation (inpatient
or outpatient); and speech pathology. Other entities, other specified pro-
jects: Maine regulations provide for coverage of the acquisition by any
person of NMR scanning equipment that is to be used to provide services
to persons other than hospital inpatients.
MARYLAND: General: Maryland exempts certain projects to close all
or part of a hospital. Maryland's CON law was amended in 1985. General
purpose CE: Maryland exempts CE for site acquisitions, acquisitions of
business or office equipment not directly related to patient care and CE
to the extent they are directly related to acquisition and installation of
MME. Maryland also exempts certain CE made as part of a health facil-
ity merger, consolidation, or conversion to non-health related use. It covers
CE for predevelopment activities. CE for other specified purpose:
Maryland covers capital expenditures which result in any increase or
decrease in the volume of one patient service where over a two-year period
the change is twenty- five percent or more of that volume. Maryland covers
CE that result in a substantial change in the bed capacity of a health
care facility. Bed capacity increases and decreases: Maryland exempts cer-
tain bed capacity changes undertaken pursuant to a health facihty merger,
consohdation, or conversion to non-health related use. Addition of new
health service: Maryland exempts additions of new health services with
annual operating revenue exceeding the threshold if such revenue is en-
tirely associated with the use of medical equipment. Acquisition of MME:
Maryland has a program of licensure of major medical equipment in ex-
cess of $600,000 used to provide health services acquired, leased, operated,
or received by any person. The program uses review criteria and stan-
dards similar to those used under CON, but is separate from the state's
CON program. Construction, development, or other establishment of new
health care facilities: Maryland covers establishment of new health care
facilities, relocation of an existing health care facility to a new site, and
complete replacement of an existing facility on the same, contiguous, or
adjacent site. Other specified projects: Maryland covers the addition of
an HHA branch office by an existing HHA or home health service,
establishment of an HHA or home health service in a new location by
an existing HHA, or transfer of ownership of an HHA branch office
or service. Maryland covers changes in the number of kidney dialysis sta-
tions of a health care facility. Maryland covers any increase or decrease
in magnitude of any single patient service over a two-year period, other than
change in bed capacity, by which the facility plans to change the volume
of the service by twenty-five percent or more. For determination of percen-
tage of planned change, the volume of service shall be that unit which is nor-
mally measured for the service, and shall be for the last prior annual
recording period used by the facility. Certain services volume changes
undertaken pursuant to facility merger, consolidation, or conversion to
non-health related uses are exempted.
MASSACHUSETTS: Freestanding emergicenters: "Clinic" definition in
Mass. regulations appears to include emergicenters and bring them within
CON. Other entities: Massachusetts covers institutions for care of unwed
mothers and clinical laboratories. Bed capacity increases only:
Massachusetts exempts one-time increases of four beds or a series of in-
creases in bed capacity up to four beds, except in intensive care, cor-
onary care, neo-natal intensive care, or renal dialysis beds and so long
as the capital expenditure required for the increase or increases does not
exceed $150,000. Addition of health services/annual operating cost
threshold: Massachusetts covers the addition of major services (e.g., any
service in the acute services, chronic rehabilitation, and mental health ser-
vices categories, and establishment of a satellite clinic or unit of a facil-
ity) without regard to annual operating cost. Other service additions are
covered if they exceed an annual operating threshold of $250,000. Ac-
quisitions of existing facilities: Massachusetts regulations indicate that ac-
quisition of an existing health care facility by another health care facility
is covered as a substantial change in services of the acquiring facility.
1102 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
In addition, transfers of ownership of a health care facility require a find-
ing of need for the facility at the proposed location by the state depart-
ment of health. Other specified projects: Conversion of an entire facility
from one licensure category to another is covered.
MICHIGAN: General: Michigan has CON and 1122. Facilities and pro-
jects identified in Tables may be covered under either or both programs.
Home health agencies: State CON statute provides that HHAs will be
covered once HHAs are licensed in the state. Other entities: Michigan
covers clinical laboratories. Bed category changes: Michigan covers bed
category changes that result in an increase or decrease in beds in an
obstetrical department, long-term care unit or psychiatric unit.
MINNESOTA: General: Minnesota does not have a certificate of need
law. State law places a moratorium on all new hospital construction and
construction or modification by or on behalf of a hospital that increases
bed capacity, relocates beds from one physical facility or to another, or
otherwise results in an increase or redistribution of bed capacity, with
certain exceptions through June 30, 1987. Minnesota has an 1122 pro-
gram, and elects not to review or non-substantively reviews most projects.
MISSISSIPPI: General: Mississippi CON law amended in 1985. Mississippi
CON scheduled to sunset July 1, 1986. Bed capacity increases, CE for
bed capacity increases, CE for bed category changes, CE for bed reloca-
tions: Bed-related coverage after 1985 amendments unclear. The statute
covers bed relocations of more than ten beds or ten percent over a two-
year period specified by the state agency with a CE below $150,000, bed
conversions ''of the total bed capacity of a designated licensed category
or sub-category of any health care facility" with a similar 10/10/2 and
a CE below $150,000, and alteration, refurbishing, or modernizing of a
unit or department where such beds are located with a CE under $150,000.
Not clear if the foregoing transactions would be covered when associated
with a CE exceeding $150,000. Additionally, bed capacity additions not
clearly covered, although legislative intent to cover them is apparent in
statutory moratorium on CONs, which exempts certain bed additions.
Other specified projects: Mississippi covers relocation of a health care
facility, or portion thereof, or major medical equipment, or relocation
of a health care service from one site to another. Mississippi covers ac-
quisition of MME exceeding threshold by any person.
MISSOURI: Health maintenance organizations: Missouri law and regula-
tions do not provide an HMO exemption. CE for bed category change:
Missouri exempts nursing facility conversion of beds from practical to
professional levels of care if the facility meets the professional level licen-
sure requirements. Additions of new health services: Missouri exempts ad-
ditions of home health services. Other specified projects: Missouri covers
pre-development expenditures exceeding $150,000.
MONTANA: General: Montana CON law sunsets July 1, 1987. The Mon-
tana CON statute underwent minor amendment in 1985. Other entities:
Montana covers infirmaries, e.g., facilities located in a university, col-
lege, government institution, or industry for the treatment of the sick and
injured on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Montana also covers adult
day care centers. Other specified projects: Montana covers expansion of
the geographic service area of a home health agency. Other entities, per-
sons, other specified projects: Montana covers acquisition by any person
of MME in excess of the threshold provided such an acquisition would
require a CON if undertaken by or on behalf of a health care facility.
NEBRASKA: General: Nebraska has 1122 and CON. It elects not to review
under 1122 projects not reviewable under CON. Addition of new health
services /annual operating cost threshold: Nebraska covers additions of new
home health services regardless of annual operating cost and additions
of other services in excess of the threshold. Acquisition of existing facil-
ity: Various types of acquisitions of facilities and ownership interests in
facilities are covered.
NEVADA: General: Nevada statute amended 1985. Other entitites: Nevada
covers any facility providing health services which is entitled to receive
reimbursement from any public agency as a health facility. Other entities,
other specified projects: Nevada covers any facility which acquires medical
equipment with a cost exceeding the MME threshold. CE for other
specified purpose: Nevada covers CE in excess of $100,000 for expansion
or consolidation of a health service. Other specified projects: Nevada covers
expansion or consolidation of health services exceeding $297,500 annual
operating expenses. Nevada covers conversion of an existing office of a
health practitioner to a health facility if the establishment of the offices
would have exceeded the $100,000 CE or $297,500 annual operating cost
NEW HAMPSHIRE: General: New Hampshire CON law was amended
in 1985. Other entities: New Hampshire covers independent diagnostic
laboratories as health care facilities. New Hampshire covers ''mental retar-
dation facilities." Bed capacity increases, bed category changes: New
Hampshire covers increases in bed capacity or changes in bed category
exceeding ten beds or ten percent, whichever is less, in a five-year period.
Addition of new services: New Hampshire covers addition of "special in-
patient services," including but not limited to alcohol and drug dependen-
cy, psychiatric services, and physical rehabilitation. Acquisition of existing
facilities: New Hampshire covers transfers of ownership of health care
facilities except where the transfer would be subject to the provisions of
revaluation of assets as outlined in the Federal Deficit Reduction Act of
1984. Other entities, persons, other specified projects: New Hampshire
covers acquisitions of diagnostic or therapeutic equipment in excess of
a $400,000 threshold by or on behalf of any health care provider.
1104 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
NEW JERSEY: General: New Jersey has both CON and 1122. Projects
and facilities identified in Tables may be covered under either or both
programs. Kidney disease treatment centers, ambulatory surgery centers,
organized ambulatory health care facilities, other ambulatory care facilities:
New Jersey covers public health centers, diagnostic centers, treatment
centers, rehabilitation centers, outpatient clinics and dispensaries. The iden-
tity of these facilities is not further defined in law or regulations. The
Tables assume kidney disease treatment centers, ambulatory surgery centers,
and organized ambulatory health care facilities are included within these
terms. Other entities: New Jersey covers certain bio-analytical laboratories.
CE for other specified purpose: New Jersey covers capital expenditures
in excess of $150,000 for facility/service planning and any capital expen-
diture which will result in a bed capacity decrease. Additions of new health
services: New Jersey regulations contain a comprehensive list of new health
services categories subject to review and components thereof which are
not subject to review as new services. Construction, development, or other
establishment of new health care facility: In addition to coverage of con-
struction, development, or establishment of a new health care facility.
New Jersey expressly covers replacement of an existing bed-related health
care facility, establishment of a bed-related satellite location for an ex-
isting health care facility, relocation and replacement of an existing non-
bed-related health care facility into a new health service area or to an
area that results in problems of access to populations historically served
by the facility, and establishment of a non-bed satellite service of an ex-
isting health care facility into a new health service area. Acquisition of
existing facilities: Acquisition of facilities and of varying types and degrees
of ownership interests in health care facilities are covered. Other specified
projects: New Jersey covers transfer of a patient care service in whole
or in part to another corporate entity; addition of regionalized services
identified in Dept. of Health planning regulations; addition of renal dialysis
stations; and addition of operating rooms.
NEW MEXICO: General: New Mexico has 1122, not CON.
NEW YORK: Home health agencies: Coverage limited to * 'public and
voluntary" HHAs. Ambulatory surgery centers and organized ambulatory
health care facilities: New York covers diagnostic centers, treatment centers,
rehabilitation centers. ASC and various types of OAHCFS would appear
to be covered under these categories, if they meet organizational and other
criteria for distinguishing such centers from the private practice of
medicine. Acquisition of major medical equipment: New York covers ad-
dition or replacement of any equipment regardless of cost utilized in the
provision of therapeutic radiology, open heart surgery, cardiac catheteriza-
tion, kidney and heart transplant, acute or chronic renal dialysis, CT scan-
ners, burn care, and extra corporeal Shockwave lithotripters that will
significantly increase the capacity of providing such service. Other specified
projects: New York covers a change in the method of delivery of a licensed
service regardless of cost. New York covers addition or deletion of ap-
proval to operate part-time clinics. New York covers any proposal in-
volving a total project cost exceeding $10,000 or an increase in operating
costs by a medical facility that has been determined to be inappropriate
or for which there has been a determination of no public need and which
is identified as unneeded in the state medical facilities plan.
NORTH CAROLINA: General: North Carolina's statute was amended
in 1985. Hospices, other entities, CE for other specified purposes, other
specified projects: North Carolina covers local health departments, but
only to the extent of covering their CE in excess of the expenditure
threshold. North Carolina covers construction, development, or estabhsh-
ment of a hospice if the operating budget exceeds $100,000 or if there
is a CE in excess of the expenditure minimum by or in behalf of the
hospice. No other hospice or local health department projects are covered.
CE for bed capacity increases and decreases: North Carolina covers CE
in any amount for bed supply increases and CE in excess of the expen-
diture minimum ($1,000,000) for bed supply decreases. CE for changes
in bed category: North Carolina covers CE for bed category changes only
if they involve a CE in excess of the expenditure minimum. Other specified
projects: Conversion of non-health care facility beds to health care facil-
ity beds is covered. Other entities, other specified projects: North Carolina
covers acquisition by any person of "major medical equipment" that in-
cludes magnetic resonance imaging or lithotripters, regardless of owner-
ship or location.
NORTH DAKOTA: General: North Dakota's statute was amended in
1985. Home health agency: HHA coverage Hmited to expedited review
of establishment of new HHA or expansion of geographic area of service
of existing HHA. General purpose CE: Capital expenditures for site ac-
quisition are exempt. CE for service additions: North Dakota statute
defines "capital expenditure" in such a way as to incorporate the expen-
diture threshold into the definition. Not clear if coverage of capital ex-
penditures for service additions intended to include the threshold. Table
assumes it does not.
OHIO: General: The Ohio CON statute was amended in 1985. CE for
changes in bed category: Ohio covers any redistribution of beds by ser-
vice associated with a capital expenditure in any amount and amounting
to nine beds or ten percent of bed capacity, whichever is less, in a two-
year period. CE for other specified purpose: Ohio covers CE for decrease
in bed capacity of more than nine beds or ten percent of bed capacity,
whichever is less, within a two-year period. Bed category changes: Ohio
covers redistribution of beds by service involving beds registered as
psychiatric, physical rehabilitation, alcohol rehabilitation, or long-term care.
1106 INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol. 19:1025
Bed relocation: Ohio covers bed relocations from one physical facility or
site to another excluding relocation within a health care facility or among
buildings of a facility at the same location. Addition of a new health
service: Ohio covers initiation of any program of heart, lung, liver, or
pancreas transplant, without regard to cost. Other health services covered
if they exceed annual operating cost threshold. Acquisitions ofMME: Ohio
has $200,000 threshold for acquisition of technologically innovative medical
equipment; $400,000 for all other major medical equipment. Other
specified projects: Ohio covers change from one category of health facil-
ity to another.
OKLAHOMA: General: Oklahoma has CON and 1122. Tables show CON
coverage. Not known if 1122 program coverage different. Portions of the
Oklahoma CON law to sunset in 1989. Other entities: Oklahoma covers
such institutions or services operated by the federal government in the
state as may be authorized by the U.S. Congress. CE regardless of pur-
pose/expenditure threshold: The expenditure threshold for SNF/ICF, and
medically-oriented residential care facilities is $150,000; for hospitals and
all other health care facilities it is $600,000. CE for bed supply increases
and decreases, relocations and category changes: Oklahoma covers only
SNF/ICF and medically-oriented residential care facilities under these forms
of coverage. Bed capacity increases and decreases, category changes and
relocations: These forms of coverage apply to health care facilities other
than ICF, SNF, medically-oriented residential care facihties. Construction,
development, or other establishment of new health care facility: Regula-
tions cover. However, current statute could be read narrowly to cover
only for SNF, ICF, medically-oriented residential care facility.
OREGON: General: Oregon's statute was amended in 1985. Other en-
tities: Oregon covers college infirmaries. General purpose CE/ expenditure
minimum: Oregon covers expenditures for clinically-related services in ex-
cess of the lesser of $1,000,000 or $250,000 plus .5% of the gross revenues
for the last fiscal year. Site acquisitions are exempt. CE for other specified
purposes: Oregon covers non-clinically related capital expenditures in ex-
cess of the general purpose CE threshold. Additions of health services:
Home health services, residential care or treatment of the elderly and
residential or outpatient services for alcoholism, drug abuse, or mental
or emotional disturbances are exempt. Oregon covers additions of all other
health services which could significantly add to the cost of patient care
or compromise quality of care. With several exceptions, Oregon regula-
tions define new services with annual operating expenses exceeding $340,000
as significantly adding to patient care costs. Other entities, other specified
projects: Oregon covers acquisition of MME exceeding a $1 million
threshold by any person.
PENNSYLVANIA: CE for bed category changes: Pennsylvania exempts
bed category changes within levels of care in a nursing home.
RHODE ISLAND: Other outpatient ambulatory care facilities: Rhode
Island's coverage of organized ambulatory health care facilities includes
central service facilities, treatment centers, diagnostic centers, outpatient
chnics, and health centers. Other entities: Rhode Island covers clinical
laboratories. Addition of a health service: Rhode Island statute provides
for coverage of addition of any health service proposed to be offered
to patients or the public by a health care facility which meets criteria
defined in state agency rules and regulations. As of December 1985